Can I prevent events with conflict time? - fullcalendar

How can I prevent events with conflict time? Is there any variable to set up?

No, there is not a variable to set, but you can use something like clientEvents which retrieves events that fullcalendar has in memory. You can use the function below in the eventDrop. In the case below it uses a function to filter out whether the event will have have an overlap or not.
function checkOverlap(event) {
var start = new Date(event.start);
var end = new Date(event.end);
var overlap = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('clientEvents', function(ev) {
if( ev == event)
return false;
var estart = new Date(ev.start);
var eend = new Date(ev.end);
return (Math.round(estart)/1000 < Math.round(end)/1000 && Math.round(eend) > Math.round(start));
if (overlap.length){
//either move this event to available timeslot or remove it

you can add eventOverlap : false in the celendar config,

Correct overlap checking.
eventDrop: function(event, dayDelta, minuteDelta, allDay, revertFunc, jsEvent, ui, view) {
/// deny overlap of event
var start = new Date(event.start);
var end = new Date(event.end);
var overlap = $('#calendar').fullCalendar('clientEvents', function(ev) {
if( ev == event) {
return false;
var estart = new Date(ev.start);
var eend = new Date(ev.end);
return (
( Math.round(start) > Math.round(estart) && Math.round(start) < Math.round(eend) )
( Math.round(end) > Math.round(estart) && Math.round(end) < Math.round(eend) )
( Math.round(start) < Math.round(estart) && Math.round(end) > Math.round(eend) )
if (overlap.length){
return false;

Add custom property in the event object overlap:false for example your event object will be
start: '2017-01-04T16:30:00',
end: '2017-01-04T16:40:00',
Now override selectOverlap function,
selectOverlap: function(event) {
if(event.ranges && event.ranges.length >0) {
return (event.ranges.filter(function(range){
return (event.start.isBefore(range.end) &&
else {
return !!event && event.overlap;
It will not let the another event to override the already placed event.

This does the trick. It also handles resizing overlapping events
var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
selectOverlap: false,
eventOverlap: false


