Styling image along with caption, if it exists, in Wordpress - css

This is Wordpress-related question, but since desired solution is purely CSS-related, I posted it in here, not at
In my current style, if image has no following caption, it is placed using HTML code like that:
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="" width="300" height="225" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-55">
In my current style, it is styled like that:
img {
display: block;
padding: 5px;
background-color: #eee;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
Which draws simple border around it.
If there is a caption following image, entire HTML in this part is a little bit more complex:
<div id="attachment_55" class="wp-caption aligncenter" style="width: 310px">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="" width="300" height="225" class="size-medium wp-image-55">
<p class="wp-caption-text">Caption</p>
Currently caption is not styled at all (as per my currently selected theme).
What I would like to achieve is to have entire div styled (image and caption), if there is any caption. If I'm not mistaken, that would require to style img (as currently) only, if it is not followed by <p class="wp-caption-text">. If it is, then img should not be styled at all and it second-in-row parent (<div class="wp-caption">) should be styled instead.
That's all for the algorithm. But how to code this in CSS (and whether it is possible at all) -- I don't know.
The simpliest solution would be to never style img and always style <div class="wp-caption"> instead, no matter if there is caption following image or not. But the problem is, that Wordpress is adding that div only, if there is a caption. So styling only it, would result in no border at all, if there is only image.

if you can use Jquery.
you can manipulate the markup then. if the pattern of your img and img with caption is going to be like that, you can do this.
am sure this code can be optimized even better, but it should give you an idea.
see this fiddle


Proper use of HTML5 elements

I have my profile image and below it I want to place my name and a few things about me. I don't know what to use for the image div or if I even need a div for it. Are the h1 and p elements used properly?
<div class="profile">
<div><img src="profile_image.jpg"></div>
<h1>first last</h1>
<p>Coffee snob.</p>
Full Body HTML
<div class="page">
<div class="profile">
<div><img src="profile_image.jpg"></div>
<h1>first last</h1>
<p>Coffee snob.</p>
<div class="sites">
<li><img src=""> <img src=""></li>
The rest of the site are just app icons taking to my social media sites. There's no other content. My site also doesn't have a header or footer. Not sure if my profile class should be considered the header at this point for good SEO.
You do not need to put the div around the image. Just style it to display: block (img defaults to display: inline)
<div class="profile">
<img style="display: block" src="profile_image.jpg">
<h1>first last</h1>
<p>Coffee snob.</p>
Otherwise, the rest of the code is perfectly fine.
It does depend of what exactly you want to do with it but if I understand your question.
You don't need divs for your image just set up different image classes in your CSS.
Then your HTML would look like
<img src="profile_image.jpg" class="image1">
Check out for more information about how to actually set up alignments in your CSS
It might be worth using a div to style your text into a block or format it to look nice, etc. But you don't need to do it for div styling .
And finally abit of personal experience, spend an hour or 2 looking through W3Schools CSS section and learning the basics of styling it's a great way to learn the basic tools you need to work with CSS and make your pages look good !
Edit styling text
<h1>first last</h1>
<p>Coffee snob.</p>
so first you could style them in your css as the elements they are
padding-left: 10px;
text-decoration: underline;
text-align: right;
Doing thing your HTML would look exactly as it is you wouldn't have to change anything. Obviously this is something you can only do once for all <p> and <h1> content and every time you use those tags without specifying a class for them it'll look exactly like whatever the above CSS is.
The other option is to do what I suggested with the image and give them a unique class.
text-align: right;
Here you'll need to add class to <p> jsut like you did for image which will look like
<p class="body">Coffee snob.</p>
Hope that helps !

