Nested mvvm-light Messenger sends while using the Dispatcher + multithreaded = Deadlock - mvvm-light

Here is basically what is happening....
Class A (Main thread) sends an MVVM message
This message is received, and in the course of processing, Class B is constructed and kicks off a background task.
This background sends an seperate MVVM message.
Class C has registered for this message and does an invoke on the dispatcher to attempt to update the UI.
At this point the main thread is still executing the original Send command and the threads are deadlocked (I can pause the debugger and see they are both waiting).
Other Notes
If I add a sleep in the background thread for one second (allowing the main thread's Send method to complete) it works fine.
This only happens if there is a nested MVVM message sent on another thread which invokes on the dispatcher.
Commenting out the dispatcher call...fine.
Not using an MVVM message to invoke the dispatcher...fine.
Can anyone explain what is going on?

I'll take a stab at this...
You can take a look at the MVVM-Light source code on its CodePlex site. I'm going to paste in the relevant method here (slightly annotated for the sake of this post):
private void SendToTargetOrType<TMessage>(TMessage message, Type messageTargetType, object token)
var messageType = typeof(TMessage);
if (_recipientsOfSubclassesAction != null)
// Clone to protect from people registering in a "receive message" method
// Correction Messaging BL0008.002
var listClone =
foreach (var type in listClone)
List<WeakActionAndToken> list = null;
if (messageType == type
|| messageType.IsSubclassOf(type)
|| type.IsAssignableFrom(messageType))
lock (_recipientsOfSubclassesAction)
list = _recipientsOfSubclassesAction[type].Take(_recipientsOfSubclassesAction[type].Count()).ToList();
// Class A probably sends a message here from the UI thread
SendToList(message, list, messageTargetType, token);
if (_recipientsStrictAction != null)
// Class B grabs this lock on the background thread.
// Class A continues processing on the UI thread and arrives here.
// An attempt is made to grab the lock on the UI thread but it is
// blocked by the background thread & Class B which in turn is waiting
// on the UI thread. And here you have yourself a deadlock
lock (_recipientsStrictAction)
if (_recipientsStrictAction.ContainsKey(messageType))
var list = _recipientsStrictAction[messageType]
// Class B sends its message here.
// Class C receives the message and does an Invoke on the UI thread
SendToList(message, list, messageTargetType, token);
Class A probably sends a message on the UI thread picked up by 'subclass recipients'.
Class B is a recipient that picks up this message and kicks off your background task.
Your background task then sends a message that has a 'strict action recipient'.
Class B grabs the '_recipientsStrictAction' lock on the background thread.
Class B sends the message to class C, which does an invoke on the UI thread.
This invoke blocks because the UI thread is still executing the first message.
UI thread execution continues on and then tries to grab the '_recipientsStrictAction' lock on the UI thread. Unfortunately, your background thread (which is waiting on the UI thread) already has the lock. You are now deadlocked :(
Might want to consider doing an InvokeAsync in Class C rather than an Invoke. I think you could probably avoid the issue that way.
Makes me wonder why MVVM light is sending the message 'inside' the lock. Seems like a not-so-cool sort of thing to do. After typing all this up, I went looking around the CodePlex site, looks like this is issue has been documented:


How to immediately stop processing new messages when inside a message handler?

