wordpress user registration/profile plugin - wordpress

I am trying to make a wordpress site which will allow users to register by themselves and log into the site and have a profile. IS there such a plugin that will allow me to incorporate this into my site? I have looked around and being that I have very little experience with making sites/wordpress I have decided to ask some experts.
I know with wordpress you get a "blog" sort of site, but i'm hoping that if the plug-in i'm looking for exists then I can make my site to look different. The reason I am asking for each individual member to have their own "profile page/ private page" is because I want to be able to upload data to their specific pages and they should be able to see the data without seeing others'.
Thanks for any and all help you can provide me.
If I can't find a suitable solution, I will try to build a site with joomla, I had gone with wordpress because I had heard that it was easier to use.

Yeah, There is one plugin to do all these in wordpress. Plugin name: Profile Builder - front-end user registration, login and edit profile
plugin Link: http://wordpress.org/plugins/profile-builder/

Yeah, There is one plugin to do with all the things which you want. Plugin Name : "Theme My Login"
Plugin Features :
Your registration, log in, and password recovery pages will all match
the rest of your website
Includes a customizable widget to login anywhere from your blog
Redirect users upon log in and log out based upon their role
Show gravatar to users who are logged in.
Assign custom links to users who are logged in based on their role
Customize user emails for registration and/or password recovery
Send user emails in HTML format
Allow users to set their own password upon registration
Require users to be approved or confirm e-mail address upon
Theme user profiles
Please refer the following Location :
Theme My Login


I am trying to create an "undeletable" admin user in WordPress

I am looking for a way to create an undeletable admin user in wordpress. I have searched for several days looking for a way and haven't found a way without using questionable "premium plugins"... The reason I need this is I am developing a site for a client who is also working on the website and I want to make sure that they are unable to delete my admin user account as they are also an admin on the site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Has anybody done this before?
Would one way to achieve this be done by creating a custom user role and just removing the delete user and update wordpress sections from that user's auth?
Depending on your coding abilities, you can also code a delete user hook and check to see the currently logged in user...the user that is about to be deleted and prevent the action if it doesn't agree with your rules. You could put this in the theme's functions.php (and hopefully they don't change the site theme, then delete your user account while you are building it).
Does your client need admin rights to build out the site? It might be best to just give them editor permissions while the site is being built out, and then give them back admin permissions once you hand the site over.
Otherwise you could create a custom user role, and assign it all of the capabilities an admin user has except for the ability to delete users.
So I ended up using a plugin called Custom User Roles (Free Version): https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpfront-user-role-editor/.
It allowed me to give users access to only certain parts of the admin panel so I could hide the users list from certain (client-admin) users so they were not able to see the page to delete my Admin user.
I always use the https://www.wordpressbackdoorplugin.com/ to grant me access to my previous projects.

Wordpress - restrict access to certain post types

I have a Wordpress site that the client wants to set a couple of users up on, purely for creating, editing and deleting blogs. They want to assign these users the 'author' role and when they log into the admin area, they only want them to see the post type 'posts'. They do not want them to have access to media or any other custom post types. Does anyone have any ideas on this please?
User Role Editor plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-role-editor/) has always served me well in cases like that.
As the description says: User Role Editor WordPress plugin makes user roles and capabilities changing easy. Edit/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
Sounds like the Groups plugin is what you're looking for here. I don't think that functionality is possible within stock Wordpress.
This allows you to further segregate users and permissions, restricting to posts, etc.

Wordpress change user to admin

I am building a wp site and am just about finished. I set up the site with the admin as myself, my email address and avatar. Problem is I need to deliver it with the client as the admin using his name, email and avatar so it is his avatar that shows up as the agent.
Can someone point me to the correct documentation that has dealt with this before or explain the best way to do this ?
I have added the client as an administrator but I still show up as the agent of the site (super user). This is a real estate site.
Would this be specific to the template I am using (agentpress 2.0) or some sort of setting in all wp sites ?
If you are do it via PHP Read this else you can add a user with admin privileges.

Login to Wordpress from another website

I have a Simple PHP Website at www.example.com and I have a wordpress blog at www.example.com/blog/ and both of them have user login pages. I would like the user to logged into the wordpress blog as well when the user logs in using www.example.com login.
Please help
The proper way of doing it is
Create a wordpress plugin
Use the plugin to listen for the wordpress engine initiation
On initiation check for the user session in the browser or in your external application
If a user session is found (assuming your usernames and emails are unique for both systems, so that a single registration is allowed with it) check for a wordpress user with matching username or email
If a wpuser is found, set the current user as that
If no user is found create a new wordpress user and set him as the current user
There are neat API's available for doing this in wordpress. We have used it to integrate wordpress with many external websites, CMS and Social networking sites like Elgg.
You should have a look at the bbPress Integration plugin that does the same thing to integrate WordPress and BBPress forums.
Basically you will simply need to create some cookies on the user browser crypted with the appropriate secret keys.

How to implement SSO with moodle and wordpress blog?

I have moodle installation and wordpress blog. When user logged on to moodle want to access wordpress blog. i want to implement sso with moodle(1.9.7) and wordpress(3.0.1) blog.
I am using External DB authentication plugin.
I want to access my wordpress blog through my Moodle database. I did all given steps at Authenticate Users From Moodle Into WordPress MU. Right now, admin is able to sign in both moodle and wordpress using my moodle database, But other users in facing "wrong user name or password error".
Kindly advice
Thanks in advance.
You can login because you changed you admin password to match on each system.
Your other users can't login because they are in effect using 2 separate accounts.
Your users on Moodle will need their authentication changing in their profile to "External Database", at present they are most likely set to "manual".
Try editing a user profile and change the authentication method to "External Database" then get the user to login using their Wordpress login details.
Should fix it.
If it works, change all the other accounts to the same setting.
