Wordpress template font color change - wordpress

I am using Wordpress template Simple market and the default text colour is green but I want to change it to black. Even the widgets I install go green. Is there a way to change the whole color rather than changing it in css one by one?

You can put some CSS in your theme's style.css file to override its green text-color with black text-color, for example:
body {
color: black;
if the above not work, try something like:
body {
color: black !important;
This is just a quick patch but not a final solution. When your have better understanding in the theme you mentioned, you can use some tools like Firebug to locate the actual CSS codes and to search and replace them in style.css file which they belong to. That will be better.

Go to Style.css
replace green color(you will find it using colorpix) to black(i.e #000000) using find and replace feature in any stylesheet editor.
Simple enough and no other way.


Stuck on Wordpress CSS change the plugin button Colour

Hi I am new on here first of all nice to meet you all
I am facing a problem on wordpress
I am using "Quick Download Button" Plugin which the link is https://wordpress.org/plugins/quick-download-button/#description
after I have install it on my site I tried to change the button colour by css but I never ever success to change it. I have checked the button in inspect and I copied it but it didn't work.
what I tried was
color: #3c1c1c;
but it never worked.
please anyone help will be awsome thanks and sorry for my bad english
Like #jared said - it shouldn't be too hard to find the right selector and change the color within your browsers dev-tools. If you see the color change, bingo! Then if that doesn't work within your css file itself, you might have an ordering issue with your sites css files (i.e. your css is loading before the plugins). Quick way to test this is add the !important selector to that rule on your file - e.g:
color: #3c1c1c !important;
the css color-parameter is not defining the color of the button, but from the text of the button. if you want to change the color of the button, you need to look after "background" or "background-color".
color: #FFFFFF;
Background-color: #3c1c1c;
Visible example:
Source of example: Kryptonews Lexikon

Wordpress changing element.style with CSS

I want to change the color of the social icons (on the left side of the screenshot). Since I have no clue how to change it in WordPress, I tried it with CSS. But now I noticed that I have to change the element. style and I don't know how... I tried just changing the color in the element. style and copying into the additional CSS in WordPress, but it doesn't work. On the screenshot, you can see what I mean. Is there a solution to this problem?
This is what I tried:
element.style {
--wpz-social-icons-block-item-color: #FF0000;
--wpz-social-icons-block-item-color-hover: #FF0000;
Please try with this following code in wordpress customizer > Additional CSS
--wpz-social-icons-block-item-color: black !important;
red !important;
I think that what makes color is the element inside a <span class="social-icon socicon socicon-icon-instagram">
But anyway you are trying to change something via style, and if you want to do like this you´ll hace to use something like
or wathever, color, font-size etc
But in this case I will use a new style, like
.socicon-icon-instagram {color:#000;}
And maybe depends of the template you´ll need to add !important to CSS class to get the color...like this
.socicon-icon-instagram {color:#000!important;}
It is not a good practice but sometimes is necesary

change background color of pre-built angular material theme

I'm using the pre-built purple-green angular material pre-built theme with .css. I'd like to use a white background but can't seem to change from the dark grey background. I've tried removing class="mat-app-background" in the body tag of my index.html, but no impact. Do I need to move to .scss to make this change?
element {
background: white !important;
If nothing else you have tried works, maybe try this one. It will override all previous styling rules for the specific property.

External CSS - Best method for different color for content area on 1/2 the site

I'm learning External CSS.
I have a CSS file that is working. The pages use a background image and a content color.
I want to use a different content color as the background for photos--- about 1/2 of the pages in the site. I want it to be in Ext CSS (not a page style), in case I want to change the color in the future.
What is the best practice when everything else in the CSS will be the same for all pages, except for the content color?
Please give a 'grade school' answer telling me exactly what I'll need to do. I'm still learning terminology, so your clarity will really help me.
Thank you.
The best way is use SASS and variables.
Another solution (pure css) is to create a body class to determine your theme.
<body class="theme1"> or <body class="theme2">
And set your css:
.theme1 .my-div
.theme2 .my-div
With your theme colors
Keep it in this way:
color: #000000;}
color: #ffffff;}
You can name color1 and color2 as anything you want and save these styles in your css file. Use these classes where you want like:
<button class="color1">Good Button</button>
You can change color values and will reflect everywhere.

Eclipse Jeeeyul Chrome Theme: CSS for background

I am trying to edit my colour scheme for Eclipse. (Windows!)
I seem to be unable to change the following white areas in the image below.
I know the following code works for certain areas:
.MPart Tree, .MPart Table{
color: white;
If anybody could redirect me to a website containing everything css property or post some code I would be thankful!
The windows I want changed are the ones below in white!
Those white areas are governed by source code styling. Easiest way to change them is to use other plugin like Eclipse Color Theme. If you want to create your own theme you can modify a theme file or use http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.org/
You can also change them manually using Window -> Preferences and then Java -> Editor -> Syntax Coloring.
