Wordpress - adding custom field to category page - wordpress

I am want to add a custom select field to the category page of wordpress.
I tried searching google and WordPress but solution I found were outdated and not support ajax update.
Kindly show me an example which adds a custom field to category page and uses ajax.
below link solved my problem. simple and awesome

There are lots of solutions but all of them have one thing in common. They are saving that extra field value added to a category in the option table not in the post meta table. Because on the next wp update one may loose the custom category field values. so if your problem get solved by this then hare are the links to do the same.
A whole discussion related to your problem.
A tutorial based on you posted question.


Add an admin-only comments box on a custom post type

I want to add a comment box (like the one from woocommerce from example - the one on the right from an order view).
The idea is that only admins can comment and see these and I also was thinking of adding the last comment of a post as a column in my custom post page list(where all my custom posts are being shown).
Can I get some sort of advice/alternative on what should I start with/check? Perhaps an already made plugin that enables admin-only comments for custom posts.
Thank you!

Algolia Wordpress plugin not indexing post content

Just wondering if you guys could help me. I have indexed all my content from WP and when using the instant search only a few posts are showing any sort of excerpt. I have reindexed a few times to see if it resolved it to no luck.
I am looking on algolia's dashboard and when searching for specific items they have only specific attributes filled in. screenshot from algolia dashboard
Any help is appreciated.
By default the plugin will split the post's content into multiple Algolia records.
Then when displaying results, we display the most relevant matched record as the excerpt.
You could customize this behaviour by following this guide: https://community.algolia.com/wordpress/customize-search-page.html
Let us know if there is something you would like to achieve that does not seem supported or easy to implement.
It seems like some users are more satisfied with putting the post_title as last in the ranking. That way, the displayed excerpt will be relevant.
the only cases where this would not be ideal is if you want the post title to be more important as the content of your post.

Woocommerce Search by Attributes

I am facing a little problem with the default woocommerce search system.
I need to open a WooCommerce based Book Store. ALl The books contain unique properties like Identification No and ODN or IBN.
Now i need a search bar which gives me the result of the relative book if i enter any of the unique properties like Identification No and ODN or IBN in the search bar.
A plugin or code would work.
Thankyou very much..
I have found a solution I hope it helps to the people to who are facing the same issue.
I have found a plugin by the name SearchWP. It is really an extensive search plugin. It supports WooCommerce and also supports custom fields.I can also weight to attributes which are saved as meta fields to sort the search. Here is a video that gives you an overview of the plugin:

Page Template Custom Options

I have a little question. I am making a wordpress template that uses custom page templates. Now i ran into a problem. I want to create a page with a intro text and blog posts that come from a certain category. When a user creates a new page, I want them to be able to select the category from witch the posts are shown. Kinda like a drop down box with category's from where they can select the category they want. Does anyone maby knows a tutorial where I could learn how to do this ?
I mean something like this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/10/naamloosea.jpg/
I already searched google but I could only find tutorials on how to make a template options page.
Thanks in advance,
You would want to create a Meta Box to save the category as a custom field entry within Pages. In here you could list the categories within a select box. You could then use this in the page template to pull in the posts from that category as you wish. I'll see if I can dig out a decent tutorial for this.
I did a quick search and found the following plugin for WordPress that may be of use... http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/map-categories-to-pages/

Creating relationships between posts in WordPress

Is there a way to create an exlicit relationship between two posts in WordPress regarless of what categories those posts might be in?
The idea is that within the post template it would be obtain and list the related posts for the current post.
I'm guessing you could achieve this using tags to group posts together, but that seems to be a hi-jacking of the tag system for a purpose for which is wasn't designed.
Any ideas?
Would adding post IDs as meta data help? I had written a quick hack to display the Digg box for posts that were submitted to Digg. I was manually adding a digg_url meta field with the Digg URL. Perhaps you could add multiple related__post fields and add some code to iterate through all and render post links? Are you looking for a more automated solution?
Maybe I didn't catch the point, but Categories are not just there for that purpose?
I may have miss understood the question. But tags, archives and categories are there to "connect" posts, on the basis of that common connection.
Other than that, I can only see ...
Manually linking posts from with the text of a blog post or
Using plugins. Two I user are similar posts (http://rmarsh.com/plugins/similar-posts/) and SEO Smart Links (http://www.prelovac.com/vladimir/wordpress-plugins/seo-smart-links)
Similar posts if highly configurable and allows the blog to automatically suggest "related posts" and SEO Smart Links, links (in post) words or phrases to related posts.
All the best
