How you will implement join query for JDO - jdo

You have a query say :-
select p from profiles p, group g where p.profileId = g.profileId
How will you implement it using JDO. It could be basic but I am new to JDO and was not able to goolge something meaningful.

In JDOQL you dont really have something like a JOIN. As #sihaya mentioned, retrieving a object will also fetch all of its members (depending on the configured fetch type ("eager" will load everything and "lazy" will load it later))
Looking at the docs, you can use something similiar, called "unbound variables":
Unbound variables, which serve as a replacement for the JOIN operation of SQL
Unbound variables are supported by ObjectDB, but considered optional by JDO. Queries with unbound variables are similar to JOIN queries in SQL because every combination of variables has to be checked for every candidate object. Just like JOIN queries in SQL, queries with unbound variables may become very slow, so caution is needed when using them.
Here is the link:

In JDO and other object-relational mapping frameworks such as JPA the join condition for a relation between two entities is inferred from the meta-model.
In your example you presumably have two entities Profile and Group and a n-1 relationship from Group to Profile. Then given the following entities:
public class Group {
private Profile profile;
public class Profile {
Executing the following JDO query will select all profiles that are referenced by a group:
select g.profile from Group g


Symfony - Doctrine QueryBuilder produces wrong sql

I am trying to build a query via query builder.
$photosQuery = $photoRepository->createQueryBuilder('p')
->join('AppBundle:User', 'u')
->where('LOWER(p.title) LIKE :phrase OR LOWER(u.username) LIKE :phrase AND p.isActive = :isActive AND p.isModerated = :isModerated')
->setParameter('phrase', '%'.strtolower($phrase).'%')
->setParameter('isActive', true)
->setParameter('isModerated', true)
It gives me
p0_.title AS title_1,
p0_.description AS description_2, AS name_3,
p0_.creation_date AS creation_date_4,
p0_.edit_date AS edit_date_5,
p0_.is_moderated AS is_moderated_6,
p0_.moderation_date AS moderation_date_7,
p0_.is_active AS is_active_8,
p0_.user_id AS user_id_9,
p0_.category_id AS category_id_10
FROM photos p0_
INNER JOIN users u1_ ON (LOWER(p0_.title) LIKE ?
OR LOWER(u1_.username) LIKE ?
AND p0_.is_active = ?
AND p0_.is_moderated = ?)
Why are my WHERE parameters in the join ON() portion and not a traditional WHERE?
Thank you!
Doctrine provides a wrapper around lower-level database connections that to not necessary have all the features present in DQL. As such, it emulates some features (such as named parameters, or splitting array parameters into multiple separate values).
You're seeing that in action here: the named parameters are converted into positional parameters in the raw query. Doctrine still knows what the mapping is, though, and is able to correctly order them when the query and parameters are sent to the server.
So the answer from jbafford explained some information Doctrine but did not explicitly answer why the ON was used instead of the WHERE, and it stems from a common mistake (of which I recently made as well).
In your query, when you use
->join('AppBundle:User', 'u')
you are simply telling the query builder that you need to join on the User table, but it doesn't specifically know that you want to join on the user association of your Photo entity. You may think - why doesn't this happen automatically? Well, imagine if you had 2 another association on your table that linked to a User entity as well (maybe a createdBy field or similar). In that case Doctrine wouldn't know the association you wanted.
So, instead the proper thing to do is join directly on your association rather than generically on the entity, like so:
->join('p.user', 'u')
and then Doctrine will handle the rest. I couldn't actually tell you why it uses the where() condition for the join, unless it's just assuming that's what you wanted, since it needs to know how to join on something.
So just remember that when you are joining on an association you already defined, join on the association as described in your entities rather than thinking of it in a straight SQL format where you'd join on the table.

