Image text aligned left, inside div - css

I have an image with text aligned to the left of it. Both the image and text is sitting inside a div that I have styled to look like a red bubble in the background of the post. The bubble only goes as far as the text and not the image (the image goes down much farther than the text), causing the image to break into other posts. How do I make this div the correct size that can fit anything i put into it (in this case the image)?

Add overflow:auto to your .post-bubble rule. {
padding: 10px;
background-color: #e17474;
border-radius: 10px;
jsFiddle example

If you want the content to allow anything inside of it, give it overflow:auto.
If you want the bubble to extend so that it also covers the img tag, however, give .post-bubble a height: {
padding: 10px;
background-color: #e17474;
border-radius: 10px;
The reason why the image extends farther than the div is because the img is taken out of the flow of the page, i.e. no longer being a block element, when you declare align:right.

either add overflow:auto; to your post-bubble div or define a height to the post-bubble div eg.. height: 600px; covers it nicely..

On div tag do a display:block in css

I think the best solution is to force element to self-clear its children. {
clear: both;
content: '';
display: table;
You can also create a specific class for other elements in your project/projects like:
.clear-children:after {
clear: both;
content: '';
display: table;
And add this class (.clear-children, without :after) to every element with floated children.


CSS box element positioning

Here I have create one div box using css stlye.
Fiddle: Correct view
But if the description is small then content misaligned as below:
Misaligned box
i tried changing the position and css values, but no luck.
Can some one tell me how can I keep footer part on it's position even if the content is small.
You need to clear the floats:
.footer-working-area {
clear:both; /* this sets the element flow back to normal */
background: transparent url(...) left 5px repeat-x;
/* /\ have some padding for the img */
Now the footer always stays below the picture, no matter how few text content you have.
Here you have the accordingly modified example fiddle.
You can give your text a min-height...
.text { min-height: 110px; }
... or a height if you don't expect longer texts
.text { height: 110px; }
... or clear the floats as Christoph mentioned in an other answer.
Add clearfix to the .text class
.text::after {
content: "";
display: block;
clear: both;

Overlapping box-shadow with float divs

What is expected
top shadow of second .child .comment-box is displayed and overlapping the first .child .comment-box
What browser renders
box shadow of second .child .comment-box in the region of div.content with float:right is not displayed.
You have to change the position of comment-box div to relative
.comment-box { position: relative; }
so shadow will overlap the first div.
You need to change the display of the li.child so that the contents of div.content do not escape it.
Add this CSS :
li.child { display: inline-block; }

css min-width issue

.mainCoverWrapper {
position: relative;
I'm trying to center a div with min-width of 312px and make it expand according to its dynamic content while keeping it centered.
Right now the min-with doesn't work at all because it needs a float. I can't use a float because I need the div centered on the page.
In other words, div starts out with margin auto with a width of 312px and expands with its added content while being centered. Is this possible?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's a working example of the parent to follow the width of the child, and the child will expand according to the text given in it.
.myCoverWrapper {
border: 1px solid Peru;
min-width: 200px;
max-width: 100%;
display: inline-block;
background: red;
.test {
height: 100px;
margin: 10px;
background: cyan;
This makes the parent div follow the width of the kid.
This however, will disallow you to "center" it. There's no way you can have both. This is because you cant center an image without knowing the width of the element.
The solution is to use jQuery, to add CSS in when necessary.
Here's an example. There's some bugs, but well, you have the general idea.
If you want the width to be fluid, your best bet is to set display: inline-block; on the to-be-centered element, and text-align: center; to the parent element.
See: CSS center display inline block?

child div goes outside parent div

Currently I am designing a website using CSS and HTML etc. But I have faced a problem there : my child div goes outside the parent div when I add floating to the child. The site resides here my web design
Be more specific. Where is the problem on the website?
Try to add this to css, so parent will know about the size of the child element:
You need to clear after your float.
Try adding this css:
.container:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;
Test the follwing CSS
.parentDiv {
float: left,
width: 200px,
height: 30px
float: left,
width: 100px,
The child division should be included in the parent one, you can use border on both element to make sure.

CSS Background 100% Height Problem

Live example of background issue:
As you can see the gray stripped background image flows over the bottom of the footer and leaves about 115 extra pixels below the footer. The div that contains the background image is <div id="home_page_back"> and is contained within the body element, both of which are set at a height of 100%.
I want the background image to hit the footer and then stop … not go any further past it. Can someone please advise?
Also - I do not want to place the image as a background of the body.
Copy of the CSS:
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
background-color: #f3f3f3;
font-family: Arial;
font-size: 12px;
color: #333333;
#home_page_back {
background:#9C9D9B url( top center no-repeat !important;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: -1;
position: absolute;
I think it's the way you structured your markup, actually. Place the content below
<div id="home_page_back" style="display: block;"></div>
inside of it, remove the 100% height rule and replace it with overflow:hidden. The content will expand that div out to see the background image. As it stands now, you've made it a separate, absolutely positioned div and given it 100% height, which makes it at big as the background image you have inside it, and it expands beyond any of the content coming after it because that content now ignores it in the layout (because it's positioned absolutely.) At least that's the theory I'm going with :)
If you want the height 100% to work like that, give the body element 100% height, and the html element also 100% height.
Add overflow: hidden; to your body css.
And please, try validating your html before doing anything else and before looking for help.
#feck; may you have want an sticky footer check this answer .
#home_page_back {
background:#9C9D9B url( top center no-repeat !important;
padding-bottom: 30px;
Wrap "home_page_back" div around "content" div in the html instead.
Remove margin-top from #footer css.
Then, if you want it, you can add the space after the footer.
