AES128 bit encryption string is not similar as on .net -

I am Implementing the AES128 bit encryption/Decryption in iOS application for sending/receiving data from .net server, I almost done but during unit testing I got some issue in encryption string, some encrypted string are not similar as on .net server, Can say 98 percent strings are correct at both side but issue comes in 2 percent strings , when I match the both side encrypted string then found at iOS end generated string is little short and .net end it is long string. One more thing i found the iOS string is the substring of .net string. When i tried to decrypt the iOS generated encrypted string, it is not decrypted showing null but when I try to decrypt the .net server generated encrypted string (it was larger than the iOS) I am able to se the decrypted string.
Using the same KEY(16 character long at server and iOS end).
could you please suggest the solution or where I am wrong .
Thanks a lot to all.
Original string: "custId=10&mode=1"
KEY= "PasswordPassword"
at iOS encrypted string:
at .net encrpted string:
padding for encryption = kCCOptionPKCS7Padding;
I followed this tutorial.

A similar question found on CryptoSE
My Version TL;DR
Essentially .net and iOS both have different implementations, and since the guide you are following is from 2009 I would expect that it is rather out of date by now given there have been at least 1 major revision bump in each of the platforms since then.
Original Answer Gives the following answer:
I can immediately think of four reasons:
They're both not using AES256. I see in the Obj-C document a direct statement that they are using AES256 (unless you deliberately change it), I don't see any statement in the Visual Basic document that says what key size they're using (unless that's what they mean by "Block Bits").
Different keys. AES256 takes a key of 256 bits; there's no standard method to take a five character string and convert that into a 256 bit value. Now, there are a lot of possible methods; there's no particular assurance that they both use the same one.
Different modes of operation. The AES block cipher takes 128-bit values, and translates that into 128-bit values. However, not all our messages can fit into 128 bits, and in addition, sometimes there are other things we'd like to do other than message encryption. A Mode of Operation is a method that takes a block cipher, and uses it as a tool to perform some more generally useful function (such as encrypting a much longer message). There are a number of standard modes of operations, the Obj-C document states that it is using CBC mode; the Visual Basic document has scary sounding words which might be a garbled explination of CBC mode.
IVs. Some modes of operation (such as CBC mode) have the encryptor select an "Initialization Vector" randomly; that can be translated along with the encrypted message (because the decryptor will need that value). One of the things that this Initialization Vector does if you encrypt the message a second time, the second ciphertext will not resemble the first ciphertext at all; that way, someone listening will not be able to deduce that you've just repeated a message. The Obj-C document specifically says that it will pick a random IV (unless to tell give it one yourself).
As you can see, there are a bunch of reasons why the two ciphertexts may be different. One thing you can try: hand the ciphertext from one to the other, and ask them to decrypt it; if they can, you can be pretty sure that both sides are doing basically the same thing.

As you can see, there are a bunch of reasons why the two ciphertexts may be different. One thing you can try: hand the ciphertext from one to the other, and ask them to decrypt it; if they can, you can be pretty sure that both sides are doing basically the same thing.


Extending short key for AES256 (SNMPv3)

