Logging Web API calls MVC 4 - asp.net

I need to log to the database every call to my Web API.
Now of course I don't want to go to my database on every call.
So lets say I have a dictionary or a hash table object in my cache,
and every 10000 records I go to the database.
I still don't want this every 10000 user to wait for this operation.
And I can't start a different thread for long operations since the application pool
can be recycled basically on anytime.
What is the best solution for this scenario?

I would argue that your view of durability is rather inconsistent. Your cache of 10000 objects could also be lost at any time due to an app pool recycle or server crash.
But to the original question of how to perform a large operation without causing the user to wait:
Put constraints on app pool recycling and deal with the potential data loss.
Periodically dump the cached messages to a Windows service for further processing. This is still not 100% guaranteed to preserve data, e.g. the service/server could crash.
Use a message queue (MSMQ), possibly with WCF. A message queue can persist to disk, so this can be considered reasonably reliable.
Message Queuing (MSMQ) technology enables applications running at
different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and
systems that may be temporarily offline. Applications send messages to
queues and read messages from queues.
Message Queuing provides guaranteed message delivery, efficient
routing, security, and priority-based messaging. It can be used to
implement solutions to both asynchronous and synchronous scenarios
requiring high performance.
Taking this a step further...
Depending on your requirements and/or environment, you could probably eliminate your cache, and write all messages immediately (and rapidly) to a message queue and not worry about performance loss or a large write operation.


Queue system recommendation approach

We have a bus reservation system running in GKE in which we are handling the creation of such reservations with different threads. Due to that, CRUD java methods can sometimes run simultaneously referring to the same bus, resulting in the save in our DB of the LAST simultaneous update only (so the other simultaneous updates are lost).
Even if the probabilities are low (the simultaneous updates need to be really close, 1-2 seconds), we need to avoid this. My question is about how to address the solution:
Lock the bus object and return error to the other simultaneous requests
In-memory map or Redis caché to track the bus requests
Use GCP Pub/Sub, Kafka or RabbitMQ as a queue system.
Try to focus the efforts on reducing the simultaneous time window (reduce from 1-2 seconds up to milliseconds)
Also, we are worried if in the future the GKE requests handling scalability may be an issue. If we manage a relatively higher number of buses, should we need to implement a queue system between the client and the server? Or GKE load balancer & ambassador will already manages it for us? In case we need a queue system in the future, could it be used also for the collision problem we are facing now?
Last, the reservation requests from the client often takes a while. Therefore, we are changing the requests to be handled asynchronously with a long polling approach from the client to know the task status. Could we link this solution to the current problem? For example, using the Redis caché or the queue system to know the task status? Or should we try to keep the requests synchronous and focus on reducing the processing time (it may be quite difficult).

How to best implement a blocking/waiting actor?

I'm fairly new to Akka and writing concurrent applications and I'm wondering what's a good way to implement an actor that would wait for a redis list and once an item becomes available it will process it, or send it to a different actor to process?
Would using the blocking function BRPOPLPUSH be better, or would a scheduler that will ask the actor to poll redis every second be a better way?
Also, on a normal system, how many of these actors can I spawn concurrently without consuming all the resource the system has to offer? How does one decide how many of each Actor type should an actor system be able to handle on the system its running on?
As a rule of thumb you should never block inside receive. Each actor should rely only on CPU and never wait, sleep or block on I/O. When these conditions are met you can create even millions of actors working concurrently. Each actor is suppose to have 600-650 bytes memory footprint (see: Concurrency, Scalability & Fault-tolerance 2.0 with Akka Actors & STM).
Back to your main question. Unfortunately there is no official Redis client "compatible" with Akka philosophy, that is, completely asynchronous. What you need is a client that instead of blocking will return you a Future object of some sort and allow you to register callback when results are available. There are such clients e.g. for Perl and node.js.
However I found fyrie-redis independent project which you might find useful. If you are bound to synchronous client, the best you can do is either:
poll Redis periodically without blocking and inform some actor by sending a message to with a Redis reply or
block inside an actor and understand the consequences
See also
Redis client library recommendations for use from Scala
BRPOPLPUSH with block for long time (up to the timeout you specify), so I would favour a Scheduler instead which still blocks, but for a shorter amount of time every second or so.
Whichever way you go, because you are blocking, you should read this section of the Akka docs which describes methods for working with blocking libraries.
Do you you have control over the code that is inserting the item into redis? If so you could get that code to send your akka code a message (maybe over ActiveMQ using the akka camel support) to notify it when the item has been inserted into redis. This will be a more event driven way of working and prevent you from having to poll, or block for super long periods of time.

