Linq to dataset, Query optimization -

I have following linq queries:
var itembind = (from q in dsSerach.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
select new
PatternID = q.Field<int>("PatternID"),
PatternName = q.Field<string>("PatternName") + " " + q.Field<string>("ColorID") + q.Field<string>("BookID"),
ColorID = q.Field<string>("ColorID"),
BookID = q.Field<string>("BookID"),
CoverImage = (from img1 in objJFEntities.ProductImages.ToList()
where img1.PatternName.ToLower() == q.Field<string>("PatternName").ToLower()
select new CoverImage
URL = "Images/MediumPatternImages/" +
q.Field<string>("PatternName") + "_" + q.Field<string>("ColorID") + q.Field<string>("BookID") + q.Field<string>("ImageExtension"),
ID = q.Field<int>("ProductImageID")
TotalCount = q.Field<int>("TotalCount")
var patterns = (from r in itembind
group r by new { r.PatternID, r.ColorID } into g
select new SearchPattern
PatternID = g.Key.PatternID,
PatternName = string.Join(",", g.OrderBy(s => s.ColorID).OrderBy(s => s.BookID)
.Select(s => String.Format("<a href='{0:s}' title='{1:s}'>{2:s}</a><br />",
new object[] { String.Format("Product.aspx?ID={0}&img={1}", g.Key.PatternID, s.CoverImage.ID), s.PatternName, s.PatternName })).FirstOrDefault()),
CoverImage = g.Count() > 1 ? (from img1 in objJFEntities.ProductImages.ToList()
where img1.ProductImageID == g.Select(i => i.CoverImage.ID).FirstOrDefault() && img1.ColorID.ToString() == g.Key.ColorID
select new CoverImage
URL = "Images/MediumPatternImages/" +
img1.PatternName + "_" + img1.ColorID + img1.BookID + img1.ImageExtension,
ID = img1.ProductImageID
}).FirstOrDefault() : g.Select(i => i.CoverImage).FirstOrDefault()
these queries are taking more then 1 minute to execute for the 1000 records only.
The dsSearch is a dataset filled with records returned from my procedure in SQL.
Am using entity framework. The site is deployed with IIS7.0. The SQL server 2008 is in use.
I got "Error Message:Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." ,
"Cannot open database "DB" requested by the login. The login failed." & "The underlying provider failed on Open." kind of error very frequently site.
Please tell me how to optimize such a query.
Here is the procedure

In the first query you are doing a objJFEntities.ProductImages.ToList() , with the ToList() call you are fetching every entry from the database, and later filter the results in memory.

Rolfvm is correct in pointing out that objJFEntities.ProductImages causes the problem, but the analysis is a bit different. You fetch the entire ProductImages table into memory for each iteration of the query when you enumerate over it. So one optimization would be to fetch the images first in a collection and use that collection in the query statement
var localImages = objJFEntities.ProductImages.ToList();
CoverImage = (from img1 in localImages....
But then, your query seems to do far too much. You build the first part itembind without executing it. Then you build the second part (var patterns = (from r in itembind) and execute it by ToList(). But in the second part you never use the CoverImage from the first part. So creating these is a waste of resources. (Or you skimmed the code, hiding another use of the first part).


google api .net client v3 getting free busy information

I am trying to query free busy data from Google calendar. Simply I am providing start date/time and end date/time. All I want to know is if this time frame is available or not. When I run below query, I get "responseOBJ" response object which doesn't seem to include what I need. The response object only contains start and end time. It doesn't contain flag such as "IsBusy" "IsAvailable"
#region Free_busy_request_NOT_WORKING
FreeBusyRequest requestobj = new FreeBusyRequest();
FreeBusyRequestItem c = new FreeBusyRequestItem();
c.Id = "";
requestobj.Items = new List<FreeBusyRequestItem>();
requestobj.TimeMin = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
requestobj.TimeMax = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2);
FreebusyResource.QueryRequest TestRequest = calendarService.Freebusy.Query(requestobj);
// var TestRequest = calendarService.Freebusy.
// FreeBusyResponse responseOBJ = TestRequest.Execute();
var responseOBJ = TestRequest.Execute();
Calendar API will only ever provide ordered busy blocks in the response, never available blocks. Everything outside busy is available. Do you have at least one event on the calendar
with the given ID in the time window?
Also the account you are using needs to have at least free-busy access to the resource to be able to retrieve availability.
I know this question is old, however I think it would be beneficial to see an example. You will needed to actually grab the Busy information from your response. Below is a snippet from my own code (minus the call) with how to handle the response. You will need to utilized your c.Id as the key to search through the response:
FreebusyResource.QueryRequest testRequest = service.Freebusy.Query(busyRequest);
var responseObject = testRequest.Execute();
bool checkBusy;
bool containsKey;
if (responseObject.Calendars.ContainsKey("**INSERT YOUR KEY HERE**"))
containsKey = true;
if (containsKey)
//Had to deconstruct API response by WriteLine(). Busy returns a count of 1, while being free returns a count of 0.
//These are properties of a dictionary and a List of the responseObject (dictionary returned by API POST).
if (responseObject.Calendars["**YOUR KEY HERE**"].Busy.Count == 0)
checkBusy = false;
checkBusy = true;
if (checkBusy == true)
var busyStart = responseObject.Calendars["**YOUR KEY HERE**"].Busy[0].Start;
var busyEnd = responseObject.Calendars["**YOUR KEY HERE**].Busy[0].End;
string isBusyString = "Between " + busyStart + " and " + busyEnd + " your trainer is busy";
richTextBox1.Text = isBusyString;
string isFreeString = "Between " + startDate + " and " + endDate + " your trainer is free";
richTextBox1.Text += isFreeString;
MessageBox.Show("CalendarAPIv3 has failed, please contact support\nregarding missing <key>", "ERROR!");
My suggestion would be to break your responses down by writing them to the console. Then, you can "deconstruct" them. That is how I was able to figure out "where" to look within the response. As noted above, you will only receive the information for busyBlocks. I used the date and time that was selected by my client's search to show the "free" times.
You'll need to check if your key exists before attempting the TryGetValue or searching with a keyvaluepair.

