Pinterest Bookmarklet Not Finding Images - wordpress

I have searched quite a bit for a solution and can't seem to find anything on this topic so I thought I would reach out to this amazing community.
I will try to provide enough context here so that others may be able to see what is going wrong.
Up till a few days ago I have been able to use the standard pinterest bookmarklet to pin images from my blog's main page (Forged Photography) to pinterest. I tried pinning some images today and realized that it is only finding my header image and none of the other content.
It is a wordpress blog and I have deactivated my plugins and changed my theme to eliminate those aspects as a cause and the behavior still remains.
I have uploaded content in two ways:
Uploaded photos via Wordpress and created galleries
Pinterest bookmarklet only finds the header image and the featured gallery image
Embedding images that are hosted on facebook
I can still pin them if I click on individual pictures but I can't pin from the main page of the blog.
When I used to click the bookmarklet from the main page of my blog it used to pull up all of the images contained in all of the posts and enable me to pin them, now it only finds my header image.
Any ideas on what may have happened or what is preventing the bookmarklet from finding the images?

Well, it isn't the answer that I was looking for but it seems to work out. A nice lady reached out to me on Facebook who was experiencing the same issue, turns out Pinterest won't find images that are under 200px...
Doesn't explain why I was able to pin them in the past but now I can't. I am not crazy about the way the thumbnails look # 200px, any other ideas on how to get around this issue?

Try this:
<img src="smallimage.jpg" data-pin-media="largeimage.jpg" />
The bookmarklet should pick up the image you send in data-pin-media. Also worth trying out: data-pin-url, which will make the bookmarklet pin the URL you suggest rather than the URL of the page you're on right now.


Swiper JS for wordpress

as I already found great help here in the community, I thought I'd post my question here, maybe there'd be somebody who could help me.
I am creating my websites in wordpress and found a great tool for creating an image carousel. As I am more of an intermediate in wordpress and mainly working with plugins, I found the swiper JS plugin in the wordpress plugin directory. It works fine but I have the problem that it won't loop and you can't get to the first and last image of the carousel, it always snaps back to the second and second to last image.
This is the one I am using right now.
My question also is how I can use the Swiper JS in wordpress without using the plugin. I want to have it specifically on one page and it should be mobile friendly. All the design that already is on the page should be remain as it is. Would there be a possibility to include the Swiper Js tool even though I am using a wordpress theme?
Thank you so so much, it is really hugely appreciated!
Only worked with the plugin so far, no css helped...
Using WP custom code.
We assume your words "the plugin" are about that exact SwiperJS plugin.
Have you considered using an iFrame? See lower web links.
An iframe will allow you to add a video, audio, images, etc., so presumably even a slider lands in that category. Try this avenue first to see if it works for your needs. Read about WP iframe use in the links below.
<iframe src="test7.html" width="600" height="300" style="border:1px solid black;" title=""></iframe>
Other snippet plugin options exist (read developer docs). There are pro/con to some of those options (i.e. time, etc). Read developer resources (from an WP admin perspective) for more ideas.
wordpress iframe
kinsta article
WP developers articles

Videos on Wordpress page loading on desktop but not on mobile

I have added a couple of videos to a WordPress blog post. When I am loading the page on a desktop, everything seems to be functioning exactly as it should. When I load the same page on my Android phone in Chrome, it always fails to load 1 video. When I refresh, there will always be one video that doesn't show up. Which video this is, changes with every refresh. I also checked on my partner's iPhone with Safari. There, even fewer videos are showing as they should.
All the videos have been added using the elementor plugin and are saved and loaded from my host server. I can't figure out how to solve this problem because I can't figure out what causes this issue to begin with. I have googled a bit and only found solutions regarding auto-play. I haven't set my videos to autoplay, so this doesn't explain why I have problems.
The blog post can be found here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
99% it's because of incorrect video codec. I would suggest to re-format videos with Handlebrake prior to uploading. This tool helped me multiple times with problems like this.

WordPress Plugin for video banner?

I'd like to have a video banner on my WordPress site pages. I saw the following site ( and they have exactly what I would like to do on my site. However, I'm not sure what plugin they used to accomplish this. Could anyone just point me in the right direction?
I'm fairly new to WordPress, so if anyone can suggest what plugin to use, or if there is functionality already in place in WordPress for this how I can use it to get the effect I want.
As per the requirement to show what has been done so far to achieve the result I want, I have created a PHP page that uses the HTML 5 video tags to embed the video I want, with the PNG overlay. I then embed the page using an iframe tag from within WordPress. The problem is I have to create a new PHP page for each WordPress page I want with this layout when it needs a different video and overlay png image.
Thank you!!!
To avoid an opinionated answer on what I think is the best plugin to use, I just did a simple View Page Source on the site you posted and picked through to find where that video banner is displayed. It references a lot of classes and stuff labeled "mejs" which I think refers to a mediaelement.js plugin found here:

Images won't appear in site

Here is the site that I am working on.
Here is an example of the logo image that I want at the top
The theme is mayashop, and I am having issues with the images loading. In the media library I am able to see all the images. In the theme options menu in the backend, it asks me to enter the url of the logo image/ favicon/ etc. into the text field. So for the logo, I am simply pasting that second url from above, save, but I still get the placeholder box, not even the correct size.
I was having a redirect issue earlier and couldn't even view any of the images.
It just kept taking a while to load and coming up with a redirect loop. I found online someone had switched the permalink, so I switched mine from "month and name" to "default" and now I can at least see the images on the second link, but I still cannot figure out why they don't show up in the proper places. I hope this makes sense.
I will also mention that I don't really know any php so if this is what it takes, please be very specific for me, thanks!
You're using the wrong urls for the header image and, possibly, the other images that are giving you trouble as well. Instead of referencing, you want to edit that image from the media library and get the file url. It will be something like
I am just a random stranger on the internet, but I have to thank you guys! Your solution fixed a problem on my site that has bugged me for ages!

FeedWord Press - Media attachments

I installed the FeedWordpress plugin but I noticed it was not posting the images in the media attachment of the feeds, but only the text. I found a little script that helped me a bit (the images are added to a custom field without actually downloading them). The problem is I need thumbnail images and of course.. you can't have thumbnail images without downloading the image.
Is there any way I could download automatically the images in the media attachments ? Or, is there any other way I could have my thumbnails fixed ?
I would honestly appreciate any help
rss feed:
my website:
I am major armature in the developer domain, however, my PHP guy sorted it out by downloading another plugin called Auto Post Thumbnail, they did a small hack so it would constantly check for feature images.
You have to make sure you sure your CSS person tells the feature image grabber to only grab images of a certain size, and crop if necessary, this will prevent it pulling social media icons in as feature images :)
**I did have a duplicating image problem recently, i disabled Jetpack which fixed the problem, but I want Jetpack back :(
Good luck, if you need more detailed information, I will ask my developer.
