How I connect with Oracle Database in -

I want to connect with oracle instead of Microsoft access database.Please help me.This is the code for works fine.
set Con=Server.createobject("ADODB.Connection")
set Rs=Server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset") "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:\test.mdb"

You can use oracle client just like Sql client


Classic ASP connecting to localdb for SQL Server

Can anyone explain why this works
Conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;;Database=People;Uid=MyUid;Pwd=MyPwd;Encrypt=yes;"
and this doesn't
Conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=(localdb)\v11.0;Database=People;Uid=MyUid;Pwd=MyPwd;Encrypt=yes;"
I copied my live azure database locally for dev work in Classic ASP and the error message is
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).] SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Azure SQL server version: 11.0.9231
Local SQL server version: 11.0.2318
I can connect using the same details on SQL Server Management Studio so its not a user permissions thing...
Under Security for the server, the user has public server role, the user mapping for the 'People' database is everything except db_denydatareader and db_denydatawriter.
I have also tried (localdb)\\v11.0 which doesn't make a difference.
Any ideas?
OK so I believe the answer is as follows: It doesn't like (LocalDb)\V11.0 it wants a proper instance name like you said in the first place. MACHINENAME\INSTANCENAME OR localhost\INSTANCENAME which I am using as this is going to be replicated for other devs. Also, you DONT NEED two back slashes! My problem is I somehow didn't have a local instance installed. Thanks or your help #Lankymart

Sql Express Connection in ASP

I am trying to connect to sql express db and inserting record to one of the table inside it using following code.
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
SQL_Conn_STRING = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=(local);Database=classic_asp_poc;uid=my-domain\username;pwd=my password"
conn.Open SQL_Conn_STRING
Response.Write("con open")
I am getting error on open connection. Is there any problem in my connection string?
If you're using mssql express, you need to add \SQLEXPRESS to your database address/ip, so in your example you would use Server=(local\SQLEXPRESS)
You're using an odbc connection string. OLEDB or native client strings are the preferred method eg
SQL_Conn_STRING = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=local\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=classic_asp_poc;User Id=my-domain\username;Password=my password"
See this easy to remember link for more examples

Connecting with dsn

I have an application written in Classic ASP and VBScript. First it was developed for SQL Server 2000; I have upgraded this to SQL Server 2008. Previously I only need to define the DSN in the page like so:
But after upgrading to SQL Server 2008 it is not working. I need to define password attribute for this. (like this?)
Do we need to provide a password attribute or am I missing something?
You have quite a few different options to change your connection string to work with SQL Server 2008. If you are setting Trusted_Connection to true, then the password argument isn't used. You might have set up a 2008 INSTANCE, in which case, you need to use Server\Instance. It might be that simple.
Standard Security
Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;
Trusted Connection
Connection to a SQL Server instance
Server=myServerName\myInstanceName;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;
Connect via an IP address
Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;
Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

Cannot open database 'dbname' requested by the login. The login failed

Firstly, I know that there are a lot of similar topics, but none seem to solve my problem.
I have inherited a project where the front-end is built in ASP.NET and the CMS is built in classic ASP. I'm in the process of setting up a local development environment where I've copied the database from the live server and am configuring the website to connect to my new local DB.
The ASP.NET part is connecting with the connection string Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS; Database=DBNAME; Trusted_Connection=True; but I had to mess about with Application Pools and Permissions.
I'm having a problem with getting the classic ASP part of the website to connect to the SQL database. The error I am recieving is:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database "DBNAME" requested by the login. The login failed.
/cms/connections/Conn.asp, line 18
The code in that file is:
12. Dim Conn_STRING, URL, mailHost
13. Conn_STRING = "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=.\SQLEXPRESS; Database=DBNAME; Trusted_Connection=True;"
15. Dim conn
16. set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
17. conn.ConnectionString = Conn_STRING
18. conn.Open
I know it's a permission problem or some sort, but I can't get to the bottom of it. I'll appreciate any help at all :)
hmmmm, well, the part is using SQLExpress, connected via an attached file. DBNAME in the first example is going to refer to a db file name in the actual project. It's been quite a long time since I last used classic ASP, but I'd be STUNNED if it supports this. You need to attach the db file to an actual sql server and use it that way.
server=mycomputername\sqlexpress; database=DBNAME; user id=username; password=password
You'll need to open your database in sql express mngmt studio
Go into your security settings for that user and set the default database to "dbname" (whatver your real dbname is of course)
Ensure your app pool is set to run under the user that has permissions to that database. It may just be easier to enable mixed mode authentication and create a sql user to connect to the database rather than messing around with windows authentication on an app pool.
You wil lof course need to change your connection string then to support the sql authentication if you go that route.

What connection string do I use for Classic ASP and Oracle 10g?

I have Oracle 10g and have installed ODBC via the instant client. I am able to use the ODBC administrator and set up a DSN and test successfully, and whenever I use Microsoft Access I can connect to my database no problem. I can also use Visual Web Developer to traverse the data.
But, when I try and use Classic ASP with:
myConn.Open "DSN=oracle10g;" & _
"Uid=myOracleUsername;" & "Pwd=myOraclePassword"
I get:
-2147467259Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 5 (Oracle in instantclient10_2).
An error occurred while trying to create Server Object.
I have searched various places but nothing seems to work. All ORACLE_HOME, TNSnames, IUSR_X security, all is correct. I am thinking it is a DSN connection string problem.
Anyone know?
Try using the following DSN-less connection string:
myConn.Open "Provider=MSDAORA;Data Source=instance_name;User ID=myOracleUsername;Password=myOraclePassword"
I've used this exact connection string for older version of Oracle client, but can't see any reason why it won't work for your version as well.
try this :
