R repeat rows by vector and date - r

I have a data frame with 275 different stations and 43 years seasonal data (October to next April, no need for May to Sept data)and 6 variables, here is a small example of the data frame with only one variable called value:
data <- data.frame(station=rep(1,6), year=rep(1969,6), month=c(10,10,10,10,11,11),day=c(1,8,16,24,1,9),value=c(1:6))
What I need is to fill the gap of day with daily date(eg:1:8) and the value of each row the average of the 8 days, it would be look like:
data1 <- data.frame(station=rep(1,40), year=rep(1969,40), month=c(rep(10,31),rep(11,9)),day=c(1:31,1:9),value=rep(c(1/7,2/8,3/8,4/8,5/8,6/8),c(7,8,8,8,8,1)))
I wrote some poor code and searched around the site, but unfortunately didn't work out, please help or better ideas would be appreciated.
station.date <- as.Date(with(data, paste(year, month, day, sep="-")))
for (i in 1:length(station.date)){
days <- as.numeric(station.date[i+1]-station.date[i]) #not working
data <- within(data, days <- c(days,1))
rows <- rep(1:nrow(data), times=data[ ,data$days])
rows <- ifelse(rows > 10, 0, rows) #get rid of month May to Sept
data <- data[rows, ]
data <- within(data, value1 <- value/days)
data <- within(data, dd <- ?) #don't know to change the repeated days to real days

I wrote some code that does the same things as your example, but probably You have to modyfi it in order to handle whole data set. I wasn't sure what to do with the last observation. Eventually I made a special case for it. If it should be divided by different number, You need just to replace 8 inside values <- c(values, tail(data$value, 1) / 8)
with that number. Moreover if you have all 275 stations in one data.frame, I think the best idea would be to split it, transform it separately and than cbind it.
data <- data.frame(station=rep(1,6), year=rep(1969,6), month=c(10,10,10,10,11,11),day=c(1,8,16,24,1,9),value=c(1:6))
station.date <- as.Date(with(data, paste(year, month, day, sep="-")))
d <- as.numeric(diff(station.date))
range <- sum(d) + 1
# create dates
dates <- seq(station.date[1], by = "day", length = range)
# create values
values <- unlist(sapply(1:length(d), function(i){
rep(data$value[i] / d[i] , d[i])
# adding last observation
values <- c(values, tail(data$value, 1) / 8)
# create new data frame
data2 <- data.frame(station = rep(1, range),
year = as.numeric(format(dates, "%Y")),
month = as.numeric(format(dates, "%m")),
day = as.numeric(format(dates, "%d")),
value = values)
It could probably be optimised in some way, however I hope it helps too. Note how I extract year, month and day from dates.


Simulate a series of code n(lets say 1000) times while saving the result in a vector in R

I'm still relatively new to R so I'm struggling with repeating lines of code several times and saving the result for each repetition.
The aim is to randomly (equal probability) assign a number of events, in my case 100, over a 20 year period. Since days are irrelevant I use the number of months to define the period. Subsequently, I'm counting the events for every 24-month period within the 20 years. Lastly, extracting the maximum number of events occurring within a 24-month period.
Albeit messy and probably inefficient, the code works for the intended purpose. However, I want to repeat this process 1000 times to get a distribution of all the maximum number of events taking place over 24 months to compare to my real data.
here is my coding so far:
#First I set the period from the year 2000 to 2019 with one-month increments.
period <- seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), by = "month", length.out = 240)
#I sample random observations assigned to different months over the entire period.
u <- sample(period, size=100, replace=T)
#Make a table in order to register the number of occurrences within each month.
u <- table(u)
#Create a data frame to ease information processing.
simulation <- data.frame(u)
#Change the date column to date format.
simulation$u <- as.Date(simulation$u)
#Compute number of events taking place within every 24-month period (730 = days in 24 months).
u <- u %>%
Last_24_month_total = sum_run(
x = simulation$Freq,
k = 730,
idx = as.Date(simulation$u, format = "%d/%m/%Y"))
#extract the maximum number of uccurences within a 24 month period
max <- max(u$Last_24_month_total)
Could someone help me understand how to rewrite this process in order to facilitate a thousand repetitions while saving the max value for each repetition?
As #jogo suggested in the comments, you can use replicate.
I simplified your code.
seq_dates <- seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), by = "month", length.out = 240)
seq_dates %>%
sample(100, replace = TRUE) %>%
table() %>%
sum_run(730, idx = as.Date(names(.))) %>%

