I'm receiving an HL7 2.3 ORU schema. I've configured the appropriate party to use a schema namespace of "http://mycompany.ca/application/HL7/2X/2.3/1"
I've built my custom HL7 Schema, ad set the targetNamespace to "http://mycompany.ca/application/HL7/2X/2.3/1", and ensured it has a root element of "ORU_R01_23_GLO_DEF".
I've deployed the schema to biztalk by importing it, then running the msi.
I can see that my BIzTalk application has the schema in it, and I can see that the MSI installed the schema on the drive.
When I send an HL7 to my receive location, I get an error in the evenlog:
Error happened in body during parsing
Error # 1
Alternate Error Number: 301
Alternate Error Description: Schema http://mycompany.ca/application/HL7/2X/2.3/1#ORU_R01_23_GLO_DEF not found
Alternate Encoding System: HL7-BTA
From this, I can tell that the party resolution worked correctly, but can't figure out why it can not find the schema.
I have a project using Spring cloud stream with Kafka Streams binder. For the output of a stream, I am using Avro, with the Serde provided by Confluent(io.confluent.kafka.streams.serdes.avro.SpecificAvroSerde).
I am able to use it with the Confluent Schema Registry. Serialization and Deserialization takes place correctly.
However, I wanted to see if we can use the Spring Cloud Schema Registry Server instead of the Confluent one. I configured a standalone Schema Registry server and set the schema registry in my project to it (changed the schemaRegistryClient.endpoint and schema.registry.url properties).
When I tried it out, it seems Spring Cloud is able to work with the standalone server. It registers the schema available in the resources folder as a .avsc file. However, when I send a message, it seems the Confluent serializer continues to approach it as a Confluent Schema Registry (which has different REST endpoints from Spring Schema Registry). As a result, it gets a 405 response code.
We get the following exception(partial stack-trace)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error registering Avro schema: <my-avro-schema>
Caused by: io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.exceptions.RestClientException: Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): expected a valid value (JSON String, Number, Array, Object or token 'null', 'true' or 'false')
at [Source: (sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$HttpInputStream); line: 1, column: 2]; error code: 50005
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.rest.RestService.sendHttpRequest(RestService.java:230)
It seems to me that there are two possibilities:
Spring Schema Registry Server can work only with the content-type provided by Spring (specified as content-type: application/*+avro) and not with the native Serde provided by Confluent, or
There is an issue with the project configuration.
Can someone help me figure out which one is it? If it is the second one, can someone point out what is wrong?
Each schema registry provider requires a proprietary SerDe library. For example, if you would like to integrate AWS Glue Schema Registry with Kafka, then you would need Amazon's SerDe stuff. Hence, the Confluent's SerDe library expects Confluent's Schema Registry at the address specified in the schema.registry.url property.
I am trying to do a couple of things within Cognos:
Load Framework Manager and view/modify SQL behind existing models and create new models
Modify existing reports through Report Studio via Cognos Connection
I was given an account on the Cognos application server and I installed Framework Manager. I was given the gateway URL and dispatcher URL from the System Admin and then transferred all of the project files to the server so that I could load the project in question. I'm able to open the .cpf file; however, when going into any models, I get the error:
Unable to access service at URL:
Please check that your gateway URI information is configured correctly and that the service is available.
For further information please contact your service administrator.
I then contacted the system admin and he indicated that the URL was correct.
Furthermore, now when I try to access Cognos Connection (which worked fine last week), I receive the error:
Content Manager returned an error in the response header. The error "cmAuthenticateFailed CM-CAM-4005 Unable to authenticate. Check your security directory server connection and confirm the credentials entered at login." can be found in the response SOAP header.
The odd thing is, another member of my team receives this error:
The function call to 'Method.invoke(cmServiceInstance, queryRequest)' failed.
CM-SYS-5192 An error occurred with Content Manager.
I've done some research (I'm not really familiar with Cognos or even networking) and found that these errors (the ones that I receive) are usually received when trying to run a single report; however, I can't even access FM models or Cognos Connection in general. I also don't understand how we can receive 2 different errors when accessing the same URLs from the same network.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. We are using Cognos 10.2.2.
One possible reason is that the user does not have the required "Import relational metadata" capability.
Or maybe it is something to do with the registry
Note: Make sure you backup the registry before making any changes.
see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg22015730
Open cmd and type "regedit".
Navigate to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl.
Right click "BMT.exe" = dword:00002af9.
Re-launch Framework Manager.
I'm new in processing EDIFACT files. I want to process a EDIFACT file of type D:01B INTFSTA. I searched for schema in BizTalk server, created orchestration and deployed in BizTalk server. While processing the file I get the following error.
Error encountered during parsing.
Error: 1 (Miscellaneous error)
70: Cannot locate document specification because multiple schemas matched the message type "http://schemas.microsoft.com/BizTalk/EDI/EDIFACT/2006#EFACT_D01B_IFTSTA".
Error: 2 (Miscellaneous error)
71: Transaction Set or Group Control Number Mismatch
Error: 3 (Miscellaneous error)
29: Invalid count specified at interchange, group or message level
The sequence number of the suspended message is 1.
