optim() and solving a diagonal matrix (fitting argument error) in R - r

I'm trying to find the solution in the following problem:
Arbitrary values for reproducability:
AZ2k <- seq(1:14)
noAZ2k <- matrix(seq(1:25), 14, 50)
par <- rep(0.02 , 50)
vw <- function(w)
t(AZ2k - noAZ2k %*% par)%*%w%*%(AZ2k - noAZ2k %*% par )
vweights <- optim(diag(1,14), vw, gr = NULL,
method = c("L-BFGS-B"),
lower = 0, upper = 10000,control = list( factr = 1e4, maxit = 1000, pgtol = .01 ),
hessian = FALSE)
When I type in
t(AZ2k - noAZ2k %*% par)%*%diag(1,14)%*%(AZ2k - noAZ2k %*% par )
I get a result, however when I try to run the optimization it says that the values aren't fitting which is surprising to me.
I'm probably missing something totally obvious, but I just can't find where I went wrong, unless optim is just the wrong function to use, but I can't figure out the appropriate alternative.

Your w parameter is converted to a vector , so you need to coerce it to a matrix with the right dimensions:
vw <- function(w){
w <- matrix(w,nrow=14,ncol=14,byrow=T)
t(AZ2k - noAZ2k %*% par)%*%w%*%(AZ2k - noAZ2k %*% par )


Fixing eigenvector signs for eigen() or svd()

Is there a way to fix the signs of the eigenvectors as returned by eigen or svd? princomp() has a fix_sign argument, which when set to TRUE, forces the first element of each eigenvector column to be positive. Does eigen or svd have something similar?
eigen and svd are preferred because I want to directly work with X'X, without scaling, centering etc.
I know that it is possible to replicate this effects of this by specifying X'X as a covmat argument to princomp, but this is a little unwieldy.
X <- data.frame(
x1 = arima.sim(list(ar = 0.5), n = 100),
x2 = arima.sim(list(ar = 0.5), n = 100),
x3 = arima.sim(list(ar = 0.5), n = 100)
) |> as.matrix()
eigen(t(X) %*% X)$vectors
svd(t(X) %*% X)
# This below approach works, but is a little unwieldy
princomp(covmat = t(X) %*% X, fix_sign = TRUE)

Algebra behind MVRNorm in MASS package

Here's the code:
function (n = 1, mu, Sigma, tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE, EISPACK = FALSE)
p <- length(mu)
if (!all(dim(Sigma) == c(p, p)))
stop("incompatible arguments")
stop("'EISPACK' is no longer supported by R", domain = NA)
eS <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
ev <- eS$values
if (!all(ev >= -tol * abs(ev[1L])))
stop("'Sigma' is not positive definite")
X <- matrix(rnorm(p * n), n)
if (empirical) {
X <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE)
X <- X %*% svd(X, nu = 0)$v
X <- scale(X, FALSE, TRUE)
X <- drop(mu) + eS$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(pmax(ev, 0)), p) %*%
nm <- names(mu)
if (is.null(nm) && !is.null(dn <- dimnames(Sigma)))
nm <- dn[[1L]]
dimnames(X) <- list(nm, NULL)
if (n == 1)
else t(X)
The line in question I am curious about is this:
x <- eS$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(ev)) %*% t(x) # ignoring drop(mu)
Why is it that
X^T = UVZ^T, where Z is a standardized MVN?
I had thought that this would be X = UVZ, where X ~ MVN(0, UV(I)(UV)^T) = MVN(0, Sigma)?
In response to Siong Thye Goh's answer:
I can see the algebra, and that it does work only doing it this way by just considering the dimensions, but the whole act of transposing everything seems strange to do considering the properties of a multivariate normal. That is, X = UVZ
I did some reviewing and I found that this is actually a Matrix Normal, and the affine transformation there works in the similar fashion. That is, X = Z (UV)^T.
I'm not sure if there is just something silly I'm missing in understanding this or if I'm missing the picture altogether on why everything is transposed in regards to, say, Wikipedias Affine Transformation of a MVN
U is the eigenvector of Sigma. That is Sigma = UV^2 U^T, where V is a diagonal matrix.
Let's compute the covariance matrix E[X^TX] and see if it is equal to Sigma where X=UVZ^T and Z^T satisfy E[Z^TZ]=I, the identity matrix.
We have

Sequential Quadratic Programming in R to find optimal weights of an Equally-Weighted Risk Contribution Portfolio

