Debug output when using flyways ant tasks - flyway

The command line documentation mentions an argument -x for debug output.
However I cannot find anything in the ant task documentation.
Is there a way to activate it there as well?

Use the standard ant -d switch to turn on the debug output.


Why is phpunit still masking test output?

I have some tests that are passing locally but failing in CI. I'm trying to troubleshoot using the command php ./vendor/bin/phpunit -d memory_limit=512m --debug --verbose however no amount of var_dump(), throwing exceptions or anything will give me any debug output. I know it's the output buffer hiding the output. I've looked at phpunit's --help and don't see anymore flags I could possibly add that will show me the output. Looking at the TestCase source code I'm not seeing a clear way to turn off this buffering. I'm also confused why locally I do see the debug output...

Fastlane - use current git tag as version number

I'm trying to use the latest tag on a branch as the version number in an iOS project, using Fastlane.
If I run git describe --abbrev=0 --tags in my terminal I can see the latest tag output.
I'd like to pipe this value into increment_version_number in Fastlane.
To test this I have run -
fastlane action increment_version_number(version_number: $(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags))
in my terminal, but the output I get is
zsh: unknown file attribute: v
increment_version_number docs
Is it possible to do this?
Running the command in the terminal has a different syntax - you need to supply the arguments inline.
fastlane run increment_version_number version_number:$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags)"

Karate Runner -> karate jar : Command line args settings issue

I am using Visual Studio code and Karate Runner plugin is installed. Using karate-config.js with standalone jar (karate.jar). I have tried to configure in karate runner settings in VS code for Karate Runner -> karate jar : Command line args as "java -Dkarate.config.dir=test/resources/ -cp karate.jar" but it throws an exception like
Executing task: java -Dkarate.config.dir=test/resources/ -cp karate.jar "d:\GitHub\KarateTestFramework\test\features\script\all_users.feature:9" <
Error: Could not find or load main class .config.dir=test.resources.
The terminal process "C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command java -Dkarate.config.dir=test/resources/ -cp karate.jar "d:\GitHub\KarateTestFramework\test\features\script\all_users.feature:9"" terminated with exit code: 1.
Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
Also, I have tried full path for -Dkarate.config.dir=D:/GitHub/KarateTestFramework/test/resources but didn't work either.
Please guide me to resolve this issue.
#ChandramohanRamabadran, I tried to replicate the issue on my system. I believe it's not a bug!
It's happening because your VisualStudio is using PowerShell instead of CMD. I believe you might have missed the step to change the default shell of VisualStudio after installing Karate. Try updating the default shell from PowerShell to CMD; then you should be good.
However, if you still want to use PowerShell, then update the command
java -Dkarate.config.dir=test/resources/ -cp karate.jar
java `-Dkarate.config.dir`=test/resources/ -cp karate.jar
More context over the issue:
PowerShell has a more standard rule to parse system-properties parameters which are different from CMD. In a PowerShell command, the parameter names always begin with a hyphen. The hyphen tells PowerShell that the item in the command is a parameter name.
Here, we are passing the parameter as -Dkarate.config.dir, PowerShell sights the parameter name-tag as -Dkarate and not -Dkarate.config.dir; hence the error.
This is a bug. Thanks for reporting it:
For now please find a workaround. Karate will look for karate-config.js in the current directory or the classpath. So if you change the command to something like this (please try variations) it should work
-cp 'karate.jar;test/resources/'
I have changed preferred terminal shell from Powershell to command as default for VS code and followed the below listed steps
Press Ctrl + Shift + P to show all commands.
Type shell in the displayed text box to filter the list.
Select Terminal: Select Default Shell .
You will be prompted to Select your preferred terminal shell, you can change this later in your settings or follow the same process as we do now.
I have changed the karate runner->karate jar:Command Line Args settings as java -Dkarate.config.dir=resources/ -cp karate.jar
Now its working fine.

How to see logs of running robot script?

The robot scripts when ran on RIDE, generate output.xml, report.html etc files, once run is over.
Is there any way available to view logs when script is still running? (When I use pause on failure)
Also some times I had to Stop/Abort the run in middle, and no logs are generated in such cases.
Kindly help,
Thanks in advance
As for first part — RIDE runs tests adding own listener, providing more verboseness of the output and pausing/resuming functionality.The easiest thing is to run tests not from RIDE, but from console using robot/pybot script. In this case much less logs are written to output (though it doesn't provide pause/resume functionality).
For second part — robot (RIDE starts robot script — you can see it in execution log: command: pybot.bat...) generates output.xml file not after but during execution, so generated output.xml is not valid until test is finished. After normal execution rebot tool generating log.html automatically. So generally it's possible to take following steps:
"Fix" your incomplete output.xml file after execution stop with fixml. output.xml location for RIDE execution can be found in the very same execution log of yours (e.g. ...\appdata\local\temp\RIDEv_0yrp.d\ in my case)
Run rebot stand-alone: rebot output.xml --log log.html --report report.html. Rebot options description you can check using rebot --help (as usual)
Please also note that directory where RIDE output files are stored is temporary — exists only when RIDE is started. You will lose your output on exiting RIDE
I'm using RIDE 1.5 so maybe my answer is not valid for other versions
In RIDE, under Run Tab , when you are running the scripts , you have a option, show message log, it will shows the runtime log.
Try this out.

Add coverity scan to Qt app

I'm trying to add Coverity Scan static analysis to my Qt project but I'm not able to get the result.
I download the coverity scan build tools and use the following command line:
cov-build --dir cov-int make
Which produces the following log:
my build log
[WARNING] No files were emitted. This may be due to a problem with your configuration
or because no files were actually compiled by your build command.
Please make sure you have configured the compilers actually used in the compilation.
For more details, please look at:
How can I go further?
I'm using Qt 5.3.2 under MacOS 10.9.
I didn't read the docs carefully enough:
I had to configure coverity first by running:
cov-configure --comptype clangcxx --compiler clang++ --template
You need to run qmake first, then you can run the cov-int command with make.
I found it easiest to run cov-int in my build- folder created by Qt-Creator.
