How can I draw filled elliptical sector using Bresenham's algorithm and bitmap object with DrawPixel method?
I have written method for drawing ellipse, but this method uses symmetry and passes only first quadrant. This algorithm is not situable for sectors. Of course, I can write 8 cycles, but I think it's not the most elegant solution of the task.
On integer math the usual parametrization is by using limiting lines (in CW or CCW direction) instead of your angles. So if you can convert those angles to such (you need sin,cos for that but just once) then you can use integer math based rendering for this. As I mentioned in the comment bresenham is not a good approach for a sector of ellipse as you would need to compute the internal iterators and counters state for the start point of interpolation and also it will give you just the circumference points instead of filled shape.
There are many approaches out there for this here a simple one:
convert ellipse to circle
simply by rescaling the smaller radius axis
loop through bbox of such circle
simple 2 nested for loops covering the outscribed square to our circle
check if point inside circle
simply check if x^2 + y^2 <= r^2 while the circle is centered by (0,0)
check if point lies between edge lines
so it should be CW with one edge and CCW with the other. You can exploit the cross product for this (its z coordinate polarity will tell you if point is CW or CCW against the tested edge line)
but this will work only up to 180 deg slices so you need also add some checking for the quadrants to avoid false negatives. But those are just few ifs on top of this.
if all conditions are met conver the point back to ellipse and render
Here small C++ example of this:
void elliptic_arc(int x0,int y0,int rx,int ry,int a0,int a1,DWORD c)
// variables
int x, y, r,
xa,ya,xb,yb, // a0,a1 edge points with radius r
// my Pixel access (you can ignore it and use your style of gfx access)
int **Pixels=Main->pyx; // Pixels[y][x]
int xs=Main->xs; // resolution
int ys=Main->ys;
// init variables
r=rx; if (r<ry) r=ry; rr=r*r; // r=max(rx,ry)
mx=(rx<<10)/r; // scale from circle to ellipse (fixed point)
// render
for (y=-r,yy=y*y,cy=(y*my)>>10,sy=y0+cy;y<=+r;y++,yy=y*y,cy=(y*my)>>10,sy=y0+cy) if ((sy>=0)&&(sy<ys))
for (x=-r,xx=x*x,cx=(x*mx)>>10,sx=x0+cx;x<=+r;x++,xx=x*x,cx=(x*mx)>>10,sx=x0+cx) if ((sx>=0)&&(sx<xs))
if (xx+yy<=rr) // inside circle
if ((cx>=0)&&(cy>=0)) a= 0;// actual quadrant
if ((cx< 0)&&(cy>=0)) a= 90;
if ((cx>=0)&&(cy< 0)) a=270;
if ((cx< 0)&&(cy< 0)) a=180;
if ((a >=a0)||((cx*ya)-(cy*xa)<=0)) // x,y is above a0 in clockwise direction
if ((a+90<=a1)||((cx*yb)-(cy*xb)>=0))
beware both angles must be in <0,360> range. My screen has y pointing down so if a0<a1 it will be CW direction which matches the routione. If you use a1<a0 then the range will be skipped and the rest of ellipse will be rendered instead.
This approach uses a0,a1 as real angles !!!
To avoid divides inside loop I used 10 bit fixed point scales instead.
You can simply divide this to 4 quadrants to avoid 4 if inside loops to improve performance.
x,y is point in circular scale centered by (0,0)
cx,cy is point in elliptic scale centered by (0,0)
sx,sy is point in elliptic scale translated to ellipse center position
Beware my pixel access is Pixels[y][x] but most apis use Pixels[x][y] so do not forget to change it to your api to avoid access violations or 90deg rotation of the result ...
I have a space with obstacles I wish to find a path through. What I can do is discretize the space into a grid and use A* (or D* or whatever) to find a path through it. I wish to now add orientation to the algorithm. So the node location now becomes a 3d vector (x, y, phi). You can go from one node to another one only if they belong to an arc (both positions are on a circle and are oriented along the tangent lines). How do I discretize the space so that angles don't explode in a sense that by traversing the graph, the set of possible angles becomes finite?