How to use inline css styling (style="vertical-alignment:middle;") in html5 <img> or <iframe> tags

**Note all <> tags have been removed to allow code to display
i have been playing around with this for hours and am not really getting it to work without using a workaround at the design end of things (ie Corel draw)
*Before i go any further,
First, website URL is
Second, can i just say...i know this can be done with style sheets...however, in this case...i am not doing it that way!!! (so please dont bother pestering me with that option unless there is absolutely no way the method below can work)
Third, a workaround to my problem below, is to create the image already centered in its own background (the same size as the logo next to it) then import it (this is a bad idea because if in the future someone changes the main header background to a different color other than white...its gonna look awful!)
First i add the image (this works no problem)
However because the Logo on the left in the avada theme is approx 250×250 square, Tagline text is no longer centered in the header (as you can imagine comparing above with logo below)
I am using the themeforest AVADA Theme. In theme options>Banner Code For Header #4…
I would like to add the following inline css styling in an iframe for example, to vertically centre the Tagline (ie bring it down level with the middle of the logo)
style="vertical-align: middle;"
<iframe src="http://image_URL.png" style=”vertical:align: middle;” width="200" height="200"></iframe>
This doesnt seem to do anything different to the method in 1.
<div style="vertical-align: middle;"><iframe src="http://image_URL.png" width="200" height="200"></iframe></div>
I was hoping that if i place the iframe inside a tag containing the styling i might achieve my goal...alas it still doesnt work.
I have got to the point where my head is so full of nonworking methods i cant progress further.
Can someone help with this one?
p.s i have tried to find some inline css styling tutorials (specifically about vertical alignment styling) for the tag in html 5 without any luck.
damn w3c for depreciating the html vertical alignment method in html5!
# adam:
A simple solution is to change this code:
<div id="header-banner">
<div style="vertical-align: middle;" height="170" width="500">
<img src="" width="400" height="200">
To just this:
<div id="header-banner" style="margin-top: 70px;">
<img src="" width="400" height="200">
There's no good reason to use inline styles for this, but anyhow, I've edited a chunk of your HTML with inline styles that will get what I think you want:
<div class="avada-row" style="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px; display: table; width: 100%">
<div class="logo" style="display: table-cell;margin-right:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-left:0px;margin-bottom:0px; vertical-align: middle;">
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Adventist Aviation Association" class="normal_logo">
<div id="header-banner" style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; float: none; text-align: right;">
<div style="/* vertical-align: middle; */" height="170" width="500">
<img src="" width="400" height="200">

css affecting one div when img is hovered

i've searched around and seen some examples of how this is done, but i don't really get it and tried all methods but none worked, so i would like to ask if anyone can show me, for my code below, how can i affect the tournytitle when the img is hovered?
<div id="upevents" class="righty">
<div class="tournytitle">
<div style="font-weight: bold;">Test 2 Hat</div>
<div style="color: #888888; font-size: 10px;">17 . 12 . 2011</div>
<img src="/images/tourny/jomjom2.jpg" />
<div class="tournytitle">
<div style="font-weight: bold;">Test 1 Hat</div>
<div style="color: #888888; font-size: 10px;">12 . 12 . 2011</div>
<img src="/images/tourny/bane5.jpg" />
how should i write my css code for this?
i tried something like
.upevents img:hover + #tournytitle { background-color: yellow; }
but doesn't seem to work.
help much apperciated
As mentioned, your .tournytitle class must be a child of the img your trying to roll over. Your code .upevents img:hover + #tournytitle { background-color: yellow; } is certainly close, you just need to figure out how to comply to the above rule. With this your saying that .tournytitle is an adjacent-child of img, which is not the case in your given code. Also, your class and id symbols are incorrect, watch out for that.
I managed to get your code working by switching .tournytitle and img so that the class is now the adjacent-sibling - - I realize this may not be the design your looking for, but its a start.
This may be helpful to you -
The .tourneytitle must be a child of the img element for you to achieve this. This fiddle shows the way you can reveal your image by hovering over your .tournytitle:
To get what you want, you would need to change your HTML so that somehow your tournytitle div is a child of your img tag. Maybe you can use span's inside of your image tag instead of using div's for everything.

How to add an anchor tag <a> to a block of html?

