URIs with german special characters don't work (error 404) in Zend Framework 2 - uri

I want to get a list of cities, where each city name is linked and refers a page for this city:
The links (created in the view script) look like this:
http://project.loc/catalog/Berlin (in the HTML source code url-encoded: Berlin)
http://project.loc/catalog/Erlangen (in the HTML source code url-encoded: Erlangen)
http://project.loc/catalog/Nürnberg (in the HTML source code url-encoded: N%C3%BCrnberg)
"Berlin", "Erlangen" etc. work, but if the city name contains a german special character (ä, ö, ü, Ä, Ö, Ü, or ß) like "Nürnberg", a 404 error occurs:
A 404 error occurred Page not found. The requested URL could not be
matched by routing. No Exception available
Why? And how to get this working?
Thanks in advance!
My router settings:
'router' => array(
'routes' => array(
'catalog' => array(
'type' => 'literal',
'options' => array(
'route' => '/catalog',
'defaults' => array(
'controller' => 'Catalog\Controller\Catalog',
'action' => 'list-cities',
'may_terminate' => true,
'child_routes' => array(
'city' => array(
'type' => 'segment',
'options' => array(
'route' => '/:city',
'constraints' => array(
'city' => '[a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜß0-9_-]*',
'defaults' => array(
'controller' => 'Catalog\Controller\Catalog',
'action' => 'list-sports',
'may_terminate' => true,
'child_routes' => array(
// ...

You need to change your constraints, you can use a regular expression which will match UTF8 characters, something like this:
Notice the /u modifier (unicode).
The problem is resolved.
The RegEx Route maches the URIs with preg_match(...) (line 116 or 118 of Zend\Mvc\Router\Http\Regex). In order to mach a string with "special chars" (128+) one must pass the pattern modifier u to preg_match(...). Like this:
$thisRegex = '/catalog/(?<city>[\p{L}]*)';
$regexStr = '(^' . $thisRegex . '$)u'; // <-- here
$path = '/catalog/Nürnberg';
$matches = array();
preg_match($regexStr, $path, $matches);
And since RegEx Route passes a url-enccoded string to preg_match(...), it's furthermode needed to decode the string first:
$thisRegex = '/catalog/(?<city>[\p{L}]*)';
$regexStr = '(^' . $thisRegex . '$)u';
$path = rawurldecode('/catalog/N%C3%BCrnberg');
$matches = array();
preg_match($regexStr, $path, $matches);
These two steps are not provided in the RegEx Route, so that preg_match(...) gets a steing like '/catalog/N%C3%BCrnberg' and tries to mach it to a regex like '/catalog/(?<city>[\\p{L}]*)/u'
The solution is to use a custom RegEx Route. Here is an example.


Drupal 7 print l() query string showing in special characters

In D7, I want to pass the query string as like www.sitename/page-name?query_string[]=8, in hyperlink.
For this I written the below code:
<?php print l('Hello','page-name', array('html' => TRUE,'attributes' => array('class' => 'example-class',), 'query' => array('query_string[]=8' => ''))); ?>
But it shows like : /page-name?query_string%5B%5D%3D8
I tried to change your syntaxe according documentation page but always same result :
array('html' => TRUE,
'attributes' => array('class' => 'example-class',),
'query' => array('query_string' => array('8', '9'))
display :
So when you try to get values , it's works or not ?

How to use $link for watchdog messages in drupal?

I tried using l()
watchdog('my_module', 'My message for /admin/reports/dblog', WATCHDOG_NOTICE,
$link = l(t('A hyperlink'),
array('attributes'=>array('target'=>'blank'))) );
but the hyperlink is encoded "node/386/group%3Frealname%3D%26uid%3D%26state%3DAll%26order%3Dcreated%26sort%3Ddesc" which I understand is because l() is supposed to generate urls from drupal paths.
Can I decode it before it's rendered or what's the proper way of inserting that hyperlink?
You should use query key for generating the path as shown below
global $base_url;
print l(
$base_url . $node_url,
'attributes' => array(
'id' => 'my-id',
'class' => 'my-class'
'query' => array(
'foo' => 'bar'
'fragment' => 'refresh',
'html' => TRUE
This will generate a link like
<img src="http://www.example.com/files/image.jpg"/>
Source: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21common.inc/function/l/7.x
Just use this:
$link = l(t('A hyperlink'), '/node/386/group', array('attributes'=>array('target'=>'blank'))));
watchdog('my_module', 'Link !field_link.', array('!field_link' => $link));

