Wordpress pages theme/layout - wordpress

I'd like to know whether I could have different layout and content for each page?
For example, I have 4 pages, and I have 4 completely different layout design, do I need to make 4 themes then apply to different pages or something else?
Moreover, can I have different posts show on different page?
like post no.1/or tag [google] goes to page 1, post no.5/tag[orange] goes to page 3?
I'd like to learn how to structure this idea.
Many thanks

make the diffrent template for different pages to show the different design on every page
for making template create normal php file and at the top of file add the code for every template by replacing template name
Template Name:About Us
By this you get different template for about us put you code desing that you want to show for this page and from that back end select the template from rignt hand side option and save that page .
And to show different post on different pages you need to create category after that where you want to call the post for page call the category code for that
<?php Query_post('cat=3&showposts');
while(have_posts()): the_post();
endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?> every time on different page you just chage the category id (cat)


Two pages with same content

How to create two pages with same content?
For example, the first page should be with a header menu and the second page should be without a header menu.
The page of my theme has an options without header
Or I can use two different templates of page, but the content of pages should be the same.
You can read the documentation here.
Create a file, called page-mytemplate.php under your theme directory.
In that file, start with this:
Template Name: My Custom Page
Create a page, and set the template to My Custom Page.
At here you can do whatever you want.
For the other page, repeat the steps, but just call the other template something different name.
When you want to show the same content with different templates, just simple get the content of the page:
$post = get_post($postId);
echo $post->post_title ."<br />";
echo $post->post_content;
You can wrap this with your two template page. See the documentation here

wordpress custom pre-fixed templates

I want to create a page template that has a pre-fixed css. Lets say I name it page-sevencol.php then I know that the content will have a fixed width and a specific style and so on. My pages have different layouts thats why I need to create these kind of templates.
Is it possible? if so how? Ive looked in the wp codex and it does not seem to have the answer. Please take a minute to help me.
Thank you!
you seem to need just a limited set of templates. The question is: do you want to apply them automatically? Basically, there are two techniques to apply a template to a page (or post or custom post, etc.) in WordPress.
First method: using the template naming convention to get the template automatically applied to a page (or post) with the same name.
In this case, you create a page page-mynewpage.php and this template will automatically get applied to your page named /mynewpage/.
Second method: you create a template by creating a page (let's say : template1.php) and declaring it as a template with a comment at the top of the page:
* Template Name: Template1
This template will now be selectable inside the admin of WordPress to be applied to any page:
So if A) you only need a limited set of templates & B) are ok to select them on a per-page basis in the admin, this is your solution. You would just need to create as many pages as you need templates, not forgetting to include the comments that declare them as templates and using a different name each time.
If you need your templates to be applied dynamically, then we need more info about the logic to use for select each template...
EDIT : That is it, Abel (just read your comment). Your page is mainly generated with 4 elements: header.php, sidebar.php, footer.php and another page to produce the content, but this page is different depending on where you are in the site. If you are on a page, it will be, by default, page.php. If you are reading a post, WordPress will by default use single.php.
To apply all your different templates, just go and open page.php in your theme folder. Save it under another name, like page-template7cols.php. Insert a comment like I just explained above, so this template will show in your admin next time you create a new page. Adapt it the way you want (changing the HTML / PHP and therefore adapting the way the content of the page will be displayed). Do the same for your other 9 templates.
Then, everytime you create a new page, just start by selecting the proper template in your dropdown (see previous screen capture). And whenever you will make a change to page-template7cols.php, for example, the changes will be reflected on all pages for which you have selected this template.
Template Name: Template1
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div class="content-wrap sevencol clearfix">
<div class="row clearfix">
<div class="content">
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>

How can I create a link to a specific page in wordpress?

It seems like a simple task, but I'm having difficult time finding any information on this. Basically I have an "Events" page created in wordpress to which I want to create a link on my main page. I do not want it to be static like (https://mysite.com/events). Is there a way to do it dynamically?
You want to use the get_permalink() function to write the link - http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_permalink
This function accepts an argument which is the post or page ID (and defaults to the ID of the current page), so if your Events page is ID #11, it would look like to following to also have the link text match the page title (should it change to "Events!" in the future, for example):
<?php $events_page = get_post(11); ?>
<?php echo $events_page->post_title; ?>

Make another content list as content file of wordpress

I have page I want to display the page in different style (not as the content.php file ) so now I made copy the content.php file and just modified it. I want to display only for one page and other pages should display like content.php . So how can I change the index page to display the particular as new content-list page. My page name is News and it should be display like content-list.php.
For display indiviual page you have to make a Template for that page and from
Dashboard-->Pages open the page where you want to display that template, on right hand side you have seen TAMPLATE-->DEFAULT TEMPLATE, select template you have created...
Syntax for new template
/*Template Name:abc
<?php get_header();?>
<?php get_Footer();?>
I don't know about which file you're referring to as content.php
I have page i want display the page in different style
So, if you want to display a page with a different style, you should have a look at WordPress Template Hierarchy.
You can create another page template, use custom files like header-{name}.php and footer-{name}.php and use get_header() and get_footer() with the appropriate arguments(the {name} you mentionned to call these files.

adding single.php page to wordpress or if condition for main page or post detail page

I use Barecity Theme for WordPress. i built everything, but now i need to add a single.php file to theme. now it displays all post content at homepage, I created a short_desc Custom Field. and I call it from code with;
<?php //get_post_meta($post->ID, 'short_desc', true); ?>
it is fine. but i need to display this short desc at home page listing, and the main content at details page. how can do that?
I appreciate helps!!
It sounds like what you are trying to do is show a custom field that you have set on a post on the index page (which lists all the posts).
To do that you'll need to modify index.php by adding your snippet where you would like to have the short description.
<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'short_desc', true); ?>
You need to use echo to display the results from the get_post_meta function.
Depending on how your posts are setup you can also use the More button when you write your posts. This will cut off your post at a certain point that you decide and only show that short part on the index and archive pages.
Another option would be to use
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
Which shows the first 55 words (this can be adjusted though) of the post.
Hope that helps,