Using partial and non-partial select from a join in doctrine

My Querybuilder statement looks like this:
$qb->from('models\Order', o');
$qb->innerJoin('o.fStatus', 'fs');
$qb->select('COUNT(, PARTIAL fs.{name, id}');
If I run this I get the error
SELECT COUNT(,': Error: Cannot select entity through identification variables without choosing at least one root entity alias.
However, if I change my select statement to either of these:
$qb->select('PARTIAL o.{id}, PARTIAL fs.{name, id}');
The query will run.
Why can I not select from the root entity and also a partial object that has been joined to it?
Doctrine gives a bit of explanation in their documentation:
A common mistake for beginners is to mistake DQL for being just some form of SQL and therefore trying to use table names and column names or join arbitrary tables together in a query. You need to think about DQL as a query language for your object model, not for your relational schema.
When you select using DQL or the QueryBuilder, it is traditionally expecting you to select the root entity (the one in your FROM clause), or some combination of columns/aggregates (COUNT, SUM, etc.). When you select a partial object from a joined table but don't select the root entity, Doctrine doesn't know how to hydrate - what if there is a one-to-many/many-to-one, how does it return the data? It won't make those assumptions.
Doctrine by default does not allow partial objects. It seems like you would be better off just returning columns for your query since that's really what you're looking for in that case.
Others have worked around the issue using the WITH clause - see Doctrine query distinct related entity.

How to retrieve an entity using a property from datastore

Is it possible to retrieve an entity from gae datastore using a property and not using the key?
I could see I can retrieve entities with key using the below syntax.
quote = mgr.getObjectById(Students.class, id);
Is there an alternative that enables us to use a property instead of key?
Or please suggest any other ways to achieve the requirement.
Of course this is possible. Think of the key of an entity being like the primary key of an SQL row (but please, don't stretch the analogy too far - the point is it's a primary key - the implementations of these two data storage systems are very different and it causes people trouble when they don't keep this in mind).
You should look either here (JDO) to read about JDO queries or here (JPA) to read about JPA queries, depending what kind of mgr your post refers to. For JDO, you would do something like this:
// begin building a new query on the Cat-kind entities (given a properly annotated
// entity model class "Cat" somewhere in your code)
Query q = pm.newQuery(Cat.class);
// set filter on species property to == param
q.setFilter("species == speciesParam");
// set ordering for query results by age property descending
q.setOrdering("age desc");
// declare the parameters for this query (format is "<Type> <name>")
// as referenced above in filter statement
q.declareParameters("String speciesParam");
// run the query
List<Cat> results = (List<Cat>) q.execute ("siamese");
For JPA, you would use JPQL strings to run your queries.

Efficient way to load lists of objects from database to instantiate a single object