As I understand it, your challenge is not to discretize coordinate, but to discretize the headings. I had to do the same thing in a grid world that allowed movement in eight directions, i.e. horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Your discretized space should match the problem domain. For your consideration:
4-directions: use a square grid with movement across edges
8-directions use a square grid with movement across edges and vertices
6-directions use a hexagonal grid with movement across edges
12-directions use a hexagonal grid with movement across edges and points
... and so on.
To actually get the discretized headings, I declared an enum called Direction:
public enum Direction {
//additional code below...
You can lookup the correct heading by first computing the XY-offset between the current position and goal position:
int dx = currentPosition.x - goalPosition.x;
int dy = currentPosition.y - goalPosition.y;
These were passed to the getInstance(int,int) method (below) to obtain the correct Direction:
public static Direction getInstance(int dx, int dy) {
int count = Direction.values().length;
double rad = Math.atan2(dy, dx); // In radians
double degree = rad * (180 / Math.PI) + 450;
return getInstance(((int) Math.round(((degree % 360) / (360 / count)))) % count);
public static Direction getInstance(int i) {
return Direction.values()[i % Direction.count];
In effect, these methods compute the heading in degrees and rounds to the nearest Direction. You can then implement a method that moves/turns the agent in the the Direction heading, e.g. agent.turnToward(Direction d) or agent.move(Direction d).
Additional Resources:
Hexagon grids:
Representing grids with graphs:
Pathfinding with A*:
Angles can be prevented from blowing up by ensuring that phi is considered to be modulo 2pi, that is, phi = phi + 2pi*k for any integer value of k.
In C like syntax, you might end up updating phi with fmod.
phi = fmod(phi + deltaphi, 2*pi)
Where deltaphi is the change in angle you're introducing (in radians).
The most common way to do this is to constrain the values of the angle phi to take on one of n discrete angles which also has the advantage of avoiding precision/rounding issues. Given that you know phi can only take on one of n values, you can treat it like an integer, and map the value to a real when necessary.
i = (i + deltai) % n
phi = (2*i*pi)/n)
Where your change in angle deltai is (2*deltai*pi)/n radians.
However, finding a good discretization is only part of the solution - it defines a representation of your configuration space, but as you've pointed out, you also need to consider what a valid transition is.
The simplest approach to integrate angles into planning is to require rotations and translations to be distinct (at any time you can do one or the other, but not both), or to be composable (always translate, and then on arriving instantaneously rotate).
Moving forward and or backward at the same time while you're turning introduces is more complex, and tends to not work particularly well with discrete lattices - it tends to require some model of the vehicle you're working with. The most common are the simple nonholonomic models - the forward only car (the Dubins' car) or the car with forward / reverse (the Reeds Shepp car) - your reference to tangents to circles, I'm guessing this is what you're after. Dubins-Curves, or similar libraries can be used to build libraries of possible paths that could be combined with an A* (or D*) planner.
Differentially Constrained Mobile Robot Motion Planning in State Lattices by Mihail Pivtoraiko, Ross A. Knepper and Alonzo Kelly has some striking images of what's possible.
I am writing a shader to render spheres on point sprites, by drawing shaded circles, and need to write a depth component as well as colour in order that spheres near each other will intersect correctly.
I am using code similar to that written by Johna Holwerda:
void PS_ShowDepth(VS_OUTPUT input, out float4 color: COLOR0,out float depth : DEPTH)
float dist = length (input.uv - float2 (0.5f, 0.5f)); //get the distance form the center of the point-sprite
float alpha = saturate(sign (0.5f - dist));
sphereDepth = cos (dist * 3.14159) * sphereThickness * particleSize; //calculate how thick the sphere should be; sphereThickness is a variable.
depth = saturate (sphereDepth + input.color.w); //input.color.w represents the depth value of the pixel on the point-sprite
color = float4 ( ,alpha ); //or anything else you might need in future passes
The video at that link gives a good idea of the effect I'm after: those spheres drawn on point sprites intersect correctly. I've added images below to illustrate too.