Introduction to the problem
I am trying to write down a code in R so to obtain the weights of an Equally-Weighted Contribution (ERC) Portfolio. As some of you may know, the portfolio construction was presented by Maillard, Roncalli and Teiletche.
Skipping technicalities, in order to find the optimal weights of an ERC portfolio one needs to solve the following Sequential Quadratic Programming problem:
Suppose we are analysing N assets. In the above formulas, we have that x is a (N x 1) vector of portfolio weights and Σ is the (N x N) variance-covariance matrix of asset returns.
What I have done so far
Using the function slsqp of the package nloptr which solves SQP problems, I would like to solve the above minimisation problem. Here is my code. Firstly, the objective function to be minimised:
ObjFuncERC <- function (x, Sigma) {
sum <- 0
R <- Sigma %*% x
for (i in 1:N) {
for (j in 1:N) {
sum <- sum + (x[i]*R[i] - x[j]*R[j])^2
Secondly, the starting point (we start by an equally-weighted portfolio):
x0 <- matrix(1/N, nrow = N, ncol = 1)
Then, the equality constraint (weights must sum to one, that is: sum of the weights minus one equal zero):
heqERC <- function (x) {
h <- numeric(1)
h[1] <- (t(matrix(1, nrow = N, ncol = 1)) %*% x) - 1
Finally, the lower and upper bounds constraints (weights cannot exceed one and cannot be lower than zero):
lowerERC <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = 1)
upperERC <- matrix(1, nrow = N, ncol = 1)
So that the function which should output optimal weights is:
slsqp(x0 = x0, fn = ObjFuncERC, Sigma = Sigma, lower = lowerERC, upper = upperERC, heq = heqERC)
Unfortunately, I do not know how to share with you my variance-covariance matrix (which takes name Sigma and is a (29 x 29) matrix, so that N = 29) so to reproduce my result, still you can simulate one.
The output error
Running the above code yields the following error:
Error in nl.grad(x, fn) :
Function 'f' must be a univariate function of 2 variables.
I have no idea what to do guys. Probably, I have misunderstood how things must be written down in order for the function slsqp to understand what to do. Can someone help me understand how to fix the problem and get the result I want?
UPDATE ONE: as pointed out by #jogo in the comments, I have updated the code, but it still produces an error. The code and the error above are now updated.
UPDATE 2: as requested by #jaySf, here is the full code that allows you to reproduce my error.
## ERC Portfolio Test
# Preliminary Operations
# Load Stock Data in R through Yahoo! Finance
stockData <- new.env()
start <- as.Date('2014-12-31')
end <- as.Date('2017-12-31')
tickers <-c('AAPL','AXP','BA','CAT','CSCO','CVX','DIS','GE','GS','HD','IBM','INTC','JNJ','JPM','KO','MCD','MMM','MRK','MSFT','NKE','PFE','PG','TRV','UNH','UTX','V','VZ','WMT','XOM')
getSymbols.yahoo(tickers, env = stockData, from = start, to = end, periodicity = 'monthly')
# Create a matrix containing the price of all assets
prices <- do.call(cbind,eapply(stockData, Op))
prices <- prices[-1, order(colnames(prices))]
colnames(prices) <- tickers
# Compute Returns
returns <- diff(prices)/lag(prices)[-1,]
# Compute variance-covariance matrix
Sigma <- var(returns)
N <- 29
# Set up the minimization problem
ObjFuncERC <- function (x, Sigma) {
sum <- 0
R <- Sigma %*% x
for (i in 1:N) {
for (j in 1:N) {
sum <- sum + (x[i]*R[i] - x[j]*R[j])^2
x0 <- matrix(1/N, nrow = N, ncol = 1)
heqERC <- function (x) {
h <- numeric(1)
h[1] <- t(matrix(1, nrow = N, ncol = 1)) %*% x - 1
lowerERC <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = 1)
upperERC <- matrix(1, nrow = N, ncol = 1)
slsqp(x0 = x0, fn = ObjFuncERC, Sigma = Sigma, lower = lowerERC, upper = upperERC, heq = heqERC)
I spotted several mistakes in your code. For instance, ObjFuncERC is not returning any value. You should use the following instead:
# Set up the minimization problem
ObjFuncERC <- function (x, Sigma) {
sum <- 0
R <- Sigma %*% x
for (i in 1:N) {
for (j in 1:N) {
sum <- sum + (x[i]*R[i] - x[j]*R[j])^2
heqERC doesn't return anything too, I also changed your function a bit
heqERC <- function (x) {
sum(x) - 1
I made those changes and tried slsqp without lower and upper and it worked. Still, another thing to consider is that you set lowerERC and upperERC as matrices. Use the following instead:
lowerERC <- rep(0,N)
upperERC <- rep(1,N)
Hope this helps.