hook_load/hook_view not called

I have a module with four node types declared. My problem is, hook_load, hook_view is never called. I used drupal_set_message to find out if certain hook is being called. And I found out hook_load, hook_view isn't. Just to give you clear picture, here's my structure of hook_load
function mymodule_node_info(){
return array(
'nodetype1' => array(
'name' => t('nodetype1'),
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype1',
'description' => t('....'),
'has_title' => TRUE,
'title_label' => t('Title'),
'has_body' => TRUE,
'body_label' => t('Body'),
'nodetype2' => array(
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype2',
'nodetype3' => array(
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype3',
'nodetype4' => array(
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype4',
function mymodule_nodetype1_load($node){
$result = db_query('SELECT * from {nodetype1table} WHERE vid = %d'
drupal_set_message("hook_load is provoked.","status");
return db_fetch_object($result);
I don't know why it is not called. I wrote this code base on drupal module writing book and follow the instructions. I've tried sample code from that book and it works ok. Only my code isn't working. Probably because of multiple node types in one module. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Your code doesn't work because hook_load() and hook_view() aren't module hooks: they're node hooks. The invocation is based off of content type names, not module names.
So, first you need to have declared your content types using hook_node_info():
function mymodule_node_info() {
$items = array();
$items['nodetype1'] = array(
'name' => t('Node Type 2'),
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype1',
'description' => t("Nodetype 1 description"),
$items['nodetype2'] = array(
'name' => t('Node Type 2'),
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype2',
'description' => t("Nodetype 2 description"),
$items['nodetype3'] = array(
'name' => t('Node Type 2'),
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype3',
'description' => t("Nodetype 3 description"),
return $items;
Then, you need to use the name of the module you specified for each content type declared in hook_node_info() for your node hooks. That is, mymodule_nodetype1_load(), mymodule_nodetype2_view(), etc.
If you're trying to have a non-node based module fire when a node is viewed or loaded, you need to use hook_nodeapi():
function mymodule_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
switch ($op) {
case 'view':
case 'load':
Replace mymodule_load_function() and mymodule_load_function() with your own custom functions that are designed to act on the $node object.
Edit 2
Besides the syntax error in your hook_load() implementations, there's a piece of your code outside of what you're providing that's preventing the correct invocation. The following code works (if you create a nodetype1 node, the message "mymodule_nodetype1_load invoked" appears on the node): perhaps you can compare your entire code to see what you're missing.
function mymodule_node_info() {
return array(
'mymodule_nodetype1' => array(
'name' => t('nodetype1'),
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype1',
'description' => t('....'),
'has_title' => TRUE,
'title_label' => t('Title'),
'has_body' => TRUE,
'body_label' => t('Body'),
'mymodule_nodetype2' => array(
'name' => t('nodetype2'),
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype2',
'description' => t('....'),
'has_title' => TRUE,
'title_label' => t('Title'),
'has_body' => TRUE,
'body_label' => t('Body'),
function mymodule_nodetype1_form(&$node, $form_state) {
// nodetype1 form elements go here
return $form;
function mymodule_nodetype2_form(&$node, $form_state) {
// nodetype2 form elements go here
return $form;
function mymodule_nodetype1_load($node) {
$additions = new stdClass();
drupal_set_message('mymodule_nodetype1_load invoked');
return $additions;
function mymodule_nodetype2_load($node) {
$additions = new stdClass();
drupal_set_message('mymodule_nodetype2_load invoked');
return $additions;
If you're not reseting your environment after changes to your module, you might be running into caching issues. You should test your code in a sandbox environment that can be reset to a clean Drupal installation to ensure you're not focusing on old cruft from previous, incorrect node implementations.
Additionally, you should only be using hook_nodeapi() if you are trying to act on content types that are not defined by your module. Your content types should be using the node hooks (hook_load(), hook_view(), etc.).
Finally, it may be the case that you're using the wrong hooks because you're expecting them to fire in places they are not designed to. If you've gone through everything above, please update your post with the functionality you're expecting to achieve and where you expect the hook to fire.
I found the culprit why your code doesn't work. It's because I was using the test data created by the old codes. In my old codes, because of node declaration inside hook_node_info uses the same module value, I could only create one hook_form implementation and use "switch" statement to return appropriate form. Just to give you clear picture of my old codes-
function mymodule_node_info(){
return array(
'nodetype1' => array(
'module' => 'mymodule',
'nodetype2' => array(
'module' => 'mymodule',
function mymodule_form(&$node, $form_state){
case 'nodetype1':
return nodetype1_form();
case 'nodetype2':
return nodetype2_form();
When I created new data after I made those changes you have provided, hook_load is called. It works! I've tested several times(testing with old data created by previous code and testing with new data created after those changes) to make sure if that's the root cause and, I got the same result.I think drupal store form_id or module entry value of node declaration along with data and determine the hook_load call. That's probably the reason why it doesn't think it's a data of this node and thus hook_load isn't invoked.
And Thank you so much for your help.

