I got the job:1. Generate a sinusoidal signal.2. Build its spectrum with FFT.For a start, I installed Intel Parallel Studio XE 2011 for visual studio 2010. In vs 2010 appeared Fortran. But the task of writing on the c + +. Something did not get it.
This should be a good starting point for using Intel's ipp.
You should look also at the examples to get a better understanding of what's going on, in particular the signal processing part is what you are looking for.
IPP is pretty ugly to use, and yet, it is very very fast.
It seems that Microsoft has removed R support from Visual Studio starting from the 2019 version.
I'm wondering if there's a way to write R code for Data Science on Visual Studio 2022 (Not VS Code) because I don't feel like using another IDE.
I've looked all over the internet and I could only find solutions for VS Code.
I've also seen some Microsoft documentation about it but I couldn't apply it.
After long research, I have come to the conclusion that working with R on Visual Studio is no longer possible.
One must use R Studio IDE instead, which also allows access to graphing tools and so on.
On chapter 22.1 of this Learning Ada, trying to build the examples.
It expects GNATprove to be installed. I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and I don't see any package that provides it. When I tried to find the main repo, all I found was something at Open Do, and when I click the download button, it appears to be a broken link. Google has little to offer about GNATprove, which is a bit worrying.
I'm new to Ada so I don't really know what I should be using, so if GNATprove is not the right thing, then let me know. I'm also generally expecting a free software toolchain -- is that a reasonable expectation or should I expect to need the "pro" version to see what Ada/SPARK are all about?
GNATprove is the tool used for the formal verification of SPARK, i.e. the provable subset of Ada. If you want to build reliable software and be sure that it does the right thing, it's certainly worth looking at SPARK!
The easiest way to get you hands on SPARK it is to download the GNAT Community Edition from https://www.adacore.com/download which includes GNATprove. The community edition has everything you need to get started wit Ada and SPARK. The main difference of "Pro" is the commercial support.
Most people uses RStudio, at least on Windows, but it has a problem, it connects to R using TCP, through port 8787.
That causes problems in many computers, related with the antivirus, the firewall and performamnce issues.
Sometimes they can be solved modifying the settings of the computer, but that's not always possible.
I think other GUI use the same approach.
Is there any other alternative? With R embedded in the program itself or with other kind of communication between executables.
I think the same problem goes for other GUI-scientificsoftware combinations such as Julia.
You could give R Tools for Visual Studio a try.
R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS) is a free, open-source extension for Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 (or higher), released under the MIT license. (A second open-source component called RHost, which links to the R interpreter binaries, is released under the GNU Public License V2.)
Use ESS for Emacs, works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
We need to numerically minimize a function that takes a three dimensional vector as input. The function is smooth, so a gradient algorithm would be a good choice.
However, I am used to GSL which unfortunately requires gcc. We have to work on Windows using VC++ 2010, though. I found a GSL Port for windows, but the last commit is from 2006 and I doubt that it will work with our setup.
Which libraries are there on windows and are recommended? We only have to solve this one problem, so the more specialized the library is, the better.
We are using C++, so there should be a C or C++ interface available.
This implementation of the L-BFGS method seems to suit your puprposes. It has also a VS2010 solution file, which makes it easy to include it into your project.
Cygwin has GSL. Depending on the nature of your restriction to Windows, perhaps that is feasible.
What does the Visual Studio development team at Microsoft use to develop new versions of Visual Studio? Do they use VS2005 to develop VS2008? Thinking about it makes my head hurt a little...
One of the PDC videos I recently watched said they use VS2010 to develop VS2010.
You may imagine how quickly bugs get fixed that way.
They start on an abacus and work there way through mathematical instruments until they reach computers. At this point they stop and roll another funny cigarette and wonder is this what life has come to?
We dogfood our products, and VS is no exception.
/me goes back to his happy world of rainbows, unicorns, lambdas, auto, and dynamic ;)
C was implemented to write UNIX. UNIX is written in C. On UNIX, currently. At some point, you use what you've built to keep building it.
I'd imagine the very first go of VS2008 is written in VS2005, but then they start using VS2008 as soon as is feasible to continue developing VS2008.