how to prevent vulnerability scanning -

I have a web site that reports about each non-expected server side error on my email.
Quite often (once each 1-2 weeks) somebody launches automated tools that bombard the web site with a ton of different URLs:
sometimes they (hackers?) think my site has inside phpmyadmin hosted and they try to access vulnerable (i believe) php-pages...
sometimes they are trying to access pages that are really absent but belongs to popular CMSs
last time they tried to inject wrong ViewState...
It is clearly not search engine spiders as 100% of requests that generated errors are requests to invalid pages.
Right now they didn't do too much harm, the only one is that I need to delete a ton of server error emails (200-300)... But at some point they could probably find something.
I'm really tired of that and looking for the solution that will block such 'spiders'.
Is there anything ready to use? Any tool, dlls, etc... Or I should implement something myself?
In the 2nd case: could you please recommend the approach to implement? Should I limit amount of requests from IP per second (let's say not more than 5 requests per second and not more then 20 per minute)?
P.S. Right now my web site is written using ASP.NET 4.0.

Such bots are not likely to find any vulnerabilities in your system, if you just keep the server and software updated. They are generally just looking for low hanging fruit, i.e. systems that are not updated to fix known vulnerabilities.
You could make a bot trap to minimise such traffic. As soon as someone tries to access one of those non-existant pages that you know of, you could stop all requests from that IP address with the same browser string, for a while.

There are a couple of things what you can consider...
You can use one of the available Web Application Firewalls. It usually has set of rules and analytic engine that determine suspicious activities and react accordingly. For example in you case it can automatically block attempts to scan you site as it recognize it as a attack pattern.
More simple (but not 100% solution) approach is check referer url (referer url description in wiki) and if request was originating not from one of you page you rejected it (you probably should create httpmodule for that purpose).
And of cause you want to be sure that you site address all known security issues from OWASP TOP 10 list (OWASP TOP 10). You can find very comprehensive description how to do it for here (owasp top 10 for .net book in pdf), i also recommend to read the blog of the author of the aforementioned book:

Theres nothing you can do (reliabily) to prevent vulernability scanning, the only thing to do really is to make sure you are on top of any vulnerabilities and prevent vulernability exploitation.
If youre site is only used by a select few and in constant locations you could maybe use an IP restriction


I'm being scraped, how can I prevent this?

Running IIS 7, a couple of times a week I see a huge number of hits on Google Analytics from one geographical location. The sequence of urls they are viewing are clearly being generated by some algorithm so I know I'm being scraped for content. Is there any way to prevent this? So frustrated that Google doesn't just give me an IP.
There are plenty of techniques in the anti-scraping world. I'd just categorize them. If you find something missing in my answer please comment.
A. Server side filtering based on web requests
1. Blocking suspicious IP or IPs.
The blocking suspicious IPs works well but today most of scraping is done using IP proxying so for a long run it wouldn't be effective. In your case you get requests from the same IP geo location, so if you ban this IP, the scrapers will surely leverage IP proxying thus staying IP independent and undetected.
2. Using DNS level filtering
Using DNS firewall pertains to the anti-scrape measure. Shortly saying this is to set up you web service to a private domain name servers (DNS) network that will filter and prevent bad requests before they reach your server. This sophisticated measure is provided by some companies for complex website protection and you might get deeper in viewing an example of such a service.
3. Have custom script to track users' statistic and drop troublesome requests
As you've mentioned you've detected an algorithm a scraper crawls urls. Have a custom script that tracks the request urls and based on this turns on protection measures. For this you have to activate a [shell] script in IIS. Side effect might be that the system response timing will increase, slowing down your services. By the way the algorithm that you've detected might be changed thus leaving this measure off.
4. Limit requests frequency
You might set a limitation of the frequency of requests or downloadable data amount. The restrictions must be applied considering the usability for a normal user. When compared to the scraper insistent requests you might set your web service rules to drop or delay unwanted activity. Yet if scraper gets reconfigured to imitate common user behaviour (thru some nowdays well-known tools: Selenuim, Mechanize, iMacros) this measure will fail off.
5. Setting maximum session length
This measure is a good one but usually modern scrapers do perform session authentication thus cutting off session time is not that effective.
B. Browser based identification and preventing
1. Set CAPTCHAs for target pages
This is the old times technique that for most part does solve scraping issue. Yet, if your scraping opponent leverages any of anti-captcha services this protection will most likely be off.
2. Injecting JavaScript logic into web service response
JavaScript code should arrive to client (user's browser or scraping server) prior to or along with requested html content. This code functions to count and return a certain value to the target server. Based on this test the html code might be malformed or might even be not sent to the requester, thus leaving malicious scrapers off. The logic might be placed in one or more JavaScript-loadable files. This JavaScript logic might be applied not just to the whole content but also to only certain parts of site's content (ex. prices). To bypass this measure scrapers might need to turn to even more complex scraping logic (usually of JavaScript) that is highly customizable and thus costly.
C. Content based protection
1. Disguising important data as images
This method of content protection is widely used today. It does prevent scrapers to collect data. Its side effect is that the data obfuscated as images are hidden for search engine indexing, thus downgrading site's SEO. If scrapers leverage a OCR system this kind of protection is again might be bypassed.
2. Frequent page structure change
This is far effective way for scrape protection. It works not just to change elements ids and classes but the entire hierarchy. The latter involving styling restructuring thus imposing additional costs. Sure, the scraper side must adapt to a new structure if it wants to keep content scraping. Not much side effects if your service might afford it.

