Join property values of a list of objects in twig - symfony

Is it possible to join the values of properties of a list of objects for displaying it?
Something like:
{{ users|join(', ', username) }}
Where users are objects, having a getUsername() method.
I suppose join doesn't take an additional argument, but is there a workaround to achieve something similar? I can not use the __toString() function, as it represents something else...

or have the same result with just one forloop
{% for user in users %}
{{ user.username }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

You can use map() filter… and fit everything in one line:
{{ users|map(u => u.username)|join(', ') }}

You could use..
{% set usernames = [] %}
{% for user in users %}
{% set usernames = usernames|merge([user.username]) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ usernames|join(', ') }}
Not the prettiest though.
You could always make a custom twig filter to do it.

A shorter version of digital-message's idea:
{% for user in users %}
{{ user.username ~ (not loop.last ? ', ') }}
{% endfor %}


Twig - loop default value

I am trying to print array from the cotroller into the twig temlate. I want to print "-" whenever array is NULL. My problem is that in for-loop case it writes nothing, however single row working fine. Is there some simple way how to do it correctly?
this is not working as i expected
{% for key in keywords|default('-') %}
{{ key~', '}}
{% endfor %}
this is working
{{ key |default('-')}}
You can use an {% else %} construct on a for loop to do something else if the array is null:
{% for key in keywords %}
{{ key~', '}}
{% else %}
{% endfor %}
See the documentation here.

Looping through values in twig and replacing empty values

The title is a bit ambiguous I know, but let me explain what I'm trying to achieve.
I am attempting to generate a CSV based on data pulled from a doctrine query in my Symfony2 CRM. The data retrieved is based on OpenCart Product and Attribute data, as well as some bespoke information which is irrelevant for this issue.
Each product can have up to 5 different attribute values, named A, B, D, L1 and L2. However, some products do not have all of them, only A, B and L1. The CSV requires each attribute value to be in a separate cell - so the headers are as follows:
And then I loop through in my Twig file as follows:
{% for attribute in row.product.attributes %}
{% if attribute.text is not null %}
{{ attribute.text }},
{% else %}na,{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
If the product has all 5 attributes, the structure of the CSV is fine. However, if the product only has 3 attributes, it means that all of the subsequent values are pulled back a cell, meaning that the other data is under the wrong headings. I tried checking for values first:
{% for attribute in row.product.attributes %}
{% if == "A" %}
{% if attribute.text is not null %}
{{ attribute.text }},
{% else %}na,{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
And I did this for each possible attribute name, but unfortuantely this does not work since if the name does not exist, it just skips it anyway. I'm having trouble trying to think of a way to loop through these attributes and entering a n/a if it's non existent - I'm sure there is a way but I don't know what it is.
For reference, here is the controller code that's generating the data for the CSV:
public function adminCsvAction($filter) {
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Project');
$stages_repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Stage');
$users_repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:User');
$results = $repository->getSearchResults($filter);
$users = $users_repository->findAll();
$stages = $stages_repository->findBy(array('deleted' => 0), array('sortOrder' => 'ASC'));
$filename = "export_".date("Y_m_d_His").".csv";
$response = $this->render('AppBundle:pages:csv.html.twig', array('data' => $results,'users' => $users, 'stages' => $stages));
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/csv');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename='.$filename);
return $response;
The Project Entity has various mappings, one of which links to the Product table in OpenCart which means all attributes and linked values are accessible via this.
Any help in this is much appreciated.
I also agree with Cerad from comment section - that is not the job for Twig. In case your really need to do it, I would try roughly something like this:
{% set allAttr = ["A","B","D","L1","L2"] %}
{% for attribute in allAttr %}
{% if row.product.attributes[attribute] is defined %}
{{ row.product.attributes[attribute].text }}
{% endif %}
{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I guess the is defined is critical here...
OK I figured it out. Using what Jovan Perovic suggested, I came up with this:
{% set allAttr = ["A","B","D","L1","L2"] %}
{% set prodAtts = [] %}
{% for row in data %}
{% set existingAtts = [] %}
{% for att in allAttr %}
{% if att not in prodAtts %}
{% set prodAtts = prodAtts|merge([att]) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for rowAtt in row.product.attributes %}
{% set existingAtts = existingAtts|merge({(|trim):(|trim~'_'~rowAtt.text|trim)}) %}
{% endfor %}
{% for prodAtt in prodAtts %}
{% if prodAtt not in existingAtts|keys %}
{% set existingAtts = existingAtts|merge({(prodAtt):(prodAtt~'_na')}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% set orderedAtts = existingAtts|sort %}
Then the loop for each row thereafter. I used the attribute name with an underscore in order to be able to sort it correct (as it only sorts by value not key) then used preg_replace to remove it along with any instance of the name so I just ended up with the value.
Bit of a lengthy - and probably over thought - solution but it does work!

