I am trying to make a function in order to generate n random numbers from negative binomial distribution.
To generate it, I first made a function to generate n random variables from geometric distribution. My function for generating n random numbers from geometric distribution as follows:
for (j in 1:n){
i<-1 # number of trials
I[j]<- i
I tested this function (rGE), for example for rGE(10,0.5), which is generating 10 random numbers from a geometric distribution with probability of success 0.5, a random result was:
[1] 2 4 2 1 1 3 4 2 3 3
In rGE function I used a function named rBer which is:
sample(0:1,n,replace = TRUE,prob=c(1-p,p))
Now, I want to improve my above function (rGE) in order to make a function for generating n random numbers from a negative binomial function. I made the following function:
for (j in 1:n){
i<-1 # number of trials
while(x==0 & I[j]!=r){
I[j]<- i
I tested it for rNB(3,2,0.1), which generates 3 random numbers from a negative binomial distribution with parametrs r=2 and p=0.1 for several times:
> rNB(3,2,0.1)
[1] 2 1 7
> rNB(3,2,0.1)
[1] 3 1 4
> rNB(3,2,0.1)
[1] 3 1 2
> rNB(3,2,0.1)
[1] 3 1 3
> rNB(3,2,0.1)
[1] 46 1 13
As you can see, I think my function (rNB) does not work correctly, because the results always generat 1 for the second random number.
Could anyone help me to correct my function (rNB) in order to generate n random numbers from a negative binomial distribution with parametrs n, r, and p. Where r is the number of successes and p is the probability of success?
[[Hint: Explanations regarding geometric distribution and negative binomial distribution:
Geometric distribution: In probability theory and statistics, the geometric distribution is either of two discrete probability distributions:
The probability distribution of the number X of Bernoulli trials needed to get one success, supported on the set { 1, 2, 3, ... }.
The probability distribution of the number Y = X − 1 of failures before the first success, supported on the set { 0, 1, 2, 3, ... }
Negative binomial distribution:A negative binomial experiment is a statistical experiment that has the following properties:
The experiment consists of x repeated trials.
Each trial can result in just two possible outcomes. We call one of these outcomes a success and the other, a failure.
The probability of success, denoted by P, is the same on every trial.
The trials are independent; that is, the outcome on one trial does not affect the outcome on other trials.
The experiment continues until r successes are observed, where r is specified in advance.
Your function will be much faster if you use R's native vectorization. The way you can do this is to generate all your Bernoulli trials at once.
Note that for a negative binomial distribution, the expected value (i.e. the mean number of Bernoulli trials it will take to get r successes) is r * p / (1 - p) (Reference)
If we want to draw n negative binomial samples, then the expected total number of Bernoulli trials will therefore be n * r * p / (1 - p). So we want to draw at least that many Bernoulli samples. For simplicity, we can start by drawing twice that number: 2 * n * r * p / (1 - p) . In the unlikely case that this is not enough, we can draw twice as many again repeatedly until we have enough; once the sum of the resultant vector of Bernoulli trials is greater than r * n, we know we have enough Bernoulli trials to simulate our n negative binomial trials.
We can now run a cumsum on the vector of Bernoulli trials to keep track of the number of positive trials. If you then perform integer division on this vector by %/% r, you will have all the Bernoulli trials labelled according to which negative binomial trial they belonged to. You then table this vector.
The first r numbers of the table (obtained by subsetting the table by [1:n] or equivalently by [seq(n)] is your negative binomial draw. We just remove the table's names by using as.numeric. We also subtract the number of successes (i.e. r), from each of our counts, since we are only counting the failures, not the successes.
rNB <- function(n, r, p) {
mult <- 2
all_samples <- 0
while(sum(all_samples) < n * r)
all_samples <- rBer(mult * n * r * p / (1 - p), p)
mult <- mult * 2
as.numeric(table(cumsum(all_samples) %/% r))[seq(n)] - r
So we can do:
rNB(3, 2, 0.1)
#> [1] 14 19 41
rNB(3, 2, 0.1)
#> [1] 23 6 56
rNB(3, 2, 0.1)
#> [1] 11 31 59
rNB(3, 2, 0.1)
#> [1] 7 21 14
mean(rNB(10000, 2, 0.1))
#> [1] 18.0002
We can test this against R's own rnbinom:
mean(rnbinom(10000, 2, 0.1))
#> [1] 18.0919
hist(rnbinom(10000, 2, 0.5), breaks = 0:20)
hist(rNB(10000, 2, 0.5), breaks = 0:20)
Note that the logic of your own version isn't quite right. In particular, the line while(x == 0 & I[j] != r) doesn't make any sense. I is a vector of 1:n, so in your example, whenever j is 2, I[j] is equal to r and the loop stops. This is why your second number is always 1. I don't know what you were trying to do here.
