ServiceStack DTO Model Binding for Route Parameters AND Body -

I have a Request DTO set up for performing a PUT against a service that results in an update.
I require both route parameters AND a json payload to be sent as the PUT (this payload is the ApprovalRoleData object below, and represents the new state of the object I want to have reflected on the server):
[Route("/qms/{QAID}/reviewers/{RoleType}", "PUT")]
public class UpdateReviewer
public string QAID { get; set; }
public string RoleType { get; set; }
public ApprovalRoleData UpdatedRoleData { get; set; }
Within my service, I have a Put() call that accepts this DTO: The issue is that the ApprovalRoleData object is not being deserialized (but the QAID and RoleType are):
public object Put(UpdateReviewer request)
string QAID = request.QAID; //can see value
string RT = request.RoleType; //can see value
ApprovalRoleData ard = request.UpdatedRoleData; //null
Is there a way like in WebAPI to specify that I want model binding to work with both route parameters AND a body?
Side Note:
Also, getting the underlying stream so I can just parse myself with base.RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>().InputStream didn't work since there was no remaining stream to read (i'm assuming the part of ServiceStack that does the model binding probably consumed the stream by the time I got to it?)


Ignore certain ViewModel properties in API requests?

Suppose I have the following example Resource Model defined for API Create/Read/Update/Delete interactions involving the Customer types:
public class CustomerModel
public string Address { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Uri Website { get; set; }
public DateTimeOffset WhenCreated { get; set; }
public DateTimeOffset WhenUpdated { get; set; }
Id, WhenCreated, and WhenUpdated are metadata to be generated by the underlying data repository and as such, if the customer adds them to a request they should not be kept (Id for example, would be specified in the URL so no need to include in the request body). However, these values are still important to the client.
Is there a simple approach to ignoring these metadata attributes if sent in the client request? I would expect this in the form of an attribute but have not found anything promising for .NET Core 3.1.
The JsonIgnore attribute would make sense but it wouldn't serialize the values in responses either.
I could create a separate model only used by clients for requests but this seems redundant, especially because it will require new mapping profiles. However, if using something like Swashbuckle for API documentation this could be the best approach since the class documentation wouldn't represent those as valid properties for requests.
I could add some logic to remove those properties in the business logic layer but that would likely involve another request to the database to retrieve their original values so it isn't ideal.
Thank you!

Swagger UI doesn't render body parameter field for my complex type parameter in GET action of my Controller

I have an ASP.NET Web API 2 project to which I have added Swagger - Swashbuckle v5.6.0. Everything works fine. Swagger UI renders test endpoints for my API as expected.
I added a new Controller to my API. There is a GET action with a complex type parameter. For complex types, Web API tries to read the value from the message body. This is the default behaviour.
Here is my GET action:
public IHttpActionResult Search(SearchModel searchOptions)
return Ok();
And her is my complex type:
public class SearchModel
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string Telephone { get; set; }
public string MobilePhone { get; set; }
The problem:
But Swagger UI doesn't render body parameter field for my complex type in the GET action. For POST and PUT actions Swagger UI renders body parameter fields as expected but not for the complex type in my GET action.
As can be seen in the screenshot Swagger UI renders query parameters fields for attributes in my complex type instead of rendering a body parameter field for my type as it does in the case of POST and PUT.
My GET action is working fine when testing from Postman and filling the json in the body of the request. By setting breakpoint in the action inside Visual Studio I can see the values are bound to my object in the action parameter.
I have tried to decorate the parameter in my action with [FromBody] (which is the default for complex type) but same result.
Is this a bug in Swagger? Or am I missing something?
Sadly, you can't do what you want with Swagger. You can't send a request model in an HTTP GET method. You can however change the swagger UI to look like this:
but you won't be able to receive the model in your controller.
This is a known issue within the Swagger developers and it was discussed in 2016 and the final decision is that swagger won't support a request body in an HTTP GET method. Here is the link to the already closed issue.
You have three options here:
Leave the method as it is, and test it in Postman, but not in Swagger.
Follow the below steps to achieve the picture above, but please note, that it will only fix the UI part and you will always end up with null SearchModel in the controller when you press Try it out! in swagger.
Make it a [HttpPost method instead of [HttpGet].
How to make swagger UI display GET method with request body:
First, create one Attribute class:
public class ModelInBodyAttribute : Attribute
public ModelInBodyAttribute(string modelName, string description, bool isRequired)
this.ModelName = modelName;
this.Description = description;
this.IsRequired = IsRequired;
public string ModelName { get; set; }
public bool IsRequired { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
Then you can decorate your method in the controller:
[ModelInBody(modelName: nameof(SearchModel), description: "My model description", isRequired: true)]
public IHttpActionResult Search(SearchModel searchOptions)
return Ok(new List<SearchModel>());
After that create IOperationFilter class (ModelInBodyOperationFilter):
public class ModelInBodyOperationFilter : IOperationFilter
public void Apply(Operation operation, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, ApiDescription apiDescription)
var attribute = apiDescription.GetControllerAndActionAttributes<ModelInBodyAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (attribute == null)
operation.parameters.Add(new Parameter
name = attribute.ModelName,
description = attribute.Description,
#in = "body",
required = attribute.IsRequired,
schema = new Schema { #ref = $"#/definitions/{attribute.ModelName}" }
Lastly, don't forget to register the IOperationFilter in SwaggerConfig:
When you send the request via swagger, you will notice that the Curl part is absolutely correct, but still, in your controller there is nothing.
There are endless discussions on whether you should have a PAYLOAD "Body content" in a GET request. As you mentioned it's supported by HTTP but you will find in the internet that many people suggest not to do it. I guess that swagger team also expect you not to use it.

