Category-specific CSS styling in Joomla? - css

Any ideas on good ways to apply styling to classes of articles (categories, or anything else?)
Currently, I create a first pass at the article manually, wrapping it in a span:
<span class="foo">
I then paste the article into JCK Editor, and have a new css file in the template directory to handle class foo.
This doesn't work very well, since JCK Editor moves the span class to the internal elements, producing something like
<p><span class="foo">bar</span></p>
<p><span class="foo">etc</span></p>
This is Ok until you start editing the article with JCK Editor, because the new content doesn't go in the span:
<p><span class="foo">bar</span></p>
<p><span class="foo">etc</span></p>
<p>New unstyled content inserted by JCK Editor</p>
I'm on Joomla3. What would be ideal would be if the name of the category appeared in the html, so I could hang a style on it, but it doesn't.

There are a number of ways to approach this. If you want to add a class to the body tag for this purpose, take a look at how I do it at and starting at This assumes that you are going to edit your template.
You could also whip up a simple plugin to add these classes to you body tag dynamically.
Otherwise, it could be possible to do this with something like

If each category is sitting on own menu item, you may add 'Page Class' suffix for container div (Advanced Options > Page Display Options)
Other way would be adding template override:
copy components/com_content/views/category/tmpl/blog.php to templates/[your_template]/html/com_content/category/blog.php)
And inside of the file change
<div class="blog<?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx;?>">
<div class="blog<?php echo $this->pageclass_sfx . ' ' . $this->category->alias;?>">

You should probably not add p-elements inside span-elements, as span is an inline element and should not contain block-elements like p. This is why JCK is switching the elements. If you use a div-element instead, you probably won't have this problem with the text-editor.
Apart from this, I guess both the other respondents have good points.


Changing subscription box style

I added a subscription box widget and I need to change the style to put the submit button inside the input box. It currently looks like this:
enter image description here
[enter image description here][2]
And I want it to look like this:
Which I know how to do with plain html, but I'm not sure how to change the Wordpress widget html while keeping the functionality. Here is the widget code:
<!-- wp:group -->
<div class="wp-block-group"><div class="wp-block-group__inner-container"><!-- wp:group -->
<div class="wp-block-group"><div class="wp-block-group__inner-container"><!-- wp:group -->
<div class="wp-block-group"><div class="wp-block-group__inner-container"><!-- wp:genesis-blocks/gb-newsletter {"instanceId":0} /--></div></div>
<!-- /wp:group --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:group --></div></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->
Thank you in advance.
That is markup outputted from the WordPress' new block-based syntax (Background)
It's not quite HTML in that if you edit it, it would not render as you would expect; it will break, because the additional block code (not shown on the screen) expects only certain .
You have a couple options here depending how much time you want to devote to this:
Determine whether your has block styling options (borders, font, font-size, etc) already built-in to the block settings. Check the genesis blocks documentation to verify this. This will be the easiest option to do what you want but if you're asking this question, I'm guessing that the block doesn't have these options.
This is probably the best route to take:
In your group block container, on the right hand side, create a css class shown in this picture. Then, go to your theme's CSS; add a selector of that CSS class and begin adding the rules that you want. This may require some trial and error because you're likely need to write some additional selectors and increase the level of specificity so you can style exactly how you want it and override some other rules already written.
(You may also need to include !important as for your rules but that is a last resort and not a best practice for writing CSS)
You may also need to do this for the gb-newsletter block as well.
Writing your own blocks (which has frustratingly has a high learning curve, imho); this will offer the most customization but will be a LOT of time.

How do I wrap a label in a div within a class to modify it?

I'm looking for the method to put a label and text in a div, within a class.
I have this html:
<div class="awpcp-subtitle">Contact Information</div>
<a href="
<br/><label>Phone:</label> 7576XXXXXX
<br/><label>Location:</label> London, UK
<div class="showawpcpadpage"><label>Price:</label>
<strong>£ 3.00</strong></div>
<div class="fixfloat"></div>
I want to put the label 'phone' within a div class and, if necessary, the text after it in a div class.
Basically the aim of this is to be able to select the label 'phone' and the text after it, and give it a background color.
I don't know where I would insert it in given html, or even what it would lool like?
Im guessing somewhere after 'Anonymous,'
Anonymous</a> div class="Phone:"><label>Phone:>.
and then continuing with existing code:
First of all, I would suggest you go through some basics of HTML. This would be a good start:
Now coming back to your question, you could enclose it like this:
<div class="awpcp-subtitle">Contact Information</div>
<a href="
<div class="phone"><label>Phone:</label> 7576XXXXXX</div>
<div class="location"><label>Location:</label> London, UK</div>
<div class="showawpcpadpage"><label>Price:</label>
<strong>£ 3.00</strong></div>
<div class="fixfloat"></div>
Here, I have removed the <br> because you were using it to make that Phone and Location display in separate lines. Since we are using <div> tags are block level element by default, the contents of it will be displayed in separate lines.
So, now you can change the color of those two boxes like this:
background-color: red;
background-color: yellow;
And lastly you asked about how to do this in Wordpress. As you may already know Wordpress uses Themes, you have to check which one is your current theme (the one that is running in your website). This can be checked via visiting Wordpress Admin Panel --> Appearance --> Themes. You will see the current active theme's name in that page. Now you have to use an FTP Client or the File Manager in your cPanel to access the following the location: /wp-content/themes/yourthemename/ in your server. Here, youthemename is the name of the theme that you noticed in the previous step.
Once you are in that folder, you would see a bunch on template files. I would suggest taking a close look at each file if you are unsure. Or its better you get a basic idea of Wordpress first before editing it. Take a look at this:
Once you find out the template file has this HTML code you wanted to edit, simply open it and make the changes and save it. You are all done. If you are using any Cache plugins in your Wordpress, you might need to purge the cache if you don't see the changes when accessing the webpage.
That being said, my writeup might give you a small confusion. That's why I suggested to have a look at the basics first. Otherwise you have to hire someone who would be ready to do that specific changes for you.
Hope it helps.