I am currently working on security of a switch that runs SNMPv3.
I am expected to code it in such a way, that any SHA (1 - 2-512) is compatible with any AES (128 - 256C).
Everything, like the algorithms alone, works pretty well. The problem is, that its been estabilished, that we are going to use SHA for key generation for both authentification and encryption.
When I want to use, let's say, SHA512 with AES256, there's no problem, since SHA has output of 64B and I need just 32B for key for AES256.
But when I want to use SHA1 with AES256, SHA1 produces only 20B, which is insufficient for the key.
I've searched the internet through and through and I found out, that it's common to use this combination (snmpget, openssl), but I havent found a single word about how are you supposed to prolong the key.
How can I extend the key from 20B to 32B so it works?
P. S.: Yes, I know SHA isn't KDF, yes, I know it's not that common to use this combination, but this is just how it is in my job assignment.
Here is a page discussing your exact question. In short, there is no standard way to do this (as you have already discovered), however, Cisco has adopted the approach outlined in section 2.1 of this document:
Chaining is described as follows. First, run the password-to-key algorithm with inputs of the passphrase and engineID as described in the USM document. This will output as many key bits as the hash algorithm used to implement the password-to-key algorithm. Secondly, run the password-to-key algorithm again with the previous output (instead of the passphrase) and the same engineID as inputs. Repeat this process as many times as necessary in order to generate the minimum number of key bits for the chosen privacy protocol. The outputs of each execution are concatenated into a single string of key bits.
When this process results in more key bits than are necessary, only the most significant bits of the string should be used.
For example, if password-to-key implemented with SHA creates a 40-octet string string for use as key bits, only the first 32 octets will be used for usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol.

Private/Public key encryption algorithm for short messages, giving short results via ED25519?

I have short messages (<=256bit) that need to be encrypted and published as a (HTTP URL) QR code, along with the public key(s). Because of the QR requirement the result should also stay 256bits long - with the scheme, servername, and base64 encoding the resulting URL already has quite a length, and so the QR becomes "too" big easily.
RSA is out of the question for that key size.
libsodium provides crypto_box functions using ED25519; but for these I need to transport the nonce (24 bytes) as well, and the result is eg. 48 bytes - this makes the QR code already a bit unwieldy.
Furthermore, using one (constant) key pair and another randomly generated per message means the random key needs to be embedded as well, enlarging the result
Using a single key pair doesn't work - If I encrypt with sec1 and pub1, I need to publish exactly these values for decrypting too.
So I'm pondering using plain, raw ED25519 en- and decryption. Are there any pitfalls like with RSA (padding, bad keys (like pub exp 3)) that I need to look out for?
My plan would be to take the input, do an SHA256 of it, use the hash value to pad the input to 256 bits, and then do a plain ED25519 encryption. (I'll prepend a key marker to the result to make key rotation possible.)
What can go wrong? After all, all the complexity in libsodium has to have a reason, right?
Thanks a lot for any help!

Why do different implementations of AES produce different output?

