Use Page Items in a Button Link in Apex Express - button

i have a little problem. I'm using Oracle Applicarion Express and i'm trying to use some page items in a Link created for a button. I created the Button as region button, and selected in the region" Action when button clicked" "Redirect to URL". In this URL i want to use two pageitems. I tried already to use them mit ":PAGE_ITEM" or "&PAGE_ITEM." but non way works. Can someone help me please?

What does the resulting hyperlink look like? The chance is great that it looks like
f?p=<app_id>:10:<session id>::::P10_ITEM1,P10_ITEM2:,
This is because when using the substitution syntax like &PAGE_ITEM. will put the session state of the referenced item in the string. Since the button is rendered during the loading of the page it will use the session state of the item at that time.
When you then fill in a value for PAGE_ITEM, this will not change the session state of that item - and even if it did it would not matter since the button was already rendered.
If this is the case then you'd better have the button submit the page, and define an on submit before validations/computations branch to act on that button. In the branch you can then safely use the session state of the required items.


ASPxTextBox wih NullText loses value when browser window loses focus

I have an ASPxTextBox with a NullText. It is used for a user name. Some users are copying their user name from the registration email into this text box. When they do it via right click and the context menu and go back to their email client to copy the password, the text box gets emptied, i. e. NullText is displayed.
I can reproduce this. However, when using Ctrl+V to paste the user name, it is persistent.
It seems to me that the ASPxTextBox is looking for a keydown event or something similar to decide if the text has changed.
How can I make the text persistent in all cases?
It seems that this behavior is a side effect of the browser/form AutoComplete feature.
Can you try to reproduce this issue with a regular with the placeholder attribute (HTML5)?
If the behavior is the same, see this thread.
I am working around this issue with this jquery plugin:

Nested getcmsfields_forpopup showing in same popup in silverstripe

I have form in getcmsfields_forpopup for backend(admin panel) in silverstrip. In that form, I have added nested dataobjectmanager field to enter multiple dates(has_many relation). When main form open in popup window and I click on add date link, then second popup form open in the same window not in separate one. That means after entering date data and saving it, when I click on close button, whole form is closed rather going back to main form. Please help in this regard.
This can't be done using SilverStripe's default popup form unless, maybe, you extended the DataObject Manager field and had it render itself in an iFrame.
The best option would be to manage your parent DataObjects with DataObjectManger as well. DataObjectManager supports nested DataObjectManager fields. See this tutorial "Nested DataObjectManager" (on YouTube).
If you're able, can I suggest that you try out SilverStripe 3.0? The support for this kind of thing is much better in SilverStripe 3.0 than it is in 2.4.

Should WP7 edit forms have Save/Cancel buttons or should you use 2 way binding?

This is a question on edit form UI for a WP7 app:
I currently have my edit form fields set to 2-way binding which means that as the user changes them they save on edit and update the UI in the ViewModel (Method 1). So I don't need a Save button and there is no Cancel button (unless you code in logic to store the original state and rollback on cancel).
Method 2 would be to use 1 way binding and UpdateSource on the save button and then you could have a Cancel button which functions like the Back button (goes back without saving).
Method 1 is nice as it handles preservation of state if the app is tombstoned - WP7 will restore the page and your changes will have been saved. The downside is that there is no way for the user to restore it to it's starting state once they make changes. My form is trivial so I do not think this is a problem. The Back button acts as Go Back.
I also do calculations in the setter property in my VM that need to be reflected to the UI (ie you will in Field 1 and Field 2 is double the value (but they can also override it) - I use 2 way binding on Field 1 and update field 1 and 2 on edit. I can't think of a way to do this using explicit updating.
The problem is that I have a Delete button for the record, so when I use Method 1 with no Save and Cancel button the user is likely to click the Delete button as it is the only available option (they need to click on the Back button to go back).
My question is; should a simple form have a Save and Cancel button and commit the data only on Save, or is it ok to use 2 way binding and have no buttons?
Parts of this are mentioned in the UI Design and Interaction Guide page 68.
Changes to Application Settings should be immediately implemented. This
means that a “Done”, “OK”, or other confirming dialog is not needed.
If a task cannot be undone, always provide the user with an option to cancel. Text entry is an example.
Actions that overwrite or delete data, or are irreversable must have a “Cancel” button.
As for your situation you will need a confirmation for the delete action (see the ie settings for an example). For your other fields check the guide as other issues are mentioned and you could also see how the built-in settings work.
If it is possible that the user may ever not want to have their entered text changed it'll be easier to have a one-way binding and update the saved value only when the user specifically says to.
Yes, this can make the preservation of entered data slightly harder during tombstoning but means that it's easier fro the user to be able to change their mind.
In your situation, I'd recommend having on screen buttons for Save and Delete (and relying on the hardward back button for cancel).

DRUPAL: customize dropdown Views filter

I'm using Views dropdown filter (with tags) and it works great. However I would like to customize it in this way:
1 - remove button "Apply" and automatically update Views (at the moment I'm updating it with Ajax)
2- allow my customer to change the order of the dropdown items (specifying top items)
3- select multiple items without having to press the SHIFT button on keyboard (do not unselect other items if new items are selected)
Let's suppose the items in the image are tags... something like this:
Use jQuery to .hide() the Apply button, and then set a handler on the filter fields so that whenever one of them is changed (i.e., by the user), the Apply button registers a click.
Hmm, can't help with this one. You might be stuck writing a custom module that hooks into the Views API.
Sounds like the Sexy Exposed module would solve this problem?
I'm using the following code to keep the items selected and it works.
$('#edit-tid option').click(function() {
$("option.selected").attr("selected", "selected");
//submit request
When a request is submitted the page is refreshed. The selected items are still selected (class="selected") but the javascript code do not keep them selected.. I don't understand why, since they have the correct class attribute.
So.. it doesn't work after refresh, even if the html code is the same (the same class="selected" attribute is assigned to the same items).
I've solved point 1 and 2, installing better exposed filter module from drupal website.

Is it possible to catch a comboBoxes value before change with a change event

I am displaying a combo box in something of a WYSIWYG preview. I want the user to be able to click on the combo box and see the options inside, but I don't want them to be able to change the value. I tried using preventDefault() on the change event but it doesn't work. I don't want to disable it because I do want the user to be able to "look inside" the dropdown.
So I'm trying to block the change, but can't. My next resort is to change the selected index back to what it was before the change, Is there any way to do this within the scope of a ListEvent.CHANGE event listener?
Current Workaround is to basically re-assign the controls selected item the same way I am defining the selected item when I originally build it (a default selection). So a user sees their change then it immediately changes back to the default selection.
Are you sure that a combobox is what you want? could you do the same thing with a list component that is not selectable?
If you must use a combobox and you dont want the lag from listening for the event and resetting the control, I see two possible options. You could subclass the control and make your own. When you do, hijack any methods that set the value besides the initial selection.
Or, you could try something like this: The site seems like it is in another language but the code is still there. It will allow you to make your options disabled, so the user cannot choose one of the other options.
