Hooking into 3rd Party Web Service (WCF) calls - asp.net

At my workplace we are in the process of upgrading our Time and Attendance setup. Currently, we have physical terminals that employees use to check in and check out. These terminal communicate to a 3rd party T&A system via web service calls.
About the T&A web service:
Hosted on IIS 6
Communication is with WCF over HTTP
We're only interested in one of the exposed methods (let's call it Beep())
What I need to do:
Leave the original T&A system in place, untouched
Write a custom service that also reacts to calls to Beep()
So, essentially, I need to piggy-back on all the calls to Beep(), but I'm not sure what the best approach is.
What has been considered already:
Write a custom webservice that implements the exact same same contract as the T&A service and direct all the terminals to that custom service. The idea being that I can then invoke the original T&A service from my custom service, as well as applying any other logic required.
This seems overly invasive to me, and seems needlessly risky. We want to leave the original system as unmodified as possible.
Write a custom HTTP Handler to intercept calls to the original T&A service.
We've actually already done something like this in house, but our implementation takes the original HttpRequest, extracts the contents, invokes a custom service, and finally create a new HttpRequest based on the original request so that the original web service call to Beep() is made.
What I don't like about this approach is that the original HttpRequest is lost. Yes, a second, supposedly identical, request is created, but I don't know enough about HttpRequests to guarantee this is safe.
I prefer option 2, but it's still not perfect. Ideally we wouldn't need to destroy the original HttpRequest. Does anyone know if this is possible?
If not, can anyone suggest another way of doing this? Can IIS be configured to fork requests to two destinations?
I have found a solution (documented here), but I'm still open to other options.
I like flup's solution (and justification). He gets the bounty :) Thanks flup!

You can configure the web service to use a custom operation invoker, an IOperationInvoker.
WCF deserializes the original HTTP request as always, but instead of calling Beep() on the existing web service class, it will call your invoker instead. The invoker does its special thing, and then calls Beep() on the original service.
Advantage over implementing an IHTTPModule would be that all things HTTP are still handled by the original web service's configuration, unchanged. You fork off at a higher level of abstraction, namely on the web service's interface, at the Beep() method.
The nitty gritty of setting up a custom operation invoker without changing the existing service class (which makes it harder):
Implement a custom IOperationBehavior which sets the custom IOperationInvoker on the service's Beep() method in its ApplyDispatchBehavior method.
Implement a custom IEndpointBehavior which sets the custom IOperationBehavior in its ApplyDispatchBehavior method.
Put these two behaviors, with your IOperationInvoker, in a class library and add it to the existing service
Then configure the service to use the IEndpointBehavior.
See When and where to set a custom IOperationInvoker? and http://blogs.msdn.com/b/carlosfigueira/archive/2011/05/17/wcf-extensibility-ioperationinvoker.aspx for the invoker bit.
See Custom Endpoint Behavior using Standard webHttpEndpoint on how to configure a custom endpoint.

Sounds actually like you want to integrate your system into an ESB pattern. Now the MS solution to the ESB problem is Biztalk. Biztalk is the thermonuclear warhead nut cracker in this case. You don't want Biztalk.
Check out the results here for lightweight alternatives

I have found a solution using a custom IHttpModule. See sample below:
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
namespace ForkHandles
public class ForkHandler : IHttpModule
public void Init(HttpApplication application)
application.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(application_BeginRequest);
void application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
var request = ((HttpApplication)sender).Request;
var bytes = new byte[request.InputStream.Length];
request.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
request.InputStream.Position = 0;
var requestContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
// vvv
// Apply my custom logic here, using the requestContent as input.
// ^^^
public void Dispose()
This will allow me to inspect the contents of a webservice request and react to it accordingly.
I'm open to other solutions that may be less invasive as this one will require changing the deployed 3rd party web service's configuration.

