Loading all referenced assemblies .NET even if not used explicitly in code - assemblies

We have a windows service which is using Autofac, when we try to load the referenced assemblies not all are listed as some contain objects we aren't using anywhere in the application but interface implementations are in there we need to be included. The following method loads the assemblies:
private IEnumerable<Assembly> GetReferencedAssemblies(Assembly assembly)
var assemblyNames = assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies();
List<Assembly> assemblies = new List<Assembly>();
foreach (var item in assemblyNames)
var loadedAssembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(item.FullName);
return assemblies;
If we make a dummy reference to an object contained in the assembly then it loads the assembly and the types are built by autofac, if we remove the dummy object the assembly is no longer included.
Is there any way to include all referenced assemblies regardless of whether you are directly using an object in there (bearing in mind we still need it as the interface implementations are in there).
This works fine on ASP.NET as it just loads all DLLs in the bin.

If you do not actually reference a type in the assembly the compiler will remove the reference as it is assumed to be redundant. You need to manually load the required assemblies into the AppDomain using Assembly.Load(). How you determine the assemblies to load is up to you. You might choose to look through the files in a particular folder or you perhaps use a configuration file that contains the assemblies names.


How a dll is handled between different calls to an asp.net page?

I am in the start of developing an ASP.NET application and want to decide how to cluster functions in different dlls.
Suppose that I have an ASP.NET page that has to dll references, namely A.dll and B.dll. However B.dll uses some methods of A.dll.
Having this scenario, if somebody call my page.aspx where it calls B.dll, another A.dll will be loaded to memory or B.dll will use the same A.dll loaded by my page.aspx ?
Referenced libraries (dll) will be loaded when IIS is starting, some might be loaded on demand i'm not quite sure of that part. But none of your dlls would be loaded twice. dll is a code library, your code base containing definition of your implementation. Don't think of it as an instance of some custom class definition you made. Your dll might contain static classes, extension methods, helpers not only instantiable class definitions

Embedded Unmanaged DLLs don't load in ASP.NET

I'm working on an ASP.NET host for a WCF service. The service references a C++/CLI wrapper library, which itself references an unmanaged DLL. Based on this question I've embedded the unmanaged DLL in the ASP.NET DLL. I then extract it like this:
string[] dlls = new [] { "myDLL.dll", "myDLLD.dll" };
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string location = Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location);
Dictionary<string, Stream> streams =
(from dll in dlls
select new KeyValuePair<string, Stream>(
dll, assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(typeof(Global), dll)))
.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Stream> stream in streams)
using (FileStream file = new FileStream(Path.Combine(location, stream.Key),
I've tried putting this code in Application_Start() in Global.asax.cs and in AppInitialize() in the App_Code folder, but in both cases I get a yellow screen of death about how the wrapper DLL or one of its dependencies could not be loaded before a breakpoint is hit in either function. The only way I can hit a breakpoint is by placing the unmanaged DLL somewhere in the system path (e.g. C:\Windows\system), but this obviously defeats the purpose of embedding the DLLs in the first place. How can I get the DLL where it needs to be before ASP starts looking?
Apparently ASP.NET's eager loading mechanism was the problem. Because the managed wrapper was copied to the output directory, ASP found it and tried to link to the unmanaged DLL on startup, even though it didn't exist yet. To solve the problem, I used the /DELAYLOAD linker option on the C++/CLI DLL and a LoadLibrary() P/Invoke in Application_Start() in combination with the embedded DLL extraction shown above.

Provide an Explicit Assembly Name for a Dynamically Compiled ASP.NET Website's App_Code Folder?

