Wordpress; Vantage theme & ACF plugin? - wordpress

I have repeatedly been trying to implement the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin in the Vantage theme (from AppThemes), but without any success. I've had extensive contact with the admin of ACF, on this subject, but unfortunately we did not succeed. He advised to ask here, maybe seek for a (paid) developer, to solve this problem.
Ok, so what am i trying?
I have created a custom field group and want to implement that field group within the listing form of Vantage. To do so i have read several docs, including: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/tutorials/creating-a-front-end-form/. To be complete, based on this i did the following in the Vantage theme folder:
I created 2 custom field groups, with the id's: 88 & 139.
In Wrapper.php i added the code: <?php acf_form_head(); ?>
In form-listing.php i created 2 custom hooks, 'product_custom' and 'product_custom2': <?php do_action( 'product_custom' ); ?> <?php do_action( 'product_custom2' ); ?>
In fuctions.php i created 3 functions:
add_action( 'wp_print_styles' , 'my_deregister_styles' , 100 );
function my_deregister_styles() {
wp_deregister_style( 'wp-admin' );
add_action( 'product_custom' , 'productfields' );
function productfields() {
$options = array(
'field_groups' => array('post' => '88' ),
'form' => false,
acf_form( $options );
add_action( 'product_custom2' , 'productfields2' );
function productfields2() {
$options2 = array(
'field_groups' => array('post' => '139' ),
'form' => false,
acf_form( $options2 );
This actually made the custom field group show up in the listing form of Vantage. However the following things keep going wrong:
Both field groups have a WYSIWYG field. However for some reason the WYSIWYG buttons and media button stop working
I cannot fill in any text in the first WYSIWYG field. Only the second one works for that matter.
No data is stored at all after saving the listing form. On advise of the ACF admin, i tried the following in the acf-master/core/api.php file:
// run database save first
if( isset($_POST['acf_save']) )
$txt="Hello world!";
echo $txt;
However the string does not display after saving the listing form. So the if statement is not used...
4. To display the dataon the frontend, once they are saved, I guess the default wordpress codex can be used..
I tried to be as complete as possible;) Is there anybody who can help me any further? Paid assistance is also negotiable..
Thanks a lot in advance!

I have succeed on implementing ACF with vantage themes.
I add ACF form at vantage listing form and combine the vantage form with ACF form. with one button.
The data has been saved to database and can be called to displayed in listing area. Only add image button is not working from front-end but in back-end the button is working.
Adding <?php acf_form_head(); ?> to wrapper.php
Do this tutorial front end form help
Eliminate default vantage submit button in form-listing.php
Add this code in ACF api.php in function acf_form_head()
// allow for custom save
$post_id = apply_filters('acf_form_pre_save_post','va_after_create_listing_form', $post_id);
That's it, hope it work in your site.

Is that you want when someone visits the website that they are able to send info via the page they visits eg www.yoursite.com/listing/listing-name like probably an email or contact for more info relating to that business?
If not then you can simply add in the ACF data from the back-end i.e. dreamweaver etc onto single-listing.php and use the ACF tutorial on working with fields.
Hope this helps somewhat


Rank Math metabox preview for custom field

I've created a custom field in Rank Math...
add_action( 'rank_math/vars/register_extra_replacements', function(){
'name' => esc_html__( 'OP ACF Field', 'rank-math' ),
'description' => esc_html__( 'Custom ACF field from ACF shortcodes.', 'rank-math' ),
'variable' => 'op_shortcode(field-name)',
'example' => esc_html__( 'Chrisad field value', 'rank-math' ),
function get_op_shortcode_callback( $shortcodename, $post_id ) {
global $post;
$post_id = "option"; // options page
$shortcodename = get_field( $shortcodename, $post_id, true );
return $shortcodename;
... it works in the frontend but I can't get it to be previewable in the backend metabox.
I wrote to Rank Math and the answer they gave first was, "There’s no additional code to be added to the filter since the custom variable is already working on the front end. For the preview to work, you need to ensure that the current content editor you are working on has WordPress editor support." (Which it does as far as I know because every other Rank Math variable is showing in the preview metabox).
Then they said, "When this happens it means that the custom variable you created contains code that cannot be rendered in the backend because the data is still not yet available." (I don't know what this means.)
And then finally, "The following article explains the default WordPress hooks firing sequence: http://rachievee.com/the-wordpress-hooks-firing-sequence/. Beyond that article, you will have to research further into how to get the variable to load. ACF support/forums might be able to help." (That's a 2015 article on hooks firing sequence which leads me to believe that there is a hook firing out of sequence but I can't figure it out).
I am just looking to see if anyone has any idea how to get the custom field I've registered to show up in the preview metabox in the backend (it is showing in the frontend).
Hope that makes sense.
Any help or insight is appreciated.

Dokan vendor add shortcode to each vendor

I have created e-commerce site with dokan.
I want to add each vendor their own livechat.
I have configured everything and just need to add short code to each vendor, but Dokan don't create new pages for vendors and I can't figure out how to do it.
I sniffed around in Dokan manuals, but can't find this specific field/place to enter shortcode
Can anybody point me into right directon?
You can use the dokan_store_profile_frame_after hook which runs only in the store page to add your shortcode. This hook is run just after the store profile. If you want to exclude certain stores, you can use the $store_user and $store_info to filter out the stores. You can add the following code the functions.php file of the theme.
add_action( 'wp_footer', function() {
$store_user = dokan()->vendor->get( get_query_var( 'author' ) );
$store_info = $store_user->get_shop_info();
if ( dokan_is_store_page() ) {
echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="64" title="Contact form 1"]');
You can try using TalkJs. As per their website they support Dokan.

