#font-face not displaying correctly in IE - css

I have been searching for hours, asked friends and it didn't work out. So I hope you guys can help me. My website uses a custom font, but IE(10) doesn't support that on the way I do it. I have no idea it supports other methods. Here is mine:
#font-face { font-family: shardee; src:url('fonts/Shardee.ttf'); }
It is not necessary to have a custom font in Internet Explorer, but it would be nice.
When Internet Explorer doesn't know the font, it used its default font. But the problem is, that the font-size of the custom font is perfect, but of the Internet Explorer default font it is way too big. I tried to fix it with a IE specific css code, but it just doesn't work at all. I am using the following css code for Interner Explorer:
<!--[if IE]>
#menu ul li{ font-size:15px; }
I have also tried it by a external stylesheet, which looked like this:
<!--[if IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ?>/style/ie.css" />
The function I use in the php is a wordpress function that takes you to the path of your website. If you are not using wordpress, you can forget that code and leave it blank.
The problem is not the path, the path is correct. I have looked into the source code in the browser, and it showed me the code I have in ie.css. The code in ie.css is exactly the same as above, but without the tags ect.
I hope you guys can help me with this problem. 2 solutions are possible as far as I know. Let the ie specific css work, or show me a way to create custom fonts in IE. I am using Internet Explorer version 10.
You can see the site here, but once it is fixed it will disappear because I don't need to put it on a subdomain once it is fixed.
Kind regards,
Bart Roelofs

Multiple font formats
To support a wide range of browsers, use a .ttf, .woff and .eot version of the font.
#font-face {
font-family: 'shardee';
src: url('fonts/Shardee.eot');
src: url('fonts/Shardee.eot?#iefix')
url('fonts/Shardee.woff') format('woff'),
url('fonts/Shardee.ttf') format('truetype');
You can use a Font conversion website like Font Squirrel, to convert the .ttf font into .woff and .eot.
DRM false positive
As #Jukka pointed out, there's a legal issue with the TTF file that's preventing it from being usable in Windows. In the IE developer console, the following error message is displayed :
CSS3114: #font-face failed OpenType embedding permission check.
Permission must be Installable.
Shardee appears to be an abandoned font with an unknown license type. Although it may be legal to use this font, Windows seems to require that every TTF file has DRM info that explicitly says it's legal to embed it in web pages. The error in IE is most likely a false positive.
To test this, I took a TTF font that's known to be legally licensed for use on websites. The TTF version didn't work in IE because of the DRM error. This example is definitely a false positive. This is one of the reasons why it's necessary to use multiple font formats, and why a single format like TTF will not work on all browsers.
Although Windows doesn't allow IE to use the TTF file, IE can still use the WOFF or EOT version. When I tested the above #font-face rule on a local webserver, using all three font formats, the Shardee font rendered correctly in all versions of IE (though with an error message in the IE developer console).
Steps to try:
Convert the .ttf file to .woff and .eot
Upload the .woff and .eot files to the same directory as the existing .ttf file.
Replace the #font-face rule with the one above. I fixed a couple typos in the initial version of it.
If you still have a problem, there may be an issue with the web server settings. Related question: IE9 blocks download of cross-origin web font

If you are receiving the CSS3114 error code in dev tools, you need to modify the first bits of the font file. This will allow IE to install the font.
Npm Module:
You can use ttembed-js npm module, which will make the modifications for you.
Usage: ttembed-js path/to/Shardee.ttf

By searching the web, I found this online tool that performs a fix on the TTF font, making it displayable by Explorer:

So the problem is apparently that on IE 10, the menu, inside the element with id=menu, does not appear in the declared font “shardee” but in the browser default font. This actually makes the menu readable. But technically, the explanation can be seen in Developer Tools (press F12 to enter them), in the Console pane. The error message, with code CSS3114, tells that #font-face did not pass the checks for usage rights for embedding.
Check out the usage rights of the font, and contact the copyright holder (which is to be presumed to be Bright Ideas) for obtaining the rights if possible.