If you want to do it one Bernoulli trial at a time, as you are doing in your own version, try this modified function. The variable names should hopefully make it easy to follow the logic:
rNB <- function(n, r, p) {
# Create an empty vector of length n for our results
draws <- numeric(n)
# Now for each of the n trials we will get a negative binomial sample:
for (i in 1:n) {
# Create success and failure counters for this draw
failures <- successes <- 0
# Now run Bernoulli trials, counting successes and failures as we go
# until we hit r successes
while(successes < r)
if(rBer(1, p) == 1)
successes <- successes + 1
failures <- failures + 1
# Once we have reached r successes, the current number of failures is our
# negative binomial draw
draws[i] <- failures
This gives identical results to the faster, albeit more opaque, vectorized version.
I have carried out a Wilcoxon rank sum test to see if there is any significant difference between the expression of 598019 genes between three disease samples vs three control samples. I am in R.
When I see how many genes have a p value < 0.05, I get 41913 altogether. I set the parameters of the Wilcoxon as follows;
wilcox.test(currRow[4:6], currRow[1:3], paired=F, alternative="two.sided", exact=F, correct=F)$p.value
(This is within an apply function, and I can provide my total code if necessary, I was a little unsure as to whether alternative="two.sided" was correct).
However, as I assume correcting for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini Hochberg False Discovery rate would lower this number, I then adjusted the p values via the following code
pvaluesadjust1 <- p.adjust(pvalues_genes, method="BH")
Re-assessing which p values are less than 0.05 via the below code, I get 0!
p_thresh1 <- 0.05
names(pvaluesadjust1) <- rownames(gene_analysis1)
output <- names(pvaluesadjust1)[pvaluesadjust1 < p_thresh1]
I would be grateful if anybody could please explain, or direct me to somewhere which can help me understand what is going on!
(As an extra question, would a t-test be fine due to the size of the data, the Anderson-Darling test showed that the underlying data is not normal. I had far less genes which were less than 0.05 using this statistical test rather than Wilcoxon (around 2000).
Wilcoxon is a parametric test based on ranks. If you have only 6 samples, the best result you can get is rank 2,2,2 in disease versus 5,5,5 in control, or vice-versa.
For example, try the parameters you used in your test, on these random values below, and you that you get the same p.value 0.02534732.
wilcox.test(c(100,100,100),c(1,1,1),exact=F, correct=F)$p.value
wilcox.test(c(5,5,5),c(15,15,15),exact=F, correct=F)$p.value
So yes, with 598019 you can get 41913 < 0.05, these p-values are not low enough and with FDR adjustment, none will ever pass.
You are using the wrong test. To answer your second question, a t.test does not work so well because you don't have enough samples to estimate the standard deviation correctly. Below I show you an example using DESeq2 to find differential genes
# remove spikeins
zfGenes = zfGenes[-grep("^ERCC", rownames(zfGenes)),]
Ctl1 Ctl3 Ctl5 Trt9 Trt11 Trt13
ENSDARG00000000001 304 129 339 102 16 617
ENSDARG00000000002 605 637 406 82 230 1245
First three are controls, last three are treatment, like your dataset. To validate what I have said before, you can see that if you do a wilcoxon.test, the minimum value is 0.02534732
all_pvalues = apply(zfGenes,1,function(i){
wilcox.test(i[1:3],i[4:6],exact=F, correct=F)$p.value
# returns 0.02534732
So we proceed with DESeq2
#create a data.frame to annotate your samples
DF = data.frame(id=colnames(zfGenes),type=rep(c("ctrl","treat"),each=3))
# run DESeq2
dds = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(zfGenes,DF,~type)
dds = DESeq(dds)
out of 25839 with nonzero total read count
adjusted p-value < 0.05
LFC > 0 (up) : 69, 0.27%
LFC < 0 (down) : 47, 0.18%
outliers [1] : 1270, 4.9%
low counts [2] : 5930, 23%
(mean count < 7)
[1] see 'cooksCutoff' argument of ?results
[2] see 'independentFiltering' argument of ?results
So you do get hits which pass the FDR cutoff. Lastly we can pull out list of significant genes
res = results(dds)
res[which(res$padj < 0.05),]
I have used boxplot.stats$out to get outliers of a list in R. However I noticed that many times it fails to identify outliers. For example:
list = c(3,4,7,500)
[1] 3.0 3.5 5.5 253.5 500.0
[1] 4
[1] -192 203
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
3.00 3.75 5.50 130.25 500.00
130.25+1.5*IQR(list) = 320
As you can see the boxplot.stats() function failed to find the outlier 500, even though when I looked at the documentation they are using the Q1/Q3+/-1.5*IQR method. So 500 should've been identified as an outlier, but it clearly is not finding it and I'm not sure why?