Weird problem with hook_view drupal

I'm having a weird problem with hook_view. The problem is, hook_view isn't invoked unless hook_load returns invalid value such as empty variable. I don't know what causes this to happen and I'm at my wit's end. I'm very much appreciate your help. For what is worth, I have image attach module installed.
Drupal 6.x
function mymodule_node_info(){
return array(
'nodetype1' => array(
'name' => t('nodetype1'),
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype1',
'description' => t('....'),
'has_title' => TRUE,
'title_label' => t('Title'),
'has_body' => TRUE,
'body_label' => t('Body'),
'nodetype2' => array(
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype2',
'nodetype3' => array(
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype3',
'nodetype4' => array(
'module' => 'mymodule_nodetype4',
function mymodule_nodetype1_load($node){
$query = 'SELECT f1,f2,...,f10 FROM {tb1} INNER JOIN {tb2} ON {tb1}.vid = {tb2}.vid WHERE {tb1}.vid = %d';
$result = db_query($query,$node->vid);
return db_fetch_object($result);
function mymodule_nodetype1_view($node, $teaser = FALSE, $page = FALSE){
$node = node_prepare($node, $teaser); // get it ready for display
$f1 = check_markup($node->f1);
$f10 = check_markup($node->f10);
// Add theme stuff here
$node->content['mycontent'] = array(
'#value' => theme('defaultskin', $f1,...,$f10),
'#weight' => 1,
return $node;
function mymodule_theme(){
return array(
'defaultskin' => array(
'template' => 'node-defaultskin',
'arguments' => array(
'f1' => NULL,
'f10' => NULL,
I found the culprit. Just in case somebody run into same problem I did, here's why - I named one field as "TYPE" and, when I retrieved recordset inside hook_load with drupal_fetch_object, I believe, the resulted object's member name "type" might have caused some naming conflict with drupal core member. As a result, this causes it to not invoke hook_view. After I renamed my field to something different, it works like charm. So, never name field as "Type". You guys might have knew that too but, due to my intention to make code easier to read, I renamed those fields to much simpler ones (f1,...f10). Sorry for the trouble. And thanks everyone for your effort.
This hook is meant for usage in a node module(so a module that itself creates a new node type), I assume you're using it for nodes defined by Drupal or CKK or another module, if so, use hook_nodeapi() instead with the view argument.

Please Explain Drupal schema and drupal_write_record

1) Where is the best place to populate a new database table when a module is first installed, enabled? I need to go and get some data from an external source and want to do it transparently when the user installs/enables my custom module.
I create the schema in {mymodule}_schema(), do drupal_install_schema({tablename}); in hook_install. Then I try to populate the table in hook_enable using drupal_write_record.
I confirmed the table was created, I get no errors when hook_enable executes, but when I query the new table, I get no rows back--it's empty.
Here's one variation of the code I've tried:
* Implementation of hook_schema()
function ncbi_subsites_schema() {
// we know it's MYSQL, so no need to check
$schema['ncbi_subsites_sites'] = array(
'description' => 'The base table for subsites',
'fields' => array(
'site_id' => array(
'description' => 'Primary id for site',
'type' => 'serial',
'unsigned' => TRUE,
'not null' => TRUE,
), // end site_id
'title' => array(
'description' => 'The title of the subsite',
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 255,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
), //end title field
'url' => array(
'description' => 'The URL of the subsite in Production',
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 255,
'default' => '',
), //end url field
), //end fields
'unique keys' => array(
'site_id'=> array('site_id'),
'title' => array('title'),
), //end unique keys
'primary_key' => array('site_id'),
); // end schema
return $schema;
Here's hook_install:
function ncbi_subsites_install() {
Here's hook_enable:
function ncbi_subsites_enable() {
// my helper function to get data for table (not shown)
$subsites = ncbi_subsites_get_subsites();
foreach( $subsites as $name=>$attrs ) {
$record = new stdClass();
$record->title = $name;
$record->url = $attrs['homepage'];
drupal_write_record( 'ncbi_subsites_sites', $record );
Can someone tell me what I'm missing?
If ncbi_subsites_get_subsites() is not in the .install file, you need to include whatever file its in with your module. Otherwise, it's returning nothing, in which case try dumping $subsites and exiting.
I think the answer is that drupal_write_record is not meant for install or enable hooks. I think when enabling or installing, you have to write SQL. That is the impression I am getting from reading some posts that mention that the schema is not available in these hooks.
First of all (assuming Drupal 6), drupal_write_record() cannot be called from hook_install() because Drupal would not find the database schema defined from the module, which is still going to be installed, and enabled.
Instead you need to use db_query() function. (the comments are speaking of a way to include default data by prviding it to hook_schema() serialized, but i've found no documentation on this.)
However, would you be using (the development version of) Drupal 7, you want to look at the db_insert() function instead.