I can calculate the depth of the point sprite itself fine. However, I am not sure show to calculate the thickness of the sphere at a pixel in order to add it to the sprite's depth, to give a final depth value. (The above code uses a variable rather than calculating it.)
I've been working on this on and off for several weeks but haven't figured it out - I'm sure it's simple, but it's something my brain hasn't twigged.
Direct3D 9's point sprite sizes are calculated in pixels, and my sprites have several sizes - both by falloff due to distance (I implemented the same algorithm the old fixed-function pipeline used for point size computations in my vertex shader) and also due to what the sprite represents.
How do I go from the data I have in a pixel shader (sprite location, sprite depth, original world-space radius, radius in pixels onscreen, normalised distance of the pixel in question from the centre of the sprite) to a depth value? A partial solution simply of sprite size to sphere thickness in depth coordinates would be fine - that can be scaled by the normalised distance from the centre to get the thickness of the sphere at a pixel.
I am using Direct3D 9 and HLSL with shader model 3 as the upper SM limit.
In pictures
To demonstrate the technique, and the point at which I'm having trouble:
Start with two point sprites, and in the pixel shader draw a circle on each, using clip to remove fragments outside the circle's boundary:
One will render above the other, since after all they are flat surfaces.
Now, make the shader more advanced, and draw the circle as though it was a sphere, with lighting. Note that even though the flat sprites look 3D, they still draw with one fully in front of the other since it's an illusion: they are still flat.
(The above is easy; it's the final step I am having trouble with and am asking how to achieve.)
Now, instead of the pixel shader writing only colour values, it should write the depth as well:
void SpherePS (...any parameters...
out float4 oBackBuffer : COLOR0,
out float oDepth : DEPTH0 <- now also writing depth
Note that now the spheres intersect when the distance between them is smaller than their radiuses:
How do I calculate the correct depth value in order to achieve this final step?
Edit / Notes
Several people have commented that a real sphere will distort due to perspective, which may be especially visible at the edges of the screen, and so I should use a different technique. First, thanks for pointing that out, it's not necessarily obvious and is good for future readers! Second, my aim is not to render a perspective-correct sphere, but to render millions of data points fast, and visually I think a sphere-like object looks nicer than a flat sprite, and shows the spatial position better too. Slight distortion or lack of distortion does not matter. If you watch the demo video, you can see how it is a useful visual tool. I don't want to render actual sphere meshes because of the large number of triangles compared to a simple hardware-generated point sprite. I really do want to use the technique of point sprites, and I simply want to extend the extant demo technique in order to calculate the correct depth value, which in the demo was passed in as a variable with no source for how it was derived.
I came up with a solution yesterday, which which works well and and produces the desired result of a sphere drawn on the sprite, with a correct depth value which intersects with other objects and spheres in the scene. It may be less efficient than it needs to be (it calculates and projects two vertices per sprite, for example) and is probably not fully correct mathematically (it takes shortcuts), but it produces visually good results.
The technique
In order to write out the depth of the 'sphere', you need to calculate the radius of the sphere in depth coordinates - i.e., how thick half the sphere is. This amount can then be scaled as you write out each pixel on the sphere by how far from the centre of the sphere you are.
To calculate the radius in depth coordinates:
Vertex shader: in unprojected scene coordinates cast a ray from the eye through the sphere centre (that is, the vertex that represents the point sprite) and add the radius of the sphere. This gives you a point lying on the surface of the sphere. Project both the sprite vertex and your new sphere surface vertex, and calculate depth (z/w) for each. The different is the depth value you need.
Pixel Shader: to draw a circle you already calculate a normalised distance from the centre of the sprite, using clip to not draw pixels outside the circle. Since it's normalised (0-1), multiply this by the sphere depth (which is the depth value of the radius, i.e. the pixel at the centre of the sphere) and add to the depth of the flat sprite itself. This gives a depth thickest at the sphere centre to 0 and the edge, following the surface of the sphere. (Depending on how accurate you need it, use a cosine to get a curved thickness. I found linear gave perfectly fine-looking results.)