Wordpress custom meta box for one page only

I believe similar question have been asked already, but I had not found working solution.
The problem: I need a metabox for one exact page only.
The code I use to add a metabox is pretty simple:
function custom_meta_boxes(){
add_meta_box('custom_meta_1', 'About Us Main field','custom_meta_boxes_render',
If you look on the 4th parameter - 'page', this puts metabox on every page, so that I see it and can use it for every page I created when editing it. And I need to see it on about us page only (for example).
I`ve seen in some tutorials that instead of 'page' you can use an ID or a slug of page, but that did not work for me.
Therefore, I really need your help/advice on that.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Try to do it like this:
function custom_meta_boxes(){
global $post;
$postSlug = isset($post->slug) ? $post->slug : '';
if ($post->slug === 'about-us') {
'About Us Main field',
And change about-us slug for that you want to add meta box.

Display Custom CSS and HTML instructions for posts Wordpress

I am creating a blog for some people that are going to be placing posts on their site within 5 different custom posts that i have created.
As some of the categories require the users to bullet point the post data (therefore creating ul>li ) so ensure it is styled correctly when it appears on the site.
To make sure that the editors of the site input data into the post admin area correctly i wish to either.
Display a image down the right hand side of the new / edit post screen which has instructions on how to create the custom post.
or / and
Have watermarked input forms (like where it sats "insert title here") to give a example on how the data should be displayed.
I am using the plugin more fields to display my input fields. this has the option to insert HTML and I have had mixed success with placing images and code in these as it seems sporadic if it works or not!
Any help is greatly appreciated.
If I understand this correctly, a custom meta box can solve this.
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'wpse_54822_add_custom_box' );
function wpse_54822_add_custom_box()
$post_types = array( 'post', 'movies', 'testimonial' );
foreach( $post_types as $box )
__( 'Instructions' ),
function wpse_54822_inner_custom_box()
<b>This text is bold</b>
<strong>This text is strong</strong>
<i>This text is italic</i>
<em>This text is emphasized</em>
<code>This is computer output</code></pre>
Which results in:
Other possibility could be inserting a custom Help Tab.

Multiple Authors on same post in Wordpress

I have a friend who has asked me to build a site for him and two friends to write movie reviews. I'm pretty good with Wordpress, so it was the obvious choice for the site. The only difficulty I have is that they each plan to write a review on the same movie, and I can't think of how to achieve multiple authors in one post.
I've checked out a few plugins such as Co-Author Plus which allows multiple authors credited to the same post, but it doesn't provide the functionality for keeping each author's content separate.
The only solution I can think of is to use custom fields, but I would prefer if the authors can use the main content editor for their reviews. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Like I said, it should be better to have 1 review = 1 post.
So, I think the best way to achieve this should be to create post types :
review, with a movie reference field
And modify post template to display movie and associated reviews on the same page.
An alternate solution should be to use taxonomy to handle movies and attach post to them.
I ran into the same problem with trying to figure out how to do this as well and I followed soju's advice and came up with a solution. There might be a better solution to this, but this is how I went about it. Me and my friend are doing an anime review blog and both me and him will be writing a review on the same anime.
I first created two post types:
anime: main page on the specific anime, like the description, pictures, etc.
reviews: the author's review on the anime. the options i have enabled on here are the editor, the title, and the author. Along with the associated anime taxonomy. That's all that's needed here
Then I created a taxonomy for anime titles so when a user needs to write a review on an anime that hasn't been added as a review yet they can add the title into the taxonomy.
I associated the taxonomy to both post_types and wala! That's pretty much all you need.
So now when you want to write a new review for a new anime you add a anime post type first and write down what the anime is about and include pictures etc. Add the title to the taxonomy and check it. After that you then create a new post of the post type reviews and write your review, remember to check the correct title in your taxonomy for what anime this is going to, then you are ready to go!
Problem 1: How do I include this into my loop?
Well you don't want to include both post types in your loop you just want to include posts and the other post type anime in your loop so you do the following in your functions.php file:
function include_custom_post_types( $query ) {
global $wp_query;
// Get all custom post types
$custom_post_type = get_query_var( 'post_type' );
// Get all post types
$post_types = get_post_types();
// If what you are getting is a category or a tag or that there are no custom
// post types you just want to set the post types to be the current post types
if ( (is_category() || is_tag()) && empty( $custom_post_type ))
$query->set( 'post_type' , $post_types );
// Set the custom post types you want to ignore
$ignore_types = array('reviews');
//Unset the post types that are gonna be ignored
foreach($post_types as $key=>$type)
// Set the post types for the query
if ( (is_home() && false == $query->query_vars['suppress_filters']) || is_feed())
$query->set( 'post_type', $post_types);
return $query;
add_filter( 'pre_get_posts' , 'include_custom_post_types' );
Problem 2: How do I display the reviews?
I solved this by creating another single.php file and renamed it to single-post_type_name.php. So in this case i created a single-anime.php file for my post type anime. Then in place of the contents i want to get all the reviews for this specific anime so I added the following within the file in the main content area:
//You grab the taxonomy that you have selected for this post
$terms = wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'animes_reviewed');
// This is the args array for the criteria that the posts need to be in
$args = array(
// This is the post type of where your reviews are at
post_type' => 'reviews',
// this is for searching the taxonomy usually it's
// taxonomy_name => checked_taxonomy
'anime' => $terms[0]->name,
'post_status' => 'publish'
// Grab the posts
$posts = get_posts($args);
//Here I echo out the information for debugging purpose, but
//Here is where you can do HTML to display your reviews
foreach($posts as $post)
the_author_meta( 'nickname', $post->post_author);
You can do a lot more with this adding more taxonomies etc. I have actually implemented an episode review by just adding a taxonomy and adding a criteria to look for in the post section. Hopefully this will help you out, might be a bit late though :( Thanks soju for recommending the custom post types!