In between the calendar div and the external events fullcalendar

Can anybody tell me which fullcalendar event callback should I use
To handle the case where : the current external event stopped dragging
and it's localised not over the external events Box neither over The Calendar?
knowing that I have both methods isEventOverDiv
//return true/false if we are (not) over the external events and isEventOverDivCal//return true/false if we are (not) over the calendar
I tried in eventDragStop: function (event, jsEvent, ui, view)
eventDragStop: function (event, jsEvent, ui, view){
// if the event is not over the external events box and neither over the calendar
if(!isEventOverDiv(jsEvent.clientX, jsEvent.clientY) && !isEventOverDivCal(jsEvent.clientX, jsEvent.clientY) ) {
// reset
var reccupuredIndexForTitle=$(this).attr('id');
//return true if we are over the external events
var isEventOverDiv = function (x, y) {
var external_events = $('#external-events');
var offset = external_events.offset();
offset.right = external_events.width() + offset.left;
offset.bottom = external_events.height() +;
// Compare
if (x >= offset.left &&
y >= &&
x <= offset.right &&
y <= offset.bottom) {return true;}
return false;
//return true if we are over the calendar
var isEventOverDivCal = function(x, y) {
var external_events = $( '#calendar' );
var offset = external_events.offset();
offset.right = external_events.width() + offset.left;
offset.bottom = external_events.height() +;
// Compare
if (x >= offset.left
&& y >=
&& x <= offset.right
&& y <= offset .bottom) { return true;}
return false;
but it's not working.
update 2
in order to overcome the obstacle of putting events above the virtual scroll bar during their trip into the calendar
1- I apply from mycontroller $scope.ctrlstartDragging
(which triggers from the HTML view on ondragstart="angular.element(this).scope().ctrlstartDragging(id)" callback).
$scope.ctrlstartDragging = function(id) {
var book = document.getElementById(id);
var domRect = absolutePosition(book); = 'fixed'; = + 'px'; = domRect.left + 'px'; + 'px';
and to be able to unset css styles (position top left width)
(N.B: ondragend="angular.element(this).scope().ctrlendDragging(id)" callback)
is not fired and I don't know why but it's not a problematic in my case)
so the purpose is that I should call manually
$scope.ctrlendDragging = function(id) {
var book = document.getElementById(id); = 'relative'; = 'unset'; = 'unset';'unset';
and to do as I said, in case the user aborts to put the event on the calendar during the dragging and this event is positioned both outside the external event box and outside the calendar.
but in my case see MyPlunk I need when the revert is applied , I will need during the revert of this event to the external event box to do make a call to it with the folloiwing
// reset
var reccupuredIndexForTitle=$(this).attr('id');
so I need when the revert is applied I sould apply those two lines
because if they are not applied when an user abort a dragging into the calendar
the event revert but without the unset css styles applied to .style.position top left width
I would get an one isolated external event on the top of the external events box like shown below:
Many thanks.
added the following to my controller:
var x =-1;
var y=-1;
$('#external-events').on('dragstop', function(evt)
isDragging = false;
x = evt.originalEvent.pageX;
y = evt.originalEvent.pageY;
if(!isDragging && x !=-1 && y!=-1 && !isEventOverDiv(x, y) && !isEventOverDivCal(x, y) )
// reset
var reccupuredIndexForTitle=$('.fc-event').attr('id');
As you can see from the code, I used jquery on('dragstop') because I don't know why
on ondragend event is not fired
so I removed it from my view HTML ondragend="angular.element(this).scope().ctrlendDragging(id)"
and called manualy from my controller $scope.ctrlendDragging(id) to reset the current dragged event when stoped via $('#external-events').on('dragstop', function(evt)
and handled the case the current external event stopped dragging and it's localised not over the external events Box neither over The Calendar
if(!isDragging && x !=-1 && y!=-1 && !isEventOverDiv(x, y) && !isEventOverDivCal(x, y) )
Working codePen
Because The first solution is basic and work in hazardous conditions
It works only for the first draggable li
and it's not exact nor precise. I made an update to the following:
var domRect;
var isDragging = false;
var x =-1;
var y=-1;
$scope.positionX =-1;
var myId=-1;
$(document).ready(function() {
$scope.ctrlstartDragging = function(id) {
myId = id;
$scope.ctrlendDragging = function(id) { = "9999";
$('#external-events').on('dragstop', function(evt)
$scope.$watchGroup(['positionX','positionY'],function () {
x = $scope.positionX;
y = $scope.positionY;
if(!isDragging && x !=-1 && y!=-1 && !isEventOverDiv(x, y) && !isEventOverDivCal(x, y) ) {
// reset
var reccupuredIndexForTitle=myId;
});//end of $(document).ready(function()
Enclosed in $(document).ready(function() {
all functions that shoul be appplied in document ready:
1- $scope.ctrlstartDragging from which we get myId equal (current li) id passed
via html view ondragstart="angular.element(this).scope().ctrlstartDragging(id)"
2- $scope.ctrlendDragging n.b : I set the z-index via = "9999"; so we could work in a modal context
3- $('#external-events').on('dragstop', function(evt) that should work in
$(document).ready(function() { or $window.load
where added a watchgroup on changes made on positionX positionY of an li
$scope.$watchGroup(['positionX','positionY'],function () {
x = $scope.positionX;
y = $scope.positionY;
also added
if(!isDragging && x !=-1 && y!=-1 && !isEventOverDiv(x, y) && !isEventOverDivCal(x, y) ) {
// reset
var reccupuredIndexForTitle=myId;
which work with myId this time gotten from $scope.ctrlstartDragging
On the other Hand, I added when initialising external events
$('#external-events .fc-event').each(function() {
drag: function(){ to get the exact positionX positionY for the current dragged li element
zIndex: 999,
revert: true, // will cause the event to go back to its
revertDuration: 0, // original position after the drag
drag: function(){
var offset = $(this).offset();
var xPos = offset.left;
var yPos =;
$scope.$apply(function() {
$scope.positionX =xPos;
$scope.positionY = yPos;
Working codePen for li
Hope it may help somebody ;).