Why is my query so slow?

I try to tune my query but I have no idea what I can change:
A screenshot of both tables:
The relation is: 1 UserPM (a Private Message) has 1 Sender (User, SenderID -> User.SenderID) and 1 Recipient (User, RecipientID -> User.UserID) and 1 User has X UserPMs as Recipient and X UserPMs as Sender.
The intial load takes around 200ms, it only takes the first 20 rows and display them. After this is displayed a JavaScript PageMethod gets the GetAllPMsAsReciepient method and loads the rest of the data
this GetAllPMsAsReciepient method takes around 4.5 to 5.0 seconds each time to run on around 250 rows
My code:
public static List<UserPM> GetAllPMsAsReciepient(Guid userID)
using (RPGDataContext dc = new RPGDataContext())
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions();
//options.LoadWith<UserPM>(a => a.User);
options.LoadWith<UserPM>(a => a.User1);
dc.LoadOptions = options;
List<UserPM> pm = (
from a in dc.UserPMs
where a.RecieverID == userID
&& !a.IsDeletedRec
orderby a.Timestamp descending select a
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - dt;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ts.Seconds + "." + ts.Milliseconds);
return pm;
I have no idea how to tune this Query, I mean 250 PMs are nothing at all, on other inboxes on other websites I got around 5000 or something and it doesn't need a single second to load...
I try to set Indexes on Timestamp to reduce the Orderby time but nothing happend so far.
Any ideas here?
I try to reproduce it on LinqPad:
Without the DataLoadOptions, in LinqPad the query needs 300ms, with DataLoadOptions around 1 Second.
So, that means:
I could save around 60% of the time, If I can avoid to load the User-table within this query, but how?
Why Linqpad needs only 1 second on the same connection, from the same computer, where my code is need 4.5-5.0 seconds?
Here is the execution plan:
Here is the SQL Linqpad gives me:
SELECT [t0].[PMID], [t0].[Text], [t0].[RecieverID], [t0].[SenderID], [t0].[Title], [t0].[Timestamp], [t0].[IsDeletedRec], [t0].[IsRead], [t0].[IsDeletedSender], [t0].[IsAnswered], [t1].[UserID], [t1].[Username], [t1].[Password], [t1].[Email], [t1].[RegisterDate], [t1].[LastLogin], [t1].[RegisterIP], [t1].[RefreshPing], [t1].[Admin], [t1].[IsDeleted], [t1].[DeletedFrom], [t1].[IsBanned], [t1].[BannedReason], [t1].[BannedFrom], [t1].[BannedAt], [t1].[NowPlay], [t1].[AcceptAGB], [t1].[AcceptRules], [t1].[MainProfile], [t1].[SetShowHTMLEditorInRPGPosts], [t1].[Age], [t1].[SetIsAgePublic], [t1].[City], [t1].[SetIsCityShown], [t1].[Verified], [t1].[Design], [t1].[SetRPGCountPublic], [t1].[SetLastLoginPublic], [t1].[SetRegisterDatePublic], [t1].[SetGBActive], [t1].[Gender], [t1].[IsGenderVisible], [t1].[OnlinelistHidden], [t1].[Birthday], [t1].[SetIsMenuHideable], [t1].[SetColorButtons], [t1].[SetIsAboutMePublic], [t1].[Name], [t1].[SetIsNamePublic], [t1].[ContactAnimexx], [t1].[ContactRPGLand], [t1].[ContactSkype], [t1].[ContactICQ], [t1].[ContactDeviantArt], [t1].[ContactFacebook], [t1].[ContactTwitter], [t1].[ContactTumblr], [t1].[IsContactAnimexxPublic], [t1].[IsContactRPGLandPublic], [t1].[IsContactSkypePublic], [t1].[IsContactICQPublic], [t1].[IsContactDeviantArtPublic], [t1].[IsContactFacebookPublic], [t1].[IsContactTwitterPublic], [t1].[IsContactTumblrPublic], [t1].[IsAdult], [t1].[IsShoutboxVisible], [t1].[Notification], [t1].[ShowTutorial], [t1].[MainProfilePreview], [t1].[SetSound], [t1].[EmailNotification], [t1].[UsernameOld], [t1].[UsernameChangeDate]
FROM [UserPM] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [User] AS [t1] ON [t1].[UserID] = [t0].[RecieverID]
WHERE ([t0].[RecieverID] = #p0) AND (NOT ([t0].[IsDeletedRec] = 1))
ORDER BY [t0].[Timestamp] DESC
If you want to get rid of the LoadWith, you can select your field explicitly :
public static List<Tuple<UserPM, User> > GetAllPMsAsReciepient(Guid userID)
using (var dataContext = new RPGDataContext())
return (
from a in dataContext.UserPMs
where a.RecieverID == userID
&& !a.IsDeletedRec
orderby a.Timestamp descending
select Tuple.Create(a, a.User1)
I found a solution:
At first it seems that with the DataLoadOptions is something not okay, at second its not clever to load a table with 30 Coloumns when you only need 1.
To Solve this, I make a view which covers all nececeery fields and of course the join.
It reduces the time from 5.0 seconds to 230ms!