I have a Rebus bus setup with a single worker and max parallelism of 1 that processes messages "sequentialy". In case an handler fails, or for specific business reason, I'd like the bus instance to immediately stop processing messages.
I tried using the Rebus.Event package to detect the exception in the AfterMessageHandled handler and set the number of workers to 0, but it seems other messages are processed before it can actually succeed in stoping the single worker instance.
Where in the event processing pipeline could I do
bus.Advanced.Workers.SetNumberOfWorkers(0); in order to prevent further message processing?
I also tried setting the number of workers to 0 inside a catch block in the handler itself, but it doesn't seem like the right place to do it since SetNumberOfWorkers(0) waits for handlers to complete before returning and the caller is the handler... Looks like a some kind of a deadlock to me.
Thank you
This particular situation is a little bit of a dilemma, because – as you've correctly observed – SetNumberOfWorkers is a blocking function, which will wait until the desired number of threads has been reached.
In your case, since you're setting it to zero, it means your message handler needs to finish before the number of threads has reached zero... and then: 💣 ☠🔒
I'm sorry to say this, because I bet your desire to do this is because you're in a pickle somehow – but generally, I must say that wanting to process messages sequentually and in order with message queues is begging for trouble, because there are so many things that can lead to messages being reordered.
But, I think you can solve your problem by installing a transport decorator, which will bypass the real transport when toggled. If the decorator then returns null from the Receive method, it will trigger Rebus' built-in back-off strategy and start chilling (i.e. it will increase the waiting time between polling the transport).
Check this out – first, let's create a simple, thread-safe toggle:
public class MessageHandlingToggle
public volatile bool ProcessMessages = true;
(which you'll probably want to wrap up and make pretty somehow, but this should do for now)
and then we'll register it as a singleton in the container (assuming Microsoft DI here):
services.AddSingleton(new MessageHandlingToggle());
We'll use the ProcessMessages flag to signal whether message processing should be enabled.
Now, when you configure Rebus, you decorate the transport and give the decorator access to the toggle instance in the container:
services.AddRebus((configure, provider) =>
.Transport(t => {
// install transport decorator here
t.Decorate(c => {
var transport = c.Get<ITransport>();
var toggle = provider.GetRequiredService<MessageHandlingToggle>();
return new MessageHandlingToggleTransportDecorator(transport, toggle);
So, now you'll just need to build the decorator:
public class MessageHandlingToggleTransportDecorator : ITransport
static readonly Task<TransportMessage> NoMessage = Task.FromResult(null);
readonly ITransport _transport;
readonly MessageHandlingToggle _toggle;
public MessageHandlingToggleTransportDecorator(ITransport transport, MessageHandlingToggle toggle)
_transport = transport;
_toggle = toggle;
public string Address => _transport.Address;
public void CreateQueue(string address) => _transport.CreateQueue(address);
public Task Send(string destinationAddress, TransportMessage message, ITransactionContext context)
=> _transport.Send(destinationAddress, message, context);
public Task<TransportMessage> Receive(ITransactionContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
=> _toggle.ProcessMessages
? _transport.Receive(context, cancellationToken)
: NoMessage;
As you can see, it'll just return null when ProcessMessages == false. Only thing left is to decide when to resume processing messages again, pull MessageHandlingToggle from the container somehow (probably by having it injected), and then flick the bool back to true.
I hope can work for you, or at least give you some inspiration on how you can solve your problem. 🙂

Updating UI BeginInvokeOnMainThread not reflecting immediately

I am showing activity indicator after clicking login button until redirecting the user to another page, to make them understand some progress is going on. But after clicking login button Activity Indicator is not shown immediately, it is shown after few seconds,
Why its so? To reduce that delay only I am putting activity indicator...
My Code:
async void loginButtonGesture_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
loadingPanel.IsRunning = true;
loadingPanel.IsVisible = true;
Does the method have to be async void? It seems like this particular scheduling anything on the main thread shouldn't need to be async. Try that to see if it changes anything. Also you could try to set breakpoints on the Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread line, and the loadingPanel.IsRunning... line to see where the delay happens.
First of all, loginButtonGesture_Tapped() event handler is triggered by UI thread so you don't need to use Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(), it is already in UI thread. But since you used Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread() here, the reason for the delay is because on Android, your code inside of BeginInvokeOnMainThread() is added to MainLooper's message queue,(your code is not executed immediately) and is executed when the UI thread is scheduled to handle its messages.
The detailed answer can be found in Xamarin document:
For iOS:
IOSPlatformServices.BeginInvokeOnMainThread() Method simply calls NSRunLoop.Main.BeginInvokeOnMainThread
public void BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Action action)
You use this method from a thread to invoke the code in the specified object that is exposed with the specified selector in the UI thread. This is required for most operations that affect UIKit or AppKit as neither one of those APIs is thread safe.
The code is executed when the main thread goes back to its main loop for processing events.
For Android:
Many People think on Xamarin.Android BeginInvokeOnMainThread() method use Activity.runOnUiThread(), BUT this is NOT the case, and there is a difference between using runOnUiThread() and Handler.Post():
public final void runOnUiThread(Runnable action) {
if (Thread.currentThread() != mUiThread) {;//<-- post message delays action until UI thread is scheduled to handle messages
} else {;//<--action is executed immediately if current running thread is UI thread.
The actual implementation of Xamarin.Android BeginInvokeOnMainThread() method can be found in AndroidPlatformServices.cs class
public void BeginInvokeOnMainThread(Action action)
if (s_handler == null || s_handler.Looper != Looper.MainLooper)
s_handler = new Handler(Looper.MainLooper);
As you can see, you action code is not executed immediately by Handler.Post(action). It is added to the Looper's message queue, and is handled when the UI thread's scheduled to handle its message.

PNaCl: Handle another message while already in 'HandleMessage' function?

I'm using PNaCl and I'm in a situation where first I receive a message that is handled in the 'HandleMessage' function as the normal way, but then in the current HandleMessage execution, I need to wait for a user input that would come from an other message in order to complete the execution.
I'm wondering if this is possible to do that (handling a message while already waiting in the 'HandleMessage' function) ? And if so, can someone give me a trick ?
Thanks !
HandleMessage is currently called on one thread, the main thread. So you cannot receive a message while you are handling another message.
We typically suggest you spawn a new thread to do your work, and leave the main thread to handle messages, and queue them for the new thread to handle. Take a look at the nacl_io_demo example in the SDK for an example of this technique (found in examples/demo/nacl_io).
Another solution is to use a state machine; i.e. keep track of your current state in a variable instead of on the stack.
For example:
enum State {
State state_;
virtual void HandleMessage(const pp::Var& var_message) {
switch (state_) {
if (var_message.AsString() == "first_message") {
// Do some work before you need the user input ...
if (var_message.AsString() == "user_input") {
// Do more work, now that we've received input from the user...