Asp.net thread question

In my ASP.NET MVC application I have a number of threads that wait for a certain length of time and wake up to do some clean tasks over and over. I have not deployed this application to a production server yet but on my dev machine they seem to work as expected. For these threads to work the same on IIS7 do I need to look out for anything? Will IIS7 keep my threads alive indefinitely? are there implications to worry about?
Also I want to queue, lets say 50 objects that were created through various requests and process them all in one go. I'd like to maintain them inside a list and then process the list which means that the list object has to be kept alive indefinitely. I'd like to avoid serializing my objects into the DB in order to maintain this queue. What is the correct way of achieving this?
Will IIS7 keep my threads alive
No, if the application pool recycles (if there's a long inactivity or some memory threshold is hit) those threads will be stopped as the application will be unloaded from memory. If those objects are so much precise I wouldn't recommend you keeping them in memory but rather serialize them to some persistent storage so that they could be processed later in case of failure.
The design you describe is fine when you don't mind losing cached commands in the queue. Otherwise it would be better to go with a different design. ASP.NET isn't suited for this type of processing, because IIS can recycle the process. When that happens you lose your in-memory queue. IIS could also decide to unload the AppDomain because no new requests are coming in. In that case your threads will also stop running which means that pending operations will still not been cached, even when you use a persisted queue.
You'd probably be better of with some sort of transactional queue, such as MSMQ or a custom table in the database (or look at the open source NServiceBus). Adding operations to the queue can be done by your web application and processing items can be done within a Windows service application that will not be recycled and can process the queue in a transactional way.
Since you're talking about multiple threads: when using a Windows service you can build it in such way that it can run multiple threads or make it single threaded and run several instances of the same thread. This is a very flexible design that I used successfully in the past to distribute CPU and disk intensive operations over multiple machines.

Event Loop vs Multithread blocking IO

I was reading a comment about server architecture.
In this comment, the person says 3 things:
The event loop, time and again, has been shown to truly shine for a high number of low activity connections.
In comparison, a blocking IO model with threads or processes has been shown, time and again, to cut down latency on a per-request basis compared to an event loop.
On a lightly loaded system the difference is indistinguishable. Under load, most event loops choose to slow down, most blocking models choose to shed load.
Are any of these true?
And also another article here titled "Why Events Are A Bad Idea (for High-concurrency Servers)"
Typically, if the application is expected to handle million of connections, you can combine multi-threaded paradigm with event-based.
First, spawn as N threads where N == number of cores/processors on your machine. Each thread will have a list of asynchronous sockets that it's supposed to handle.
Then, for each new connection from the acceptor, "load-balance" the new socket to the thread with the fewest socket.
Within each thread, use event-based model for all the sockets, so that each thread can actually handle multiple sockets "simultaneously."
With this approach,
You never spawn a million threads. You just have as many as as your system can handle.
You utilize event-based on multicore as opposed to a single core.
Not sure what you mean by "low activity", but I believe the major factor would be how much you actually need to do to handle each request. Assuming a single-threaded event-loop, no other clients would get their requests handled while you handled the current request. If you need to do a lot of stuff to handle each request ("lots" meaning something that takes significant CPU and/or time), and assuming your machine actually is able to multitask efficiently (that taking time does not mean waiting for a shared resource, like a single CPU machine or similar), you would get better performance by multitasking. Multitasking could be a multithreaded blocking model, but it could also be a single-tasking event loop collecting incoming requests, farming them out to a multithreaded worker factory that would handle those in turn (through multitasking) and sending you a response ASAP.
I don't believe slow connections with the clients matter that much, as I would believe the OS would handle that efficiently outside of your app (assuming you do not block the event-loop for multiple roundtrips with the client that initially initiated the request), but I haven't tested this myself.

Is ASP.NET multithreaded (how does it execute requests)

This might be a bit of a silly question but;
If I have two people logging on to my site at exactly the same time, will the server side code be executed one after the other or will they be executed simultaneously in separate threads?
I'm curious in regards to a denial of service attack on a website login. Does the server slow down because it has a massive queue of logins or is it slow because it has a billion simultaneous logins!
This is not related to ASP.NET per se (I have very little knowledge in that area), but generally web servers. Most web servers use threads (or processes) to handle requests, so basically, whatever snippet of code you have will be executed for both connections in parallel. Of course, if you access a database or some other backend system where a lock is placed, allowing just one session to perform queries, you might have implicitly serialized all requests.
Web servers typically have a minimum and maximum number of workers, which are tuned to the current hardware (CPUs, memory, etc). If these are exhausted, new requests will be queued waiting for a worker to become available, or until a maximum queue length of pending requests has been reached at which point it disregards new connections, effectively denying service (if this is on purpose, it's called a denial of service or DoS attack).
So, in your terms it's a combination, it's a huge number of simultaneous requests filling up the queue.
It should use a thread pool. Note that they are still in the same application, so application level items like static variables are still shared between them.
from this article
"Remember ISAPI is multi-threaded so requests will come in on multiple threads through the reference that was returned by ApplicationDomainFactory.Create(). Listing 1 shows the disassembled code from the IsapiRuntime.ProcessRequest method that receives an ISAPI ecb object and server type as parameters. The method is thread safe, so multiple ISAPI threads can safely call this single returned object instance simultaneously."
So yes, in the case of a DOS attack, it would be slow because of the large number of connections
As others said, most webservers use multiple processes or threads (better) to serve multiple requests at a time. In particular, you can set each ASP.NET application pool with a max number of queued requests and max worker processes. Each process has multiple threads up to a maximum (not configurable AFAIK, I may be wrong), and incoming requests are processed on a first-in-first-out basis.
Moreover, ASP.NET processes one single request for each session - but a malicious user can open as many sessions as she wants.
Multiple logins will probably hit the database and bring it to its knees probably before the webserver itself.
As far as I know, there is not a built-in way to throttle ASP.NET requests other than setting the max number of queued requests (waiting to be processed). This number should be ideally very small. You can monitor the number of queued ASP.NET requests using performance counters. Say you find that, on peak traffic, this number is 100. You can then update application so that it refuses login attempts when this number is above 100 so that the database is not hit (never did that, just a thought).
