I am converting a SQL query into broker API functionality. The query basically retrieves custom meta data based on key and value filters. The issue is when I am joining two criteria using or criteria the query.executequery takes forever and the control never returns. The code that I am using is as below
PublicationCriteria pubCriteria = new PublicationCriteria(80);
//1st query
CustomMetaKeyCriteria keyCriteria1 = new CustomMetaKeyCriteria("PublicationType");
CustomMetaValueCriteria valueCriteria11 = new CustomMetaValueCriteria("Report", Criteria.Like);
CustomMetaValueCriteria valueCriteria12 = new CustomMetaValueCriteria("Video", Criteria.Like);
Criteria valueCriteria1 = CriteriaFactory.Or(valueCriteria11, valueCriteria12);
Criteria criteria1 =CriteriaFactory.And(keyCriteria1, valueCriteria1);
//2nd query
CustomMetaKeyCriteria keyCriteria2 = new CustomMetaKeyCriteria("Tags");
CustomMetaValueCriteria valueCriteria21 = new CustomMetaValueCriteria("tcm:80-20641", Criteria.Equal);
CustomMetaValueCriteria valueCriteria22 = new CustomMetaValueCriteria("tcm:80-20645", Criteria.Equal);
Criteria valueCriteria2 = CriteriaFactory.Or(valueCriteria21, valueCriteria22);
Criteria criteria2 = CriteriaFactory.And(keyCriteria2, valueCriteria2);
Criteria querycriteria = CriteriaFactory.Or(criteria1, criteria2);
Criteria finalCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(pubCriteria, querycriteria);
Query query = new Query(criteria2);
query.SetResultFilter(new LimitFilter(10));
var n = query.ExecuteQuery();
I have tried using new orcriteria and passing the criteria as array but this also didn't work.
Couple of weeks back I tried the same, it worked for me. I have put my findings here. http://vadalis.com/custom-meta-query-from-tridionbroker-database/
Note : my broker database is very small.
I am currently facing query performance issue with Cosmos DB and I am quite sure I have followed most of the performance tips from Microsoft page but still query takes > 1 second.
Connection policy
private static readonly ConnectionPolicy ConnectionPolicy = new ConnectionPolicy
ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Direct,
ConnectionProtocol = Protocol.Tcp,
RequestTimeout = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0),
MaxConnectionLimit = 1000,
RetryOptions = new RetryOptions
MaxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests = 10,
MaxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 60
Document Client
this.Client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(config.DocumentDBURI), config.DocumentDBKey, ConnectionPolicy);
Document Query
FeedOptions options = new FeedOptions
MaxItemCount = config.getSearchLimit,//// which is 100
PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(partitionKey),
RequestContinuation = responseContinuation
var documentQuery = Client.CreateDocumentQuery<SearchByAttributesResult>(
Query 1
SELECT p.Doc.id, p.Doc.Name, p.Doc.isOrganization,p.Doc.organizationLegalName, p.Doc.isFactoryAutoUpdate,p.Doc.StartDate, p.Doc.EndDate, p.Doc.InactiveReasonCode,p.Doc.Specialty.specialty AllSpecialty, Address from p JOIN Address IN p.Doc.Address.address WHERE (p.Doc.EndDate = null or (p.Doc.StartDate <= #STARTDATE and p.Doc.EndDate >= #ENDDATE)) and CONTAINS(p.Doc.Name, #PROVIDERNAME) and Address.alpha2Code= #ALPHA2CODE
Query 2
SELECT p.Doc.id, p.Doc.Name, p.Doc.isOrganization,p.Doc.organizationLegalName, p.Doc.isFactoryAutoUpdate,p.Doc.StartDate, p.Doc.EndDate, p.Doc.InactiveReasonCode,p.Doc.Specialty.specialty AllSpecialty, Address from p JOIN Address IN p.Doc.Address.address WHERE (p.Doc.EndDate = null or (p.Doc.StartDate <= #STARTDATE and p.Doc.EndDate >= #ENDDATE)) and STARTSWITH(Address.postalCode, #POSTALCODE) and Address.alpha2Code= #ALPHA2CODE
above query changes based on user search condition
I have only 900 documents in my collection but still query takes > 1 seconds always.
trying to understand few points here
Though I set MaxItemCount to 100 why I am seeing RetrievedDocumentCount from QueryMetrics as 900?
use of CONTAINS/STARTSWITH causing this performance issue?
What's wrong I am doing here and how can i improve this query performance into sub-seconds ( <.5s)
First things first, MaxItemCount doesn't mean that you will get the top 100 documents.
It means that every iteration of ExecuteNextAsync will return up to 100 documents at a time, but up to everything that matches this query.
If you want to limit your results to the top 100 then, in LINQ use the .Take(100) method before you use AsDocumentQuery or in SQL use the TOP keyword.
In terms of performance, it's bad for three reasons.
Checking for records between range of dates
You are using the CONTAINS/STARTSWITH function.
You are joining
At this point, if changing the schema isn't an option, I would recommend reading more about Indexing and optimising it based on the querying requirements of your application.
I'm using the .NET SDK of DynamoDB to scan records by applying a BETWEEN filter condition. But I don't get any results - the Count prints as 0 (but the results are available in DB which I verified through AWS console). Any idea what could be wrong in this code?
AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
AttributeValue av1 = new AttributeValue();
av1.N = "373543227";
AttributeValue av2 = new AttributeValue();
av2.N = "373543247";
Condition c = new Condition();
c.ComparisonOperator = ComparisonOperator.BETWEEN;
ScanRequest sr = new ScanRequest();
sr.TableName = "history";
sr.ScanFilter.Add("MyNumericField", c);
ScanResponse srp = client.Scan(sr);
Console.WriteLine("Count {0}", srp.Count);
Documentation doesn't help for DynamoDB2! :(
How silly of me! It was only a partial scan till 1 MB result, after which I had to continue with sr.ExclusiveStartKey = srp.LastEvaluatedKey. That worked.
I've inserted three Customer items into QuickBooks online. I want to find a special item by ids and modify one of the attributes' value. I want to accomplish this by coding in backstage of a application. How can I do this?
This is the connection code that I have:
realmId = HttpContext.Current.Session["realm"].ToString();
accessToken = HttpContext.Current.Session["accessToken"].ToString();
accessTokenSecret = HttpContext.Current.Session["accessTokenSecret"].ToString();
consumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerKey"].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
consumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["consumerSecret"];
dataSourcetype = IntuitServicesType.QBO;
OAuthRequestValidator oauthValidator = new OAuthRequestValidator(accessToken, accessTokenSecret, consumerKey, consumerSecret);
ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(oauthValidator, realmId, dataSourcetype);
DataServices commonService = new DataServices(context);
You can query for customers as follows:
//search based on customer name
var qbdCustomerQuery1 = new Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.CustomerQuery();
qbdCustomerQuery1.Item1ElementName = Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.Item1ChoiceType.FirstLastInside; //Item1ChoiceType.FirstLastEnd //Item1ChoiceType.FirstLastStart
qbdCustomerQuery1.Item1 = "Popeye";
List<Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.Customer> CustomerQueryResult = qbdCustomerQuery1.ExecuteQuery<Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.Customer>(context).ToList<Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.Customer>();
//search based on customer id
Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.Customer qboCustomer = new Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.Customer();
qboCustomer.Id = new IdType() { idDomain = Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.idDomainEnum.QBO, Value = "3" };
IEnumerable<Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.Customer> qboCustomerResults = commonService.FindById(qboCustomer) as IEnumerable<Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbo.Customer>;
Use the resultset to get the customer object. Modify the values and call Update:
I have created basic search and uses the SearchHelper to get smart search results based on the search paramaters.
Now creating the Advance search based on Category , Author etc but did not find the way to filter the result based on these condition.
I am looking for a way to display the results using the dataset that
// Prepare parameters
SearchParameters parameters = new SearchParameters()
SearchFor = searchText,
SearchSort = SearchHelper.GetSort(srt),
Path = path,
ClassNames = DocumentTypes,
CurrentCulture = culture,
DefaultCulture = defaultCulture,
CombineWithDefaultCulture = CombineWithDefaultCulture,
CheckPermissions = CheckPermissions,
SearchInAttachments = SearchInAttachments,
User = (UserInfo)CMSContext.CurrentUser,
SearchIndexes = Indexes,
StartingPosition = startPosition,
DisplayResults = displayResults,
NumberOfProcessedResults = numberOfProceeded,
NumberOfResults = 0,
AttachmentWhere = AttachmentsWhere,
AttachmentOrderBy = AttachmentsOrderBy,
BlockFieldOnlySearch = BlockFieldOnlySearch,
// Search
DataSet results = SearchHelper.Search(parameters);
The easiest way is to use the method:
The first parameter is the searchText, with the search terms you probably already have.
The second parameter is searchConditions, which can be formatted as per https://docs.kentico.com/k10/configuring-kentico/setting-up-search-on-your-website/smart-search-syntax
Alternatively you could just append your search conditions to your search text manually, separating each term with a space.
Remember that to filter based on any field they need to be selected as searchable in the SiteManager->Development->DocumentTypes->DocumentType->Search Tab.
hi guys i am stuck converting below sql to LINQ query.
all i want is to have maximum number from list of (FA-00001 ,FA-00059)
SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING(ReferenceId, PATINDEX('%-%', ReferenceId) + 1, LEN(ReferenceId) - PATINDEX('%-%', ReferenceId)) AS int)) AS MaxReferenceId FROM [ClientRC].[dbo].[EHO_Action]
is this possible to convert to LINQ? thanks
An alternative approach using anonymous projection:
var y = (from record in
(from record in db.ClientRC
select new
Group = "x",
ReferenceNumber = Convert.ToInt32(record.ReferenceId.Split('-')[1])
group record by new { record.Group } into g
select new
MaxReferenceId = g.Max(p => p.ReferenceNumber)
var myvar = (from v in db.object where v!=null select v.id).Max();
MSDN has lots of examples for stuff like this.
Or, you can execute queries directly against a datacontext if you're using entity framework. Just make sure if you're doing anything with parameters you're parameterizing the query and not taking user input directly into it.
Try this..
var list = DBContext.EHO_Action
.Where(x => x.YourListColumn != null)
.Select(x => x.YourListColumn).ToList(); // Take the list (FA-00001 ,FA-00059) from db to a list
var maxNo = list.Max(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.Split('-')[1]));
Please change the context and column names according to your Linq context.
If you want to use sql you can do it this way..
var list = DBContext.ExecuteQuery<string>("select yourreqrdcolumn from [ClientRC].[dbo].[EHO_Action]");