I feel I have a pretty good understanding of hash functions and the contracts they entail.
SHA1 on Input X will ALWAYS produce the same output. You could use a Python library, a Java library, or pen and paper. It's a function, it is deterministic. My SHA1 does the same as yours and Alice's and Bob's.
As I understand it, AES is also a function. You put in some values, it spits out the ciphertext.
Why, then, could there ever be fears that Truecrypt (for instance) is "broken"? They're not saying AES is broken, they're saying the program that implements it may be. AES is, in theory, solid. So why can't you just run a file through Truecrypt, run it through a "reference AES" function, and verify that the results are the same? I know it absolutely does not work like that, but I don't know why.
What makes AES different from SHA1 in this way? Why might Truecrypt AES spit out a different file than Schneier-Ifier* AES, when they were both given all the same inputs?
In the end, my question boils down to:
My_SHA1(X) == Bobs_SHA1(X) == ...etc
But TrueCrypt_AES(X) != HyperCrypt_AES(X) != VeraCrypt_AES(X) etc. Why is that? Do all those programs wrap AES, but have different ways of determining stuff like an initialization vector or something?
*this would be the name of my file encryption program if I ever wrote one
In the SHA-1 example you give, there is only a single input to the function, and any correct SHA-1 implementation should produce the same output as any other when provided the same input data.
For AES however things are a bit tricker, and since you don't specify what you mean exactly by "AES", this itself seems likely to be the source of the perceived differences between implementations.
Firstly, "AES" isn't a single algorithm, but a family of algorithms that take different key sizes (128, 192 or 256 bits). AES is also a block cipher, it takes a single block of 128 bits/16 bytes of plaintext input, and encrypts this using the key to produce a single 16 byte block of output.
Of course in practice we often want to encrypt more than 16 bytes of data at once, so we must find a way to repeatedly apply the AES algorithm in order to encrypt all the data. Naively we could split it into 16 byte chunks and encrypt each one in turn, but this mode (described as Electronic Codebook or ECB) turns out to be horribly insecure. Instead, various other more secure modes are usually used, and most of these require an Initialization Vector (IV) which helps to ensure that encrypting the same data with the same key doesn't result in the same ciphertext (which would otherwise leak information).
Most of these modes still operate on fixed-sized blocks of data, but again we often want to encrypt data that isn't a multiple of the block size, so we have to use some form of padding, and again there are various different possibilities for how we pad a message to a length that is a multiple of the block size.
So to put all of this together, two different implementations of "AES" should produce the same output if all of the following are identical:
Plaintext input data
Key (and hence key size)
Mode (including any mode-specific inputs)
Iridium covered many of the causes for a different output between TrueCrypt and other programs using nominally the same (AES) algorithm. If you are just checking actual initialization vectors, these tend to be done using ECB. It is the only good time to use ECB -- to make sure the algorithm itself is implemented correctly. This is because ECB, while insecure, does work without an IV and therefore makes it easier to check "apples to apples" though other stumbling blocks remain as Iridium pointed out.
With a test vector, the key is specified along with the plain text. And test vectors are specified as exact multiples of the block size. Or more specifically, they tend to be exactly 1 block in size for the plain text. This is done to remove padding and mode from the list of possible differences. So if you use standard test vectors between two AES encryption programs, you eliminate the issue with the plain text data differences, key differences, IV, mode, and padding.
But note you can still have differences. AES is just as deterministic as hashing, so you can get the same result every time with AES just as you can with hashing. It's just that there are more variables to control to get the same output result. One item Iridium did not mention but which can be an issue is endianness of the input (key and plain text). I ran into exactly this when checking a reference implementation of Serpent against TrueCrypt. They gave the same output to the text vectors only if I reversed the key and plain text between them.
To elaborate on that, if you have plain text that is all 16 bytes as 0s, and your key is 31 bytes of 0s and one byte of '33' (in the 256 bit version), if the '33' byte was on the left end of the byte string for the reference implementation, you had to feed TrueCrypt 31 '00' bytes and then the '33' byte on the right-hand side to get the same output. So as I mentioned, an endianness issue.
As for TrueCrypt maybe not being secure even if AES still is, that is absolutely true. I don't know the specifics on TrueCrypt's alleged weaknesses, but let me present a couple ways a program can have AES down right and still be insecure.
One way would be if, after the user keys in their password, the program stores it for the session in an insecure manner. If it is not encrypted in memory or if it encrypts your key using its own internal key but fails to protect that key well enough, you can have Windows write it out on the hard drive plain for all to read if it swaps memory to the hard drive. Or as such swaps are less common than they used to be, unless the TrueCrypt authors protect your key during a session, it is also possible for a malicious program to come and "debug" the key right out of the TrueCrypt software. All without AES being broken at all.
Another way it could be broken (theoretically) would be in a way that makes timing attacks possible. As a simple example, imagine a very basic crypto that takes your 32 bit key and splits it into 2 each chunks of 16 bytes. It then looks at the first chunk by byte. It bit-rotates the plain text right a number of bits corresponding to the value of byte 0 of your key. Then it XORs the plain text with the right-hand 16 bytes of your key. Then it bit-rotates again per byte 1 of your key. And so on, 16 shifts and 16 XORs. Well, if a "bad guy" were able to monitor your CPU's power consumption, they could use side channel attacks to time the CPU and / or measure its power consumption on a per-bit-of-the-key basis. The fact is it would take longer (usually, depending on the code that handles the bit-rotate) to bit-rotate 120 bits than it takes to bit-rotate 121 bits. That difference is tiny, but it is there and it has been proven to leak key information. The XOR steps would probably not leak key info, but half of your key would be known to an attacker with ease based on the above attack, even on an implementation of an unbroken algorithm, if the implementation itself is not done right -- a very difficult thing to do.
So I do not know if TrueCrypt is broken in one of these ways or in some other way altogether. But crypto is a lot harder than it looks. If the people on the inside say it is broken, it is very easy for me to believe them.