Create efficient week over week calculation with subsetting

In my working dataset, I'm trying to calculate week-over-week values for the changes in wholesale and revenue. The code seems to work, but my estimates show it'll take about 75hrs to run what is a seemingly simple calculation. Below is the generic reproducible version which takes about 2m to run on this smaller dataset:
# Create empty data frame of 26,000 observations similar to my data, but populated with noise
exampleData <- data.frame(product = rep(LETTERS,1000),
wholesale = rnorm(1000*26),
revenue = rnorm(1000*26))
# create a week_ending column which increases by one week with every set of 26 "products"
for(i in 1:nrow(exampleData)){
exampleData$week_ending[i] <- as.Date("2016-09-04")+7*floor((i-1)/26)
exampleData$week_ending <- as.Date(exampleData$week_ending, origin = "1970-01-01")
# create empty columns to fill
exampleData$wholesale_wow <- NA
exampleData$revenue_wow <- NA
# loop through the wholesale and revenue numbers and append the week-over-week changes
for(i in 1:nrow(exampleData)){
# set a condition where the loop only appends the week-over-week values if it's not the first week
# set temporary values for the current and past week's wholesale value
currentWholesale <- exampleData$wholesale[i]
lastWeekWholesale <- exampleData$wholesale[which(exampleData$product==exampleData$product[i] &
exampleData$wholesale_wow[i] <- currentWholesale/lastWeekWholesale -1
# set temporary values for the current and past week's revenue
currentRevenue <- exampleData$revenue[i]
lastWeekRevenue <- exampleData$revenue[which(exampleData$product==exampleData$product[i] &
exampleData$revenue_wow[i] <- currentRevenue/lastWeekRevenue -1
Any help understanding why this takes so long or how to cut down the time would be much appreciated!
The first for loop can be simplified with the following for:
exampleData$week_ending2 <- as.Date("2016-09-04") + 7 * floor((seq_len(nrow(exampleData)) - 1) / 26)
setequal(exampleData$week_ending, exampleData$week_ending2)
[1] TRUE
Replacing second for loop
dt1 <- as.data.table(exampleData)
dt1[, wholesale_wow := wholesale / shift(wholesale) - 1 , by = product]
dt1[, revenue_wow := revenue / shift(revenue) - 1 , by = product]
setequal(exampleData, dt1)
[1] TRUE
This takes about 4 milliseconds to run on my laptop
Here is a vectorized solution using the tidyr package.
# Create empty data frame of 26,000 observations similar to my data, but populated with noise
exampleData <- data.frame(product = rep(LETTERS,1000),
wholesale = rnorm(1000*26),
revenue = rnorm(1000*26))
# create a week_ending column which increases by one week with every set of 26 "products"
#vectorize the creating of the data
exampleData$week_ending <- as.Date("2016-09-04")+7*floor((i-1)/26)
exampleData$week_ending <- as.Date(exampleData$week_ending, origin = "1970-01-01")
# create empty columns to fill
exampleData$wholesale_wow <- NA
exampleData$revenue_wow <- NA
#find the index of rows of interest (ie removing the first week)
#create temp variables and convert into wide format
# the rows are product and the columns are the ending weeks
Wholesale<-exampleData[ ,c(1,2,4)]
Wholesale<-spread(Wholesale, week_ending, wholesale)
Revenue<-exampleData[ ,c(1,3,4)]
Revenue<-spread(Revenue, week_ending, revenue)
#number of columns
#remove the first two columns for current wholesale
#remove the first and last column for last week's wholesale
#perform calculation on ever element in dataframe (divide this week/lastweek)
Wholesale_wow<- Wholesale[ ,-c(1, 2)]/Wholesale[ ,-c(1, numCol)] - 1
#convert back to long format
#repeat for revenue
Revenue_wow<- Revenue[ ,-c(1, 2)]/Revenue[ ,-c(1, numCol)] - 1
#convert back to long format
#assemble calculated values back into the original dataframe
The strategy was to convert the original data into a wide format where the rows were the product id and the columns were the weeks. Then divide the data frames by each other. Convert back into a long format and add the newly calculated values to the exampleData data frame. This works, not very clean but very much faster than the loop. The dplyr package is another tool for this type of work.
To compare this results of this code with you test case use:
print(identical(goldendata, exampleData))
Where goldendata is your known good results, be sure to use the same random numbers with the set.seed() function.

