Google Analytics: cross domain tracking without URL parameters - google-analytics

Just had a quick question: right now when you are doing cross domain tracking with Analytics, the URL has parameters added to them to track it. I was just wondering, is there a way to use something like POST or any other method to pass the cookie info from one domain to the next so the URL does not seem so messy with all the URL parameters being added.
E.g. going from to, could we go to just

The parameters are read on the other domain to recreate the same Google Analytics cookies.
Data sent on POST is not available on the posted page through Javascript only on the back end. So you would need the backend to actually store this data and send back to the interface, maybe through AJAX to recreate the cookies there.
Another idea is probably to try to parse the cookies server side and send them as new cookies, so the Javascript code on the destination domain wouldn't need to recreate the cookies, they would be normal HTTP Header set cookies.
Still it's a lot of work and fuzz just to pass the cookies on. Urls are ugly but are still the easiest and portable way to handle the problem.


How to automate logging in and retrieve data?

I want to automate logging into a website and retrieving certain data.
I thought the way to do this would be to sniff the HTTP requests so I know where the login form is being POSTed to so I can do the same using NodeJS/Java/Python.
However I can't seem to find the HTTP request that handles it.
The site seems to use some Java-applet and a lot of Javascript.
This is the site: link
Should I have a different approach?
Also also wonder about storing a cookie session, and sending it with each HTTP request after logging in.
I'm sorry if I am not to clear, I will try to explain myself further and edit this post if needed.
You can use the developer console (hit F12) in Chrome (this works also in other browsers) and then click the "Network" tab. There you see all network calls.
To detect what http requests are performed from a mobile device, you can use a proxy like Charles Proxy.
Also be aware that if you post from nodejs the cookies won't be set in the users browser.

Making a http request using CEFSharp and all its stored cookies

I'd like to make a webrequest to facebook or authenticated site using the cookies already contained in cefsharp after the user has logged on.
How can I do that? I'm currently using HttpWebRequest. Can I somehow retrieve cookies from CEF and pass it to HttpWebRequest? Tried looking at CEFRequest but it's not accessible nor do I know how to use it
I need all this in order to prefetch resources needed by 2000 sites that I need precached. If you can suggest another way to do that please recommend that as well
The method Cef.VisitAllCookies() will issue a callback for each cookie. You can then selectively include some or all of these cookies in web requests that you make using HttpWebRequest.

URLReferrer is null when page is HTTPS

We use the URLReferrer and a code passed in on the query string to produce online videos so that only our paid clients can link to our video playback page. This system has worked well for some time. I know the URL referrer can be spoofed, but who would tell their clients to do such a thing to access a video ? It's worked well for us.
However, today I was asked about someone for whom it did not work. The URLReferrer is null, and their site is HTTPS. I have done some reading online and I get the impression there's no way to access the URL referrer when the source page is https. Is this correct ? If I made a https version of our site, would that resolve it ? Or is there any other way for me to get around this ?
Your online research is correct. The main reason for not setting an HTTP Referrer header or equivalent is that this could be a security issue. The referrer contains "where you come from", this is private information, and should not be exposed to others, what use is it otherwise to have a secure site if everyone can track where you have been?
So: you cannot get the referrer if the referrer is encrypted (with SSL or otherwise).
Update: here's what the HTTP specification says about coming from a secure site:
Clients SHOULD NOT include a Referer header field in a (non-secure)
HTTP request if the referring page was transferred with a secure
As you might have guessed, there's no way around this restriction. Your only option is to use a different verification model. One such method is giving your users a key and require them to send that as a parameter with the request. Several other methods can be thought of.

How to tell where the user is coming from?

Is there a reliable way to determine where a user is coming from in an ASP.NET application? We have a web application that is linked to from two different locations. The two links are on separate domains, and they need to dictate certain user permissions within this app. Here's what I have tried so far...
Using Request.UrlReferrer (which is the Referer HTTP header). This always returned an empty string. I believe this is because the hyperlinks use Javascript to launch a popup window. Based on my research, the user agent provides this HTTP header on standard hyperlinks. Javascript popups are a different story (evidently).
A simple query string to indicate the referrer. This is not really an option because we need something that is not so easy to bypass (more secure).
Any ideas? I understand that in the grand scheme of things, this could have a better overall design/structure. Please don't post an answer suggesting I re-design everything, because that is not an option.
There's no a reliable way to tell where an user is coming from and this is not only an ASP.NET limitation, but all web applications in general. The url referrer can be easily spoofed so it is not reliable. I think the best option could be some encrypted url parameter, or cookie if you prefer.
So both pages should agree on common private keys.
Page1 will use the key to encrypt its address and pass it to Page2
Page2 will check for the presence of this parameter and try to decrypt it with the same private key used to encrypt
If this succeeds it means that Page2 will be capable to determine who called it, if not, the data has been tampered
Without the browser passing a referrer or using the querystring like you describe, there is no way to know.
Another option is to have two different landing pages on the ASP.NET application. The landing pages can set the security options and then redirect to a common homepage. This is a little more secure than the querystring option.
Or, you could place a 1x1 pixel image on the referring sites that is pulled from your ASP.NET application site. The referrer should be passed to the script and you could then set a cookie on the users machine that you can then reference when they hit the app homepage.

When do you initially get assigned your unique http cookies when visiting a website?

When do you initially get assigned your unique http cookies when visiting a website?
I'm asking this in the sense of when creating a gui auth login from a website. Do you get your cookies the moment you visit the website? If so, if you don't visit the website by homepage and go straight to the form, do you initially also get your cookies there if you haven't received them yet?
On load of the the first page that sets a cookie.
It will be sent along with the content of that page, in the HTTP header.
You can set a cookie any time before sending output to the browser.
You can read it (via $_COOKIE) any time after setting it, including in the same page load.
Just remember that if you read it in the same page load where you set it, you are reading it from the current process, and not from the client's cookie, which won't have been sent yet.
The server/application can set cookies whenever your browser makes an http request. In other words, the answer is implementation-dependent.
I would suggest that you take a look at Fiddler (or some other http tracing tool) to better understand the interaction.
There is no correct answer to this. It is an implementation detail that no two websites (using different base code) do the same way. Variables include the implementation system/language (ASP, PHP, Python, Ruby, etc), use of standardized (or custom) libraries, how security-minded the website is, how long ago the website was written, etc.
Most websites will set your session cookie no matter what page you first arrive from. There are many ways to do this but all involve every possible entry point calling common routines in the website's source code for handling sessions, permissions, navigation, logins, etc.
Having said that, I'm there a significant number of websites that do not set any cookies until you do something that needs to be remembered (login, adding a product to a shopping cart, setting a preference, etc).
How you should do it depends on what is important to your website. There is no single answer to this.
Here's the official standard for cookies and their behaviors:
Most browsers will try to conform to this standard as closely as possible, but note that it is up to the implementer. If there are bugs, then of course the behavior is different.
I think the thing you're looking for is that cookies are passed in with the request as long as the domains or URI are the same.
As someone else alluded to, cookies can be manipulated and are inherently insecure. Don't use them as a way for security. You can keep track that they've been logged in successfully with them, but you should put an expiration date on that fact.
