passing different structure type in c for functions - pointers

I have a following code :
typedef struct PStruct{
int len;
char* data;
typedef struct AStruct{
int len;
char data[256];
void checkFunc(PointerStruct* myData)
if (0 == myData || 0 == myData->data){
int main()
ArrayStruct my_data;
my_data.len = 256;
char data[] = "data is sent"; = &data;
return 0;
is there any wrong in passing structure which has array. where as the required is pointer.
please let me know.

There are a couple of points to be considered in your program.
char data[] = "data is sent";
This is a character array of 13 characters. Hence, = &data; will give a compilation error as shown below
error: incompatible types when assigning to type 'char[256]' from type 'char (*)[13]'
To copy your string, you could probably use strcpy as shown below
strcpy(, data);
Next point is passing the pointer to the object. In this call, checkFunc((PointerStruct*)my_data);, you are passing the instance of the object to the function call, but are type-casting as a pointer. You would face compilation issues due to the mismatch of the datatypes as error: cannot convert to a pointer type
To overcome this error, you should pass a reference to your my_data object as checkFunc((PointerStruct*) &my_data);. Hence, your new main function would look like
int main()
ArrayStruct my_data;
my_data.len = 256;
char data[] = "data is sent";
// = &data;
strcpy(, data); // Use of strcpy. You would require to include <string.h>
checkFunc((PointerStruct*)(&my_data)); // Pass a reference and not by value
return 0;
With these changes, your code should work fine.


when to use to double pointers and pointers

// A C program to demonstrate linked list based implementation of queue
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct QNode {
int key;
struct QNode* next;
struct Queue {
struct QNode *front, *rear;
struct QNode* newNode(int k)
struct QNode* temp = (struct QNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct QNode));
temp->key = k;
temp->next = NULL;
return temp;
struct Queue* createQueue()
struct Queue* q = (struct Queue*)malloc(sizeof(struct Queue));
q->front = q->rear = NULL;
return q;
void enQueue(struct Queue* q, int k)
struct QNode* temp = newNode(k);
if (q->rear == NULL) {
q->front = q->rear = temp;
q->rear->next = temp;
q->rear = temp;
void deQueue(struct Queue* q)
if (q->front == NULL)
struct QNode* temp = q->front;
q->front = q->front->next;
if (q->front == NULL)
q->rear = NULL;
int main()
struct Queue* q = createQueue();
enQueue(q, 10);
enQueue(q, 20);
enQueue(q, 30);
enQueue(q, 40);
enQueue(q, 50);
printf("Queue Front : %d \n", q->front->key);
printf("Queue Rear : %d", q->rear->key);
return 0;
The above code is from geeksforgeeks website.
in function calls they used pointer to struct,
in function definition they passed pointer to struct.
how it works, I thought we need to use double pointers , otherwise > it is pass by value instead of pass by reference.
the above code works fine, but i have doubt about it.
In main there is a variable q declared which is a pointer to a struct. The variable q is used as the function argument which means the function receives a pointer to the struct. The function can dereference the pointer and modify the struct. The variable q is technically passed by value because its value is a pointer and that's what the function receives. But you have to remember that q points to a struct that could be modified by the function.
Because this situation causes some confusion some people have tried to introduce new terminology like "pass by sharing" or "object sharing" to distinguish it from passing primitive values like an `int' by value.
If you had passed a pointer to a pointer then the function could have modified the variable q declared in main and changed it so it points to a completely different struct. That would be (technically) pass by reference because you are passing a reference to the variable.

Correct Assignment for Pointers

I am shifting from Python to C so bit rusty on the semantics as well as coding habit. In Python everything is treated as an object and objects are passed to functions. This is not the case in C so I want to increment an integer using pointers. What is the correct assignment to do so. I want to do it the following way but have the assignments wrong:
#include <stdio.h>
int i = 24;
int increment(*i){
return i;
int main() {
printf("i = %d, i);
return 0;
I fixed your program:
#include <stdio.h>
int i = 24;
// changed from i to j in order to avoid confusion.
// note you could declare the return type as void instead
int increment(int *j){
return *j;
int main() {
printf("i = %d", i);
return 0;
Your main error was the missing int in the function's argument (also a missing " in the printf).
Also I would prefer using parentheses in expressions as *j++ and specify exactly the precedence like I did in (*j)++, because I want to increment the content of the variable in the 'j' location not to increment the pointer - meaning to point it on the next memory cell - and then use its content.

How do i store data from HTTPREAD into a variable?

