Export property of an object - google-closure-compiler

How do I export the method of an object to call externally in the HTML page.
The JavaScript code:
my.namespace.FeedbackController = Class.create();
Object.extend(my.namespace.FeedbackController.prototype, {
initialize:function(fid, fitem){
this.fid = fid,
this.feedback_item = fitem;
link_click : function(fstate) {
goog.exportSymbol('my.namespace.FeedbackController', my.namespace.FeedbackController);
goog.exportProperty(my.namespace.FeedbackController, 'link_click', my.namespace.FeedbackController.link_click);
On the page there are multiple items that people give feedback on.
The HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
feedback_handlers = new Array();
feedback_handlers[16] = new my.namespace.FeedbackController(16, 'useful');
When I click on the link 'Useful' I get TypeError: feedback_handlers['16'].link_click is not a function.
Am I missing something?

link_click is a prototyped method.
goog.exportProperty(my.namespace.FeedbackController.prototype, 'link_click', my.namespace.FeedbackController.prototype.link_click);

The way in which you extend your function prototype Object.extend is not recognized by Closure-compiler. You'll need to use direct prototype assignments:
my.namespace.FeedbackController.prototype.initialize = function() ...
If you compile with verbose warnings, you should get a warning about undefined properties.


TinyMCE : TypeError: this.getDoc(...) is undefined

my question seems to be already ask, but truth me the situation here is diferent.
TypeError: this.getDoc(...) is undefined
What i already do:
-update jquery version
-test every parameters pass to the tinymce functions, everything is ok
My code:
var html = '<div class="traduce-fields"><h4></h4><div class="text-block"><textarea class="textarea-tinymce" id="textarea-' + dataLang + '"></textarea></div><div class="bt-valide-traduce" onclick="sendTraduce($(this))"><p>TO TRADUCE !</p></div></div>';
//active de nouveau tinyMCE
tinymce.init({selector: '.textarea-tinymce'});
var selector = 'textarea-' + dataLang;
As mentioned in my original comment, my bet is that you are trying to use TinyMCE before its fully initialized. There is a function that can tell you when its fully initialized so you can use that to set the content:
selector: 'textarea',
setup: function (editor) {
editor.on('init', function () {
this.setContent('Using the on init stuff!');
As it takes you time to click on your alert this is probably allowing for TinyMCE to finish loading hence the setContent() call is then working.
My cod is long and show him in JS fiddle is hard but I got something that could help you:
This code works:
tinymce.init({selector: '.textarea-tinymce'});
var tinyMCEInstance = tinymce.get(idTextarea);
This not:
tinymce.init({selector: '.textarea-tinymce'});
var tinyMCEInstance = tinymce.get(idTextarea);
That's very strange, what kind of problem an alert could solve?
Thank you for helping me.

Meteor.js: template.<html>.events vs Template.<template>.events 'this' binding seems inconsistent

I'm looking through the Meteor simple tutorial and the way that 'this' binding in the different Template objects works seems inconsistent to me in my unknowledgeable state.
"submit .new-task": function(event) {
console.log(this); // Logs an empty object
"click .toggle-checked": function() {
console.log(this); // logs a task
I can see that task is an xml template defined in the view, which is a visual representation of the items returned by a function in the Template.body.helpers object.
I guess that the task objects are bound the html representation of each object (though I can't see how as there doesn't seem to be any identifying property within the li elements??)
Anyhow. When I click the task, this is the task. But when I submit the form, I was expecting this to be the body. Why is it not?
I was expecting Meteor to handle Template.body and Template.task in a similar way
In Meteor this referes to the data context. You define it with helpers or with the route controller ( IronRouter or FlowRouter)
{{#with myData}}
myData : function(){
return {
title : "My title"
You need to use the "event" argument
"click .toggle-checked": function( event , instance ) {
console.log( event );
The instance argument is also very useful. You have access to a jQuery selector like: instance.$() and it will only search for elements on your template and also child templates.
Personally I use the instance a lot. My Favorite pattern is:
this.vars = new ReactiveDict();
this.data = "some data";
Later if you want to access vars or data:
Events - You get this on the arguments
Helpers - var instance = Template.instance();
With instance you avoid storing states in the global namespace, like Session, and your code is a lot easier to maintain and understand. I hope this helps you to understand how template works in Blaze.