How to return serialized JSON string, without further serialization from ASP.Net Core API

This question is similar to Return "raw" json in ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web Api but slightly more complicated.
I have a mixed content, some class like:
public class ResponseModel
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public DateTime TimesStamp { get; set; }
// this is actually JSON serialized data,
// which the function just passes through and doesn't need to understand
public string Data { get; set; }
Currently, a response would contain the Id and TimeStamp serialized correctly and Data would just be a string which would need to be deserialized one more time.
I'd instead want Data to be just pointing to the "Raw" json string, which I set it to, without further escaping it.
We don't make use of content negotiation, we only support JSON request and response, so this would be fine.
I know that I could deserialize the json string into a dynamic object and that would work, but why should the string be deserialized just to be serialized again?
So what I would want is something like
public class ResponseModel
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public DateTime TimesStamp { get; set; }
public object Data { get; set; }
but without the need to spend unnecessary time to deserialize and again serialize the content of the json string.
Not possible. If it's a string, you know it's JSON, but the serializer has no way of knowing that. However, even if it could somehow determine that it's a JSON string, it would still need to internally deserialize it so it could work it into the rest of the object, before serializing the whole thing - effectively no different than doing it yourself.

map subset of request params to an object in spring mvc

In our web app, using Spring MVC 3.2 we display many paginated lists of different objects, and the links to other pages in the list are constructed like this:
although there might be additional request parameters in the URL as well (e.g., search filters).
So we have controller methods like this:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value="/ajax/admin/list")
public String ajaxlistGroups(Model model,
#RequestParam(value="pageNumber",required=false,defaultValue="0") Long pageNumber,
#RequestParam(value="resultsPerPage",required=false,defaultValue="10") int resultsPerPage,
#RequestParam(value="sortOrder",required=false,defaultValue="DESC") String sortOrder,
#RequestParam(value="orderBy",required=false,defaultValue="modificationDate")String orderBy) {
// create a PaginationCriteria object to hold this information for passing to Service layer
// do Database search
// return a JSP view name
so we end up with this clumsy method signature, repeated several times in the app, and each method needs to create a PaginationCriteria object to hold the pagination information, and validate the input.
Is there a way to create our PaginationCriteria object automatically, if these request params are present? E.g., replace the above with:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value="/ajax/admin/list")
public String ajaxlistGroups(Model model, #SomeAnnotation? PaginationCriteria criteria,
) {
I.e., is there a way in Spring to take a defined subset of requestParams from a regular GET request, and convert them to an object automatically, so it's available for use in the Controller handler method? I've only used #ModelAttribute before, and that doesn't seem the right thing here.
Spring 3.2 should automatically map request parameters to a custom java bean.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value="/ajax/admin/list")
public String ajaxlistGroups(Model model, PaginationCriteriaBean criteriaBean,
) {
//if PaginationCriteriaBean should be populated as long as the field name is same as
//request parameter names.
I'm not sure how Spring magically achieve this(without #ModelAttribute), but the code above works for me.
There is another way to achieve the same goal, you can actually achieve more, that is spring AOP.
<bean id="aspectBean" class=""></bean>
<aop:aspect id="myAspect" ref="aspectBean">
<aop:pointcut id="myPointcut"
expression="execution(**.*(..)) and args(request,bean,..)" />
<aop:before pointcut-ref="myPointcut" method="monitor" />
in application context, we declare Aspect bean as well as Pointcut along with advice, which in your case is before advice
the following is source code
public class PaginationCriteriaBean {
private String id;
private String name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
//custom Aspect
public class MyAspect {
public void monitor( HttpServletRequest request,PaginationCriteriaBean bean){
//populate your pagination bean
bean.setName("my new name");
public String appRoot(HttpServletRequest request,PaginationCriteriaBean bean){
return "app";
by doing so, the aspect will intercept spring controller and populate PaginationCriteriaBean based on request parameters, and you can even change the original value in request. With this AOP implementation you are empowered to apply more logic against Pagination, such as logging and validation and etc.

Deserializing JSON objects as List<type> not working with asmx service

I am having trouble deserializing my JSON string. I have a class of type person with public properties for sequence number of type int, first name, and last name. I want to pass an array of these objects in JSON format and have them deserialized as a list so I can loop through them on the server, but ASP.NET says something about not being supported to be deserialized as an array. I have validated the JSON I am producing, and it is valid. Is there something special about the JSON that ASP.NET needs to have before it can deserialize? The funny thing is if I serialize a list<person> object to JSON it looks exactly like the JSON I am producing. I must be missing something... To clarify, I'm using the ASP.NET Ajax library to deserialize. This is what I get back from the web service:
{"Message":"Type \u0027System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]\u0027 is not supported for deserialization of an array."
Actually unfortunately this doesn't seem to have anything to do with deserializing, it appears that you can't pass an array of JSON objects to an asmx web service. Am I correct? If you can't do that, is it possible to pass a collection of JSON objects to a web service and have them processed on the server with ASP.NET and C#?
OK, here is my code. Here is the person class:
public class person
public person()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public int seq
public string firstName
public string lastName
And here is my JSON string:
And here is the code I'm using
public void updatePeople(string json)
IList<person> people =
new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<IList<person>>(json);
//do stuff...
I figured it out. I wasn't wrapping my JSON in an object like ASP.NET Ajax requires. For future viewers of this question, all JSON objects must be wrapped with a main object before being sent to the web service. The easiest way to do this is to create the object in JavaScript and use something like json2.js to stringify it. Also, if using an asmx web service, the objects must have a __type attribute to be serialized properly. An example of this might be:
var person=new object;
var data=new object;
This will create an object called p that will wrap a person object. This can then be linked to a parameter p in the web service. Lists of type person are made similarly, accept using an array of persons instead of just a single object. I hope this helps someone.
Could you show the JSON string you are trying to deserialize and the way you are using the Deserialize method? The following works fine:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
namespace Test
class Program
class Person
public int SequenceNumber { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public static void Main()
string json = "[{\"SequenceNumber\":1,\"FirstName\":\"FN1\",\"LastName\":\"LN1\"},{\"SequenceNumber\":2,\"FirstName\":\"FN2\",\"LastName\":\"LN2\"}]";
IList<Person> persons = new JavaScriptSerializer()
Or even simpler, when you are doing the $.ajax(...) use
and then on the other side of the code, make your function use the parameter "object key"
public static return_type myfunction(object key){...}
public void updatePeople(object json)
var person = "[{"seq":1,"firstName":"Chris","lastName":"Westbrook"}
var str = "{'json':'" + JSON.stringify(person) + "'}";
I think the problem is what type you have to deserialize. You are trying to deserialize type
but you should try to deserialize just
Since interface can not be instantiated this might is the root problem.