Twig compare two values in different arrays

First of all I'm learning Twig.
I was wondering if it is possible wit Twig to compare two different values from different arrays/lists?!
I have two list of items I call them like so:
{% if page.cart %}
{% for product in page.cart.products %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if products %}
{% for product in products %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
I want to compare both's so I can create a new statement. Is there any way to compare both values? The idea is to check if an id is present in page.cart.products and if so then do something.
I want to create a new statement to display some info. Something like so:
{% if page.cart %}
{% for product in page.cart.products %}
{% set cartId %}{{ }}{% endset %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if products %}
{% for product in products %}
{% set listId %}{{ }}{% endset %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if cartId == listId %}
.... do this ....
{% endif %}
Any help greatly appreciated!
You can loop over one array and check if the id is present in the second one. If it's there, you can do something.
{# In case you want to store them, you can do so in an array #}
{% set repeatedIds = [] %}
{% for productCart in page.cart.products if page.cart %}
{% for product in products if products %}
{% if == %}
<p>This id -> {{ }} is already in page.cart.products</p>
{% set repeatedIds = repeatedIds|merge([]) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{{ dump(repeatedIds) }}
It's a very basic search algorithm and the cost is quadratic. Obviously, there are more efficient ways to look for an element in an array (though more complicated to implement).
If the amount of products you have to deal with is not very big, you could use this solution. However, if you have, let's say, more than one hundred products in each array (or you feel that the algorithm is slowing down your loading time), you could do this process in the controller using more sophisticated methods and PHP and just pass the result to the template.
Hope it helps.

Twig: filter in an if condition

I want to use an filter in an if condition in Twig. The reason for this is a Symfony2 attribute, which I can't compare directly, I have to change it beforehand. I have started with this code:
{% if app.request.attributes.get('_controller')|split('::')|first == 'some\controller\name' %}
do something
{% endif %}
Unfortunately this does not function. So I thought I would use set before the comparison:
{% set controller = app.request.attributes.get('_controller')|split('::')|first %}
{% if controller == 'some\controller\name' %}
do something
{% endif %}
{{ controller }} {# would print 'some\controller\name' #}
Guess what? "do something" is not printed, even if the variable controller now exists and has the value I compare it with. What am I doing wrong?
Ok I tested it, Twig has a strange behavior. "\" is escaped or something like this.
I extended my twig environement with the var_dump function, check this:
{{ var_dump("Sybio\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Controller\MainController") }}
//string(48) "SybioBundleWebsiteBundleControllerMainController"
{{ var_dump(app.request.attributes.get('_controller')|split('::')|first) }}
// string(52) "Sybio\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Controller\MainController"
{{ var_dump("Sybio\\Bundle\\WebsiteBundle\\Controller\\MainController") }}
// string(52) "Sybio\Bundle\WebsiteBundle\Controller\MainController"
That's why your test is always false.
You need to double the backslashes of your compared string...
{% if app.request.attributes.get('_controller')|split('::')|first == 'some\\controller\\name' %}
do something
{% endif %}

Twig: How to get the first character in a string

I am implementing an alphabetical search.
We display a table of Names. I want to highlight only those alphabets, which have names that begin with the corresponding alphabet.
I am stumped with a simple problem.
How to read the first character in the string within twig.
I have tried several strategies, including the [0] operation but it throws an exception.
Here is the code
{% for i in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','0-9'] %}
{% set has_user_starting_with_alphabet = false %}
{% for user in pagination %}
{% if[0]|lower == i %}
{% set has_user_starting_with_alphabet = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if has_user_starting_with_alphabet %}
<li><span>{{ i }}</span></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Is there some function like "starts_with" in twig?
Since twig 1.12.2 you can use first:
{% if|first|lower == i %}
For older version you can use slice:
{% if|slice(0, 1)|lower == i %}
Note: You may also use this notation:
{% if[:1]|lower == i %}
