Hiding a country label - google-earth-plugin

Is it possible to 'overlay' a country in Google Earth Plugin in such a way that the labels shown by the 'LAYER-BORDERS' layer are not visible ?
Or would it be possible to 'override' certain labels within the 'LAYER-BORDERS' layer ?

Similar to this question: Turning off country borders via the KML, just use different ID's in the enableLayerById calls for the different "sub-layers".


HERE - Cluster view all items in clusterprovider

after adding all items into a clustered data provider i would like to set the bounds of the map to make sure all items are displayed.
in case of a marker group this is easy by using the bounding box of the marker group but i cant figure out what to use with a clustered data provider
H.clustering.ICluster contains method getBoundingBox() that could help to set the bounds of the map.
Reference can be taken from here :

Creating featureCollection histogram with title

I am trying to create histograms from a feature collection based on a property in google earth engine such that I can provide a title and axis titles. the ui.Chart.feature.histogram does not seem to allow for this. It does, however, provide the data for the chart correctly.
I have also tried using the aggregeate_histogram(property) method, converting that to a dictionary, and accessing the .values() and .keys() from the dictionary, and sorting them. This, however, puts the data in order but not logically, e.g., 3 appears right after 29, not before 4. Make sense?
What I'm getting using ui.Chart.array.values() and the dictionary values and keys, vs. the ui.Chart.feature.histogram:
result of ui.Chart.array.values()
result of ui.Chart.feature.histogram()
I didn't realize the .setOptions() method could also be used on the ui.Chart.feature.histogram!! This allows me to provide a title.

How can I add layers to Here Maps?

I am starting with here-api,I follow the examples and I add some markers in the map, but i nedd and a layer switcher, to select multiple layers with differents markers, and shown it in the map but i cant do it. The markers are, static and the map not reload the firt markers.
I try to put more than one maps, in tabs, but not work. Some idea about it?
Sorry for my english.
As much as I know, Here JS API does not support this kind of layers out of the box, but you can implement is quite simply.
You can use something called a Group.
From the documentation:
Groups are logical containers which can hold a collection of child objects (markers or spatials, but
also sub-groups). Groups make it easy to add, remove, show or hide whole sets of map objects in
an atomic operation, without the need to manipulate each object individually. In addition, a group
allows you to calculate a bounding box enclosing all the objects it contains and to listen for events
dispatched by the group's child objects.
It means that you can add some objects (markers, polylines, polygons) into one group and some into another group. Then you can use addObject and removeObject methods on the map accordingly to add or remove this group (group extends Object class).
group = new H.map.Group();
// add to map
// remove from map

Display marker over dicom image from CADSR file that are necessary to show

I am trying to read an CADSR file I get an various marker from "Graphics Data Tag" I want to show only those marker over the Dicom file that are necessary so let me know what criteria is required to showing up the necessary marker over dicom image
This is the actual output that shown in below image
but I get such kind of Image opuput which is wrong
In the wrong O/P Image there are multiple markers at specific location I want to combine that marker and show single marker as Star for this.Also one marker is not required that display the out of scope of image that marker I don't want to display so how it can be handle from dicom tags or any things required to do.
You are drawing everything that has a graphic data type. So you are showing the centre of the breast and the nipple.
The cluster of marks is a calcification cluster. A calcification cluster contains multiple calcifications each with their own graphic data type.
Look at the documentation for the R2 Server. You are interested in three objects Malcs, Calcs and Mass. A Malc contains a Mass and a calcifiation cluster which you will need to take account of.

google maps country names

Is there a way to override country names in google maps api v3. The case for me here is to remove/replace the "Macedonia" label and leave only the "FYROM" one or replace it with "FYROM". So is there a way to tamper with this point? I have to note that i have implemented the solution of placing a dummy image over this part of the map as a layer but the outcome was not the desired one.
Thank you very much in advance.
One option is to use styled maps to remove all the country names. Then add them back with a label (like InfoBox)
