XCode : Xcode 4.5.2 (though having all the SDK of Xcode 4.6 -- both iphoneOS & Sim) not detecting iOS 6.1.3 device - xcode4.5

I have both Xcode 4.5.2 & Xcode 4.6 and also an iPod with iOS 6.1.3.
Now when I connect the device and use Xcode 4.6 - device is detected.
But the device is not detected with Xcode 4.5.2 .
Please note both versions of Xcode have exactly the same SDKs.
Any idea ???

The above process regarding copying the SDKs work perfectly. I just restarted my machine.


How does a Xamarin.forms Android app opens in all the android versions?

I developed an Xamarin cross platform app and when I tried to check it on the emulator Android 8.0 - API 26 and Android 7.1 API 25 its working fine ,so I generated an .apk file and when i tried to open it on OS 7, emulator is Genymotion for Android , I am getting an alert box stating that "app.android keeps stopping ,close app " In the visual studio in android properties I selected the minimum target version as Android 5.0 (API Level 21-Lollipop) and target Android version as use compile using SDK version .
Please help me to resolve this Issue.

How to install iOS 9.1 simulator in Xcode Version 7.1.1 (7B1005)

What is the latest version of simulator that is available?
How can I install iOS 9.1 simulator into my Mac?
The below screenshot shows that iOS 9.0 simulator is the recent one.
Goto Xcode -> Window -> Devices (Shortcut: ⇧⌘2)
Click on + (on bottom left corner) and Add Simulator.
Choose Device type & iOS Version as iOS 9.1, and then click Create button.
Xcode 7.1.1 comes bundled with the iOS 9.1 Simulator SDK and Runtime. You do not need to take any extra steps to install it like you do for the older runtimes.

ios6.1.3 can't be supported by xcode 4.5.2

My ipad2 has beed upgraded to ios6.1.3, and then the Xcode can't recognize this device .
When updating the xcode to 4.5.2,this problem still exists.
So how can I resolve this issue,Please help me.
That's because Xcode 4.5.2 is also outdated. Try this link to Xcode 4.6.2

Xcode no longer compile after my friend upgrade his iPhone to 6.1

No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
I can still compile on my iPhone but not on my friends' iPhone.
You need Xcode 4.6 for iOS 6.1 devices
ya you need Xcode 4.6 ..check the link for more...
Xcode 4.6 released alongside iOS 6.1

iOS Simulator SDK not found when i installed Xcode 4.5 (iOS6)

My old installation of Xcode was working full, but i try to upgrade the Xcode to use iOS 6, so i downloaded the new version in Mac App Store, but my iOS Simulator stop working now, he said me that he could not find the SDK and that the sdk may need to be reinstalled.
I remove Xcode and reinstalled, but the problem still with my iOS simulator, and all the possible solutions that i found in the web don't work for me
Try going to the downloads section in settings.
It's in: Xcode>Preferences> click Downloads tab. The supported simulators are in there.