Select2 not working in Jquery-Steps wizard plugin

Please help with the script function on how to make select2 plugin work in wizard jquery template it is not firing and i'm using the search box, when it clicked it jams.Thank you
$('.class').select2(); AFTER $('#form').steps();
This has helped me thanks but..
bodyTag: "fieldset",
onStepChanging: function (event, currentIndex, newIndex)
// Always allow going backward even if the current step contains invalid fields!
if (currentIndex > newIndex)
return true;
// Forbid suppressing "Warning" step if the user is to young
if (newIndex === 3 && Number($("#age").val()) < 18)
return false;
var form = $(this);
// Clean up if user went backward before
if (currentIndex < newIndex)
// To remove error styles
$(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") label.error", form).remove();
$(".body:eq(" + newIndex + ") .error", form).removeClass("error");
// Disable validation on fields that are disabled or hidden.
form.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled,:hidden";
// Start validation; Prevent going forward if false
return form.valid();
onStepChanged: function (event, currentIndex, priorIndex)
// Suppress (skip) "Warning" step if the user is old enough.
if (currentIndex === 2 && Number($("#age").val()) >= 18)
// Suppress (skip) "Warning" step if the user is old enough and wants to the previous step.
if (currentIndex === 2 && priorIndex === 3)
onFinishing: function (event, currentIndex)
var form = $(this);
// Disable validation on fields that are disabled.
// At this point it's recommended to do an overall check (mean ignoring only disabled fields)
form.validate().settings.ignore = ":disabled";
// Start validation; Prevent form submission if false
return form.valid();
onFinished: function (event, currentIndex)
var form = $(this);
// Submit form input
errorPlacement: function (error, element)
rules: {
confirm: {
equalTo: "#password"
var form =$("#form");
theme: 'bootstrap4',

Fullcalendar background events

Is it possible to hide events that are inside background events so that the user cannot see it?
if yes what is the way to do it ?
var isValidEvent = function(start,end,id){
return $("#calendar").fullCalendar('clientEvents', function (event) {
return (event.rendering === "background" && id!='test' &&
(start>event.start) && (end<event.end)) ;
}).length > 0;
eventRender:function(event, element, view) if(isValidEvent(event.start,event.end,{
As of the docs, eventRender callback should either return an event OR false if the event should be hidden:
eventRender:function(event, element, view)
return event;
else {
return false;
I haven't tested yet as I don't need it, but should work that way.
I got it like this:
eventRender:function(event, element, view){
var array= new Array();
array = $("#calendar").fullCalendar('clientEvents','test');
for(i of array){
if(event.source.url=="events.php" && moment(event.start)>=moment(i.start) && moment(event.end)<=moment(i.end)){
return false;
} }