My situation
I have a c# object which contains some lists. One of these lists are for example a list of tags, which is a list of c# "SystemTag"-objects. I want to instantiate this object the most efficient way.
In my database structure, I have the following tables:
dbObject - the table which contains some basic information about my c# object
dbTags - a list of all available tabs
dbTagConnections - a list which has 2 fields: TagID and ObjectID (to make sure an object can have several tags)
(I have several other similar types of data)
This is how I do it now...
Retrieve my object from the DB using an ID
Send the DB object to a "Object factory" pattern, which then realise we have to get the tags (and other lists). Then it sends a call to the DAL layer using the ID of our C# object
The DAL layer retrieves the data from the DB
These data are send to a "TagFactory" pattern which converts to tags
We are back to the Object Factory
This is really inefficient and we have many calls to the database. This especially gives problems as I have 4+ types of lists.
What have I tried?
I am not really good at SQL, but I've tried the following query:
SELECT * FROM dbObject p
LEFT JOIN dbTagConnection c on p.Id= c.PointId
LEFT JOIN dbTags t on c.TagId = t.dbTagId
WHERE ....
However, this retreives as many objects as there are tagconnections - so I don't see joins as a good way to do this.
Other info...
Using .NET Framework 4.0
Using LINQ to SQL (BLL and DAL layer with Factory patterns in the BLL to convert from DAL objects)
So - how do I solve this as efficient as possible? :-) Thanks!
At first sight I don't see your current way of work as "inefficient" (with the information provided). I would replace the code:
SELECT * FROM dbObject p
LEFT JOIN dbTagConnection c on p.Id= c.PointId
LEFT JOIN dbTags t on c.TagId = t.dbTagId
by two calls to the DALs methods, first to retrieve the object main data (1) and one after that to get, only, the data of the tags related (2) so that your factory can fill-up the object's tags list:
SELECT * FROM dbObject WHERE Id=#objectId
SELECT t.* FROM dbTags t
INNER JOIN dbTag Connection c ON c.TagId = t.dbTagId
INNER JOIN dbObject p ON p.Id = c.PointId
WHERE p.Id=#objectId
If you have many objects and the amount of data is just a few (meaning that your are not going to manage big volumes) then I would look for a ORM based solution as the Entity Framework.
I (still) feel comfortable writing SQL queries in the DAOs to have under control all queries being sent to the DB server, but finally it is because in our situation is a need. I don't see any inconvenience on having to query the database to recover, first, the object data (SELECT * FROM dbObject WHERE ID=#myId) and fill the object instance, and then query again the DB to recover all satellite data that you may need (the Tags in your case).
You have be more concise about your scenario so that we can provide valuable recommendations for your particular scenario. Hope this is useful you you anyway.
We used stored procedures that returned multiple resultsets, in a similar situation in a previous project using Java/MSSQL server/Plain JDBC.
The stored procedure takes the ID corresponding to the object to be retrieved, return the row to build the primary object, followed by multiple records of each one-to-many relationship with the primary object. This allowed us to build the object in its entirety in a single database interaction.
Have you thought about using the entity framework? You would then interact with your database in the same way as you would interact with any other type of class in your application.
It's really simple to set up and you would create the relationships between your database tables in the entity designer - this will give you all the foreign keys you need to call related objects. If you have all your keys set up in the database then the entity designer will use these instead - creating all the objects is as simple as selecting 'Create model from database' and when you make changes to your database you simply right-click in your designer and choose 'update model from database'
The framework takes care of all the SQL for you - so you don't need to worry about that; in most cases..
A great starting place to get up and running with this would be here, and here
Once you have it all set up you can use LINQ to easily query the database.
You will find this a lot more efficient than going down the table adapter route (assuming that's what you're doing at the moment?)
Sorry if i missed something and you're already using this.. :)
As far I guess, your database exists already and you are familiar enough with SQL.
You might want to use a Micro ORM, like petapoco.
To use it, you have to write classes that matches the tables you have in the database (there are T4 generator to do this automatically with Visual Studio 2010), then you can write wrappers to create richer business objects (you can use the ValueInjecter to do it, it is the simpler I ever used), or you can use them as they are.
Petapoco handles insert / update operations, and it retrieves generated IDs automatically.
Because Petapoco handles multiple relationships too, it seems to fit your requirements.

Nhibernate -- Excuting some simple HQL

I have map the entities in .hmb.xml and define attribute for all entity in classes.
I have some basic accomplishment and get all the record using below code.
public List<DevelopmentStep> getDevelopmentSteps()
List<DevelopmentStep> developmentStep;
developmentStep = Repository.FindAll<DevelopmentStep>(new OrderBy("Id", Order.Asc));
return developmentStep;
I have check from net that we can write HQL, Now the problem is how to execute this HQL like..
string hql = "From DevelopmentSteps d inner join table2 t2 where";
What additional Classes or other thing I need to add to execute this kind of HQL?
Please help me ---- Thanks
To write dynamic queries, I recommend using the Criteria API. This is dynamic, because you have a single query for several different types and you also want to set the ordering dynamically.
The queries are always object oriented. You don't need to join by foreign keys, you just navigate through the class model. There also no "tables" in the queries, but entities.
Getting (single) instances by ID should always be done using session.Get (or session.Load). Only then NHibernate can also take it directly from the cache without database roundtrip, it it had already been loaded.
for instance:
public IList<T> GetAll<T>(string orderBy)
return session.CreateCriteria(typeof(T))