Retrieve Cellset Value in SSAS\MDX

Im writing SSAS MDX queries involving more than 2 axis' to retrieve a value. Using ADOMD.NET, I can get the returned cellset and determine the value by using
lblTotalGrossSales.Text = CellSet.Cells(0).Value
Is there a way I can get the CellSet's Cell(0) Value in my MDX query, instead of relying on the data returning to ADOMD.NET?
Edit 1: - Based on Daryl's comment, here's some elaboration on what Im doing. My current query is using several axis', which is:
SELECT {[Term Date].[Date Calcs].[MTD]} ON 0,
{[Sale Date].[YQMD].[DAY].&[20121115]} ON 1,
{[Customer].[ID].[All].[A612Q4-35]} ON 2,
{[Measures].[Loss]} ON 3
If I run that query in Management Studio, I am told Results cannot be displayed for cellsets with more than two axes - which makes sense since.. you know.. there's more than 2 axes. However, if I use ADOMD.NET to run this query in-line, and read the returning value into an ADOMD.NET cellset, I can check the value at cell "0", giving me my value... which as I understand it (im a total noob at cubes) is the value sitting where all these values intersect.
So to answer your question Daryl, what I'd love to have is the ability to have the value here returned to me, not have to read in a cell set into the calling application. Why you may ask? Well.. ultimately I'd love to have one query that performs several multi-axis queries to return the values. Again.. Im VERY new to cubes and MDX, so it's possible Im going at this all wrong (Im a .NET developer by trade).
Simplify your query to return two axis;
SELECT {[Measures].[Loss]} ON 0, {[Term Date].[Date Calcs].[MTD] * [Sale Date].[YQMD].[DAY].&[20121115] * [Customer].[ID].[All].[A612Q4-35]} ON 1 FROM OUR_CUBE
and then try the following to access the cellset;
string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Catalog=AdventureWorksDW2012";
//Create a new string builder to store the results
System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdConnection(connectionString);
//Connect to the local serverusing (AdomdConnection conn = new AdomdConnection("Data Source=localhost;"))
//Create a command, using this connection
AdomdCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = #"SELECT { [Measures].[Unit Price] } ON COLUMNS , {[Product].[Color].[Color].MEMBERS-[Product].[Color].[]} * [Product].[Model Name].[Model Name]ON ROWS FROM [Adventure Works] ;";
//Execute the query, returning a cellset
CellSet cs = cmd.ExecuteCellSet();
//Output the column captions from the first axis//Note that this procedure assumes a single member exists per column.
TupleCollection tuplesOnColumns = cs.Axes[0].Set.Tuples;
foreach (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.Tuple column in tuplesOnColumns)
result.Append(column.Members[0].Caption + "\t");
//Output the row captions from the second axis and cell data//Note that this procedure assumes a two-dimensional cellset
TupleCollection tuplesOnRows = cs.Axes[1].Set.Tuples;
for (int row = 0; row < tuplesOnRows.Count; row++)
for (int members = 0; members < tuplesOnRows[row].Members.Count; members++ )
result.Append(tuplesOnRows[row].Members[members].Caption + "\t");
for (int col = 0; col < tuplesOnColumns.Count; col++)
result.Append(cs.Cells[col, row].FormattedValue + "\t");
TextBox1.Text = result.ToString();
} // using connection
Source : Retrieving Data Using the CellSet
This is fine upto select on columns and on Rows. It will be helpful analyze how to traverse sub select queries from main query.