FontPrep is an excellent Web Font Generator for the Mac OS X. it will even create a fonts.css

I ran into this same issue and ran F12. It seems compatibility view was enabled in IE10 for the site I was on. Once I disabled compatibility view the custom font displayed. Hope this helps someone...


How are fonts downloaded without any src reference in CSS file

I have seen a couple of projects where they just mention the name of the fonts they want to use in the CSS file without any mention of the source or the TTF or other font files.
code {
font-family: source-code-pro,Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,"Courier New",monospace
When I remove those fonts via CSS in inspect element I can see the fonts are changed. So the code works. But I don't understand how the browser figures from where the fonts should be downloaded.
The code works even in incognito so not sure if the browser caching the font is a valid explanation.
Notice that the last setting in the font-family list is sans-serif.
If the local system has absolutely none of the other fonts loaded locally then the system will use whatever it has set as its default sans-serif font.
That is why it looks as though 'it works' when you say this:
#Fabrizio Calderan loves trees I checked the system fonts with this css-tricks.com/snippets/css/system-font-stack link. But the mentioned font family is not matching any of the fonts in the system fonts. So the default font should be picked right?
You are right, it picks the default font, but the version that is sans-serif.
As you can see in the above picture,I created a sample.html file and used the font-family for the body tag. So the source provided does not mention in font-family section. in the result, fonts will load from "Fonts" folder in my windows folder. (Of course if you use Windows OS and website locally, mentioned process will be happen!)
There are several ways the browser decides what fonts are downloaded/used:
As user 'Fabrizio Calderan loves trees' stated (paraphrased):
If no sources are provided, they are loaded from the computer running the webpage in a browser.
The programmer uses external APIs or links that embed a font. An example of this is Google Fonts, which lets programmers choose fonts they want (and select them), and embed them using either a <link> tag (put into HTML code) or #import tag (put into CSS file).
The website you are looking at may contain #font-face statements in their CSS, which links a common name (i.e., 'Source Code Pro') to a font file. You can read more about #font-face here and here.
If you can't find evidence of any of these, could you possibly share a link to the webpage's source code?
I took a look at the code in the website. It seems like the fonts styling in the display/textarea is:
font-family:"Lucida Sans","Lucida Sans Regular","Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode",Geneva,Verdana,sans-serif;
And, there doesn't appear to be a source of these fonts, so it is part of the 1st category I listed above. Basically, the fonts in quotes are fonts that may be used if already preinstalled inside the client's computer, if not, the browser goes down the list and keeps checking whether the client has the font installed. The ending font is sans-serif, which is a default font that all computers have, so it serves as a backup in case all other fonts aren't available.

no fonts available for #font-face rule microsoft edge fonts.com

I am getting a
CSS3120: No fonts available for #font-face rule
for the new Microsoft Edge browser on windows 10.
The fonts I am using are from fonts.com and have the normal declarations that I would expect (e.g. woff, ttf, svg etc).
src:url("/dv2/2/asdf.eot?asdf#iefix") format("eot"),url("/dv2/14/asdf.woff2?asdf") format("woff2"),url("/dv2/3/asdf.woff?asdf") format("woff"),url("/dv2/1/asdf.ttf?asdf") format("truetype"),url("/dv2/11/asdf.svg?asdf") format("svg");
The sites still work normally on chrome, firefox, and IE for windows 10. my fonts that I used from Icomoon that are on my domain and fonts from google fonts seem to work fine on the edge browser. Anybody else having this problem with fonts.com?
I was using a local version of Google Fonts like one of the commenters, #benoror. My issue ended up being that I used references to woff2 fonts. Edge doesn't support the woff2 format yet.
My solution was to switch back to loading the fonts from Google Fonts since they have logic based on the user-agent that determines which font files get referenced in the #font-face declarations.
Another option would have been to use regular woff instead of woff2: http://caniuse.com/#search=woff
I contacted fonts.com and the solution they gave - which did seem to work for me - was to republish the project. If you go into manage webfonts and to the project, there is a republish button. It will probably take a couple minutes and then it should work.
I had the same issue,
After reading MSDN documentation and adding local parameter error disappeared.
src:url(sURL) format(fontFormat) local(fontName)