In a dynamically compiled ASP.NET Website project, can the assembly for the App_Code folder be explicitly named?
For example, under regular circumstances when I run an ASP.NET website the assembly name generated into the Temporary ASP.NET Files\ folder is partially randomized like App_Code.neizakfo.dll where neizakfo is the portion that can differ. Can I explicitly provide a name for the assembly like App_Code_Web1.dll?
By business requirements, the website cannot be precompiled/deployed. Therefore I'm seeking a solution in context of the Temporary ASP.NET Files folder and dynamically compiled assemblies as noted above.
I came across this question while looking for a way to perform dynamic type instantiation on a class in the App_Code folder of a website using an assembly-qualified name stored in configuration, but instantiated from the web page, thus crossing an assembly boundary. Because the web page and app_code code are compiled into two different assemblies by default, the Type.GetType(..) method's default behaviour of searching for the Type name either in the current executing assembly (the web page) or in mscorlib doesn't suffice for picking any Type from the App_Code assembly. Being randomized, the app_code assembly name is not known for me to include in the assembly-qualified string.
I can put the data Type in a class library (because that does have an predefined/exact name) to get rid of this problem, however I'd like to know how to do this inside the website itself without creating a class library project for the purpose.
You can sort of do this in a WebSite project.
There's an MSDN article on using the -fixednames flag when compiling the project.
This effectively creates an assembly for each page - default.aspx.dll. However, this is only marginally more useful to you as you still need to know the name of the control or page you are looking for when you are loading - so you have to ensure your types and naming is consistent. It should, however, respect the name of the classes in app_code so this may work for you.
One other thing you could do is move all of the code in app_code out into it's own assembly, and then add that as a project reference. That would also simplify this problem.
Lastly, you could enumerate all of the dll's in the bin directory, and search each one for the type you are looking for. As this is fairly expensive, do it once, and cache the result somewhere so you don't keep doing it everytime you look that type up. This is probably the worst solution.
This is trivial to do in a WebApplication project, but I assume you are stuck with the WebSite one?
EDIT: As an update for the comments; if I use the Publish Web Tool, then all of the code in app_code goes in the bin directory in a dll called App_Code.dll - this behaviour does not change even if I use fixed naming (all fixed naming effects the naming of the dll's for each page, usercontrol). If I use ILSpy on this file, I can see my classes in there. So I know the name of the assembly, and it's location - I should be able to get at the types in it with minimal effort. I wonder why I'm seeing different behavior to you!
I created a simple class called "Person" with an Id and Name, put it in App_Code, compiled the site, and then ran the following code:
Type myType = Assembly.LoadFrom(Server.MapPath("~/bin/App_Code.dll")).GetType("Person", true);
It wrote out "Person", as expected.
Further Edit
The penny drops! If I then do:
object myObject= Activator.CreateInstance("App_Code.dll", "Person");
And try to cast myObject to person, I get the following message:
The type 'Person' exists in both 'App_Code.dll' and 'App_Code.jydjsaaa.dll'
So it's time to be devious.
in Global.asax, on Application_OnStart, do the following:
Application["App_Code_Assembly"] = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Person));
In my test default page, I then did:
Assembly app_Code = Application["App_Code_Assembly"] as Assembly;
Which gave me the randomly named app_code it is actually running with in Temporary ASP.Net Files.
This is why I hate Web Site Projects ;-)

Read values from resx files?

How to read strings from the MyResource.resx file from c#.
I am not calling this from the asp.net page, rather i am calling from my bussiness logic.
Assembly assembly =
ResourceManager resourceManager = new
here i am getting exception,
Could not find any resources
appropriate for the specified culture
or the neutral culture. Make sure
"MessagesResource.resources" was
correctly embedded or linked into
assembly "App_Web_eerdggo8" at compile
time, or that all the satellite
assemblies required are loadable and
fully signed.
How can i fix this issue????
Once you add a resx file to your project, Visual Studio will automatically generate a designer class which allows you to read value (In the properties of the resx file you must have Custom Tool: ResXFileCodeGenerator). For example if you add Messages.resx to your project you could directly read values from it:
string value = Messages.SomeResourceKey;

Problem reflecting in ASP.net context

I have a ASP.net application that is referencing a external assembly that I need to dynamically load and discover any types implementing a known interface. The problem I am having is that the type I reflect does not match the same interface that is running and so I cannot cast it.
This code is run in ASP.net app.
var assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.BinDirectory, "ExternalAssembly.dll"));
var type = assembly.GetExportedTypes().First<Type>(x => x.Name == "AClass"); // AClass implements IAInterface
var reflectedInterface = type.GetInterface(typeof(IAmAInterface).ToString());
if (reflectedInterface != typeof(IAmAInterface))
throw new Exception("This makes me sad"); // This code gets run
The only difference I can see between the reflected interface I loaded from the bin and the interface returned from typeof is that the typeof assembly has a location in the temp ASP.net path (C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\08c43c8b\3adac8cf\assembly\dl3\eb7a4127\0235ea60_a3c8c901\ReflectionTest.DLL)
Thanks Paul Alexander I have changed the code to use the Assembly.Load method not Assembly.LoadFile which solves the problem.
wwilden: I also tried extracting the interface into it's own assembly and this does also solve the problem.
When you use LoadFile the assembly is not loaded into the same context as your other assemblies at runtime so to the CLR interface runtime types are different. You can read more in Suzanne Cook's Debugging Assembly Load Failures.
If the assembly that you're loading is already in the Bin directory - you can load it by name. You don't need to know the exact path as the Bin folder is already in the assembly probing path.
Where is your interface type defined? Does it exist both in the reflected assembly as well as in the application itself? Then you actually have two different interfaces, even though they have the same namespace and name.
What you need to do is extract the interface from the reflected assembly and put it into another assembly that you refer to both from the reflected assembly as well as your application. Then it should work.
Apart from your problem, if you have a lot of assemblies to dynamically load, remember that they will remain in memory until the ASP.NET worker process reloads. This could influence your server's performance.
You could load the assemblies in a separate AppDomain (the smallest unit that is possible to unload), load a proxy class in that AppDomain which you reference with .NET remoting. Once finished, you unload the AppDomain.
There is an interesting article over at CodeProject about a situation like this. Where you have a class that has a structure that is identical with an interface without implementing the interface itself. The article outlines a method of dynamically creating wrapper classes that implement the needed interface. It could be helpful in your situation.
