Google Closure Compiler shell script in Mac OS - google-closure-compiler

On my PC I'm using this bat script to compile my JavaScript project:
And it works great!
Now, I want to run that on Mac using Terminal.
So far, I've renamed the script with an .sh extensions and made sure Java is installed.
I don't have a lot of Mac experience, but it won't run.
Have you any experience with this?


Bad EXE format when running an .exe with wine64 [duplicate]

I'm trying to generate an executable from Linux for Windows using pyinstaller.
pyinstaller --onefile --windowed
I run this command and get a single executable that works on Linux just fine, but if I try on Windows, it's just a simple file. Why?
I was trying to do this same thing today and ran across this answer. It pointed to the FAQ, which says cross-compiling is not supported. It recommends using Wine.

Edit pycharm interpreter via command line

Is there a way to update/edit pycharm interpreters without the gui? IE editing some configuration file or something?
I am running pycharm community version 2018.2 in unix environment
The pycharm interpreter uses a defined python installation on the machine, either python or anaconda or something. I believe you can update the python via running it from it's installation location and piping or whatever you need from there.

Running Linux executables in R using WSL

I have exhaustively tried to get the program to compile properly on Windows, but it has been a futile struggle. However, Linux seems to handle it just fine. Using Ubuntu on WSL and running make, I get an executable which I can run in bash with ./. I would like to use this and call it in R, though I am not sure if this is possible. I can do this using a Windows executable by doing system(), however, this does not seem to translate to a Linux executable. Is there a proper way to call a Linux executable inside an R script?
To run a Linux binary in WSL from the Windows environment, use the wsl commandline utility. In R, that would look like
system2("wsl", "your_binary --arg1 --arg2 ...")

Sqlite3 will not execute in Cygwin

I just downloaded the Sqlite3 command line shell for windows ( However when I try to run the executable in Cygwin it does not load and just hangs.
The Sqlite3 shell itself works as if I browse to it in Windows explorer it runs or if I open it in cmd it runs. How do I get it to work with Cygwin?
Cygwin currently doesn't work well with interactive native programs. It has to do with the way the Cygwin terminal code works, in order to provide expected POSIX semantics to Cygwin programs.
Therefore, your best bet is to use Cygwin's own SQLite package.
If you absolutely must use the native sqlite3.exe, you'll have use cmd.exe to run sqlite3.

Why does think win32 is Unix?

I'm trying to build an application from source in windows that requires some Unix tools. I think it's the apparently standard ./configure; make; make install (there's no INSTALL file). First I tried MinGW but got confused that there was no bash, autoconf, m4, or automake exes in \bin. I'm sure I missed something obvious but I installed Cygwin anyways just to move forward. For some reason when I run
I get:
platform unix
compiler cc
configuration directory ./builds/unix
configuration rules ./builds/unix/
My OS has identity problems. Obviously the makefile is all wrong since I'm not on unix but win32. Why would the configure script think this? I assume it has something to do with Cygwin but if I remove that I can't build it at all. Please help; I'm very confused.
Also is it possible to build using MinGW? What's the command for bash and is mingw32-make the same as make? I noticed they're different sizes.
Everything is fine. When you are inside CygWin, you are basically emulating an UNIX. sh runs inside CygWin, and thus identifies the OS correctly as Unix.
Have a look at GCW - The Gnu C compiler for Windows
Also, you might be interested in this help page, that goes into some detail about the minimal system (MSYS), such as how to install, configure et. c.
That should help you get bash, configure and the rest to work for MinGW as well.
From the Cygwin home page
Cygwin is a Linux-like environment for Windows. It consists of two parts:
A DLL (cygwin1.dll) which acts as a Linux API emulation layer providing substantial Linux API functionality.
A collection of tools which provide Linux look and feel.
Since configure is using the Cygwin environment, it is interacting against the emulation layer and so it is just like it's working on a Unix environment.
Have you tried building the application and seeing if it works?