I have tried this with a list of 5 elements instead of 4, or with an outlier that is very small instead of very large and I still get the same problem.
Notice that the third number in the "stats" portion is 253.5, not 130.25
The documentation for boxplot.stats says:
The two ‘hinges’ are versions of the first and third quartile, i.e.,
close to quantile(x, c(1,3)/4). The hinges equal the quartiles for odd
n (where n <- length(x)) and differ for even n. Whereas the quartiles
only equal observations for n %% 4 == 1 (n = 1 mod 4), the hinges do
so additionally for n %% 4 == 2 (n = 2 mod 4), and are in the middle
of two observations otherwise
In other words, for your data, it is using (500+7)/2 as the Q3 value
(and incidentally (3+4)/2 = 3.5 as Q1, not the 3.75 that you got from
quantile). Boxplot will use the boundary 253.5 + 1.5*(253.5 - 3.5) = 628.5
If you read the help page help("boxplot.stats") carefully, the return value section says the following. My emphasis.
a vector of length 5, containing the extreme of the lower
whisker, the lower ‘hinge’, the median, the upper ‘hinge’ and
the extreme of the upper whisker.
Then, in the same section, again my emphasis.
the values of any data points which lie beyond the
extremes of the whiskers (if(do.out)).
Your data has 4 points. The extreme of the upper whisker, as returned in list member $stats, is 500.0, and this is the maximum of your data. There is no error.
Try this,
library (car)
Boxplot (Petal.Length ~ Species, id = list (n=Inf))
to identify all the outliers
I am calculating z-scores to see if a value is far from the mean/median of the distribution.
I had originally done it using the mean, then turned these into 2-side pvalues. But now using the median I noticed that there are some Na's in the pvalues.
I determined this is occuring for values that are very far from the median.
And looks to be related to the pnorm calculation.
'qnorm' is based on Wichura's algorithm AS 241 which provides
precise results up to about 16 digits. "
Does anyone know a way around this as I would like the very small pvalues.
> z<- -12.5
> 2-2*pnorm(abs(z))
[1] 0
> z<- -10
> 2-2*pnorm(abs(z))
[1] 0
> z<- -8
> 2-2*pnorm(abs(z))
[1] 1.332268e-15
Intermediately, you are actually calculating very high p-values:
z <- c(-12.5,-10,-8)
# [1] 1.0000000000000000000000 1.0000000000000000000000 0.9999999999999993338662
# [1] 0.000000000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000000000e+00 1.332267629550187848508e-15
I think you will be better off using the low p-values (close to zero) but I am not good enough at math to know whether the error at close-to-one p-values is in the AS241 algorithm or the floating point storage. Look how nicely the low values show up:
# [1] 3.732564298877713761239e-36 7.619853024160526919908e-24 6.220960574271784860433e-16
Keep in mind 1 - pnorm(x) is equivalent to pnorm(-x). So, 2-2*pnorm(abs(x)) is equivalent to 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(x)) is equivalent to 2*pnorm(-abs(x)), so just go with:
2 * pnorm(-abs(z))
# [1] 7.465128597755427522478e-36 1.523970604832105383982e-23 1.244192114854356972087e-15
which should get more precisely what you are looking for.