How to rewrite synchronous controller to be asynchronous in Play?

I'm using Play framework 2.2 for one of my upcoming web application. I have implemented my controllers in synchronous pattern, with several blocking calls (mainly, database).
For example,
Synchronous version:
public static Result index(){
User user = db.getUser(email); // blocking
User anotherUser = db.getUser(emailTwo); // blocking
user.sendEmail(); // call to a webservice, blocking.
return ok();
So, while optimising the code, decided to make use of Asynchronous programming support of Play. Gone through the documentation, but the idea is still vague to me, as I'm confused about how to properly convert the above synchronous block of code to Async.
So, I came up with below code:
Asynchronous version:
public static Promise<Result> index(){
return Promise.promise(
new Function0<Result>(){
public Result apply(){
User user = db.getUser(email); // blocking
User anotherUser = db.getUser(emailTwo); // blocking
user.sendEmail(); // call to a webservice, blocking.
return ok();
So, I just wrapped the entire control logic inside a promise block.
Is my approach correct?
Should I convert each and every blocking request inside the controller, as Asynchronous, or wrapping several blocking calls inside single Async block is enough?
The play framework is asynchronous by nature and it allows the creation of fully non-blocking code. But in order to be non-blocking - with all its benefits - you can't just wrap your blocking code and expect magic to happen...
In an ideal scenario, your complete application is written in a non-blocking manner. If this is not possible (for whatever reason), you might want to abstract your blocking code in Akka actors or behind async interfaces which return scala.concurrent.Future's. This way you can execute your blocking code (simultaneously) in a dedicated Execution Context, without impacting other actions. After all, having all your actions share the same ExecutionContext means they share the same Thread pool. So an Action that blocks Threads might drastically impact other Actions doing pure CPU while having CPU not fully utilized!
In your case, you probably want to start at the lowest level. It looks like the database calls are blocking so start by refactoring these first. You either need to find an asynchronous driver for whatever database you are using or if there is only a blocking driver available, you should wrap them in a future to execute using a DB-specific execution context (with a ThreadPool that's the same size as the DB ConnectionPool).
Another advantage of abstracting the DB calls behind an async interface is that, if at some point in the future, you switch to a non-blocking driver, you can just change the implementation of your interface without having to change your controllers!
In your re-active controller, you can then handle these futures and work with them (when they complete). You can find more about working with Futures here
Here's a simplified example of your controller method doing non-blocking calls, and then combining the results in your view, while sending an email asynchronous:
public static Promise<Result> index(){
scala.concurrent.Future<User> user = db.getUser(email); // non-blocking
scala.concurrent.Future<User> anotherUser = db.getUser(emailTwo); // non-blocking
List<scala.concurrent.Future<User>> listOfUserFutures = new ArrayList<>();
final ExecutionContext dbExecutionContext = Akka.system().dispatchers().lookup("dbExecutionContext");
scala.concurrent.Future<Iterable<User>> futureListOfUsers = akka.dispatch.Futures.sequence(listOfUserFutures, dbExecutionContext);
final ExecutionContext mailExecutionContext = Akka.system().dispatchers().lookup("mailExecutionContext");
user.andThen(new OnComplete<User>() {
public void onComplete(Throwable failure, User user) {
user.sendEmail(); // call to a webservice, non-blocking.
}, mailExecutionContext);
return Promise.wrap(futureListOfUsers.flatMap(new Mapper<Iterable<User>, Future<Result>>() {
public Future<Result> apply(final Iterable<User> users) {
return Futures.future(new Callable<Result>() {
public Result call() {
return ok(...);
}, Akka.system().dispatcher());
}, ec));
It you don't have anything to not block on then there may not be a reason to make your controller async. Here is a good blog about this from one of the creators of Play:

BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted event in WPF

There is a scenario in which a user terminates the application, while it is still processing data via BackgroundWorker.
I would like to send cancel or terminate command to this method. I tried calling CancelAsync() method, but it obviously didn't work the way I expected and the worker still continued processing.
What is a good way to signal the BackgroundWorker, and especially its RunWorkerCompleted method to stop processing?
Do I have to use state variables?
This is the code executed when you call CancelAsync() on a BackgroundWorker
public void CancelAsync()
if (!this.WorkerSupportsCancellation)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString
this.cancellationPending = true;
As you can see, they set the internal cancellationPending variable to true after checking the value of WorkerSupportsCancellation.
So you need to set WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;, when you exit from your app call backGroundWorkerInstance.CancelAsync() and inside the DoWork or RunWorkerCompleted test the CancellationPending. If it's true stop your process.