SQL always returning same results

I'm trying to do a search on a table in my database where it returns the top 50 rows with a firstname like the search term being passed to the function, but its always returning the same 50 results
My sql looks like this:
Select TOP(50) *
FROM [database].[dbo].[records]
WHERE (A_1STNAME LIKE '" + #searchTerm + "%')
When I run this query in Visual Studios query window, it works as expected but when I run it through my ASP.NET application, it always returns the same 50 results, and only one of them has a first name close to the searchTerm I passed to it.
here is the page code that runs the function:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
_migrated_data data = new _migrated_data();
DataSet ds = data.Search(Request.QueryString.Get("query"), "A_RECID", 50);
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
rpt_Data.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
and here is the search method of _migrated_data:
public DataSet Search(String #pSearchTerm, String #pSortBy, int #pRowCount)
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
OleDbConnection objOleDBConn;
OleDbDataAdapter objOleDBDa;
objOleDBConn = new OleDbConnection(ClearingHouse_OLEDDB);
string lSQL = "SELECT TOP(50) * FROM [database].[dbo].[records]";
lSQL += " WHERE (A_1STNAME LIKE #searchTerm ) ORDER BY #sortBy";
SqlCommand t = new SqlCommand(lSQL);
if (pSearchTerm != null && pSearchTerm != "")
t.Parameters.AddWithValue("#searchTerm", #pSearchTerm + "%");
if (pSortBy != null && pSortBy != "")
t.Parameters.AddWithValue("#sortBy", #pSortBy);
t.Parameters.AddWithValue("#sortBy", "A_RECID");
objOleDBDa = new OleDbDataAdapter(t.CommandText, objOleDBConn);
objOleDBDa.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
return ds;
Using locals to view the final CommandText of t, I get the sql results I gave above.
Any help is greatly appriciated :)
AS Rob Rodi said, first of all, to get the results begining with a value you will need % char at the end of the therm:
Select TOP(50) *
FROM [database].[dbo].[records]
WHERE (A_1STNAME LIKE '" + #searchTerm + "%')
Second, probably your searchTerm is empty, so it's grabbing always the same results.
Debug your app and watch the variable to see if it's receiving some value.
You are having SQL injection there. Also it looks like the %-signs are missing.
The fact, that the query works in a query window and not in your app means, that the error is not in your query! Did you think about that? Probably, you should post code of your ASP.NET app.
It sounds like your parameter isn't being correctly passed to your data layer. Easiest way to find out if that's the case is to turn on Sql Profiler and check to see if it's being passed. If it is, your sql's to blame. If it's not, it's your application. You can then use the debugger on your application to work your way up the stack to see where the problem lies.

Convert SQL to LINQ query to get max

hi guys i am stuck converting below sql to LINQ query.
all i want is to have maximum number from list of (FA-00001 ,FA-00059)
SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING(ReferenceId, PATINDEX('%-%', ReferenceId) + 1, LEN(ReferenceId) - PATINDEX('%-%', ReferenceId)) AS int)) AS MaxReferenceId FROM [ClientRC].[dbo].[EHO_Action]
is this possible to convert to LINQ? thanks
An alternative approach using anonymous projection:
var y = (from record in
(from record in db.ClientRC
select new
Group = "x",
ReferenceNumber = Convert.ToInt32(record.ReferenceId.Split('-')[1])
group record by new { record.Group } into g
select new
MaxReferenceId = g.Max(p => p.ReferenceNumber)
var myvar = (from v in db.object where v!=null select;
MSDN has lots of examples for stuff like this.
Or, you can execute queries directly against a datacontext if you're using entity framework. Just make sure if you're doing anything with parameters you're parameterizing the query and not taking user input directly into it.
Try this..
var list = DBContext.EHO_Action
.Where(x => x.YourListColumn != null)
.Select(x => x.YourListColumn).ToList(); // Take the list (FA-00001 ,FA-00059) from db to a list
var maxNo = list.Max(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Split('-')[1]));
Please change the context and column names according to your Linq context.
If you want to use sql you can do it this way..
var list = DBContext.ExecuteQuery<string>("select yourreqrdcolumn from [ClientRC].[dbo].[EHO_Action]");