This is not full code since my effects are for my company, but the code here is rewritten from my actual effect file omitting unnecessary / proprietary stuff, and should be complete enough to demonstrate the technique.
Vertex shader
void SphereVS(float4 vPos // Input vertex,
float fPointRadius, // Radius of circle / sphere in world coords
out float fDXScale, // Result of DirectX algorithm to scale the sprite size
out float fDepth, // Flat sprite depth
out float4 oPos : POSITION0, // Projected sprite position
out float fDiameter : PSIZE, // Sprite size in pixels (DX point sprites are sized in px)
out float fSphereRadiusDepth : TEXCOORDn // Radius of the sphere in depth coords
// Normal projection
oPos = mul(vPos, g_mWorldViewProj);
// DX depth (of the flat billboarded point sprite)
fDepth = oPos.z / oPos.w;
// Also scale the sprite size - DX specifies a point sprite's size in pixels.
// One (old) algorithm is in
fDXScale = ...;
fDiameter = fDXScale * fPointRadius;
// Finally, the key: what's the depth coord to use for the thickness of the sphere?
fSphereRadiusDepth = CalculateSphereDepth(vPos, fPointRadius, fDepth, fDXScale);
All standard stuff, but I include it to show how it's used.
The key method and the answer to the question is:
float CalculateSphereDepth(float4 vPos, float fPointRadius, float fSphereCenterDepth, float fDXScale) {
// Calculate sphere depth. Do this by calculating a point on the
// far side of the sphere, ie cast a ray from the eye, through the
// point sprite vertex (the sphere center) and extend it by the radius
// of the sphere
// The difference in depths between the sphere center and the sphere
// edge is then used to write out sphere 'depth' on the sprite.
float4 vRayDir = vPos - g_vecEyePos;
float fLength = length(vRayDir);
vRayDir = normalize(vRayDir);
fLength = fLength + vPointRadius; // Distance from eye through sphere center to edge of sphere
float4 oSphereEdgePos = g_vecEyePos + (fLength * vRayDir); // Point on the edge of the sphere
oSphereEdgePos.w = 1.0;
oSphereEdgePos = mul(oSphereEdgePos, g_mWorldViewProj); // Project it
// DX depth calculation of the projected sphere-edge point
const float fSphereEdgeDepth = oSphereEdgePos.z / oSphereEdgePos.w;
float fSphereRadiusDepth = fSphereCenterDepth - fSphereEdgeDepth; // Difference between center and edge of sphere
fSphereRadiusDepth *= fDXScale; // Account for sphere scaling
return fSphereRadiusDepth;
Pixel shader
void SpherePS(
float fSpriteDepth : TEXCOORD0,
float fSphereRadiusDepth : TEXCOORD1,
out float4 oFragment : COLOR0,
out float fSphereDepth : DEPTH0
float fCircleDist = ...; // See example code in the question
// 0-1 value from the center of the sprite, use clip to form the sprite into a circle
fSphereDepth = fSpriteDepth + (fCircleDist * fSphereRadiusDepth);
// And calculate a pixel color
oFragment = ...; // Add lighting etc here
This code omits lighting etc. To calculate how far the pixel is from the centre of the sprite (to get fCircleDist) see the example code in the question (calculates 'float dist = ...') which already drew a circle.
The end result is...
Voila, point sprites drawing spheres.
The scaling algorithm for the sprites may require the depth to be
scaled, too. I am not sure that line is correct.
It is not fully mathematically correct (takes shortcuts)
but as you can see the result is visually correct
When using millions of sprites, I still get a good rendering speed (<10ms per frame for 3 million sprites, on a VMWare Fusion emulated Direct3D device)
The first big mistake is that a real 3d sphere will not project to a circle under perspective 3d projection.
This is very non intuitive, but look at some pictures, especially with a large field of view and off center spheres.
Second, I would recommend against using point sprites in the beginning, it might make things harder than necessary, especially considering the first point. Just draw a generous bounding quad around your sphere and go from there.