Creating multiple new resampled series based on observed data

I've got 7 years of temperature data split into 4 seasonal variables (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) each of which look like this (Spring example)
Day Month Year maxtp Season.Year Season
1 3 2008 13.6 2008 SP
2 3 2008 11.3 2008 SP
3 3 2008 5.4 2008 SP
I want to create a multiple new temperature series based on these observed data, one at a time in the following way (using a similar approach to this): Block sampling according to index in panel data
Using this code
newseries1 <- sample(Spring, size=91, replace = T, prob = NULL)
But this replicated the series 91 times, and isn't what I want.
I want to select an entire Spring block from any random season.year (2008-2014), then select a summer block from any year EXCEPT the year that was chosen previously, so any year other than 2008. The resampled year is then replaced so it can be resampled again the next time, just not consecutively.
I want to take a season.year from the spring variable, follow it with a different season.year for the summer variable, then another for autumn, and another for winter, and keep doing this until the resampled is the same length as the observed (7 years in this case).
So in summary I want to:
Select a 'block' respecting the annual sequence (Spring from a random season.year) and begin a new series with it, then replace it so it can be sampled again.
Follow Spring with summer from a non-consecutive year, and replace it.
Keep going until the resampled series is the same length as the observed
Repeat this process until there are 100 resampled series
For newseries1 try instead
ndays <- length(Spring[, 1])
#select rows of Spring randomly (are you sure you want replace = T?)
newseries1 <- Spring[sample(1:ndays, size = ndays, replace = T, prob = NULL),]
Then for selecting the year data for each season successively:
y.lst <- 2008:2014
nssn <- 7*100*4 #desired number of annual cycles times four seasons
y <- rep(NA, nssn) #initialise: vector of selected years
#first spring
y[1] <- sample(y.lst, 1)
#subsequent seasons
for(s in 2:nssn){
#selects a year from a sublist of years which excludes that of the previous season
y[s] <- sample(y.lst[y.lst != y[s - 1]], 1)
Then compile the data frame (assume original data is in data frame data):
#first Spring
Ssn <- data[with(data, Year == y[1] & Season == "SP"),]
ndays <- length(Spring[, 1])
newseries1 <- Ssn[sample(1:ndays, size = ndays, replace = T, prob = NULL),]
#initialise data frame
data2 <- Ssn
#subsequent seasons
for(s in 2:nssn){
Ssn <- data[with(data, Year == y[s] & Season == "..."),]
ndays <- length(Spring[, 1])
newseries1 <- Ssn[sample(1:ndays, size = ndays, replace = T, prob = NULL),]
data2 <- rbind(data2, Ssn)
You will need to create a vector of season labels to be chosen. Use the %% remainder function to select the appropriate season label in each case (i.e. s%%4 is 2 implies "SU")

calculating seasonal range in r for a number of years

I have a data frame of daily temperature measurements spanning 20 years. I would like to calculate the annual range in the data series for each year (i.e. end up with 20 values, representing the range for each year). Example data:
begin_date = as.POSIXlt("1990-01-01", tz = "GMT")
dat = data.frame(dt = begin_date + (0:(20*365)) * (86400))
dat = within(dat, {speed = runif(length(dt), 1, 10)})
I was thinking of writing a loop which goes through each year and then calculate the range, but was hoping there was another solution.
I think the best way forward would be to have the maximum and minimum values for each year and then calculate the range from that. Can anyone suggest a method to do this without writing a loop to go through each year individually?
dat %>%
group_by(year=year(dt)) %>%
setDT(dat)[, list(Range=diff(range(speed))), year(dt)]
aggregate(speed~cbind(year=year(dt)), dat, function(x) diff(range(x)))

How do I subset every day except the last five days of zoo data?

I am trying to extract all dates except for the last five days from a zoo dataset into a single object.
This question is somewhat related to How do I subset the last week for every month of a zoo object in R?
You can reproduce the dataset with this code:
price <- rnorm(365)
data <- cbind(seq(as.Date("2013-01-01"), by = "day", length.out = 365), price)
zoodata <- zoo(data[,2], as.Date(data[,1]))
For my output, I'm hoping to get a combined dataset of everything except the last five days of each month. For example, if there are 20 days in the first month's data and 19 days in the second month's, I only want to subset the first 15 and 14 days of data respectively.
I tried using the head() function and the first() function to extract the first three weeks, but since each month will have a different amount of days according to month or leap year months, it's not ideal.
Thank you.
Here are a few approaches:
1) as.Date Let tt be the dates. Then we compute a Date vector the same length as tt which has the corresponding last date of the month. We then pick out those dates which are at least 5 days away from that:
tt <- time(zoodata)
last.date.of.month <- as.Date(as.yearmon(tt), frac = 1)
zoodata[ last.date.of.month - tt >= 5 ]
2) tapply/head For each month tapply head(x, -5) to the data and then concatenate the reduced months back together:
do.call("c", tapply(zoodata, as.yearmon(time(zoodata)), head, -5))
3) ave Define revseq which given a vector or zoo object returns sequence numbers in reverse order so that the last element corresponds to 1. Then use ave to create a vector ix the same length as zoodata which assigns such reverse sequence numbers to the days of each month. Thus the ix value for the last day of the month will be 1, for the second last day 2, etc. Finally subset zoodata to those elements corresponding to sequence numbers greater than 5:
revseq <- function(x) rev(seq_along(x))
ix <- ave(seq_along(zoodata), as.yearmon(time(zoodata)), FUN = revseq)
z <- zoodata[ ix > 5 ]
ADDED Solutions (1) and (2).
Exactly the same way as in the answer to your other question:
Split dataset by month, remove last 5 days, just add a "-":
xts.data <- as.xts(zoodata)
lapply(split(xts.data, "months"), last, "-5 days")
And the same way, if you want it on one single object:
do.call(rbind, lapply(split(xts.data, "months"), last, "-5 days"))
