Julia: Problems with Adding Packages (BinDeps) - julia

I am new to Julia's package manager, and I am having trouble installing GLPK and LinProgGLPK.
I have already run Pkg.Init() and have successfully installed Curl using Pkg.add("Curl"). However, when I try to install GLPK or LinProgGLPK (using Pkg.add("GLPK") and Pkg.add("LinProgGLPK")), I get the following message:
MESSAGE: Installing BinDeps v0.0.0
ERROR: Path BinDeps already exists! Please remove to allow installation.
in _resolve at pkg.jl:345
in anonymous at no file:163
in cd at file.jl:26
in cd_pkgdir at pkg.jl:42
in add at pkg.jl:143
in add at pkg.jl:175
I seem to get the same message for other packages that are dependent on BinDeps (including Winston).
I have tried calling Pkg.rm("BinDeps"), Pkg.add("BinDeps"), Pkg.update(), and Pkg.resolve(), and then returned to trying to add GLPK, but the same message persists. I have also entered ~/.julia to remove the BinDeps folder, but that did not work either. What am I missing?
P.S. I am running julia in Linux Ubuntu.

Honestly, when something gets screwed up, it's best just to wipe ~/.julia and re-add the packages.
Just make sure you back up your local changes!


Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub

I am trying to install the ggpattern package from GitHub (https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/ggpattern/versions/0.2.0)
I've reinstalled R, followed the all steps according to the site, also tried
remotes::install_github("coolbutuseless/ggpattern", force = TRUE)
But I still get:
Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
HTTP error 401.
Bad credentials
Rate limit remaining: 19/60
Rate limit reset at: 2022-01-29 18:28:15 UTC
I'm working on R version 4.1.2 (newest according to me) on Windows.
Do you have any idea what is the issue here?
You need to check if you have a personal access token set in your environment. For example, when I have a Git project, I set a personal access token. However, I set this in the project environment, so that it isn't any issues outside of that environment.
To see if there is one assigned:
If there is one set, write it down (you may need that in the future).
To remove it, so you can install the GitHub package:

Error: Failed to lock directory "P:\Documents\R\win-library\3.6" for modifying try removing 'P:\Documents\R\win-library\3.6/00LOCK

I was trying to install the dplyr package on to my system but I am encountering the problem mentioned below:
I got the error message
Error: Failed to lock directory "P:\Documents\R\win-library\3.6" for modifying try removing 'P:\Documents\R\win-library\3.6/00LOCK
I tried to follow the instruction by removing the 00LOCK file that was automatically created but that doesnt help as even after retrying to install the package after deleting the file I faced the same problem wherein the 00LOCK folder got automatically generated. Can some one please help me out in understanding why am I facing this issue and how to correct this error and download the packages.
I solved it with this pacman function that attempts to delete a 00LOCK(s) if it exists:
It worked for me! Hope it works for you :)
I tried view(installed.packages()) to see where the packages are stored, post that I specified the path .libPath("path I saw in the installed.packages()") and then tried to rerun the installation and it worked.

How to troubleshoot Error: Could not find package root?

I am running the command: devtools::use_testthat()
and I get the error:
Error: Could not find package root.
Why this happens?
devtools appears now to require the user to setwd("~/path/to/package"), even if functions like devtools::release() have the pkg= parameter set correctly.
My problem was very similar, but running devtools::document(setwd(...)). The only thing that worked for me:
I copied the DESCRIPTION file from another package (https://github.com/filipezabala/voice);
I ran devtools::document(setwd(...)) again;
After that, I edited the DESCRIPTION file and ran again devtools::document(setwd(...)).

Using RStudio's "Build" but no *.Rcheck generated

I've just started using RStudio's build check, and used it to make one package already. I've started on a second package, and this one is failing. As the build attempt happens, I get updates like:
* checking whether package ‘< package >’ can be installed ... ERROR
Installation failed.
See ‘/home/user/git/< package >.Rcheck/00install.out’ for details.
Status: 1 ERROR
The problem is that the defined folder < package >.Rcheck doesn't exist, and neither do the files that are supposed to be in it (i.e. 00install.out, and 00check.log). Also, where I write < package >, the actual name of my package is shown instead.
I had folders view visible while the package was building, and I saw the .Rcheck folder appear, and then disappear shortly after. I was even able to browse the 000install.out file, but it had not yet encountered any errors.
It appears that the whole Rcheck folder is being removed when the build fails, leaving me with no trace of what caused the error.
Has anyone else experienced this? I'm using RStudio version 0.99.902 with R version 3.3.1 on Arch Linux.
My approach is the following one:
Go to 'Tools' -> 'Global Options' -> 'Packages' and then have a look, if 'View Rcheck directory after failed R CMD check' is ticked. You find other useful options there, too, e.g. 'Cleanup output after successful R CMD check'.
A little more detail on how to preserve error logs, based on the answer from #J_F. I needed to tick View Rcheck directory after failed R CMD check, because the cleanup occurs after the misleading message
for details.
I also needed to untick Cleanup output after successful R CMD check, because R CMD can succeed even when there are errors!
R CMD check results
1 error | 3 warnings | 2 notes
Warning messages:
1: `cleanup` is deprecated
2: Version of roxygen2 last used with this package is You only have version 6.0.1
R CMD check succeeded

Keep hitting the error ""loop_apply" not resolved from current namespace (plyr)" in ggplot2 with example codes

i keep hitting this error today and I already download the plyr from github but it still doesn't work. I restarted R-studio even my PC after installing plyr..
It appears the problem may be due to a change made to the way R resolves references to external DLLs, as mentioned halfway through the thread here.
Adding the parameter PACKAGE="plyr" to the .Call function call on line 12 of R/loop_apply.R in the source (clone from github), and then installing the package from that source (install.packages("<path to plyr source>", type="source", repos=NULL)) seems to fix it.