I have a block of html that I want to act as a clickable link. In the block of code below, I would like to make the whole div into a link.
<div id="clickableLink">
<h3>Link Heading</h3>
<img src="linkPic.jpg" alt="Link alt text" width="65" height="65" />
HTML5 permits surrounding the html in an anchor tag (I think). See below
<a href="goThere.html">
<div id="clickableLink">
<h3>Link Heading</h3>
<img src="linkPic.jpg" alt="Link alt text" width="65" height="65" />
However, this seems wrong to me. How will software such as screen readers describe the link.
I also considered the following CSS trick. I altered the HTML to be
<div id="clickableLink">
<h3>Link Heading</h3>
<img src="linkPic.jpg" alt="Link alt text" width="65" height="65" />
and then used CSS to style the link to cover the whole of the div. See below:
#clickableLink {
position: relative;
width: 100px;
height: 200px;
z-index: 0;
h3 {
z-index: 0;
img {
z-index: 0;
a {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100px;
height: 200px;
z-index: 1;
This works perfectly in all browsers apart from IE. Does anyone else have any suggestions?
Your first approach is actually the best. To describe your link, you should use the a element's attributes such as title, alt and possibly any WAI-ARIA markup you wanted to employ. This is good industry practice anyway and allows you to wrap content in an a tag without worrying about accessibility.
The thing that will allow older browsers to render it properly (and to make sure it validates) is to use inherently inline elements inside an inline element. In other words, block level elements can not be placed inside inline ones (according to the HTML, not the values that CSS may give the element). You can then use CSS to make a span act like it is block level. So the markup could easily be:
<a href="goThere.html">
<span id="clickableLink">
<span class="headerthree">Link Heading</span>
<img src="linkPic.jpg" alt="Link alt text" width="65" height="65" />
If you declare that the A is block level, then you wouldn't even need the span. Problem here is that you lose the SEO of using Header elements. So...
The best thing is probably to leave it specced for HTML5 as you have it above, even though it seems wrong. To help SEO and screen readers, use a title tag to "describe" the anchor. The code will validate just fine. Then, make sure your A is display: block, and I think older browsers will render it ok, too.

What is the best method to code a logo with slogan in a header?

Which method is best?
<div id="header">
<a id="logo" href="#"><img width="172" height="80" src="logo.jpg" alt="Clevex logo"></a>
<h1>slogan of company</h1>
<div id="header">
<a id="logo" href="#"><img width="172" height="80" src="logo.jpg" alt="Clevex logo"></a>
<p>slogan of company</p>
<div id="header">
<a id="logo" href="#"><img width="172" height="80" src="logo.jpg" alt="Clevex logo"></a>
<span>slogan of company</span>
<div id="header">
<div id="logo">
<img width="172" height="80" src="logo.jpg" alt="Clevex logo">
slogan of company
I would think a better approach would be to have the slogan as a span. The slogan is not truly the first header of your document. Think if it were a table of contents would you see the slogan as the first entry?
The slogan is probably subject to some design rules (e.g. the position relative to the logo). As the slogan probably makes little sense in a content / SEO way anyway, and it's more important it looks right, I would recommend putting the slogan into the image.
Looks good, apart from the fact that a slogan isn't really a heading, hence a <span> or something without semantic meaning should be used instead of <h1>
I guess not;
It's better to do it like this:
<h1 onclick="document.location='/';"><span>CompanyName</span></h1>
<h2>Slogan here</h2>
Since your logo is part of the layout and not a image in context (for example a product picture) you should put it in the h1 background.
Do your CSS like this:
h1 {
background-image: url(logo.png);
width: 200px;
height: 80px;
cursor: pointer;
h1 span {
display: none;
This way it is both readable for the and user and a search engine.
No, something like the following would be better:
<div id="header">
h1 { text-indent: -90000px; background: transparent url(/img/logo.png) no-repeat left top; width: 172px; height: 80px; }
h1 a { display: block; width: 172px; height: 80px; }
The h1 is only used once, for the company itself. Then you replace that logo text with an image using CSS. This way you keep the markup within your CSS.
In general, I think you'll see everyone's slogan as an image rather than text (with the text as the alt attribute). And href="#" means "go to the top of this page." It should probably be a link to the home page instead.
...As long as you use alt, search engines will index it properly. If this is the home page, that might justify having the name and slogan in h1 and h2 elements, but elsewhere it's probably not necessary. It's probably better to drive traffic based on the actual content of the page and not try to make every page the same in the eyes of search engine spiders. The company name is probably already in the url, which is plenty.