Solution for SAPUI5 error message because of templateShareable:true?

Since an upgrade of SAPUI5 1.28.20 I receive the following error message:
A shared template must be marked with templateShareable:true in the
binding info
Code is in MangedObject.js and looks like this:
} else if ( oBindingInfo.templateShareable === MAYBE_SHAREABLE_OR_NOT ) {
// a 'clone' operation implies sharing the template (if templateShareable is not set to false)
oBindingInfo.templateShareable = oCloneBindingInfo.templateShareable = true;
jQuery.sap.log.error("A shared template must be marked with templateShareable:true in the binding info");
Value of oBindingInfo.templateShareable is true, value of MAYBE_SHAREABLE_OR_NOT is 1.
According to documentation the default of oBindingInfo.templateShareable is true.
So what is wrong here? A bug in the library? Or something with my code?
See also: https://sapui5.netweaver.ondemand.com/sdk/#docs/api/symbols/sap.ui.base.ManagedObject.html
Update for SAPUI5 version 1.32.x
With version 1.32.x the message has changed it is now:
A template was reused in a binding, but was already marked as
candidate for destroy. You better should declare such a usage with
templateShareable:true in the binding configuration. -
but according to the documentation the default should still be true:
{boolean} oBindingInfo.templateShareable?, Default: true option to
enable that the template will be shared which means that it won't be
destroyed or cloned automatically
Now it looks like, that this produces some endless loading, I got this message again and again till the browser crashes.
Anyone an idea what could be wrong?
Looks like the message occurs if the template was instantiated outside the binding. Example:
This code will work:
new sap.m.Select({
items : {
path : "/Items",
template : new sap.ui.core.Item({
text : "{Name}"
This code seems to produce the message:
var oTemplate = new sap.ui.core.Item({
text : "{Name}"
new sap.m.Select({
items : {
path : "/Items",
template :oTemplate
This seems to fix the problem:
var oTemplate = new sap.ui.core.Item({
text : "{Name}"
new sap.m.Select({
items : {
path : "/Items",
template :oTemplate,
templateShareable : true
The answer above marked as being correct is actually not correct at all because this here is wrong:
Looks like the message occurs if the template was instantiated outside
the binding. [...] This code seems to produce the message: [...]
To prove the answer above os wrong on your own just run this example (SAPUI5 1.28.20 has the same result):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>SAPUI5 single file template | nabisoft</title>
<!-- use "sync" or change the code below if you have issues -->
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () {
"use strict";
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({
Items: [
{Name: "Michael"},
{Name: "John"},
{Name: "Frank"},
{Name: "Jane"}
var oTemplate = new sap.ui.core.Item({
text : "{Name}"
new sap.m.Select({
items : {
path : "/Items",
template : oTemplate
<body class="sapUiBody">
<div id="content"></div>
Basically, a clear definition of the lifecycle for templates is (or was) missing in UI5. When this issue was detected there were already many older apps around... So now this new "feature" was introduced somewhen last year (which is kind of backwards compatible). UI5 tries to detect automatically the developer's intention about the lifecycle of a given template used in the binding (using some heuristic). If UI5 cannot clearly tell what the developer actually wanted then you will see this error log - which actually does not affect the functionality at all. It just tells the developer that there is a template somewhere which will not be destroyed by the UI5 runtime. In other words, if you set templateShareable=true then you should make sure to destroy the template in order to avoid memory leaks. So just setting templateShareable=true is not the whole story...
I have published a detailed blog about this: Understanding templateShareable in SAPUI5