input text return event in Meteor

I want to capture the event of a user pressing enter on an input of type="text" when they are filling out a form. This is done all over the web, yet the answer eludes me.
This is what I have so far:
In the html file, I have a text input like so:
<input type="text" size=50 class="newlink">
In the Javascript file, I am trying to capture the the user pressing enter to effectively submit the form. I am then grabbing the text from the input and going to stash it in the database: = {
'submit input.newLink': function () {
var url = template.find(".newLink").value;
// add to database
The submit event is emitted from forms, not single input elements.
The built in event map for meteor is documented here:
You'll have to listen for a keyboard event (keydown, keypress, keyup). Within the event handler, check, if it's the return/enter key (Keycode 13), and proceed on success. = {
'keypress input.newLink': function (evt, template) {
if (evt.which === 13) {
var url = template.find(".newLink").value;
// add to database
You could look into how this is achieved in the todos example (client/todos.js).
It uses a generic event handler for input fields (as seen below). You can browse the rest of the code for usage.
////////// Helpers for in-place editing //////////
// Returns an event map that handles the "escape" and "return" keys and
// "blur" events on a text input (given by selector) and interprets them
// as "ok" or "cancel".
var okCancelEvents = function (selector, callbacks) {
var ok = callbacks.ok || function () {};
var cancel = callbacks.cancel || function () {};
var events = {};
events['keyup '+selector+', keydown '+selector+', focusout '+selector] =
function (evt) {
if (evt.type === "keydown" && evt.which === 27) {
// escape = cancel, evt);
} else if (evt.type === "keyup" && evt.which === 13 ||
evt.type === "focusout") {
// blur/return/enter = ok/submit if non-empty
var value = String( || "");
if (value), value, evt);
else, evt);
return events;
I used this js function once to suppress the user using the return key in the text field to submit the form data. Perhaps you could modify it to suit the capture?
function stopRKey(evt) { // Stop return key functioning in text field.
var evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null);
var node = ( ? : ((evt.srcElement) ? evt.srcElement : null);
if ((evt.keyCode == 13) && (node.type=="text")) { return false; }
document.onkeypress = stopRKey;
You can also use event.currentTarget.value = {
'keypress input.newLink': function (evt) {
if (evt.which === 13) {
var url = event.currentTarget.value;
// add to database

Calling jquery function from ascx not working

I'm having a problem with the following situation.
I have an ascx which contains a submit button for a search criteria and I am trying to call a validation function in a js file I've used throughout the site (this is the first time I'm using it in an ascx).
Now I've just tried this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jsAdmin_Generic_SystemValidation.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".submitBtn").click(function (e) {
alert("test 2");
The file is being referenced correctly as I am already seeing posts in Firebug that are done by it.
This is the function:
Validate: function () {
var requiredElements = $('.required').length; // Get the number of elements with class required
$('.required').each(function () {
// If value of textbox is empty and have not
// yet been validated then validate all required
// elements. i.e.
if (($(this).val() == "") || ($(this).hasClass("validationError")) || ($(this).hasClass("validationAlert")) || ($(this).hasClass("validationOk") == false)) {
if ($('.validationOk').length == requiredElements) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Another extended function, this function
// is used for pages with the edit-in-place
// feature implemented.
validateElement: function (obj) {
var elementId = obj.attr("id"); // id of the button clicked.
var flag = 0;
if (elementId.toLowerCase() == "paymentmethodid") {
// Case elementId = paymentMethodId then check all the
// elements with css class starting with openStorage
var requiredElements = $(document).find("input[class*='openStorage']").length; // Get the number of elements with css class starting with openStorage
// Loop through all the elements with css class containing
// openStorage abd validate each element.
$(document).find("input[class*='openStorage']").each(function () {
if (($(this).val() == "") || ($(this).hasClass("validationError")) || ($(this).hasClass("validationAlert"))) {
if ($(this).hasClass("validationOk")) {
} else if (($(this).hasClass("validationError")) || ($(this).hasClass("validationAlert"))) {
// If all elements are valid return true else return false
if (flag == requiredElements) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else if (elementId.toLowerCase() == "registeredfortax") {
if (($('.TaxRegistrationNumber').val() == "") || ($('.TaxRegistrationNumber').hasClass("validationError")) || ($('.TaxRegistrationNumber').hasClass("validationAlert"))) {
if ($('.TaxRegistrationNumber').hasClass("validationOk")) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
var elementClass = "." + elementId;
if (($(elementClass).val() == "") || ($(elementClass).hasClass("validationError")) || ($(elementClass).hasClass("validationAlert")) || ($(elementClass).hasClass("validationOk") == false)) {
if ($(elementClass).hasClass("validationOk") && ($(elementClass).hasClass("required"))) {
return true;
} else if ($(elementClass).hasClass("required") == false) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
Now at first I was getting "Validate() is not a function" in firebug. Since I did that alert testing, I am getting the first alert, then nothing with no errors.
Can anyone shed some light?
Are you using the extend method properly? ...
