Facebook posting items from another web sites - asp.net

I am new to Facebook API development and I have general questions about how developers use Facebook.
Is it possible to post to a wall text, image, videos from another site using an FB API? Which API could use for this? Will they look like if they were posted inside facebook or they have a different appearance?

Yes this is possible. First create a app on facebook using http://developers.facebook.com/ .
For more information go to below link


Firebase dynamic links admin generation or user genaration

I would like to use firebase dynamic links for sharing posts in my app via a link.
I found out that the firebase admin SDK can't generate dynamic links. So that leaves a question: should each user generate a dynamic link each time they want to share a post via link?
If there are 10k posts, a lot of links will be generated.
Having a link like https://myApp.app.link/postID would be more efficient because everybody could use the same URL to share.
Is this possible or should each user generate a personal share link?
Thanks in advance!
There is a REST API that you can use to generate Dynamic Links too. It sounds like you're looking to use that.
If the Admin SDK were to add support for Dynamic Links, it will likely be a fairly thin wrapper around that REST API.

How to add a bespoke social sharing message to a specific page

I've used services like 'Add This' for a while but now I need to add a couple of specific bits of functionality to an ecommerce order completion page. It's to work like Amazon's order thank you page where it allows you to post a message to Facebook saying something like 'I just bought a widget on Amazon'.
Equally I'm looking for the equivalent in Twitter.
I've added a bunch of OG tags and share buttons but can't get it to do what I need. From further reading it sounds like I might need to create a Facebook app of some sort and use FB ui to create the link to post to the user's wall. I was hoping to do this without getting tangled up in that level of permissions etc but maybe that's not possible any more?
This is being developed on asp.net C#, in case there's a library that I haven't found in my searching.
Can anyone familiar with this type of development point me in the right direction?
For Twitter, the simplest way is to use Web Intents.
For example, if you want to share the text
I love http://example.com
URL encode the text to I%20love%20http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com and use the Twitter Web Intent URI. E.g.
When the user clicks on that link (try it!) or is directed there by your service, they'll be prompted to share that text.

Content of Facebook Open Graph urls

I know Facebook open graph self hosted object uRLs should have their meta tags describing the object.
But I was wandering if they are supposed to have anything else at all?
i.e. Should they also provide user content? or are they just used for FB scraping?
It depends on what you are trying to do.Take a look at facebook Sharing Best Practices documents.

How would I go about adding a 'recently played music' section to my website?

I have a personal website programmed in HTML and PHP with Drupal as a backend and I'd like to add a section to the website that displays the last song that I've played in itunes or a similar music program.
What would the best way be to go about doing this?
if you use lastFM (http://www.last.fm) they have some widgets to use on you're personal website.

google like search

I want to include search functionality on my website and i was looking at a website that does something very similar to my requirement
Please have a look the the below URL and you can see at the very top of the screen there is a search textbox.
Can some one please advise on how i can implement similar thing fo my website
That's a google tool you can add it from your adsense webpage.
If you have an adsense account the address is this one https://www.google.com/adsense/cse-settings
they "pay" you for using this kind of service
You can customize a google-like search engine for your site. Google itself provides this feature.
Here's a link:
