Height of button grows 1px for smaller font size - css

I'm using twitter bootstrap to create a button group.
When I changed font size of smaller class to 12px (14px by default), the height of the left button grows 1px. How can I avoid it? Checked by Chrome 26, Firefox 20.
<div class="btn-group">
<button class="btn">
<div class="smaller" style="font-size: 12px;">
<button class="btn">
Example is available at http://jsfiddle.net/kawachi/xkP9j/

set the line-height also
<div class="smaller" style="font-size: 12px;line-height: 12px;">

The problem is the line height. You need to either remove the line-height attribute from .btn or you need to add it to div.smaller to match the font-size


Make buttons take the full width of that row and split it evenly

I have a modal
<div class="modal fade editModal in" data-backdrop="static" style="display: block; padding-left: 15px;">
<div class="model-content" style="margin-top: 200px;">
<div class="col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-2 col-md-offset-5 col-md-2 text-center">
<img width="80" src="/assets/be/img/baby/solidfood.png"><br><br><br>
<input type="time" value="14:25" name="updatedAt" width="100%" height="80">
<div style="display:flex; justify-content: space-between;">
<button onclick="updateLog('7873', '๐Ÿญ' )" class="btn btn-option btn-solidfood">๐Ÿญ</button>
<button onclick="updateLog('7873', '๐Ÿฒ' )" class="btn btn-option btn-solidfood">๐Ÿฒ</button>
<button onclick="updateLog('7873')" class="btn btn-option btn-success btn-block">Done</button>
<button onclick="deleteLog('7873', 'solidfood')" class="btn btn-option btn-danger btn-block">Delete</button>
.btn-option {
width: 100%;
height: 80px;
I have no idea why the buttons is not extended to the end!
It stopped at 95%.
How do I debug this and make it take a full width ?
The cause
The problem was caused by the margin-right: 10px;.
.btn, .btn:hover {
color: white;
margin-right: 10px;
A solution
So, what should you do? Setting margin-right: 0px; would produce the result you can see below. This is not what you want because there's no space in-between these two elements.
You need to set margin-right: 0px; only to the right (i.e., last) element. You can do this by adding this:
.btn:last-child, .btn:last-child:hover {
margin-right: 0px;
This will produce the result you can see below.
Try removing those two <br> tags inside the <div>
<div style="display:flex; justify-content: space-between;">
<button onclick="updateLog('7873', '๐Ÿญ' )" class="btn btn-option btn-solidfood">๐Ÿญ</button>
<button onclick="updateLog('7873', '๐Ÿฒ' )" class="btn btn-option btn-solidfood">๐Ÿฒ</button>
<!-- Try removing these -->
I don't think you'll need them inside a flexbox anyways.
Or maybe it's the padding-left:14px on the parent div that's causing this.Try changing that too and this should fix it.
I opened your code provided and unchecked "margin-right:10px;" and it removed the margin on the right side of the button so that the buttons take up the full width of the row (parent element) and both buttons are taking half of the row. See image: CSS code highlighted in yellow and Fixed App
There are multiple ways to skin this cat.
The bootstrap way:
This solution uses the built-in bootstrap grid system to accomplish the result you're looking for.
Remove the inline styling from your container div and replace it with bootstrap's row class. Then wrap each contained button inside divs with the class col-lg-6.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<button onclick="updateLog('8014', '๐Ÿญ' )" class="btn btn-option btn-solidfood">๐Ÿญ</button>
<div class="col-lg-6">
<button onclick="updateLog('8014', '๐Ÿฒ' )" class="btn btn-option btn-solidfood">๐Ÿฒ</button>
It looks clean require no additional css or overrides. However you are stuck with the bootstrap default column gap between buttons which may not be desirable.
Incidentally, if at all possible, I highly recommend upgrading to bootstrap 4 instead of 3, as it's much more flexible to tweaking this kind of thing without having to resort to writing more css.
Custom CSS way:
If you want more control over the gap between the buttons, bootstrap may not be your best bet.
This is similar to the solution above from Cervus Camelopardalis and uses the :first-child and :last-child pseudo-classes.
Remove the inline style from the container element and instead give it a descriptive class name. I chose "double-btn" but use whatever makes the most sense to you.
<div class="double-btn">
<button onclick="updateLog('7997', '๐Ÿญ' )" class="btn btn-option btn-solidfood">๐Ÿญ</button>
<button onclick="updateLog('7997', '๐Ÿฒ' )" class="btn btn-option btn-solidfood">๐Ÿฒ</button>
In your CSS, add a rule for this class to set display: flex.
Then add another rule targeting any .btn's that are children of this class, removing the default bootstrap margin.
Then add one last set of rules targeting the :first-child and :last-child pseudo-classes of those .btns, setting the margin-right and margin-left to half of your desired gap, respectively. I chose a ten pixel gap here, but with this approach you can change it whatever looks best to you.
.double-btn {
display: flex;
.double-btn .btn {
margin: 0;
.double-btn .btn:first-child {
margin-right: 5px;
.double-btn .btn:last-child {
margin-left: 5px;
From here, you can adjust the above margin-right and margin-left values to change the size of the gap between buttons.
It looks like you have margin-right on those two buttons, because your buttons have width of 100% and there is space between them and at the end of that div.
Try adding margin: 0; on .btn-option.
If this doesn't do the trick try setting white-space: normal; on parent div.

