WP Nav dropdown menu is hidden in ie - css

I'm having trouble with my nav dropdown menu hiding behind the logo and banner on my site. I've tried changing the z-index of the nav div to 99 and then the header div to 0, but to no avail. I'm having trouble shooting ie since I'm on a mac. You can see the site at www.miles2give.org. I've created a childtheme from wp theme twentytwelve and I think I may have accidentally messed something up along the way. I don't know what code to include or I would.


WordPress Block Theme Navigation remove submenu on hover

I am working on a WordPress Block Theme (FCE) and want a vertical navigation on the left side.
When I add the Navigation Block vertical it is still opening the submenu while the mouse hover. The submenu shouldn't open when hover. I prefer it always open. How can I stop this menu hover?
I went back to Classic Theme. As multiple things like this are not yet possible in full FCE Block Themes and they are still in Beta.

Sticky menu while scrolled WordPress

I want to display the menu hanging while the top advertisment section and logo section is scrolled down and it must be sticked on the top. I am customizing the theme. In the theme there is no such property but I want it on my site.
I have tried using jQuery syntax but didn't work out.

Wordpress HMTL5 Blank Theme- How to change submenu attributes/justification

We recently migrated our website from Sharepoint to Wordpress with HTML5 Blank theme.
We are trying to figure out how to edit the appearance of sub-menus and their parent menus. Primarily when customizing and editing menus they show up justified right, but published on the page they justify left, and also longer words spill over to the left instead of the right. Please see screenshot below.
Where can we find the edit options to offset submenus and their subsequent menus justify and shift/spill over?
Screenshot of menus being edited
Screenshot of menus published on homepage
The screenshot of your menu's being edited is the way it is displayed in the backend of all WordPress websites. It has not hing to do with the way the menu is rendered in the frontend.
To change the appearance of your menu, you will have to write some custom css. The parent list items will have to be relatively positioned, the child list items will have to be absolutely positioned.

Submenu items not showing in full browser (CSS)

My submenu disappeared all the sudden and doesn't show anymore when I hover over the menu item. I checked the menu section on my WP dashboard and it's there and assigned to show. The submenu still show on mobile device but on full browser the submenu items stopped showing up. I deactivated all the plugins to check if there is a conflict but the event doesn't appear to be plugin related. This is more of a CSS problem that I'm having.
Here's my website: http://www.apcm.ca
My CSS : http://www.apcm.ca/wp-content/themes/apcm/css/style.css?ver=4.6.1
You'll notice that your #header is set to overflow:visible in mobile, and that if you switch back to desktop resolution, the submenu will start working. So all you need to do is add overflow: visible to the #header in all resolutions.
change overflow:hidden to overflow:visible for the section#header

Revolution Slider (Wordpress) Hiding Dropdown Menu (Superfish)

I'm currently coding a theme that calls for a revolution slider at the top of the page and I also need a dropdown menu system.
I'm trying to use Superfish and that works fine but when you hover to see the dropdown menu items, they show up underneath my slider.
I've tried playing around with z-index (including adding position: relative) but I just cannot get this to work. I've tried adding z-index of a ridiculous amount to the header, the menu, the list items basically everything I could but there must be something I'm missing.
I've found a few answers by Googling but it always suggests z-index.
The site can be found at:
The dropdown menu should show up over the slider and is under the 'Inscriptions' menu item.
Any help would be massively appreciated!
