How to use ASP.NET MVC 4 with preinstalled JQuery UI library -

So having successfully used JQuery Mobile with my mobile application I was looking to use JQuery UI with my web application. My web application is an ASP.NET MVC 4 project created in Visual Studio 2012.
However, I realised that when I created the MVC 4 project, it actually already includes JQuery UI - it's just not being used currently.
I noticed that the Microsoft ASP.NET MVC website doesn't make any mention to the preinstalled JQuery and JQuery UI libraries in any of its tutorials or code samples, which I find odd. I also noticed that none of my MVC 4 books gave any reference to the preinstalled JQuery libraries.
So my question is, I have JQuery UI preinstalled, how do I start making use of the files? I mean I guess I'll reference them from my Views, but which files do I reference?
Is there any existing documentation that would help me make the most of the preinstalled JQuery libraries?

If you're using MVC4 everything should be preset for you in BundleConfig.cs (App_Start folder)
Just include the bundles that you want to use.
usually for Javascript you only need jquery-ui-{version}.js file, and the rest is css styling that you want to apply.
Note: make sure that you're using the latest jquery UI. if it is not the latest, I suggest to update your Jquery UI directly through package manager.


Browserlink CSS autosync not working ASP.NET Core 2.0

I cannot get the CSS to sync in ASP.NET Core 2.0.
Here's what I do:
Create brand new application using MS template
Launch the generated template (app.UseBrowserLink() is present)
Try to modify site.css by setting the background-color to yellow
Nothing happens
I have the CSS autosync enabled, in the browserlink dashboard I can see the connected browser and I can also use the Refresh button on the dashboard
Funny enough, when I create a new project using the classic old ASP.NET MVC template, CSS autosync does indeed work, however I cannot make it run on ASP.NET Core template
I've also tried installing the BrowserLink.Loader assembly and referencing thatone but to no avail...
Any help greatly appreciated
It looks like this is an open issue with Visual studio, and as of October "CSS Auto-Sync isn't supported on ASP.NET Core yet".
Something you could try is to use Chrome's "add folder to workspace" feature as suggested here and you can also try enabling browser link for static files which has helped some people to make it work.
You can also vote on this to encourage Microsoft to implement CSS autosync for ASP.NET Core.

Angular 2 datagrid for core SPA application

I have SPA application using core and angular 5 (typescript) and i'm looking for universal datagrid. I found but it is not maintained now. There are some more paid datagrids but i'm looking for open source. How do you create datagrids in Angular SPA applications
you should try
Supporting Open Source
For others who may find this helpful...
Clarity is a third party open source component library for angular created by VMware. The data grid is full featured. I have added it to the core 2.2 spa template pretty easily by following the getting started instructions on clarity. You may need to upgrade your cli and angular version to use the newest clarity version but I found it worth it.

Adding Angular to an existing ASP.NET Web Forms project?

I'm looking for guidance on adding Angular (specifially the latest version of 4.0) to an existing ASP.NET WebForms project. I'm using Visual Studio 2017 and the .NET Framework version is 4.6.2.
I recently explored the official template project for Angular with ASP.NET Core but unfortunately since the dependencies, npm/NuGet packages came already set up for me I don't know how to add the proper, latest and greatest packages and extensions to an existing project. Not to mention that I'm using a completely different version of ASP.NET.
Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
UPDATE: I thought I should add more details. I specifically want to end up with Angular and at least webpack, Hot-module-replacement-middleware or some equivalent, BrowserLink, Karma + Jasmine and I want Angular to be using the latest TypeScript. This should make my question more specific I think.
Consider using the Angular CLI to build your Angular application and some editor such as VS Code that is friendly to the Angular CLI.
Consider not adding it to your Web Forms project and instead keeping it separate with its own functionality.
It can still communicate with whatever backend (Web API) you have.

Bootstrap UI with ASP.NET MVC. Are there any ready made templates available?

I am working on super simple website and need to make it look good(clean and professional).
Was thinking to utilize bootstrap.
Are there any ready made templates for ASP.NET that are based on Bootstrap framework?
Just to confirm - the goal is to make the super simple website to look professional and clean, so special UI design is needed.
I would be nice if there was one available, but unfortunately all of the current MVC web templates come prepackaged with JQuery UI, and that's it.
However, there are NuGet packages available, depending on which version of MVC you're working with :
Bootstrap for MVC 5
Bootstrap for MVC 4
Using these and some of the examples online, you should be able to get up running pretty quick.

Using the Ext.NET library in an ASP.NET Monodevelop project

I would like to use the wonderful Ext.NET library (.dll) inside a MonoDevelop project.
Is it possible? If yes, how can I register it in my project to see the <ext:something> extension like the <asp:textbox> for standard controls?
I don't have much personal experience with Ext.NET + Mono, but I do know several community members have been successfully developing with Mono. The following search results may help track down a bit more information, see