div text exceeds parent's width

img of what is actually happening
Basically, there is a div which its text is exceeding its maximum width. Ive already tried to set max-width:100% (to see if it sets the maximum width to parent's full width) in more or less 10 parent divs but the problem is still happening. Also, ive already looked for some similar posts in here and most of them tell me to use white-space:normal but it actually breaks a new line for every word.
In the example below, you can find 3 fields, the first one is the "normal" one, and the others are with white-space:normal.
The source code doesn't seem to have any problems with it:
<fieldset data-type="horizontal" *ngIf="poll.type == 'Opรงรฃo'">
<label translate>Escolher Opรงรฃo:</label>
<div class="row">
<div class="btn-group form-vote" data-toggle="buttons">
<div class="btn btn-block" *ngFor="let option of poll.options" [ngClass]="{'active': isChosenOption(poll.pollId, option.optionId)}">
<div class="btn-circle btn-success" (click)="registerOptionVote(poll.pollId, option.optionId)">
<i class="fa" [ngClass]="{'fa-check': isChosenOption(poll.pollId, option.optionId)}"></i>
<div style="white-space: normal;"> {{option.description}} </div>
JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/cadorealves/9yhLxmz6/
Problem the second div get witdh of btn-cirlce.
You should move out the div
<div style="white-space: normal;"> {{option.description}} </div>
of <div class="btn-circle btn-success"
Set .btn-circle and .description as inline-block
Demo https://jsfiddle.net/viethien/z87ar50e/5/

how to make md-sidenav responsive in material 2

I am using this code to make toolbar responsive
<div fxLayout fxShow="false" fxShow.gt-xs>
<button md-raised-button><md-icon>add</md-icon>New Role</button>
<span style=" flex-grow: 0.1"></span>
<button md-raised-button><md-icon>mode_edit</md-icon></button>
<button md-raised-button><md-icon>delete</md-icon></button>
<span style=" flex-grow: 2"></span>
<button md-raised-button><md-icon>perm_identity</md-icon>Add User</button>
<span style=" flex-grow: 0.1"></span>
<button md-raised-button><md-icon>delete</md-icon></button>
<!--button that will be visible when screen is small-->
<span style="flex: 1 1 auto;"></span>
<button md-button [md-menu-trigger-for]="menu" fxHide="false" fxHide.gt-xs>
Now when the screen size is extra small all other button gets hidden and a menu button is shown. The problem I am facing is that when the screen is of full size the flex-grow properties are not working in the toolbar. I have given the flex-grow to 0.1,2 in span element, but on UI there is no gap between button.
What could be the possible issue?
And is there any other better way to make toolbar responsive?
I have tried fxFlex directive still no effect.
As all the buttons are under div, now if I remove that div container, it works. But as I have to hide all the buttons based on screen size so div is necessary to contain all the buttons.

Boostrap form-control class not wordwraping label

I have a Bootstrap 3.0 application and inside a form I have the following code:
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="form-control" style="padding-bottom:40px;">
<div class="col-md-10">
<label>Declaratively walpurgisnacht station wellesley unsmudged cystomatous transfuse pecos nonconservative cocainise seaway unblasted gainsaid prewhipped. Adenomatous tzarevna fustily opelika counterblow balaamitical frogmouth damaskeening orthopneic carriable palaeontology postmyxedemic grandsire retouchtracing. Floor saturnalia bagwork semiacid drawl unregal cartouch predestinating curses traymobile quixotism antithesis fourpenny reshine. Gleamingly mongoloid ectrodactylous endostosis chromophil presagefully titillate cruise proairplane curaao montanan untappable flavius unintercepting. Gotha sarape halfpaced winnipegosis aphasia parotidean hydrate hatchetlike nonignitable shockingly changeable animi feces coerce</label>
<div class="col-md-2">
<button class="btn btn-primary waves-effect waves-light" style="display: inline-block; width:80px" data-step="1">
The result is the following image.
Here is the form-control style:
If you see my <label> has a lot of words and the problem I have is that the round background rectangle is not growing with the Word Wrap.
I marked with red the round background rectangle that Im talking about.
How can I make that background to grow in the same ratio?
You are not using the bootstrap classes in their intended way
.form-control has a fixed height. You could either change .form-control to not have a fixed height or add a custom class to change the height of the element. I recommend looking into the intended use of this and other bootstrap classes here:
You have to edit the .form-control class so that it doesn't have a fixed height. Here's a demo, where I added height:auto to the .form-control class.

Center within a Bootstrap Well

I have been struggling to get the contents of a boostrap well to center. My badge goes to the right, instead of under the arrows, and my arrows (aka, vote buttons) are not centered in the well either. I have attached a screenshot, and here is the relevant code:
<div class="col-md-1 col-sm-1 well">
<div class="votingButton" data-ng-controller="pfcArticleVoting" data-ng-click="upVote(article);">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"></i>
<div class="badge badge-inverse">
<div class="votingButton" data-ng-controller="pfcArticleVoting" data-ng-click="downVote(article);">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></i>
Here is the only custom CSS beyond default bootstrap:
/* Voting styling */
cursor: pointer;
Here is the screenshot:
try class="text-center", that should do the trick, if not you can reposition it using style="postion: absolute; margin-left: -5px;", if you're not too picky about the well size, that might be another problem as "well". fix the size to be a little bigger, that would help.
Your column width is too small to render correctly. You need to change col-md-1 col-sm-1 to col-md-2 col-sm-2 or reduce the padding inside the div.
