Proper workflow for onboarding new customers via API (we're a PMD partner) - facebook-opengraph

We're actively developing our PMD ads management tool. We have a number of customers who want to advertise but don't have a Facebook account of any kind. I have a two part question:
(1) Is their an API/programmatic way for us to create a proper user account for our client so the client can in turn log in to their fresh Facebook account and enter ads payment information? For example, I can imagine an open graph call like this:
or for a person
createFBUserAccount(business_entity_name:"ACME Corp",email:"",isbusiness:"true");
(2) For users who don't want a Facebook account but still want to advertise on Facebook through us, what is the proper way to create their ads? Let's say this is a business interested in buying External Website ads (or Mobile App Install, or any number of other ad units).

we currently don't have a way to create Ad Accounts through API. The user will have to create an account directly through
We also have business accounts (doc:
We require either a user account or business account to advertise with us.
Hope this is helpful.


Maximum connected Accounts in Analytics

we are using a Email adresss to connect our tool with the Google Analytics accounts from our clients.
We have reached the maximum connected accounts, but an upgrade is not possible because we can't response to the emails sent by analytics support.
Is there another way to upgrade it? Or is there another possibility to connect our tool with the analytics API?
We already tried to upgrade the account with the analytics support, but it is not working because of the emailadress.
For normal Google analytics accounts there is a limit to 100 accounts that you can have access to. If you upgraded to a premium account if i remember correctly that number jumps to 250.
You are currently using a service account and granting it access to a number of Google analytics accounts. The service account is going to be bound by the normal user limit of 100 and your not going to be able to increase that.
The problem is that you are using service accounts in correctly. Your not supposed to be giving the service account out to your customers and asking them to add it as a user on their Google analytics account. Service accounts are intended to be used by developers and companies that have access to data and want to share that data with others.
You should be using Oauth2 to gain access to the users data and saving the refresh token in your application which will enable you to request data for the user when ever needed.
By using a service account you are going to be hit with a lot of quota limits because they are shared by the user a user can only make so many requests so fast per day. By using Oauth2 you would be using different users and would not have as many issues with the user based quotas.

Where to apply for a permission to access the LinkedIn r_fullprofile?

We lost access to some important user information with the upgrade to V2. We have read all the migration info and documentation posted. We would like to know where to apply for a permission to access the LinkedIn r_fullprofile?
PD: We have already sent an email to explaining some info about the company and how LinkedIn info is used:
"Our mobile app is a collection of mini social and professional networks that exist at physical locations. It is used in local venues, conferences and university classrooms. The ability gives our mutual users the ability to connect with people nearby with similar professional profiles. We use the vanity name to direct users to the public url page of other users. We strongly also encourage that our users signup using Linkedin and for those who don't have a Linkedin account to create one. We believe the integration add value to both of our companies."

Manage google accounts centrally for a company

Our company is using more and more google tools (Google Tag manager, google anyltics, google 360, google maps...). Each of these tools allows us to manage users and manage authorisations (we have personal google accounts, "company" google accounts and accounts from users in external partners). We are reaching a point when managing all these accesses separately becomes unwieldly. Is there a way to manage all these authentications centrally ?
We are thinking of a tool like Active Directory or its sister AAD where you can centrally disable an account and block the user from accessing all applications. This is especially handy when users leave the company. (In an even more advanced scenario we would like to grant access to certain users only for a certain amount of time - like until a marketing campaign finishes but we realize most tools don't support this).
So I was wondering whether this is possible out-of-the-box or if needed with a third party application ?

Avoid login prompt for Company data with Consumer Partner?

We are trying to show the company updates done for our company on LinkedIn in the companies intranet. After visiting the developer site, we are able to create the token and pull the required information. The challenge is with the login prompt that would come up on the intranet home page. We want to avoid it.
This post mentions we need a token (that we have) and also user should be logged in to LinkedIn. So we guess it is a limitation.
However, the developer site mentions about 'partnership with Linkedin' and says if you become a consumer partner following is possible. It says you have higher functionality and thresholds.
"Create personalized and engaging user experiences for your audience by combining LinkedIn data and functionality into custom websites and mobile applications"
We tried reaching to Linked Developer Support with no response from them. Can anyone here confirm if we can Avoid login prompt for Company data with Consumer Partner?

Hierarchy of Google Analytics for Multiple Builds of Same App

I am setting up Google Analytics Accounts for a Product which have multiple builds as frontend for same user base.
So we have one Product called X and have:
Web Build
Mobile Web
Android App 1
iOS App 1
Android App 2
iOS App 2 6.
The main point is identical APIs and User base is used in all platforms and apps. So if we have a user John Doe he can login in any of the web or apps.
We want to extract following information from Google Analytics.
Under User ID feature want, sessions aggregations of that user around all build and apps, but identifiable. So I can know that user John login to web yesterday and used mobile app today.
Each user belong to a customer (company) in our system. So want to segregate all information based on companies.
I already have achieved point 2 by creating a custom dimension in Google Analytics and believe that's the best way to do it.
Now need suggestions from Gurus on how to acheive point 1 using Google Analytics.
Either use single account and single property for all builds and apps
If yes, then how to identify those apps and builds in sessions
If I use multiple properties/apps in GA account then how to aggregate user sessions among all?
Looking forward to hear how guys around hand or should have handled this scenario. Cheers!
This question is extremely broad, IMO any answer your going to get is going to be primarily opinion based. So here is my opinion and a little extra info to boot.
The first issue you are going to have is that there is a difference between Mobile google analytics accounts and web analytics accounts. The two do not mix. Mobile analytics accounts insert screen views with a screen name. While web accounts insert PageViews with a document location.
There is no way to analyze between two different Google analytics web properties. Unless you intend your android and ios apps to run as websites and send it like its a webpage its not going to work. You could potentially download the data into your own system or big query and analyze it there. Comparing your custom dimension to see what the users have done differently. I would wonder at the quality of the analysis you will get as there will be no real way for you to compare the data and match it up beyond using your custom dimensions user id and possibly date.
I am adding this because I am not sure what your saving in your custom dimension.
The second issue you are going to have is tracking. Google analytics TOS does not allow you to send any identifiable information to Google.
The Analytics terms of service, which all Analytics customers must adhere to, prohibits sending personally identifiable information (PII) to Analytics (such as names, social security numbers, email addresses, or any similar data), or data that permanently identifies a particular device (such as a mobile phone’s unique device identifier if such an identifier cannot be reset).
You could for example send your companies customer id for John as a user_id but user_id is an internal valuable used for internal processing this is not something you can extract out via the api.
The User ID enables the association of one or more sessions (and any
activity within those sessions) with a unique and persistent ID that
you send to Analytics.
To implement the User ID, you must be able to generate your own unique
IDs, consistently assign IDs to users, and include these IDs wherever
you send data to Analytics.
For example, you could send the unique IDs generated by your own
authentication system to Analytics as values for the User ID. Any
engagement, like link clicks and page or screen navigation, that
happen while a unique ID is assigned can be sent and connected in
Analytics via the User ID.
The best you could do would be to create a custom dimension and send that with every hit username=johnscustomerId. Which you appear to have already done. This is what I have done in the past and it works perfectly well.