how to copy font-family from a webpage

Although having read some articles about font-family, I still don't have a deep understanding how it works. So I'm hoping this question may help me better understand how font-family works.
I see some beautiful fonts on a website, the CSS of one of them is font-family:'Futura Today Bold',Arial,sans-serif. I try to copy it to my website, but it doesn't work. It seems the elements affected by this website are displaying default font. Here is a side question: how do I check what font an element is actually using? can I do it with javascript?
And the main question is, how do I use this 'Futura Today Bold' font on my website?
The problem with the font you intend to use is that it will not be installed on every user's device, which is why the fallback font (Arial) is specified in the website you checked.
You need to use web fonts if you wish to use a font that is not available on the user's device. Here's an example CSS code to do that:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Futura Today Bold';
src: url('http://path/to/futuratodaybold.woff') format('woff'), /* Chrome 6+, Firefox 3.6+, IE 9+, Safari 5.1+ */
url('http://path/to/futuratodaybold.ttf') format('truetype'); /* Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.5, Opera 10+, Safari 3—5 */
After including the above lines in your CSS code, the font can be applied by the CSS rule font-family:'Futura Today Bold' in your stylesheet.
Also note that as Christina pointed out in a comment, you should not use fonts that you do not have licensing rights to use.
Answering your other question as to how to find out which font is currently being applied, you can use your browser's developer tools to find that out. Here's a screenshot of how it can be done in Firefox.
Basically you need to have the font actually included in the bundle when the page loads to have access to it. You can easily do this once you have the file by using this html code in your <head>
<link href='font-name' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
or like this into your css
After you have done this all you have to do is set the font like you did before
This is needed to define the font name once you have the ttf. Put this in CSS
#font-face {
font-family: 'Futura Today Bold';
src: url('font-name.ttf');
If you look at this file:
Then at the beginning you can see this line which is what create the font and if you look in your file tree under fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot then you can find the eot file:
#font-face {
src:url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/Roboto-Regular-webfont.svg#Roboto') format('svg');
There are some sets of fonts that are available in the website by default. If you want to use any other fonts then you must specify the same in your css. Normally font files are available in ttf or otf format.
For example if you want to use Futura Today Bold you should first download the font file from this page.
Next, you can specify in your css, the font path that you intend to use. Visit this link to know more
If you trying to use a font in your website and it doesn't show, in many cases you just doesn't have the font available.
So google and download it (if allowed). To use it in your online websites, you have to provide the font, if you're not sure, wether everybody has this font or not. Providing can be done via #font-face. But keep copyrights in mind.
When a browser renders a page, it uses the fonts from left to right. If the most-left is not available, it goes one step to the right and so on. You will often see something like sans or sans-serif at the right and, to provide a fallback, where the browser just pick a default font of that type.
To see which font is currently used, you can right click that part (in Firefox or Chrome) and inspect the element. Look for the font section. There you can see which font is used. If you see multiple fonts, the most left/top value should be applied.
You would need to actually have the font file in your project or you can download the file using #font-face in your css.
There are quite a few services that offer fonts for download online. Some are free to download (Google Fonts, others are paid (Typekit).
This link explains a bit of how it is with fonts on the web today.

