How to replace "unexpected escaped character" in R - r

When I try to parse JSON from the character object from a Facebook URL I got "Error in fromJSON(data) : unexpected escaped character '\o' at pos 130". Check this out:
data <- getURL("", cainfo="cacert.perm")
fbData <- fromJSON(data)
Error in fromJSON(data) : unexpected escaped character '\o' at pos 130
#with RSONIO also error
> fbData <- fromJSON(data)
Erro em fromJSON(content, handler, default.size, depth, allowComments, :
invalid JSON input
Is there any way to replace this '\o' character before I try to parse JSON? I tried gsub but it didn't work (or i'm doing something wrong).
datafixed <- gsub('\o',' ',data)
Error: '\o' is an unrecognized escape sequence in string starting with "\o"
Can somebody hel me with this one? Thanks.

You need to escape \ in your pattern.
gsub('\\o',' ',data)

You could do
fbData <- fromJSON(data,unexpected.escape = "keep")
you will see a warning
Warning message:
In fromJSON(individual_page, unexpected.escape = "keep") :
unexpected escaped character '\m' at pos 10. Keeping value.
if you want you can suppress the warning using
suppressWarnings(fromJSON(data,unexpected.escape = "keep"))
unexpected.escape : changed handling of unexpected escaped characters. Handling value should be one of "error", "skip", or "keep"; on unexpected characters issue an error, skip
the character, or keep the character
You can find more details here -


How to remove paranthesis but keep the text in it in R

I am trying to clean a dataset with the column: ltaCpInfoDF$weekdays_rate_1
For some of the rows, I would like to do this:
input: Daily(7am-11pm): $1.20 ; output: 7am-11pm: $1.20
The values within the bracket can be different timings for the rows.
Initially, I was thinking of removing by part such as removing "Daily(" with gsub first then removing ")". However, I seem to be facing issues with that.
ltaCpInfoDF$weekdays_rate_1 <- gsub("Daily(", "", ltaCpInfoDF$weekdays_rate_1)
Here is the error shown:
Error in gsub("Daily(", "", ltaCpInfoDF$weekdays_rate_1) :
invalid regular expression 'Daily(', reason 'Missing ')''
In addition: Warning message:
In gsub("Daily(", "", ltaCpInfoDF$weekdays_rate_1) :
TRE pattern compilation error 'Missing ')''
Could someone share with me a better way? Thank you in advance!
Use sub with a capture group:
input <- "Daily(7am-11pm): $1.20"
output <- gsub("\\S+\\s*\\((.*?)\\)", "\\1", input)
[1] "7am-11pm: $1.20"
We may use without capturing
gsub("^[^(]+\\(|\\)", "", str1)
[1] "7am-11pm: $1.20"
str1 <- "Daily(7am-11pm): $1.20"

Error when using qualtRics::fetch_survey() with partial

I'm getting the following error message when using qualtRics::fetch_survey function together with purrr::partial:
fetch_new_survey <- partial(fetch_survey,
force_request = TRUE)
Error in vapply(, deparse, "character") : `values must be
length 1, but FUN(X[[1]]) result is length 68
Am I using partial incorrectly, or is there something else going on here?

how to get document() to accept µ

I have been using this code
nutList <- gsub("_µg","",nutList, fixed = TRUE)
to remove the string "_µg" from the variable nutList for at least a year and have had no problems. Now I'm trying use document() to see where I have problems in getting ready for a package.
Error in parse(text = lines, n = -1, srcfile = srcfile) : [filename] : unexpected INCOMPLETE_STRING
nutList <- gsub("_
It appears that document() doesn't like the µ that is there. How can I modify the code so it is accepted?

Error in gsub is too long with Arabic language in R

I am doing text mining in R with Arabic language
And use gsub function but I got an error as shown here
Error in gsub("^\\x{0627}\\x{0644}(?=\\p{L})", "", x, perl = TRUE) :
invalid regular expression '^\x{0627}\x{0644}(?=\p{L})'
In addition: Warning message:
In gsub("^\\x{0627}\\x{0644}(?=\\p{L})", "", x, perl = TRUE) :
PCRE pattern compilation error
'character value in \x{} or \o{} is too large'
at '}\x{0644}(?=\p{L})'
here is my code
# Remove leading alef lam with optional leading waw
m <- gsub('^\\x{0627}\\x{0644}(?=\\p{L})', '', x, perl = TRUE)
anyone can help me ?
Finally I solved the problem ,
the problem is : when I import data in Arabic language as csv then apply gsub I get the error
Error in gsub("^\\x{0627}\\x{0644}(?=\\p{L})", "", x, perl = TRUE) :
invalid regular expression '^\x{0627}\x{0644}(?=\p{L})'
In addition: Warning message:
In gsub("^\\x{0627}\\x{0644}(?=\\p{L})", "", x, perl = TRUE) :
PCRE pattern compilation error
'character value in \x{} or \o{} is too large'
at '}\x{0644}(?=\p{L})'
I figure out that I need to save the data with encode= UTF-8
then read it also with encode= UTF-8 Then change the Local .
like this code :
[1] "Arabic_Saudi Arabia.1256"
> write.csv(x, file = "x.csv" , fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
y<-read.csv("C:/Users/Documents/x.csv",encoding ="UTF-8")
> Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE","arabic")
[1] "Arabic_Saudi Arabia.1256"
it seems to me the only problem is your quotation marks:
> x <- "الوطن"
> gsub('^\\x{0627}\\x{0644}(?=\\p{L})', '', x, perl = TRUE)
[1] "وطن"
also, check for your OS locale as I've experienced some similar issues when trying to process Hebrew text while my Windows locale was set to US.

Ignoring the symbol ° in R devtools function document()

I would like to create a package for internal usage (not to distribute somewhere). One of my functions contains the line
if (data$unit[i] != "°C") {
It works perfectly in the script, but if I want to create the documentation for my package using document() from devtools, i get the error
Error in parse(text = lines, keep.source = TRUE, srcfile = srcfilecopy(file, path_to_my_code: unexpected INCOMPLETE_STRING
279: if (!$unit[i]){
280: if (data$unit[i] != "
addition: Warning message:
In readLines(con, warn = FALSE, n = n, ok = ok, skipNul = skipNul) :
invalid input found on input connection 'path_to_my_code'
If I delete the °-character, document() works. But I need this character there, so this is not an option.
When using double-\ in the if-clause, my function doesn't detect °C anymore as shown here:
test <- c("mg/l", "°C")
"\\°C" %in% test
If I use tryCatch, the documentation is also not created.
Replacing "°C" by gsub(pattern = '\\\\', replacement = "", x = '\\°C') causes the function to crash at the double-\ .
How can I tell document() that everything is fine and it should just create the files?