Monitoring ASP.NET and SQL Server for Security

What is the best (or any good) way to monitor an ASP.NET application to ensure that it is secure and to quickly detect intrusion? How do we know for sure that, as of right now, our application is entirely uncompromised?
We are about to launch an ASP.NET 4 web application, with the data stored on SQL Server. The web server runs in IIS on a Windows Server 2008 instance, and the database server runs on SQL Server 2008 on a separate Win 2008 instance.
We have reviewed Microsoft's security recommendations, and I think our application is very secure. We have implemented "defense in depth" and considered a range of attack vectors.
So we "feel" confident, but have no real visibility yet into the security of our system. How can we know immediately if someone has penetrated? How can we know if a package of some kind has been deposited on one of our servers? How can we know if a data leak is in progress?
What are some concepts, tools, best practices, etc.?
Thanks in advance,
Additional Thoughts 4/22/11
Chris, thanks for the very helpful personal observations and tips below.
What is a good, comprehensive approach to monitoring current application activity for security? Beyond constant vigilance in applying best practices, patches, etc., I want to know exactly what is going on inside my system right now. I want to be able to observe and analyze its activity in a way that clearly shows me which traffic is suspect and which is not. Finally, I want this information to be totally accurate and easy to digest.
How do we efficiently get close to that? Wouldn't a good solution include monitoring logins, database activity, ASP.NET activity, etc. in addition to packets on the wire? What are some examples of how to assume a strong security posture?
The term you are looking for is Intrusion Detection System (IDS). There is a related term called Intrusion Prevention System (IPS).
IDS's monitor traffic coming into your servers at the IP level and will send alerts based on sophisticated analysis of the traffic.
IPS's are the next generation of IDS which actually attempt to block certain activities.
There are many commercial and open source systems available including Snort, SourceFire, Endace, and others.
In short, you should look at adding one of these systems to your mix for real time monitoring and potentially blocking of hazardous activities.
I wanted to add a bit more information here as the comments area is just a bit small.
The main thing you need to understand are the types of attacks you will see. These are going to range from relatively unsophisticated automated scripts on up to highly sophisticated targeted attacks. They will also hit everything they can see from the web site itself to IIS, .Net, Mail server, SQL (if accessible), right down to your firewall and other exposed machines/services. A wholistic approach is the only way to really monitor what's going on.
Generally speaking, a new site/company is going to be hit with the automated scripts within a few minutes (I'd say 30 at most) of going live. Which is the number one reason new installations of MS Windows keep the network severely locked down during installation. Heck, I've seen machines nailed within 30 seconds of being turned on for the first time.
The approach hackers/worms take is to constantly scan wide ranges of IP addresses, this is followed up with machine fingerprinting for those that respond. Based on the profile they will send certain types of attacks your way. In some cases the profiling step is skipped and they attack certain ports regardless of response. Port 1443 (SQL) is a common one.
Although the most common form of attack, the automated ones are by far the easiest to deal with. Shutting down unused ports, turning off ICMP (ping response), and having a decent firewall in place will keep most of the scanners away.
For the scripted attacks, make sure you aren't exposing commonly installed packages like PhpMyAdmin, IIS's web admin tools, or even Remote Desktop outside of your firewall. Also, get rid of any accounts named "admin", "administrator", "guest", "sa", "dbo", etc Finally make sure your passwords AREN'T allowed to be someones name and are definitely NOT the default one that shipped with a product.
Along these lines make sure your database server is NOT directly accessible outside the firewall. If for some reason you have to have direct access then at the very least change the port # it responds to and enforce encryption.
Once all of this is properly done and secured the only services that are exposed should be the web ones (port 80 / 443). The items that can still be exploited are bugs in IIS, .Net, or your web application.
For IIS and .net you MUST install the windows updates from MS pretty much as soon as they are released. MS has been extremely good about pushing quality updates for windows, IIS, and .Net. Further a large majority of the updates are for vulnerabilities already being exploited in the wild. Our servers have been set to auto install updates as soon as they are available and we have never been burned on this (going back to at least when server 2003 was released).
Also you need to stay on top of the updates to your firewall. It wasn't that long ago that one of Cisco's firewalls had a bug where it could be overwhelmed. Unfortunately it let all traffic pass through when this happened. Although fixed pretty quickly, people were still being hammered over a year later because admins failed to keep up with the IOS patches. Same issue with windows updates. A lot of people have been hacked simply because they failed to apply updates that would have prevented it.
The more targeted attacks are a little harder to deal with. A fair number of hackers are going after custom web applications. Things like posting to contact us and login forms. The posts might include JavaScript that, once viewed by an administrator, could cause credentials to be transferred out or might lead to installing key loggers or Trojans on the recipients computers.
The problem here is that you could be compromised without even knowing it. Defenses include making sure HTML and JavaScript can't be submitted through your site; having rock solid (and constantly updated) spam and virus checks at the mail server, etc. Basically, you need to look at every possible way an external entity could send something to you and do something about it. A lot of Fortune 500 companies keep getting hit with things like this... Google included.
Hope the above helps someone. If so and it leads to a more secure environment then I'll be a happy guy. Unfortunately most companies don't monitor traffic so they have no idea just how much time is spent by their machines fending off this garbage.
I can say some thinks - but I will glad to hear more ideas.
How can we know immediately if someone has penetrated?
This is not so easy and in my opinion, ** an idea is to make some traps** inside your backoffice , together with monitor for double logins from different ips.
a trap can be anything you can think of, for example a non real page that say "create new administrator", or "change administrator password", on backoffice, and there anyone can gets in and try to make a new administrator is for sure a penetrator - of course this trap must be known only on you, or else there is no meaning for that.
For more security, any change to administrators must need a second password, and if some one try to make a real change on administrators account, or try to add any new administrator, and fails on this second password must be consider as a penetrator.
way to monitor an ASP.NET application
I think that any tool that monitor the pages for some text change, can help on that. For example this Network Monitor can monitor for specific text on you page and alert you, or take some actions if this text not found, that means some one change the page.
So you can add some special hiden text, and if you not found, then you can know for sure that some one change the core of your page, and probably is change files.
How can we know if a package of some kind has been deposited on one of our servers
This can be any aspx page loaded on your server and act like a file browser. For this not happens I suggest to add web.config files to the directories that used for uploading data, and on this web.config do not allow anything to run.
<deny users="*" />
I have not tried it yet, but Lenny Zeltser directed me to OSSEC, which is a host-based intrusion detection system that continuously monitors an entire server to detect any suspicious activity. This looks like exactly what I want!
I will add more information once I have a chance to fully test it.
OSSEC can be found at