One thought, you'll have to use an exp() with larger precision, but you might be able to use log(p) to get slightly more precision in the tails, otherwise you are effectively at 0 for the non-log p values in terms of the range that can be calculated:
> z<- -12.5
> pnorm(abs(z),log.p=T)
[1] -7.619853e-24
Converting back to the p value doesn't work well, but you could compare on log(p)...
> exp(pnorm(abs(z),log.p=T))
[1] 1
pnorm is a function which gives what P value is based on given x. If You do not specify more arguments, then default distribution is Normal with mean 0, and standart deviation 1.
Based on simetrity, pnorm(a) = 1-pnorm(-a).
In R, if you add positive numbers it will round them. But if you add negative no rounding is done. So using this formula and negative numbers you can calculate needed values.
> pnorm(0.25)
[1] 0.5987063
> 1-pnorm(-0.25)
[1] 0.5987063
> pnorm(20)
[1] 1
> pnorm(-20)
[1] 2.753624e-89
I use R to calculate the ecdf of some data. I want to use the results in another software. I use R just to do the 'work' but not to produce the final diagram for my thesis.
Example Code
# Plotting the a built in sampla data
# Assingning the data to a new variable name
myData = cars$speed
# Calculating the edcf
myResult = ecdf(myData)
# Plotting the ecdf
> # Plotting the a built in sampla data
> plot(cars$speed)
> # Assingning the data to a new variable name
> myData = cars$speed
> # Calculating the edcf
> myResult = ecdf(myData)
> myResult
Empirical CDF
Call: ecdf(myData)
x[1:19] = 4, 7, 8, ..., 24, 25
> # Plotting the ecdf
> plot(myResult)
> plot(cars$speed)
Question 1
How do I get the raw information in order to plot the ecdf diagram in another software (e. g. Excel, Matlab, LaTeX)? For the histogram function I can just write
res = hist(...)
and I find all the information like
Question 2
How do I calculate the inverse ecdf? Say I want to know how many cars have a speed below 10 mph (the example data is car speed).
Thanks to the answer of user777 I have more information now. If I use
> myResult(0:25)
[1] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.18 0.22 0.30 0.38
[15] 0.46 0.52 0.56 0.62 0.70 0.76 0.86 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.98 1.00
I get the data for 0 to 25 mph. But I do not know where to draw a data point. I do want to reproduce the R plot exactly.
Here I have a data point every 1 mph.
Here I do not have a data pint every 1 mph. I only have a data point if there is data available.
# Plotting the a built in sample data
# Assingning the data to a new variable name
myData = cars$speed
# Calculating the edcf
myResult = ecdf(myData)
# Plotting the ecdf
# Have a look on the probability for 0 to 25 mph
# Have a look on the probability but just where there ara data points
# Saving teh stuff to a directory
write.csv(cbind(unique(myData), myResult(unique(myData))), file="D:/myResult.txt")
The file myResult.txt looks like
Attention: I have a German Excel so the decimal symbol is comma instead of the dot.
The output of ecdf is a function, among other object types. You can verify this with class(myResult), which displayes the S4 classes of the object myResult.
If you enter myResult(unique(myData)), R evaluates the ecdf object myResult at all distinct values appearing in myData, and prints it to the console. To save the output you can enter write.csv(cbind(unique(myData), myResult(unique(myData))), file="C:/Documents/My ecdf.csv") to save it to that filepath.
The ecdf doesn't tell you how many cars are above/below a specific threshold; rather, it states the probability that a randomly selected car from your data set is above/below the threshold. If you're interested in the number of cars satisfying some criteria, just count them. myData[myData<=10] returns the data elements, and length(myData[myData<=10]) tells you how many of them there are.
Assuming you mean that you want to know the sample probabilities that a randomly-selected car from your data is below 10 mph, that's the value given by myResult(10).
As I see it, your main requirement is to reproduce the jumps at each x value. Try this:
> x <- c(cars$speed, cars$speed, 1, 28)
> y <- c((0:49)/50, (1:50)/50, 0, 1)
> ord <- order(x)
> plot(y[ord] ~ x[ord], type="l")
The first 50 (x,y) pairs are tyhe beginnings of the jumps, the next 50 are the ends, and the last two give you starting and ending values at $(x_1-3,0)$ and $(x_{50}+3,1)$. Then you need to sort the values in increasing order in $x$.