If you want to intercept the message to the T&A WCF service i would suggest using custom listener which can be plugged into the service call by making changes in the web.cofig.
This will be transparent.
Please look for WCF Extensibility – Message Inspectors.
<source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging">
<add name="ServiceModelMessageLoggingListener">
<filter type=""/>


WCF Service with SignalR

I have a web application which has few charts on dashboard. The data for charts is fetched on document.ready function at client side invoking a WCF service method.
What i want is now to use SignalR in my application. I am really new to SignalR. How can i call WCF methods from SignalR Hub or what you can say is that instead of pulling data from server i want the WCF service to push data to client every one minute.
Is there a way of communication between signalR and WCF service.
Also another approach can be to force client to ask for data from WCF Service every minute.
Any help will be really appreciated.
I have done following as of yet.
Client Side Function on my Dashboard page
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
<!--Reference the autogenerated SignalR hub script. -->
<script src="/signalr/hubs"></script>
<a id="refresh">Refresh</a>
$(function() {
var dashboardHubProxy = $.connection.dashboardHub;
$.connection.hub.start().done(function() {
// dashboardHubProxy.server.refreshClient(parameters);
$("#refresh").click(function() {
dashboardHubProxy.client.refreshChart = function (chartData) {
DrawChart(chartData, 'Hourly Call Count For Last ' + Duration + ' Days', '#chartHourly', 'StackedAreaChart');
and my Dashboard Hub class is as follows
public class DashboardHub : Hub
private readonly ReportService ReportService = new ReportService();
public void RefreshClient(string parameters)
var chartData = ReportService.GenerateHourlyCallsTrendGraphicalReport(parameters);
My SignalR startup class is as follows
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(CallsPortalWeb.Startup), "Configuration")]
namespace CallsPortalWeb
public static class Startup
public static void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
public static void ConfigureSignalR(IAppBuilder app)
When i click on refresh button and a debugger on RefreshClient method on hub the debugger doesn't get to the method which means i am unable to call server side method of SignalR.
Is there anything needs to be done in web.config?
I agree with AD.Net's comment. To elaborate slightly more though, the SignalR hubs can be hosted directly in your web project kinda the same way controllers are used. There is also a package out there so you can host the SignalR library on its own so it can act as a service all on its own. Either way you will need to hit the SignalR hub first as that is how it communicates then you would call your WCF service methods from within the hubs.
Brief explanation
Your HUB will have methods used by both your USER Client and your WCF Client. You may use something like UserConnected() for the user to call in and setup your logging of the connection. Then the WCF service may call your HUB with an UpdateUserStats(Guid connnectionId, UserStats stats) which would in turn call the USER client directly and provide the stats passed in like so Clients.Client(connectionId).updateStats(stats) which in turn would have a method on the USERS client named updateStats() that would handle the received information.
Initial page landing
What AD.Net provided is basic code that will be called when the user lands on the page. At this point you would want to log the ConnectionId related to that user so you can directly contact them back.
First contact with your hub touching WCF
From your Hub, you could call your WCF service as you normally would inside any normal C# code to fetch your data or perform action and return it to your user.
Method of updating the user periodically
SignalR removes the need for your client code to have to continually poll the server for updates. It is meant to allow you to push data out to the client with out them asking for it directly. This is where the persistence of the connections come into play.
You will probably want to create a wrapper to easily send messages to the hub from your application, since you are using WCF I would assume you have your business logic behind this layer so you will want the WCF service reaching out to your Hub whenever action X happens. You can do that by utilizing the Client side C# code as in this case your client is actually the user and the WCF service. With a chat application the other user is basically doing what you want your WCF service to do, which is send a message to the other client.
Usage example