In your shader you should have the screen space position as an input. From that, the view transform, and your projection matrix you can get to a line in eye space. You need to intersect this line with the sphere in eye space (raytracing), get the eye space intersection point, and transform that back to screen space. Then output 1/w as depth. I am not doing the math for you here because I am a bit drunk and lazy and I don't think that's what you really want to do anyway. It's a great exercise in linear algebra though, so maybe you should try it. :)
The effect you are probably trying to do is called Depth Sprites and is usually used only with an orthographic projection and with the depth of a sprite stored in a texture. Just store the depth along with your color for example in the alpha channel and just output
Sphere will not project into a circle in general case. Here is the solution.
This technique is called spherical billboards. An in-depth description can be found in this paper:
Spherical Billboards and their Application to Rendering Explosions
You draw point sprites as quads and then sample a depth texture in order to find the distance between per-pixel Z-value and your current Z-coordinate. The distance between the sampled Z-value and current Z affects the opacity of the pixel to make it look like a sphere while intersecting underlying geometry. Authors of the paper suggest the following code to compute opacity:
float Opacity(float3 P, float3 Q, float r, float2 scr)
float alpha = 0;
float d = length(P.xy - Q.xy);
if(d < r) {
float w = sqrt(r*r - d*d);
float F = P.z - w;
float B = P.z + w;
float Zs = tex2D(Depth, scr);
float ds = min(Zs, B) - max(f, F);
alpha = 1 - exp(-tau * (1-d/r) * ds);
return alpha;
This will prevent sharp intersections of your billboards with the scene geometry.
In case point-sprites pipeline is difficult to control (i can say only about OpenGL and not DirectX) it is better to use GPU-accelerated billboarding: you supply 4 equal 3D vertices that match the center of the particle. Then you move them into the appropriate billboard corners in a vertex shader, i.e:
if ( idx == 0 ) ParticlePos += (-X - Y);
if ( idx == 1 ) ParticlePos += (+X - Y);
if ( idx == 2 ) ParticlePos += (+X + Y);
if ( idx == 3 ) ParticlePos += (-X + Y);
This is more oriented to the modern GPU pipeline and of coarse will work with any nondegenerate perspective projection.
I'm using a Lua API. I'm trying to transform 3D space coordinates to 2D space coordinates. I've asked google but I can't find anything apart from snippets using OpenGL function. I don't need source code or anything just a simple way on how to do it? I can acquire the Camera's perspective, the original position to be transformed, window size and aspect ratio if that's any help? Thanks in advance for any suggestions :)
If you're talking about transforming world-space (x,y,z) coordinates to screen-space (u,v) coordinates, then the basic approach is:
u = x / z;
v = y / z;
If the camera is not at the origin, transform (x,y,z) by the view matrix before the projection matrix. You may also want to adjust for the camera perspective, aspect ratio etc., in which case I'd refer to this Wikipedia article.
My apologies if you're looking for something specific to the Lua API, which I am not familiar with.
For 3d projection you will need a line of field of view.
For example on a 400*400 window ;
200 will be ok.
As you can see in the given image.
Actually you can increase or decrease this 200 value according to your screen size because using wrong value can stretch your 3d model.
So you can use the given formula to convert your 3d points to 2d points.
Here, x or y means new x or y coordinate after perspective projection and oldx and oldy means old x and y coordinates.
Same formula for y also.
Here is a java code example for converting 3d coordinates to 2d coordinates with depth of z axis.
// 'double[] a' indicates your 3d a=[x,y,z];
// int b indicates whether you wanted to return your 2d x coordinate or y coordinate. 0 will return x and 1 will return y.
// if your image stretches then you can adjust the fovl(field of view line).
public static double PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTION(double[] a,int b){
int fovl=200;
double oldpos=a[b];
double z=a[2];
double newpos=(double)(fovl/(fovl+z))*oldpos;
return newpos;
I cannot find a consistent method for finding the signed distance between a point and a plane. How can I calculate this given a plane defined as a point and a normal?
struct Plane
Vec3 point;
Vec3 normal;
You're making things much too complicated. If your normal is normalized, you can just do this:
float dist = dotProduct(p.normal, (vectorSubtract(point, p.point)));