Multiple requests to server question

I have a DB with user accounts information.
I've scheduled a CRON job which updates the DB with every new user data it fetches from their accounts.
I was thinking that this may cause a problem since all requests are coming from the same IP address and the server may block requests from that IP address.
Is this the case?
If so, how do I avoid being banned? should I be using a proxy?
You get banned for suspicious (or malicious) activity.
If you are running a normal business application inside a normal company intranet you are unlikely to get banned.
Since you have access to user accounts information, you already have a lot of access to the system. The best thing to do is to ask your systems administrator, since he/she defines what constitutes suspicious/malicious activity. The systems administrator might also want to help you ensure that your database is at least as secure as the original information.
should I be using a proxy?
A proxy might disguise what you are doing - but you are still doing it. So this isn't the most ethical way of solving the problem.
Is the cron job that fetches data from this "database" on the same server? Are you fetching data for a user from a remote server using screen scraping or something?
If this is the case, you may want to set up a few different cron jobs and do it in batches. That way you reduce the amount of load on the remote server and lower the chance of wherever you are getting this data from, blocking your access.
Okay, so if you have not got permission to do scraping, obviously you are going to want to do it responsibly (no matter the site). Try gather as much data as you can from as little requests as possible, and spread them out over the course of the whole day, or even during times that a likely to be low load. I wouldn't try and use a proxy, that wouldn't really help the remote server, but it would be a pain in the ass to you.
I'm no iPhone programmer, and this might not be possible, but you could try have the individual iPhones grab the data so all the source traffic isn't from the same IP. Just an idea, otherwise just try to be a bit discrete.
Here are some tips from Jeff regarding the scraping of Stack Overflow, but I'd imagine that the rules are similar for any site.
Use GZIP requests. This is important! For example, one scraper used 120 megabytes of bandwidth in only 3,310 hits which is substantial. With basic gzip support (baked into HTTP since the 90s, and universally supported) it would have been 20 megabytes or less.
Identify yourself. Add something useful to the user-agent (ideally, a link to an URL, or something informational) so we can see your bot as something other than "generic unknown anonymous scraper."
Use the right formats. Don't scrape HTML when there is a JSON or RSS feed you could use instead. Heck, why scrape at all when you can download our cc-wiki data dump??
Be considerate. Pulling data more than every 15 minutes is questionable. If you need something more timely than that ... why not ask permission first, and make your case as to why this is a benefit to the SO community and should be allowed? Our email is linked at the bottom of every single page on every SO family site. We don't bite... hard.
Yes, you want an API. We get it. Don't rage against the machine by doing naughty things until we build it. It's in the queue.