meteor and textareas

Ok so I'm not sure why I can't render the code. First if I console.log users.content I get the content I want but I'm some how not able to pass it to a textarea so that it show's it...
Users = new Meteor.Collection("users");
Template.inputUser.code = function(){
var el = Users.find({name:"oscar"});
And then on my html template I have
<body>{{> inputUser}}</body>
<template name="inputUser">
And I would have a record on the db suck as so
Users.insert({name:"oscar",content:"hello world"})
Thanks for your help guys.
Firstly your method Template.inputUser.code should return something, you should also note that it wouldn't be called with that template either as it needs a {{code}} call in it rather than {{content}}
The second point is database contents are not always available if you have disabled the autopublish package, if so check out using publish(in the server code) and subscribe(in the client code): http://docs.meteor.com/#meteor_subscribe you can use this to check when the client has all the data to display. Something like:
Meteor.subscribe('allusers', function() {
Template.inputUser.code = function(){
var user = Users.findOne({name:"oscar"});
return user.content;
Meteor.publish('allusers', function() {
return Users.find();

dynamically inserting templates in meteor

Ok so I've got my template in its own file named myApp.html. My template code is as follows
<template name="initialInsertion">
<div class="greeting">Hello there, {{first}} {{last}}!</div>
Now I want to insert this template into the DOM upon clicking a button. I've got my button rendered in the DOM and I have a click event tied to it as follows
Template.chooseWhatToDo.events = {
'click .zaButton':function(){
Meteor.ui.render(function () {
$("body").append(Template.initialInsertion({first: "Alyssa", last: "Hacker"}));
Now obviously the $("body").append part is wrong but returning Template.initialInsertion... doesn't insert that template into the DOM. I've tried putting a partia {{> initialInsertion}}but that just errors out because I dont have first and last set yet... any clues?
Thanks guys
In meteor 1.x
'click .zaButton':function(){
Blaze.renderWithData(Template.someTemplate, {my: "data"}, $("#parrent-node")[0])
In meteor 0.8.3
'click .zaButton':function(){
var t = UI.renderWithData(Template.someTemplate, {my: "data"})
UI.insert(t, $(".some-parrent-to-append"))
Is first and last going into a Meteor.Collection eventually?
If not, the simplest way I know is to put the data into the session:
Template.chooseWhatToDo.events = {
'click .zaButton' : function () {
Session.set('first', 'Alyssa');
Session.set('last', 'Hacker');
Then you would define:
Template.initialInsertion.first = function () {
return Session.get('first');
Template.initialInsertion.last = function () {
return Session.get('last');
Template.initialInsertion.has_name = function () {
return Template.initialInsertion.first() && Template.initialInsertion.last();
Finally, adjust your .html template like this:
<template name="initialInsertion">
{{#if has_name}}
<div class="greeting">Hello there, {{first}} {{last}}!</div>
This is the exact opposite solution to your question, but it seems like the "Meteor way". (Basically, don't worry about manipulating the DOM yourself, just embrace the sessions, collections and template system.) BTW, I'm still new with Meteor, so if this is not the "Meteor way", someone please let me know :-)
I think you may want to use Meteor.render within your append statement. Also, note that if you are passing data into your Template, then you must wrap Template.initialInsertion in an anonymous function, since that's what Meteor.render expects. I'm doing something similar that seems to be working:
Template.chooseWhatToDo.events = {
'click .zaButton':function(){
$("body").append(Meteor.render(function() {
return Template.initialInsertion({first: "Alyssa", last: "Hacker"})
Hope this helps!
Many answer here are going to have problems with the new Blaze engine. Here is a pattern that works in Meteor 0.8.0 with Blaze.
//JS Client Initially
var current = Template.initialTemplate;
var currentDep = new Deps.Dependency;
Template.mainTemplate = function()
return current;
function setTemplate( newTemplate )
current = newTemplate;
setTemplate( Template.someOtherTemplate );
More info in this seccion of Meteor docs