You are running an online store. The dashboard displays how many orders there have been for the day. So you would wire up a call to the hub to send a message out to update the products ordered when a user places a new order. You can do this by sending it to the admin group you have configured and any admins on the dashboard would get the message. Though if these stats are very user specific, you will more then likely instead reach into the database, find the ConnectionId that the user has connected with and send the update message directly to that connectionid.
WCF Client Code Example
Just incase you want some code, this is directly from MS site on connecting with a .net client. You would use this in your WCF service, or wherever in your code you plan on connecting and then sending an update to your user.
var hubConnection = new HubConnection("http://www.contoso.com/");
IHubProxy stockTickerHubProxy = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("StockTickerHub");
stockTickerHubProxy.On<Stock>("UpdateStockPrice", stock => Console.WriteLine("Stock update for {0} new price {1}", stock.Symbol, stock.Price));
await hubConnection.Start();
Here is a link directly to the .Net Client section: http://www.asp.net/signalr/overview/signalr-20/hubs-api/hubs-api-guide-net-client
I am sure you have seen this link but it really holds all the good information you need to get started. http://www.asp.net/signalr
Here is a more direct link that goes into usages with code for you. http://www.asp.net/signalr/overview/signalr-20/hubs-api/hubs-api-guide-server
ADDED: Here is a blog specific to Dashboards with SignalR and their polling.
ADDED: Here is a page on managing users signalR connections.
Update for your code update
The .Net Client library (in NuGet) gives your .net code access to the hub. Since you are a client you will need to connect to the hub just like the User who is also a client. Your hub would act as the server for this. So with the .Net Client I am assuming you would setup a windows service that would internally poll, or something event based that would call the .Net Client code portion of it which would reach out to your hub. Your hub would take the information provided, more than likely a ConnectionId or GroupId and broad cast the User (which is perhaps on a website so it would be the JS client) a method that would update the front end for the user client. Basically what I mention under "Brief Explanation".
Now, to directly respond to the code you posted. That is Javascript, I would expect a connect like you have done. Updating the chart on initial connection is fine as well. If this is all the code signalR wise though you are missing a client side method to handle the refresh. Technically, instead of calling Clients.Caller.RefreshChart() you could just return that data and use it, which is what your javascript is doing right now. You are returning void but it is expecting a your date.
Now, I would actually say correct your javascript instead of correcting the hub code. Why? Because having a method in JS on your client that is called "refreshChart()" can be reused for when you are having your server reach out and update the client.
So I would recommend, dropping anything that is related to updating the dashboard in your JS done statement. If you want to do a notification or something to the user that is fine but dont update the grid.
Now create a JS client function called "refreshChart", note the lower case R, you can call it with a big R in c# but the js library will lowercase it so when you make the function have it will receive your dashboard information.
Now, on the server polling, or executing on some action, your WCF would call a method on the hub that would be say "UpdateDashboar(connectionId,dashInfo)" and that method would then inside of it call the "refreshChart" just like you are doing in your RefreshClient method, accept instead of doing Clients.Caller you would use Clients.Client(connectionId).refreshChart(chartInfo).
Directly the reason your code is not working is because you need to turn that Void into the type you expect to be returned. If the rest is coded right you will have it update once. You will need to implement the other logic I mentioned if you want it constantly updating. Which is again why I asked about how you are persisting your connections. I added a link to help you with that if you are not sure what I am talking about.
You should use the SignalR Hub to push data to the client. Your hub can consume a WCF service (the same way your client can) to get the data.
from client:
on the hub in the VisitingDashBoard method:
var data = wcfClient.GetDashboardData()//may be pass the user id from the context
Of course your client will have a handler for UpdateDashboard call

