Making gradient adapt to browser height - css

If you open my page at (Please don't replace the link here as I don't want google to link this page to my site.) in a non-maximized window and maximize it after it loaded, you see the gradient start over again in the lower part. In opera it is one gradient but in other browsers it repeats vertically.
How can I make it not repeat, ie make the gradient adapt to current browser height?
Sometimes, I see blue squares in the lower right and left corner, what causes them?

To answer (2), the blue squares are caused by the background being applied to both the body and the html elements. Since the body is given a small margin (from the browser, by default), it extends downwards a few pixels beyond the html. They both have the same height, the body is just offset by 8px vertically.
The margin on the left and right causes these small boxes.
To fix this, remove the background from the html, only apply it to the body, and change the margin to padding, if you want the space there.


How do I reduce viewport height after scaling down through css?

I'm using tranform: scale(...) to shrink the size on my website to match the browser width. The problem is when this happens, there's this redundant space left at the bottom of the page that's not even part of body. How do I get rid of it ?
Also, this extra space was originally on both top and bottom ends, but I translated the page upwards so that the space is only visible at the bottom.

Set a background image's position to scale

For reference, please see this website.
I want to use the faux columns method to ensure the blue background of the #secondary sidebar extends to the bottom of its parent: #main.
However, when I use Firefox Developer Tools Responsive View, and reduce the width of the viewport, #secondary's width becomes a %, but #main's background image remains fixed, so the blue part of the background image bleeds into the #primary content area.
I once read an article where someone used the faux columns method and was able to set the position of the background image to scale down when the viewport was scaled down, so that the colour change of the background image always lined up with the right hand side of the #secondary sidebar.
I am aware you can set the background-position to a %, but this matches a specific point x% in from the left of the image with a point x% in from the left of its parent, so it always stays in the same position regardless of what % you specify.
As kangaroo has written, the solution was to set:
for #main.
This CSS property is supported by IE9+, Firefox 4+, Opera, Chrome, and Safari 5+.

CSS Radial gradient

I have encountered a few problems with CSS radial gradients.
My very simple prototype can be seen here
In Chrome/Safari/Firefox background gradient is shown correctly, however, as page does not have content to fill the whole screen, background just stops and a half of the screen is white. If I use repeat, then the circle repeats too and I get what I don't want to.
In Opera the gradient background is not shown at all.
What I want to do is that we could see that white circle at the middle top of the screen that would turn to #e6e6e6 background to every direction and would fill all the page, no matter how much content there is.
Set height of body and html tags to 100% and the body background will fill the whole page. (works in Chrome, haven't tried another browsers)

Strange CSS behaviour

I'm doing HTML and CSS for a site, and I've come across a very weird bug / behaviour that I can't pin down.
Take a look at There's a white line through the logo at the top. If I display:none the navigation at the bottom of the page, it disappears. But when I increase the bottom padding of the text column (.entry-content) it reappears again. This happens in Webkit, Mozilla and IE, so I know I must be doing something wrong. I just can't figure out what. Anybody?
This is caused by an anti-aliased line on the top your body's background images (just 1 pixel of light gray). The simple answer is to crop it using an image editor.
You may want to align the image to the top:
background: url("/wp-content/themes/transfer/images/bg.jpg") no-repeat scroll center top #1D1D88
The main problem is that the background image isn't as big as the the area it should cover.
Kobi's answer is correct, but if you don't mind a design suggestion: Rather than putting a black background image at no-repeat top for the body, separate body content into a container and a footer. For the content background use a smaller background image and tile it, or set the background color to black, since it appears you have no gradient. The footer div can then have a white background (inherited from the body, or just assigned directly).
You page is logically divided into main content and a footer, so the HTML should express that.
There is two solutions:
Just changed the body padding top from 60 to 40 or
changed the background position from center center to center top
I think, you should cut a 1px line from your background and to repeat-y it. There will be no bug, and you will decrease the image weight.

Hide scrollbar on absolute positioned div

I have a div that is positioned:absolute, this div extends outside the bounds of my site wrapper as it just contains a background image for a slider and doesn't need to be seen all the time. The problem is I cannot work out how to stop this div triggering the scrollbar. I have tried different combinations of overflow and position and cannot work it out.
If you inspect the element with firebug, just place it over the shadow behind the slider and you will see the div in question. You notice the scrollbar kicks in as soon as the browser bounds touches it.
View link
Can anyone let me know how to stop the scrollbar appearing for the shadow div?
It is the size of the DIV. When I inspect it using Chrome, the CSS shows that the container DIV was set to 520px width and the problematic DIV was set to 733px, so it actually exceeds the 980px width center area. Unless you want the shadow to disappear, I suggest moving it a bit to the left and make the div left to it smaller.
You can use the CSS overflow-x:hidden on the body element.
Other more complicated way that comes to mind is using jQuery to detect the size of the window and resize the problematic div according to the window's size.
Firstly, thanks to those that commented.
I have come up with a solution that allows me to keep the layout the same while still adhering to the document width. What I did was create a #wrap2 inside the main wrapper which has a width of 100% (full width of browser window).
#wrap2 {background: url(../css_img/slider-bg.png) no-repeat center 317px; }
The trick to this was making sure the image position was set to center. This means the image would also remain relative to the content when resizing the browser. The way I made the shadow line up behind the slider was to add blank pixels to the left, so the image ended up being about 1200px wide, this pushed shadow part right. Because it's all blank pixels it only added about 1kb. If someone thinks there is a better solution let me know.
