Any keyboard shortcut to display Xcode's "Show Find Options"? - xcode4

Xcode offers several key codes to open the Find (CMD-F) or Find and Replace (CMD-OPT-F) editor toolbar, but how can I get the Find Options to show without having to move my mouse over the magnifying glass and clicking (which takes forever, I misclick, and then have to select the menu item - ugh)?

I have not found a single key to do this, but just discovered that after using
that the Find search field has focus, and by tapping the
down arrow key
twice followed by a
Return key, that it opened (do again to close)!
I added a key code sequence to Butler so I can use a single key to do this, so use your favorite Macro program to do likewise.
EDIT: Just discovered this still works in Xcode 7, you just need to do 2 down-arrows followed by a return.


How to clear a text field using Robot Framework?

I'm using the Sikuli Library with Robot Framework to run tests for a local windows application. Most solutions online are selenium based but I believe that only to work for web applications.
Entering text has been fine for the empty fields when there isn't a default value concerned.
Currently, I'm dealing with a field that contains a default value of 5000 but I need to change it to 10.
Text Field:
So far I've tried things such as:
Double-clicking the field first to highlight then type over (Input Text single clicks and removes highlight anyway)
Single-Clicking as Input text single clicks itself (Does not happen fast enough to simulate a double click)
I will answer in Sikuli terms. You just execute Ctrl+a to select content of the cell and then type 10
type('a', KeyModifier.CTRL)

How to use the Edit/add new keyboard shortcuts in Jupyter

I am in the Edit Command mode Shortcuts dialog and things seem reasonable ..
But the actual behavior is a different story
When using the Option modifier (plus a non-modifier key) it just ends up printing a high-ascii character value in the add shortcut area .. and then when I refresh the page it has gone away.
I can not get Command modifier (plus a non-modifier key) to work at all. It is jus ignored.
The Control modifier (plus any key) is completely ignored.
So there is a basic usability misunderstanding here. Advice appreciated.
I added 'Ctrl-Q' as a shortcut to restart kernel and run all the cells. You can see the picture below. It is working fine. In the 'Ctrl-Q', 'Q' was just lowercase and it ran successfully.

How to catch user pressing escape key in Atom Package

I am developing an Atom package, and I have certain commands that get executed when I press Ctrl-Shift-Up.
The first time I press Ctrl-Shift-Up, Atom enters a "mode" where things happen differently. Now, I think I know how to do that part. But I don't know how to tell atom to hijack the Escape key.
You can assign a command to Esc through your package keymap.
'escape': 'my-package:do-stuff'
If your CtrlShift↑ shortcut creates a custom view, you would want to limit your shortcut to its CSS selector.
'escape': 'my-package:do-stuff'
Further reading:
Atom Flight Manual: Keymaps In-Depth
Atom API: KeymapManager

Vimperator: Follow hint in new tab and switch to it

I am trying to find a strategy in the Vimperator-logic for opening a link to a new tab and switch to it immediately.
I guess this might be a TMTOWTDI.
My first approach would be to start off with a :command sequence. Unfortunately F - Follow hint in background tab - has no equivalent in the command mode. The best solution for me would be without any change in default behaviour whatsoever.
Another approach might be to combine the default F with switching to next tag gt. This would have to include to pass the parameter for F, say 10 for the tenth link of the document. Unfortunately F10gt does open the tenth link but without switching to the newly opened tab.
A third approach does come to mind when using focus elements: ;y10 yank the destination link, :tabopen + paste clipboard content.
Any ideas of what is doable and the easiest?
This functionality exists as a mode of the hint function. Pressing ;t
will produce the desired result. If you want to map it you can also access the javascript directly.

Visual FoxPro 9 Grid: how to simulate down arrow with a barcode reader

I have a grid in Visual FoxPro where my customer will use an Motorola CS3000 SERIES
Barcode Reader. The problem is the grid, if you simulate the Enter key (CHR(13)), is going to the next field on the same row and not make a new line.
The only way is to press the down arrow (which it seems impossible), and already tried with Vertical Tab, with Line Feed / carriage return, and with ALT+025 (Down Arrow character) with no luck.
Do you have idea?
Thank you.
I understand than the Barcode reader simulate an Enter but not a keyboard command (DNARROW), isn't it?
So that the solution should be picking the key pressed from the form, I thing there is s "keypress" form event, in that event you can put the code for skipping to the next record.