Web API 'in memory' requests throw exception

Ok, my situation is much more complicated but there is an easy way to reproduce. Starting with a fresh new ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application project and selecting Web API as a template I just add a second mvc action to the HomeController where I need to call Web API internally.
public async Task<string> TestAPI()
HttpServer server = new HttpServer(GlobalConfiguration.Configuration);
using (HttpMessageInvoker messageInvoker = new HttpMessageInvoker(server, false))
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "http://localhost:58233/api/values");
request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var response = messageInvoker.SendAsync(request, new CancellationToken()).Result;
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
//server.Dispose(); - if I do that on the second request I get a "Cannot access a disposed object." exception
that thing works only on the first request. On subsequent requests it throws with
The 'DelegatingHandler' list is invalid because the property
'InnerHandler' of 'RequestMessageHandlerTracer' is not null. Parameter
name: handlers
I really need to use the GlobalConfiguration.Configuration here since my system is very modular/plugin based, which makes it really hard to reconstruct that configuration within the action method(or anywhere else).
I would suggest trying to re-use the HttpServer instance on secondary requests. Creating and configuring a new server on every request is not an expected usage and you are likely hitting some edge case. Either setup a DI mechanism and inject into your controller a singleton of the HttpServer, or try accessing it from some static property.
I also would suggest using new HttpClient(httpServer) instead of HttpMessageInvoker.
The same issue can occur in Web API, if you have multiple HttpServers using the same configuration object, and the configuration contains a non-empty list of delegating handlers.
The error occurs because MVC/Web API builds a pipeline of handlers on first request, containing all the delegating handlers (eg RequestMessageHandlerTracer if request tracing is enabled) linked to each other, followed by the MVC server handler.
If you have multiple HttpServers using the same configuration object, and the config object contains delegating handlers, the first HttpServer will be successfully connected into a pipeline; but the second one won't, because the delegating handlers are already connected - instead it will throw this exception on first request/initialization.
More detail on the Web API case here (which is conceptually identical, but uses different classes and would have a slightly different fix):
webapi batching and delegating handlers
In my opinion, the MVC configuration classes should be pure config, and not contain actual delegating handlers. Instead, the configuration classes should create new delegating handlers upon initialization. Then this bug wouldn't exist.

Is it possible to access HttpContext.Current.Session from Web API

Is it possible to access HttpContext.Current.Session through a WebAPI ? can we make it inheriting IRequiresSession?
I have a generic handler doing a Session set after an API call which I want to remove.
public void AccountController : ApiController, IRequiresSessionState
public void Login()
Technically, yes, although I'd really advise against this practice - a REST API should be completely stateless (cookies and other client-side state is OK).
If you absolutely must do this, you can grab the HTTP context like so:
var context = Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"] as HttpContext;
At which point you just use its Session property to get the session.
Note that this breaks certain contracts assumed by System.Net.Http - specifically it means your API controllers can never be self-hosted because they're coupled to ASP.NET. If you're OK with this, and with the fact that your API controllers may not work properly from a web farm unless you re-architect everything to use distributed sessions - well then, go for it.
P.S. It is also possible to use IRequiresSessionState, but you can't use it on the controller itself, you need to use it on an HttpControllerHandler and set it as the RouteHandler. The approach is discussed in this MSDN thread. Again, I can't recommend strongly enough against this idea, it violates the basic principle of a Web API - but, if you've got a really good reason for it, then it's another option which is a bit more reusable.
Casting it as HttpContext did not work for me using Web Api 2.1. However I could use HttpContextWrapper.
var context = Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"] as HttpContextWrapper;
Yes - although not recommended. Here's a working answer based on the answers above (for WebAPI version 2.x)
var context =(HttpContextWrapper)Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"];
var sessionId = context.Request.Params["ASP.NET_SessionId"];

Where to hook up authentication in Grizzly?

I'm using a Grizzly HttpServer which has two HttpHandler instances registered:
under /api/* there is an Jersey REST - style application offering the API of the product, and
under /* there is an StaticHttpHandler which serves static HTML / JavaScript content (which, among other things, talks to the API under /api/
For authentication I'm currently securing only the API using a Jersey ContainerRequestFilter implementing HTTP Basic Auth, which looks quite similar to what is presented in another SO question.
But as requirements changed, now I'd like to require authentication for all requests hitting the server. So I'd like to move the authentication one level up, from Jersey to Grizzly. Unfortunately, I'm completely lost figuring out where I can hook up a "request filter" (or whatever it is called) in Grizzly. Can someone point me to the relevant API to accomplish this?
The easiest solution would leverage the Grizzly embedded Servlet support.
This of course would mean you'd need to do a little work to migrate your current HttpHandler logic over to Servlets - but that really shouldn't be too difficult as the HttpHandler API is very similar.
I'll give some high level points on doing this.
HttpServer server = HttpServlet.createSimpleServer(<docroot>, <host>, <port>);
// use "" for <context path> if you want the context path to be /
WebappContext ctx = new WebappContext(<logical name>, <context path>);
// do some Jersey initialization here
// Register the Servlets that were converted from HttpHandlers
ServletRegistration s1 = ctx.addServlet(<servlet name>, <Servlet instance or class name>);
s1.addMapping(<url pattern for s1>);
// Repeat for other Servlets ...
// Now for the authentication Filter ...
FilterRegistration reg = ctx.addFilter(<filter name>, <filter instance or class name>);
// Apply this filter to all requests
reg.addMapping(null, "/*");
// do any other additional initialization work ...
// "Deploy" ctx to the server.
// start the server and test ...
NOTE: The dynamic registration of Servlets and Filters is based off the Servlet 3.0 API, so if you want information on how to deal with Servlet listeners, init parameters, etc., I would recommend reviewing the Servlet 3.0 javadocs.
NOTE2: The Grizzly Servlet implementation is not 100% compatible with the Servlet specification. It doesn't support standard Servlet annotations, or deployment of traditional Servlet web application archive deployment.
Lastly, there are examples of using the embedded Servlet API here
The "hookup" part can be done using a HttpServerProbe (tested with Grizzly 2.3.5):
.addProbes(new HttpServerProbe.Adapter() {
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter,
Connection connection, Request request) {
public void onRequestCompleteEvent(HttpServerFilter filter,
Connection connection, Response response) {
For the "linking" to the ContainerRequestFilter you might want to have a look at my question:
UnsupportedOperationException getUserPrincipal

