How to display a web service (SOAP) JSON result in a Drupal View - drupal

I'm a Drupal beginner, and I would like to display a web service (SOAP) result (in JSON) in a page.
I would like to display the result in a table (so I think Drupal View would be nice to display it...), but I don't know how to bring the Web Service result to display it into a View.
I am using the module "wsclient" ( together with "Rules" to execute a web service method, and I am able to get its result into a message, but that's all I was able to do until now.
I'm new to Drupal. Can someone help me please, to perform this action in the best way?
I am using Drupal 7.
Thank you!

There's a feature request in the wsclient issue queue for views integration:
EDIT: as pointed out in the comments below, the following does not apply to the original question:
Have you considered using the Services module instead? There is already views integration for it.


How do I auto sign in to Laravel via an API coming from .net?

We have a portal built in and we need one of the sections to be an embedded frame containing a webapp built in Laravel, however the Laravel webapp has a login and we dont want users having to login twice. So how do I set this up? I understand I need to use this method :
The request would be coming from .net and I would parse say the JSON response, but how do I setup laravel to consume that API call? I have never done anything like this before and I dont know where to start. Can someone explain or give me a series of steps? Thank you!
if you have the user id as $id, you can use:

Crawler for Deep-Web calling ASP.NET page

I'm developing a web-crawler and I need get the return of ASP.NET forms.
I know about the difficult to try that, but my crawler can get the return of PHP forms or languages like that. I'm using HtmlAgilityPack and call with POST parameters. That works fine.
My problem starts when I need crawler ASP.NET Forms, with a lot of hiddens fields and other the information (like __VIEWSTATE or __EVENTARGUMENT) for ASP.NET Kernel.
How Can I put for my crawler send a POST call and receive the correct return with the data base filters? Somebody have information about that? Somebody tried something like that?
Thank's everybody.
I'm waiting for a good response.

Legitamate cross site communication

I am building a website, within a large intranet, that wraps and adds functionality to another site within the same intranet. I do not have access to the other site's source and they do not provide any api's for the functionality they provide. I need to, somehow, have my server-side code go to that site, fill in some forms, then press a submit button.
Is this possible? If so, how can I accomplish this?
Note: I am working in asp.NET if that matters at all.
Not the most efficient, but maybe WatiN can get you started:
Just look at the URL the form is supposed to submit to and the method it employs (POST or GET) and then send a request to that URL using the same method and put the field you want as parameters
Your server-side code is basically a web client to the other web site. You will need to write the code to send the HTML form data to the other web site and process the response. I would start with the System.Net.WebClient class. Take a look at System.Net.WebClient.UploadValues. That class/method will enable you to POST the form data to the web site via a NameValueCollection.

A simple GET with Grails

I have built a simple Grails app, with a domain-class and its controller (with the default scaffold functionality).
I want to use this for an Android app.
I had to get my objects in the JSON format, and thanks to stackoverflow it's been easy ;)
Now I have to put data. I should make a POST call to http://localhost:8080/MyApp/person/save with parameters, I suppose. But I can't succeed using RESTClient or other simple utilities/firefox addons that GET/POST data over an HTTP server.
The response web page is an error web page, saying "Property 'name' can't be null" or similar... as if I have no parameters passed. Perhaps I'm not able to make a POST request on a page?! o_O
And how can I enable GET, in Grails, to insert objects?
Thank you.
Funny, I think I am about 2 weeks ahead of you on a similar project. :)
When you do your Post, be sure and include the ?format=json on the end of your URL and grails will automagically parse the params with no extra code in the controller. Isn't grails wonderful?

Creating DNN Portal through Code (or programming)?

I have one portal with 3 modules inside it, now my requirement is i would like to create
new portal for every client registered in my DNN site.
So, i have one interface for registration, so as soon as client registers entirely new parent portal should be created with all the modules.
How can i achieve this functionality ???
I would suggest digging into the admin files that come as part of the default DNN installation and look for the code that creates a new portal from there. It will ultimately be calling a stored procedure to create the necessary data in the SQL tables. You might get away with just calling the stored procs but the admin code probably calls several different ones to setup the default security settings.
Curiously what alias will each of these portals use? It's not clear why you need a complete portal for each user. The DNN segmentation already allows you to show different content based on role membership. Why the need for a whole portal per user?
Use the site wizard to create template of the current portal and during client registration programmatically execute the template. You may also want to automate the site setup in IIS.
Well, You can easily do it! Login to host and go to portals. Click on create new protal.
See which control is responsible for creating new portal. you can simaply get it by using firebug and look into client id of link or text box.
Once you do that, you will find the code you can use.
tell me if you need more help with it, I'm good with what you want to do!