I need a way to store HTTPREAD data into a variable because I will be comparing its value to another variable. Is there any way?
myGsm.print("AT+HTTPPARA=\"URL\",\""); // Send PARA command
myGsm.println("AT+HTTPACTION=0");//submit the GET request
delay(8000);//the delay is important if the return datas are very large, the time required longer.
myGsm.println("AT+HTTPREAD=0,17");// read the data from the website you access
void printSerialData()
I am assuming that the Serial.write( is where you want to get the data from. In other words, you are receiving the data through the serial connection, and you want to parse the data returned from the AT+HTTPREAD command.
Since you did not provide any clue about what that command is returning in the serial, I gonna use as an example a different command that I know the output, the below one:
RX=> AT+CCLK?\n\r
\t+CCLK: "2020/03/03, 22:00:14"\n\r
So, the string you are going to get from the above AT+CCLK? command is this (I am assigning to a char pointer for the sake of understanding):
char *answer = "AT+CCLK?\n\r\t+CCLK: "2020/03/03, 22:00:14"\n\r";
What you need is to parse the answer (the char *answer in this example) to get the "numbers" into variables.
How to do that?
You need to walk over that string, moving to specific places. For example, to be able to convert the 2020 into a variable, you need to be at position answer[19], and then you can use, let's say, the strtoul() to convert to an integer and store it into a variable.
uint32_t year = strtoul(&answer[19], NULL, 10);
Then, to get the month, you need to walk a bit more to reach the position at the month on the string:
uint32_t month = strtoul(&answer[24], NULL, 10);
And so on, but you are using magic numbers for that, in other words, the numbers 19, 24 are positions specific for this string.
Then, how to make this "walking" smarter?
You can use tokens in conjunction with the strstr() to go to the specific points you want in the string. In this case, we want to move the pointer to the first 2, so we can pass that pointer to the strtoul() to convert it into an integer.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main() {
char *answer = "AT+CCLK?\n\r\t+CCLK: "2020/03/03, 22:00:14"\n\r";
char *token = "CCLK: \"";
char *ptr;
uint32_t year;
ptr = strstr(answer, token);
if (ptr == NULL) {
printf("Token not found\n");
return -1;
year = strtoul(++ptr, NULL, 10);
printf("Year = %d\n", year);
Then, to make this code into a function to be more generic, here it is:
bool parse_answer_to_uint32(char *buff, char *tokens[], uint32_t *val)
char *ptr;
int i;
if (val == NULL)
return false;
for (i = 0; buff != NULL && tokens[i] != NULL; i++) {
ptr = strstr(buff, tokens[i]);
if (ptr == NULL)
return false;
buff = (ptr + strlen(tokens[i]));
// Here, you reached the point you want, based on the tokens you seek
if (buff == NULL)
return false;
*val = strtoul(buff, NULL, 10);
So, you can be able to call this function like this:
char *tokens[] = { "CCLK: \"" };
uint32_t year;
if (parse_answer_to_uint32(, tokens, &year) == false)
return -1;
printf("year is = %d\n", year);
The printf will print 2020 based on the example above.
This function is pretty flexible and generic enough. All you need is to pass different tokens to reach different points of the string and reach the value you want.
Take character buffer, Concat data comming from serial into this buffer, and process that buffer for comparison.

character pointer vs int pointer

How this works:
int main()
int * ch = NULL;
cout<<"Hello world1"<<endl;
return 0;`
Whereas this fails:
int main()
char * ch = NULL;
cout<<"Hello world1"<<endl;
return 0;`
For most pointer types,
cout << ptr;
prints an implementation-defined representation of the pointer value, usually an address in hexadecimal format. But for char*, the operator<<() is overloaded to interpret the pointer as a pointer to the first char in a 0-terminated char array, and print it like printf("%s", ptr); would.
Printing the address a null pointer points to is harmless, following a null pointer to interpret the bytes starting from where it points to is undefined behaviour, and more often than not leads to a segmentation fault.

Pointers in structure

I'm trying to use a file pointer that I have declared in a structure of linked list, but I keep getting it as a NULL value.
I have the following structure:
struct _hash_table
char found;
struct _hash_chain *hash_chain;
struct _hash_chain
uint64_t value;
FILE *fout;
struct _hash_chain *next;
struct _hash_table hash_table[TABLE_SIZE];
I keep getting hash_table[i]->hash_chain->fout = NULL and it's pointer address is nil.
Do I need to dynamically allocate memory for the pointer?
struct _hash_table hash_table[TABLE_SIZE]; - This will not allocate memory for struct _hash_chain because hash_chain is pointer variable in _hash_table.
struct _hash_table hash_table[TABLE_SIZE];
for (i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++);
hash_table[i].hash_chain = (struct _hash_chain *)malloc(sizeof(struct _hash_chain));
memset(hash_table[i].hash_chain, 0, sizeof(struct _hash_chain));
//Then do file open for TABLE_SIZE times
//hash_table[0].hash_chain->fout = fopen("file.txt", "w");
Accssing h_table[i].hash_chain without dynamic memory allocation will leads to crash(an undefined behaviour). I hope you will take care of next pointer.