Prioritise ASP.NET requests

I would be surprised if this is possible, but you never know.
Is there a way in which I could prioritise ASP.NET requests? For example, if the request is a NEW request (coming from Location X) I would like it to take priority over a request coming from a known location.
This will be running under IIS 7 so can I make use of the integrated pipeline to pre-process requests before they take threads out the ThreadPool?
Hmmm. Any feedback welcomed, even if it's to say No!
I don't think what you're after is possible in the truest sense of what you're asking for, but it might be possible to 'simulate' what you're after at the application level. John's right, they're processed first come, first served. But you might be able to give some kind of priority to your web application by setting a cookie for all visitors, and checking if that cookie is present before you render your homepage. If it is not present, you could assume that the request is new and therefore continue to render your homepage (or whatever). If it is present, you might choose to redirect them to another page (or perhaps a cached copy of your page).
Like I said, this isn't the 'truest' sense of what you are after, but if your homepage is particulary process intensive right now, and you want some way to separate recurring visitors from new visitors, this might do the trick.
Since you've asked, though - I'd have to ask you why it is necessary in your implementation to prioritise requests as you have mentioned. Is load on your web server a problem, and you want to appear more responsive to new customers?
Just hazarding a guess - interesting question, though! :)

ASP.NET website attack: How to respond?

This is the first time I have been faced with someone trying to penetrate a website I have created. What can I do to put a stop to the attempts?
As a side note, their sql injection stands no chance of ever working and there isn't any data that we have that isn't already available by anyone using this site normally.
I think the code part is covered for most XSS and sql injection but I am definitely considering a security audit. I was just curious about the response. Am I really only limited to blocking ip addresses?
If you already are protected against SQL injections, you've got a major attack covered. The next biggest threat (in my opinion) would be Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) since it would allow an attacker to have another user do something malicious, making it hard to track that activity.
You should also be aware of Cross-Site Request Forgeries (CSRF), since that is one that many people seem to miss a lot of times.
I would take a look at OWASP's Top 10 Web Security Vulnerabilities and make sure you protect against all 10 them as best as possible. Any one of them could seriously open yourself up to attackers if you aren't careful.
Unless this is your first public website, all of the websites you have worked on were under attack roughly 3 minutes in to being accessible whether you knew it or not.
A couple things you can start doing are:
Start blocking the IPs that attacks are coming from. This isn't always feasible as IP addresses frequently change and some types of attacks can work with a spoofed address.
Put an intrusion detection system (IDS) in place and start monitoring everything.
Verify your firewalls are working correctly and monitor the attack vectors. Make sure everything they are going after is pretty well secured.
This answer comes from another one that I answered about IIS getting hacked:
Hopefully you've had your IIS logfiles
turned on and hopefully the hacker
didn't erase them. By default they're
located here:
c:\winnt\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1 and
will generally be named after the
Then it's probably helpful to figure
out how to use log parser (from
Microsoft), which is free. Then use
this guide to help you with
looking forensically at your logfiles.
Do you have a firewall because it's
syslogs might be helpful.
Another decent tool to help you find
sql injection issues is to go
here and download HP's Scrawlr.
If you have any more questions about
what you've found, come back and ask.
Is it many sources or just a few IP's? We've had a few IP's do shadowy things and have used IIS to block them specifically. If it's a coordinated attack from multiple sources this won't help.