How can I intercept all calls to methods in a WCF .svc service?

Ive got a WCF service which has multiple web methods in it. I want to be able to intercept the request on all methods and look at the Ip address. Id rather not put the logic into a method call at the top of each called web method is there a way to intercept all calls to these methods from one place?
If it was a page I would write a base page object but im nout sure if there are events raised on a wcf call?
WCF allows you to implement interceptors that are added to the stack. See this link for an example. I´m not sure whether this allows you the extract the senders IP but I think it´s worth a try.
You can implement IDispatchMessageInspector and do something like this.
public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref Message request,
IClientChannel channel, InstanceContext instanceContext)
RemoteEndpointMessageProperty remoteEndpoint = request.Properties
[RemoteEndpointMessageProperty.Name] as RemoteEndpointMessageProperty;
//remoteEndpoint.Address will give you the address.
return null;
You can use Custom Behaviors, they are part of WCF Extensibility features. Here's more information: Extending WCF with Custom Behaviors
There's a clever way to do this with the ServiceAuthorizationManager, and it's far easier than all the seriously hard work of the IDispatchMessageInspector.
Create a class in your WCF Service project like so:
public class MyServiceAuthorizationManager : ServiceAuthorizationManager
protected override bool CheckAccessCore(OperationContext operationContext)
string classMethod = operationContext.RequestContext.RequestMessage.Headers.Action;
if (classMethod.Contains("/transfer/Get"))
return true; // because someone is simply updating a client service reference
Console.WriteLine("Class Method Call: {0}",classMethod);
// do something with operationContext here as you need to inspect stuff
// return true if you want this class method call to succeed and go through
// return false if you want this class method to fail on the client
return true;
Then, in your service, right before your host.Open() call, add the link to MyServiceAuthorizationManager.
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyProject.Service1));
host.Authorization.ServiceAuthorizationManager = new MyServiceAuthorizationManager();
Now when you test your client connections, you'll notice that the console outputs what class method was called. You can also work against all the stuff in the operationContext object.
One way I use this is for a security header check. In my client, I add a header. Then, in the service, in this CheckAccessCore() call, I verify that this custom header exists. If it doesn't, then I return false. This is one more layer of protection that keeps the hackers out, and is great for the limited security in Named Pipes configurations too. If you're wanting to also do that, then click here for more information on how to add custom headers that automatically get sent on every client's method call on the service.
And note, among all this, I didn't have to mess with behaviors, claims, listeners, or message dispatches. I also didn't need to edit my WCF Configuration.
Note the string check for /transfer/Get above. This is important if you're doing header checks as a security mechanism like I was. If you don't have that condition and return true, then your WCF client IDE can't update its ServiceReference because the IDE doesn't know about that extra header (if you're adding a custom header and not specifying that header in the WCF client's app.config). Otherwise, you'll get an error The URI prefix is not recognized.