Solve an intergral in R: the integrand is a function of the solution of an ODE

I would like to compute an integral where the integrand is a function of the solution of an ODE.
In order to solve the integral, R needs to solve an ODE for each value the integration algorithm uses. This is what I have done so far:
# Function to be passed to zvode in order to solve the ODE
ODESR <- function(t, state, parameters) {
with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),{
dPSI <- -kappa*PSI+0.5*sigma^2*PSI^2
dPHI <- kappa*theta*PSI
return(list(c(dPSI, dPHI)))
# For a given value of p this code should return the solution of the integral
pdfSRP <- function (p) {
integrand <- function (u) {
state <- c(PSI = u*1i, PHI = 0)
out <- as.complex(zvode(y = state, times = times, parms = parameters, fun = ODESR)[2, 2:3])
Re(exp(out[2] + out[1]*x)*exp(-u*1i*p))
integrate(f = integrand, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)$value/(2*pi)
For the following given values:
parameters <- c(kappa = 1, theta = 0.035, sigma = 0.05)
times <- c(0,1)
x <- 0.1
pdfSRP(p = 2)
produces the following error:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'PSI' not found
I just cannot figure out why. I'm quite sure it is due to a syntax error, because running:
integrand <- function (u) {
state <- c(PSI = u*1i, PHI = 0)
out <- as.complex(zvode(y = state, times = times, parms = parameters, fun = ODESR)[2, 2:3])
Re(exp(out[2] + out[1]*x)*exp(-u*1i*p))
with p <- 2 and (for example) u <- 3 works.
Can you help me spot the mistake?
It seems to be a vectorization problem in the integrand input u. If I understand correctly, PSI should be a number for each calculation and not a vector of numbers (which will give a dimensional problem between PSI and PHI. Hence
integrand <- Vectorize(integrand)
should resolve your issue. From ?integrate:
f must accept a vector of inputs and produce a vector of function evaluations at those points.
However, this leads to a different error.
pdfSRP(p = 2)
## Error in integrate(f = integrand, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) :
## the integral is probably divergent
If we plot the integrand, we may spot the divergence problem
p <- 2
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
curve(integrand,-1e3,1e3,n = 100)
curve(integrand,-1e3,1e3,n = 1e3)
Assuming the integrand converges sufficiently fast to zero in both tails, the divergence of the integral could be a result from numerical imprecision. We can increase precision by increasing the number of subintervals for the integral, which does give a result - I suppose, as expected by heuristically looking at the plot.
pdfSRP <- function (p) {
int <- integrate(f = integrand, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf,
subdivisions = 1e3)
## [1] 2.482281e-06

R: How to add jitter only on singular matrices within a function?

I have the following function that I need to (m)apply on a list of more than 1500 large matrices (Z) and a list of vectors (p) of the same length. However, I get the error that some matrices are singular as I already posted here. Here my function:
kastner <- function(item, p) { print(item)
imp <- rowSums(Z[[item]])
exp <- colSums(Z[[item]])
x = p + imp
ac = p + imp - exp
einsdurchx = 1/as.vector(x)
einsdurchx[is.infinite(einsdurchx)] <- 0
A = Z[[item]] %*% diag(einsdurchx)
R = solve(diag(length(p))-A) %*% diag(p)
C = ac * einsdurchx
R_bar = diag(as.vector(C)) %*% R
rR_bar = round(R_bar)
and my mapply command that also prints the names of the running matrix:
KASTNER <- mapply(kastner, names(Z), p, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
In order to overcome the singularity problem, I want to add a small amount of jitter the singular matrices. The problem starts in line 9 of the function R = solve(diag(length(p))-A) %*% diag(p) as this term(diag(length(p))-A) gets singular and can't be solved. I tried to add jitter to all Z matrices in the first line of the function using: Z <- lapply(Z,function(x) jitter(x, factor = 0.0001, amount = NULL)), but this is very very low and produces still errors.
Therefore my idea is to check with if/else or something similar if this matrix diag(length(p))-A is singular (maybe using eigenvectors to check collinearity) and add on those matrices jitter, else (if not) the solve command should performed as it is. Ideas how to implement this on the function? Thanks
Here some example data, although there is no problem with singularity as I was not able to rebuild this error for line 9:
Z <- list("111.2012"= matrix(c(0,0,100,200,0,0,0,0,50,350,0,50,50,200,200,0),
nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = T),
"112.2012"= matrix(c(10,90,0,30,10,90,0,10,200,50,10,350,150,100,200,10),
nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = T))
p <- list("111.2012"=c(200, 1000, 100, 10), "112.2012"=c(300, 900, 50, 100))
Edit: a small amount o jitter shouldn't be problematic in my data as I have probably more than 80% of zeros in my matrices and than large values. And I am only interested in those large values, but the large amount of 0s are probably the reason for the singularity, but needed.
Since you didn't provide a working example I couldn't test this easily, so the burden of proof is on you. :) In any case, it should be a starting point for further tinkering. Comments in the code.
kastner <- function(item, p) { print(item)
imp <- rowSums(Z[[item]])
exp <- colSums(Z[[item]])
x = p + imp
ac = p + imp - exp
einsdurchx = 1/as.vector(x)
einsdurchx[is.infinite(einsdurchx)] <- 0
# start a chunk that repeats until you get a valid result
do.jitter <- TRUE # bureaucracy
while (do.jitter == TRUE) {
# run the code as usual
A = Z[[item]] %*% diag(einsdurchx)
# catch any possible errors, you can even catch "singularity" error here by
# specifying error = function(e) e
R <- tryCatch(solve(diag(length(p))-A) %*% diag(p), error = function(e) "jitterme")
# if you were able to solve(), and the result is a matrix (carefuly if it's a vector!)...
if (is.matrix(R)) {
# ... turn the while loop off
do.jitter <- FALSE
} else {
#... else apply some jitter and repeat by construcing A from a jittered Z[[item]]
Z[[item]] <- jitter(Z[[item]])
C = ac * einsdurchx
R_bar = diag(as.vector(C)) %*% R
rR_bar = round(R_bar)