what is a webfont and can i rely on them

i want to add pretty fonts to my Bootstrap site. i'm a programmer, not a designer.
I googled around and ended up at Google Webfonts website. Google's own font browser does not work (all the fonts default to a serif or something) for any of my browsers (OSX Chrome, OSX Safari, Win7 Chrome, Win7 IE9), all the fonts show up the same.
why doesn't google's webfont broswer work for me? http://www.google.com/webfonts
how can i trust them to work for everyone else
what is the bulletproof way to use custom
to i have to buy them and host them myself? is this a bad idea?
Web fonts are fonts that have been licensed specifically for web-use. Besides Google Webfonts, there are other font sites that offer free (and legal) fonts for use on the web like Font Squirrel (free), and Typekit (mostly a paid service). Font Squirrel has a lot of fonts with #face kits that can help end the "browser blues", and make it easy to host the fonts on your own server (my preference).
There's a good article on A List Apart that will help you a bunch - have a read
BTW - it's a violation of your font license to take a font from your computer and run it through a true-type converter (for use on the web)...unless you've purchased/established licensing for web-use via the font provider/manufacturer/creator, etc.
But i used them a couple of times so thought of sharing with you guys. I am just answering for How to use them?
For ex:
When you use a particular web font Archivo then you need to include its style sheet as follows
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Archivo+Narrow' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
In other way you need to install the fonts API so that you dont need to make a online request every single time.
They should be supported by most of the modern browsers.
Can't guess the reason for the first question.
Google web-fonts will work with every browser and I'm sure it is working. There are some issues.
** Fonts will be not smooth or fonts will be jugged in some browsers such as IE. Also fonts are not clear some times (Some fonts). You have to use CSS shadows ..etc to fix this.
You can use your own web-fonts. Download font and convert it to .ttf, .svg, .eot and .woff and call them in CSS with #font-face
You don't have to buy them if you are using like above example. But you will have to buy the font if it is commercial.
** You can use cufon.js too.

Custom web font not working in IE9

I downloaded a custom font (Gotham-Light.eot), but it doesn't work on Internet Explorer 9.
#font-face {
font-family: Gotham-Light;
src: url('Gotham-Light.eot');
This doesn't work. I'm using ASP MVC3 rebuilt, used custom tool, still nothing.
First, the goods:
#font-face {
font-family: 'ludger_duvernayregular';
src: url('http://jfcoder.com/css/fonts/ludgerduvernay-fontsquirrel/ludgerduvernay.eot');
src: url('http://jfcoder.com/css/fonts/ludgerduvernay-fontsquirrel/ludgerduvernay.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('http://jfcoder.com/css/fonts/ludgerduvernay-fontsquirrel/ludgerduvernay.woff') format('woff'),
url('http://jfcoder.com/css/fonts/ludgerduvernay-fontsquirrel/ludgerduvernay.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('http://jfcoder.com/css/fonts/ludgerduvernay-fontsquirrel/ludgerduvernay.svg#ludger_duvernayregular') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
p.test {
font-family: 'ludger_duvernayregular', Arial, serif;
font-weight: 400;
color: blue;
Note, I used a font face that was purposefully easy to see as working. (And I don't have access to Gotham in a web font, so... I'm not even sure Gotham is licensed to use in web font form. If you do not have a license or the license does not allow for it, please respect that.) So you will have to do a little thinking about the paths to your font files.
What I've done is consult the blog post AlienWebGuy linked to, which is good. It's not long, so I'd read it. It boils down to:
Possibly a misconfigured MIME type for the font file. See below for more info. There's also a note that Apache may have this problem, it seems to be more of an IIS issue (according to the article).
You can trick (?) IE9 to use the EOT file instead of the WOFF, which apparently fixes the issue (according to the article).
Additionally, and as an aside, IE9 had a problem displaying the font with a jsFiddle demo using the same exact CSS. Very weird. IE7 and 8 worked fine, so I know it was working in some ways. I did not figure out what that was about, but I saved the same markup and CSS to a file on my site and it works fine.
Let me explain what's going on in the above CSS. I'll go through each line. However, keep in mind I have the web font in the following file formats:
You really probably only need eot, ttf and woff if you don't care to support legacy iOS. SVG translations are hard to obtain, though.
Now, first name your font so you can reference it:
font-family: 'ludger_duvernayregular';
IE9 Compat Modes:
src: url('http://jfcoder.com/css/fonts/ludgerduvernay-fontsquirrel/ludgerduvernay.eot');
Remember to verify the URLs you're using here actually lead to a real file. Put it in the address bar and see what happens (does it download? 404?).
On the following, though, I'm going to remove the full URL so you can see the entire statement, including the end.
IE6, 7 and 8:
src: url('http://../ludgerduvernay.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
Note this part:
.eot?#iefix <<< See below for an explanation.
Further IE CSS Fix
In some rare cases, IE will fail because the #font-face declaration
has too many characters. This can be solved in most instances by
adding a ‘#’ hash mark after the ‘?’ question mark. This buys you a
bit of extra room.
- From the Font Spring article
I have no idea why this works, so I'm taking their word for it.
Modern Browsers:
url('http://../ludgerduvernay.woff') format('woff'),
Safari, Android, iOS:
url('http://../ludgerduvernay.ttf') format('truetype'),
Legacy iOS:
url('http://../ludgerduvernay.svg#ludger_duvernayregular') format('svg');
Then use it:
p {
font-family: 'ludger_duvernayregular', Arial, serif;
I was actually surprised this works back to IE6. Anyways, notice that I use a full path to the file, not a relative one. That's usually a good place to start; check to make sure the link downloads. I'm making a big deal of this because it's basic and easy to screw up.
So if the file is downloading with the url and you've got it working in other browsers, and in IE6, 7 and/or 8, you can look at another possibility:
Fix IE9 on the Server Side (IIS)
Microsoft’s IIS server will refuse to send resources that it does not
have a MIME type for. The syntax we developed forces IE9 to take the
WOFF over the EOT, but if it is served on IIS, it will fail. This is
because IE9 requests the WOFF file, but since WOFF is not a defined
MIME type in IIS, a 404 Not Found error is returned. To solve this,
you must add ‘.woff’ with MIME type ‘application/x-font-woff’ to your
IIS installation.
- From the Font Spring article
So you may have to check your server isn't borking it. You can also use Chrome Console or Firebug NET tab to view the headers sent with the file.
Now I had a little help here, and I think you should think about the following options:
Google Web Fonts. Don't be a hero. They host the font, give you the include stylesheet markup, and presto whammo, you're in business. They also have some pretty cool fonts. There are other web font services, such as Typekit, Webtype, Fontdeck, and Fonts Live.
Font Squirrel has a #Font-Face Generator, which can give you all of the files you need (Warning: Only submit fonts you know to be licensed for web use.). Use the Expert mode, and it will give you a ZIP file with lots of great stuff, including a demo. The one I received you can download here. The interesting thing is, the generated CSS is identical to the Font Spring one, minus the comments. That's probably not a coincidence.
I found that awesome tool on this Opera Dev page. That is also worth reading.
And of course, that blog post AlienWebGuy linked to at Font Spring.
This stuff isn't hard, but you need to know how to troubleshoot. Always check that the file is downloading; you can use Chrome Console Resources tab or Firefox's Firebug add-on and watch the NET tab to see if it downloads. It if just literally won't work, post the page or code somewhere where we can get to it and we can review it.
Happy coding. :)
The super awesomely cool font used in the demo is Ludger Duvernay Regular. For more information, see Steve Cloutier/Cloutierfontes site. Thank you for making it free for personal use. :)
If you're following the instructions layed out here -- http://www.fontspring.com/blog/fixing-ie9-font-face-problems -- then it's most likely how your calling the fonts.
Make sure you are pointing to the right location from your stylesheet - the code you have above will only work if the font file is in the same directory as the stylesheet.
Hope this helps.
Gotham is a commercial product, and if you have just downloaded it from somewhere, it’s probably an illegal copy or a fake, and may well be technically broken too.
Consider using a free font of similar design, such as Cicle.
For googlers: I had a problem with either long font name or conflict with already installed font. Anyway IE were the only browser having problems.
I changed
font-family: 'HelveticaLTUltraCompressedRegular';
font-family: 'HelveticaLTUCR';
which solved my issue.