How to avoid broken thematic sections (eg. div) in HTML?

I am trying to transfer a text from a printed book into HTML5, but meanwhile I am trying to keep its thematic and page/paragraph/lines layout structure exactly as it is. For example, every page of the printed book is divided as a <div> section eg. <div class=page id=55> so that it emulates/represents exactly the page unit of the printed book, and also facilitate referencing. I don't care much how the text will be rendered on the browser, this is something that I can think about later. I just want the HTML and the browser to "know" the original pagination and layout of the printed book.
The problem is that in the printed book, some paragraphs or even boxes, tables etc span over to the next page. If I translate it to HTML, I do it like this:
<div class=page id=1>
<p>Once upon a time...</p>
<p>...and so the bold knight
<div class=page id=2>
slew the evil dragon.</p>
This is illegal in HTML, as we have a <p> tag being interrupted by a </div> tag, and then a new div element beginning with a plain text, which is closed by a </p> tag.
HTML would expect me to close the first part of the broken paragraph with a </p>, and continue with a new <p> tag after the div, but I am not doing this because it doesn't correspond to the pagnation of the original book, and would result in half-paragraphs being understood are 2 proper paragraphs.
So, how to use legal HTML while maintaining the theoretical page/paragraph/broken paragraph/page break structure and information, or at least making the brower "know" the original pagination? Is there a more appropriate tag or method to emulate the page break while keeping the page number id?
Perhaps something like
<p>...and so the brave knight<some tag(s) that show page 2 begins here>killed the dragon</p>
How about instead of encapsulating each page within a div you include a tag at the start of each page designating the page number. An aside tag seems appropriate for this.
<aside class="page-number" data-page="1">Page 1</aside>
<p>Once upon a time...</p>
<p>...and so the bold knight</p>
<aside class="page-number" data-page="2">Page 2</aside>
<p class="continued">slew the evil dragon.</p>
If you need to continue a paragraph then you'll have to break into multiple elements, but perhaps you can specify when a paragraph is a continuation of a previous one. For instance using the continued class as shown above.
If you really don't want to break the p tag then you could put a span within it that is only used for semantic reasons. Something like this;
<p>...and so the bold knight
<span class="page-marker" aria-hidden="true" data-page="1"></span>
slew the evil dragon.</p>
But this kind of makes less semantic sense than the previous solution.
Try adding display: inline; to either the CSS style of the class page or the style attribute of each page div.

CSS BEM syntax without element class name

I have to create a primary heading component, below is my markup along with CSS classes. I'm following BEM naming convention for class name.
I have h1 element consists of two spans. One span for main heading text, and second span for sub heading text. The main and sub are variations of my heading.
I have not specified the Element class (Which could be heading-primary__text ) and i have directly attached modifier classes to span elements.
<h1 class="heading-primary">
<span class="heading-primary--main">Video Background Option</span>
<span class="heading-primary--sub">One Page Parallax</span>
Is that a right way to follow BEM methodology without specifying Elements classes & attaching Block's modifiers classes to Elements(span)? Because i don't need elements classes.
Is there any alternate?
While this is subjective, and as per the convinience of the project . i'd recommend doing something like this- as you already have a header-primary_text element class
<h1 class="heading-primary">
<span class="heading-primary_text">Video Background Option</span>
<!--create a modifier -->
<span class="heading-primary_text--sub">One Page Parallax</span>
In this way you can make the sub a modifier class for the subtext.
More info can be seen here
Hope this helps :)
I think there is a much simpler way to do this just using basic HTML. You only want to have one h1 per page and since you said that your second span of your h1 is a "subheading" I feel like you would be way better off marking that one as an h2 instead of two spans of different context within one h1 heading! Always good to use the built in benefits of HTML first if you can.
No, it is not the right way. You cannot use block (or element) modifier alone on the HTML tag without specifying the block (or element) class itself.
Please refer to BEM documentation here:
A modifier can't be used alone From the BEM perspective, a modifier
can't be used in isolation from the modified block or element. A
modifier should change the appearance, behavior, or state of the
entity, not replace it.
Here is a code example from the docs:
<!-- Correct. The `search-form` block has the `theme` modifier with the value `islands` -->
<form class="search-form search-form_theme_islands">
<input class="search-form__input">
<button class="search-form__button">Search</button>
<!-- Incorrect. The modified class `search-form` is missing -->
<form class="search-form_theme_islands">
<input class="search-form__input">
<button class="search-form__button">Search</button>
You mentioned that you don't need an element class, this topic is also covered in BEM docs
semuzaboi's suggestion sounds as a good alternative to me.
First of all, elements are specified after two __ like block__element_modifier.
Secondly, yes. Blocks may not have any elemenets inside, but rather have modifiers (most common case a block with lang modifiers for Internationalization (block_lang_ru))
PS as well as element may not have any modifiers inside. But block can not be nested inside another one. They should be placed inside one directory on the same level.

edit block in drupal instead of block number

I am trying to edit blocks in drupal 7.x . My base theme is Zen. In block.css I am able to change the css style of the blocks according to their numbers. But its confusing,is there there any other way to edit the style of the blocks ?
Besides block numbers, actually drupal will attach quite a lot information for styling when generate the HTML, here is an example for the default Main Menu system block:
<div id="block-system-main-menu" class="block block-system block-menu first last odd" role="navigation">
As you can see, here we have block name embedded in div id, block type embedded in div class, and you can choose which one to use.
There is always the Block class module which lets you add custom classes to blocks for easy theming.