There is no other application using the same schema (D:01B INTFSTA).
Please help.
Most likely you have the schema deployed more than once in your BizTalk environment. In the BizTalk console, go to "All Artifacts", select "Schemas" and list alphabetically. There, search for EFACT_D01B_IFTSTA in the Root Name column. You will find that it is deployed in another application most likely.
A good practice around deploying EDI schemas btw, is to update the namespace to include the name of your trading partner. More than 1 of your trading partners may use the schema in different ways or have customizations in it. This approach lets you handle this situation.
The suggested namespace would, for example, be http://schemas.yourcompany.com/partners/yourtradingpartner
Most likely, the schema is not deployed. Check the Schemas node of the All Artifacts Application.
2&3. You test EDIFACT instance is invalid. Did you cut and paste it together? That would cause the mis-matches.
Note, it's a better practice to change the Target Namespace on the EDI schemas to something specific to the app which uses them.
I am trying to deploy Biztalk project to my local Biztalk Server using Biztalk Deployment Framework and i am getting the following error:
Information: Importing bindings
into application "Mdm" in BizTalk configuration database
(server=".", database="BizTalkMgmtDb")... EXEC : error :
Failed to update binding information.
Cannot update receive port "ApprovedRequests". Cannot update receive
location "ApprovedRequestsDb". The following items could not be
matched up to hosts due to name and/or trust level mismatches:
Item: 'ApprovedRequestsDb' Host: 'ReceiveHost' Trust level:
'Untrusted' You must do one of the following:
1) Create hosts with
these names and trust levels and try again
2) Re-export the MSI without the binding files and have a post import script apply a
suitable binding file.
I've already had host named 'ReceiveHost', so i decided that theres something wrong with Trust level. I tried to deploy with trust level 'Trusted' and recieved the same error.
Can't figure out what is causing the problem.
According to the error, in your binding file, the ApprovedRequestsDb receive location is configured to use a host (receive handler) called ReceiveHost, which is untrusted, which BizTalk cannot find.
Double-check the spelling of the host on the local BizTalk server into which you are importing the binding file. Also make sure that it is untrusted.
Finally, the host must be configured as a handler for the adapter used by your receive location. So if your receive location should use the WCF-SQL adapter, then go to the adapter configuration in the BizTalk Administration Console and ensure that the ReceiveHost is configured as a receive handler for that adapter.
Check you have a host for this install, in your case called "ReceiveHost". You can create hosts and host instances in BizTalk Server Admin Console.
Check for each adapter (especially the adapter used for "ApprovedRequestsDb") that your bindings use, that "ReceiveHost" host is set up in direction Send/Receive, this will at first likely be only BizTalkServerApplication which is the default. Under Platform Settings -> Adapters look through these and make new ones where needed to use the "SQL" host.
This error will only ocur if your HostName does not exist or incorrectly spelt. Also check the Trust level is set to Untrusted. Once you have verified the following you can re-create your binding file as ther might be some typo that is causing it not to import properly.
We have set up tridion to publish to two servers-publishing target set to two locations.
License is installed in both the servers
All config and lib files are in place.
When we tried to publish to the servers using second environment-test CME server it is publishing and Component linking tag are generating in the page.
When published from first envirnment-dev CME server Component linking tag are not generating in the page. the below error is logged
WARN Admin - WAI: Could not find a presentation for SiteIdentifier[Protocol=http; Domain=*.*.*.*; Port=****; Path=/HTTPUpload.aspx]
2012-12-18 05:19:28,351 ERROR UserManager - No Data Access Object for Personalization
com.tridion.broker.StorageException: No Data Access Object for Personalization
at com.tridion.storage.filesystem.FSDAOFactory.getDAOForTypeMapping(FSDAOFactory.java:177) ~[cd_datalayer.jar:na]
at com.tridion.storage.StorageManagerFactory.getOriginalDAO(StorageManagerFactory.java:450) ~[cd_datalayer.jar:na]
at com.tridion.storage.StorageManagerFactory.getDAO(StorageManagerFactory.java:271) ~[cd_datalayer.jar:na]
at com.tridion.storage.StorageManagerFactory.getDefaultDAO(StorageManagerFactory.java:178) ~[cd_datalayer.jar:na]
at com.tridion.user.UserManager.checkUser(UserManager.java:56) ~[cd_wai.jar:na]
Also event viewer is showing
Can't initialize application heartbeat monitoring: 0x80040154
what are the config needed in CME server for dynamic linking
The CME does not need any configuration for Dynamic Linking, as that is something you configure and use on the Presentation side (your web/application server).
The error message you post indicate that your WAI (Profiling and personalization) setup is incorrect, and maybe more. I suggest you start with a basic setup and make that work, that should have linking working, before you add things like WAI which you might not even need.
The error message about the heartbeat is indicating an issue with the monitoring configuration, which again indicates that you seem to have a lot of configuration issues.Perhaps its best to start from the beginning again and follow the documentation (login required) from step to step in how to setup your Content Delivery server.
Another option always is to call SDl Tridion Professional Services and hire a Infrasturcture Consultant to setup your environment.