Have to specify Assembly name for all class references - asp.net

VS 2010, .NET 4.0, VB, EF 4.4
I was having issues deploying my web application to the server... was getting the error "Could not load type " when I tried running it on the server. Googling around I also found that my Web App should not have an "App_Code" folder (copied over shared but of code from other corporate Web Sites). So I moved all the classes from App_Code to a folder off the root ("BLL" - also the namespace of our code library).
Now when I run the app in the VS IDE I'm getting the error "Configuration Error. Could not load type 'BLL.Roles'" coming from the load of the web.config. If I add the assembly name of the app to the front of the "BLL.Roles" > "appName.BLL.Roles" I get past this line and error out at the next reference to "BLL".
I've Cleane and Rebuilt my project.
Why are my classes not getting recognized as part of the app?

I could be wrong but i believe because you are using a Web Site and not a Web application you can only access classes that live in the App_Code Folder. If you are working with a Web Application you can access classes no matter what folder they live in. In that case you might have to move your files to a new project that is under a Application format and not a Web Site format. I would try to move your files to a Web Application project.


Difficulty with Converting a WebSite to Web Application and Testing

This is not as straight forward as I had hoped.
I created a Web Site project on my development machine using the Visual Studio C# template for a WebSite Project. (Visual studio 2010 .net 4.0). The project name is C:\Nova5\WebSite3. It consists solely of:
the Bin subdirectory
Nova.svc file
web.config file
It has been tested to run correctly by:
Setting the website as the startup project, then
Run Debug-->Start Debugging
When tested, the NovaDataService information page is correctly displayed. It also correctly works when used through my client project.
I followed the recommended procedure described at
Walkthrough: Converting a Web Site Project to a Web Application Project in Visual Studio to covert the Web Site to a Web Application.
I now have the following problems and/or difficulties:
If I use the recommended procedure for testing the web site:
-- File | Open | Web Site
-- Build Web Site -- Start Debugging
I get the Error: The type 'Nova5WCFServiceLibrary.NovaDataService', provided as the Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive, or provided in
the configuration element system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/serviceActivations could not be found.
Since, I think, the WebSite does work, I skipped this error and moved on to the next part of the article. The next issue (?) is there is no App_Code file in the WebSite. Is this necessary? If it is necessary, how should I create it? Or do I need to create another WebSite project from its template just to have it?
I did not copy the Nova.svc nor the web.config from the WebSite to the Web Application as none of the references I read indicated to do so. Should I copy these files to the Web Application as well?
I now used the "Convert to Web Application" on the Web Application project and recompiled the solution. Everybody is happy. No errors reported. So how do I now test the Web Application project on my development machine (which also has the client application) ?

Publishing web apps and websites

I understand that references are stored in the project (vbproj) file for ASP.NET web applications and the Web.Config (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/37e2zyhb%28v=vs.71%29.aspx) for websites.
I have recently converted a website into a web application. I notice now that the web application will publish (using the Publish option) even if the version information is incorrect in the Web.Config, then when accessing the web application through a browser I get an error.
I was unable to Publish a website if the version of an assembly in the Web.Config was incorrect.
I read that web applications are precompiled (before publish) whereas websites are compiled the first time the website is accessed through a browser.
Therefore, I believe what I have said should be the other way around i.e. I should be able to publish websites with an incorrect version in the Web.Config (because they are not compiled) and I should not be able to publish a web application.
What am I missing?
After some further research; I have discovered that ASP.NET web applications are built using MSBuild and ASP.NET websites are built using ASPnet_Compiler.
ASPnet_Compiler looks in the Web.Config for referenced assemblies (add assembly tag) at build time, whereas MSBuild looks in the project file (vbproj) at build time.
Web applications are deployed without the vbproj. I believe the project file is used for linking. Therefore at runtime a web application uses the information in the Web.Config to identify assemblies to look for in the local bin folder and then the GAC (for aspx pages only)i.e. namesapces still have to be manually imported into the code behind partial classes.
If anyone has any comments or better answer then please post.

ASP.NET - Change from Web Application Project to Web Site Project

I am new to Visual Studio and ASP.NET. I have a MyClass.cs file under App_Code directory, but could not able to run the function in the class file. Keep getting this error:
The name 'MyClass' does not exist in the current context
I know that code works fine since I posted the codes and others confirmed it works, but I am still receiving the error above.
I read alot more threads on the NET and somes indicated that problem is using Web Application Project instead of Web Site project, which the class file would not compile. I am not sure if I've created it under Application Project we Web Site project.
How can I tell that my site is running under Web Application Project or Web Site Project? and How can I change it to Web Site Project so my class can be recognized.
Thanks in advance,

Web Deploy and Asp.Net MVC 3 Error (Error to Use Section Beyond Application Level)

I've got a Visual Studio 2010 MVC 3 Project that I'm trying to deploy using the Web Deploy Publish option from within Visual Studio. Whenever I try to deploy I get the following error:
It is an error to use a section registered as
allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This
error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an
application in IIS.
When I google the above error I find that people say to either configure the virtual directory as an application, or to check for nested web.config files.
The site runs fine when I deploy the project to it manually, so I believe the site is configured properly. I don't have an application below the site tho, as the site itself is set up as the application.
Also while MVC projects do have nested web.config files (one in the root and one in the views folder) renaming the views web.config file didn't fix the error.
Have you tried deleting your complied code in the obj folder and re-compiling?

Problems consuming webservice on ASP.NET on production(IIS) server

We've implemented some SOAP client code on our ASP.NET site that calls up a remote service. Implementation was basically done by using Visual Studio "Add Web Reference" wizard, adding proper 'using remote.service.namespace' to the code and calling the service.
Code works perfect locally(from Visual Studio), but fails on production web server with missing assembly reference error:
CS0246: The type or namespace name 'remote.service' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I have a sneaky suspicion that I am not deploying everything properly, maybe some one can point out what is that I am missing there?
Additional info:
Project is a Website.
ASP.NET version 2.0 installed and used as a target on both dev box and production server.
Proxy file generated by WSDL.exe is deployed into the root folder of the website, same folder where the page resides. Global namespace(default) was used for proxy class generation.
If this is a WebSite project, then the proxy file should reside inside the App_Code folder
You mentioned the proxy dll is placed on "the root folder of the web site, where the page resides".
You should place the dll inside the "bin" folder. If the folder is not there create it.
The Web Service client stack in .NET does runtime generation of the proxy client (from the annotations in the class generated by wsdl.exe/svcutil.exe). this generated file typically ends up in one of your servers temp directories (there's one under the main windows tree somewhere). The problem is that the ASP.NET user account doesn't have rights to write to this particular temp directory, but doesn't notice at the time it writes the file, so you end up with an error with it trying to load the generated file back. You can end up in the situation depending on the exact installation order on your server. Once you find the right directory you can simply fix the NTFS perms on the directory to solve the problem.
Did you copy the App_WebReferences folder and all its contents to the server?
Does other parts of your ASP.NET site work?
Does your site target 3.5 and possibly 3.5 is not installed on the production server?
Is this a Web Site, or a Web Application Project? I bet it's a Web Site.
