I want to write a map server using yandex map tiles. I need :
*BoundingBox of world (in meters)
*Size of tile at zoom level 0(in meters)
*EPSG code that yandex map use
Is there anyone who know these parameters?
You just cannot use Yandex Map without api.
In all other cases yandex tiles look like google tiles. Except they use a bit other projection - mercator wgs84
I have a KML file which contains a polygon. I am wanting to write a simple application which will give a true/false result on whether a lat/lng is inside of that polygon.
For whatever reason, this seems to be more difficult that it sounds, as the google.maps.KmlLayer seems to be very limited with the functions it offers.
I am aware that a non-KML map has a "containsLocation()" function which does exactly what I need, however, the KML layer contains no such function
I am not quite sure how you are using the KML file however I would suggest the following approach:
Parse your KML file (Many libraries available for many languages)
Use the parsed KML data to render your Polygon using the Google Maps API (i.e. reconstruct you KML polygon in Google Maps with the Google Maps methods)
Use the Google Maps API containslocation() method to check whether a co-ordinate is inside the Polygon
The Google Maps API has a large feature set so by doing this you could incorporate some of their methods, i.e. You click on the map and the program tells you wether the point you have just clicked is inside the polygon or not. Have a look at this, I suspect this is what you want to accomplish (or at least similar to it).
Edit: By parse I mean decode the KML
I have an account for Nokia Maps API but am wondering what URL I should use to request tiles through the API correctly? I am using the Leaflet maps API and my URL string looks like this:
It works, but I don't believe I am using the API correctly - I just stole the first part of the URL (http://3.maptile.lbs.ovi.com/maptiler/v2/maptile/newest/normal.day) from the Network tab of dev tools when I checked out Nokia maps in my browser.
In the documentation it tells me I can request based on lat, long and zoom, but not based on X and Y.
Is anybody familiar with Nokia Maps API?
Regarding the original question I'm guessing you have acquired credentials for the Map Image API: http://developer.here.net/docs/map_image/index.html There are a series of interactive examples available, which explain how to get back a static map image using latitude and longitude such as this one here: http://developer.here.net/apiexplorer/examples/api-for-rest/getting-started/basic-map-wh.html All the urls for the Map image API start with http://m.nok.it
Using URLs for the map tiles from the http://here.com website isn't the same service, it isn't an official API (hence the reason it is undocumented) and the URLs could be changed without notice.
HERE now offers three web-based Maps APIs, and since last year a TMS (Tile Map Service) a.k.a. Map Tile API, which is what I think you are after is now publicly available.
As noted by Luciano Issoe, the correct URLs for the Map Tile API are now publically documented see: https://developer.here.com/rest-apis/documentation/enterprise-map-tile
Alternatively, if you want to use an interactive map service with Nokia's mapping data, your best bet would be to use the Maps API for Javascript described here:
It seems that it´s a documented service now: https://developer.here.com/rest-apis/documentation/enterprise-map-tile
To retrieve a map covering a specific area using the Map Image API, add two points of interest to the map for the top right and bottom left corner and then use the nomrk to make the POIs invisible:
I am making a Google Map (API v3) that searches within a given neighborhood. The neighborhood is not a square but a ton of different points to make a polygon bounding box. I know how to make the polygon but not sure how to get it to search only within the polygon. Below you can see I am using a radius from my center location but I don't need a radius but only a given location.
var request = {
location: centerLatlng,
radius: 800,
types: ["school", "church", "park", "university"]
I'm guessing this is a places API request?
The API doesnt support passing in a artbitary polygon. If you really need to search as such, will just have to do a circle search (as in your example) - and then discard and results that are not in your shape.
Dont think there is a 'is point in side polygon' test in the Maps API itself, but can find code online
I found this cool feature in google map that allows to calculate distance between two points of interest. It doesn't simple calculate the linear distance petween points but allows to draw on the Map the route on the map. Have you ever used it? Do you know where i can find the API documentation?
Google's Maps API is publicly available. You might be looking for DistanceMatrix. You could then use Polyline to create the route, and DrawingManager to draw it.
How do I plot latitude and logitude using Google Geocoder webservice in asp.net?
There is a full tutorial on how to use Google maps in java script, so if you are using asp.net to display a web page, it isn't too hard:
If you are trying to plot lat and long on to a custom made maps, you would have to deal with the fact that the earth is basically a sphere, and do 3D modeling. Its quite math intensive, and this probably isn't the correct place for this question.