lua aes encryption

I found a "lua aes" solution on the web a while ago. And have some concern about its safety.
It states that:
-- Do not use for real encryption, because the password is easily viewable while encrypting.
It says this at its "file encryption test" script.
My questions are:
Why is that, how is it any different from encrypting a string and writing it to a file?
How could it be viewable while encryption? Is it viewable after encryption too?
Basically, Is it safe to use or not?
Is there anyone who can confirm this who has used it? I mailed the original developer but the email address was invalid.
Should I be using it at all?
I assume there are two reasons why that recommendation was made:
Strings are immutable in Lua, so there is no way to overwrite a string with different data
once it's created.
In Lua, objects are garbage collected. The garbage collector runs only at certain points in
the program, and the application has no way of telling when the garbage collector will run after there are no more references to the object. Until then, the password string will remain in memory by point 1.
See Java's case, which is similar to Lua:
Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords?
As you can see there, using char arrays instead of strings is a better way to store passwords, since arrays are mutable and can be reinitialized to zero when done.
The closest Lua equivalent to a char array is a table filled with numbers. Here the password is stored as a table, rather than a string, where each element in the table consists of the integer representation of each character. For example, "pass" becomes {0x70,0x61,0x73,0x73}. After the table containing the password is used to encrypt or decrypt, it is filled with zeros before it's unreachable by the program and eventually gets garbage collected.
According to your comment, I may have misunderstood. Maybe the "file encryption test" stores the password in plain text along with the encrypted file, allowing anyone with access to the file, even attackers, the ability to trivially decrypt it. The points above still apply, though. This is still only a guess, however; I can't know exactly what you mean unless you provide a link to the encryption library you mention.
I've taken a look at the AES library and the concern about the password being "easily viewable" occurs because the user types the password in plain text, through the command line or terminal, in order to start the Lua program, even though the output of the program contains only cipher text. A slightly more secure way of providing the password would be not to show the input (as is done in sudo) or to mask the input with dots or stars (as is done in many Web pages).
Either that or the points given above are perhaps the only logical explanation.
You may also try out alternate methods, like LuaCrypto, which is a binding to OpenSSL and is able to encrypt data using the AES standard.

What encryption algorithm is best for small strings?

I have a string of 10-15 characters and I want to encrypt that string. The problem is I want to get a shortest encrypted string as possible. I will also want to decrypt that string back to its original string.
Which encryption algorithm fits best to this situation?
AES uses a 16-byte block size; it is admirably suited to your needs if your limit of 10-15 characters is firm. The PKCS#11 (IIRC) padding scheme would add 6-1 bytes to the data and generate an output of exactly 16 bytes. You don't really need to use an encryption mode (such as CBC) since you're only encrypting one block. There is an issue of how you'd be handling the keys - there is always an issue of how you handle encryption keys.
If you must go with shorter data lengths for shorter strings, then you probably need to consider AES in CTR mode. This uses the key and a counter to generate a byte stream which is XOR'd with the bytes of the string. It would leave your encrypted string at the same length as the input plaintext string.
You'll be hard pressed to find a general purpose compression algorithm that reliably reduces the length of such short strings, so compressing before encrypting is barely an option.
If it's just one short string, you could use a one-time pad which is mathematically perfect secrecy.
Just be sure you don't use the key more than one time.
If the main goal is shortening, I would look for a compression library that allows a fixed dictionary built on a corpus of common strings.
Personally I do not have experience with that, but I bet LZMA can do that.
